Stuck in Hunter x Hunter {Dis...

By jinxxed-69

3.2K 157 352

I don't know how to describe the story without giving the whole story away XP But I'll try with the descripti... More

My Oc's in this story ^-^
Chapter 1: The x One-of-a-Kind x Bracelets
Chapter 2: Kazuki's x Birthday x Present!
Chapter 4: A x Place to x Stay
Chapter 5: What Happened x Before Everything x Was Gone
Author-chan's facts
Chapter 6: Hanging Out x With Gon x and Killa [Part 1]
Chapter 7: Hanging Out x With Gon x and Killa [Part 2]
Important plz read and like plz ACTUALLY read it
MORE A/N BC I CAN!!!!!(I'm sorry)
Oh x Crap He x Saw

Chapter 3: HOW x AND x WHY!?

260 11 176
By jinxxed-69

You guys can probably tell by the title what is going to happen in this chapter, but if you don't then you may continue the chapter with the suspense of what is going to come of this chapter. (if that made no sense I'm sorry, but it made sense in my head)

Kazuki PoV

After me and Killanna finished getting all of our binge food ready we got comfortable and started Hunter x Hunter up from the beginning (for the 20th time that night). And just when Gon got on the ship the TV glitched out and skipped ahead to where the other people on the ship were making fun of Gon and then two kids that looked like me and Killanna walk up to Gon and say, "Don't listen to them they're idiots. *small laugh*", I looked at Killanna and she looked back at me with a feared expression then we blacked out.

Killanna and Kazuki PoV (just their thoughts)

'I feel cold. It's so dark. I'm scared. Save me.'

3rd person PoV

Kazuki and Killanna were unconscious in the middle of the woods with seemingly no one around them.

Suddenly Hisoka's appears out of nowhere and walks up to them. Hisoka bends down and starts poking Kazuki's cheek

Kazuki PoV

I wake up to find....HISOKA!?


'Oh shit, that's right he doesn't know that I know who he is'

"Sorry, I was dreaming of some weird shit. *nervous laugh*" I said nervously, 'Oh shit, that sounded so fake, he's gonna kill me'

"Definitely sounds like it. Also, what are you?" Hisoka asked

"What do you mean???" I asked completely confused

He points to my head. I lift my hand up and feel around my hair until I feel something sticking out of it. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!? MIRROR! I NEED A MIRROR OR SOMETHING!!" I screamed creeped-the-fuck out.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, calm down." he said and might I add a demanding tone.

I took a few deep breaths and I was finally calm. "Not to alarm you but it's also on your friend there." he points to Killanna.

"Oh my god! Killanna! Why do you have fox ears and a tail?.......Wait, you said also on my friend? That means I have them too!?"

"Yup." Hisoka said grinning creepily.

Pic of Kazuki and Killanna in HxH world, the one with the black hair/tail/ears is Kazuki, the one with white hair/tail/ears is Killanna got that? Good.

I got chills from his grin 'Why is Killanna's hair white?'. I caught a glimpse of black hair, I lift my hand to take a piece of my hair and, my hair was black!?

"Hey, what's your name?"

"Hisoka. What's yours?" he said with that creepy grin still on his face

"Kazuki, Kazuki Momoichi. And my friend over there is Killanna Kizuka."

( ok so the hunter exam is in January but I'm moving it to April 1st ok so don't say in the comments "what are you talking about the hunter exam is in January BAKA!" also, this is where I got my information on the hunter exam: )

"Hey, Hisoka? Do you have a mirror of some sort?"

"Yeah, here." he hands me a mirror

I run my fingers across my face and take in my appearance, "Hisoka can I keep this mirror? And also this might be too much to ask but do you have two hoodies that we could borrow? And if not then enough jenny to buy two for us and tell me where the nearest town is?"

"You can keep the mirror and here is 100,000 jenny. And if you head that way *points* you'll run into the only town here on Whale Island." ( don't ask me what Hisoka is doing on Whale Island so just go with it )Hisoka said and handed me the jenny ( calm down ok, so 100 jenny is equal to 1 US dollar so 100,000 jenny is I think 1000 US dollars not completely sure )

"Wow thanks, Hisoka that's a lot of jenny, why so much, though?"

"Because you're gonna need food too." Hisoka said 'Jeez how could I forget such an important thing!?'

"Well, thank you Hisoka. I'm going to get going now. Ja Ne!" I said while running in the direction of the town. ( don't worry she was carrying Killanna with her )

Timeskip-1 hour later- brought to you by, Hinata's Kawaii-ness (from Haikyu not Naruto)

Someone has been following me for awhile now and I've been ignoring it but it's starting to get on my nerves now. I come to a complete stop "Whoever is following me can you stop it's getting a little irritating!" a little irk-mark appeared on my forehead.

"How did you know I was following you? I completely concealed my presence." Hisoka said while walking out of the bushes.

I pointed to my ears "I could hear you BAKA~." I said baka the same way Killua says it.

I smirked and in less than a blink of an eye, I was gone and running to town. I could hear Hisoka trying to catch up with me and then it was completely silent all that I could hear was nature.

Timeskip-3 hours- brought to you by Kageyama trying to smile

Wow, I've been running for 4 hours and I'm not the least bit tired is this what it's like to have pretty much infinite stamina, it feels amazing!

"Kaz, slow down I'm getting sick!"

"Killa? Finally, you're awake jeez. Look at me." I said and put her down in front of me.

"WHY ARE YOU A KITSUNE!?" she yelled dumbfounded

"There's more." I said and held up the mirror that I got from Hisoka and aimed it in her direction she looked at herself in it.

"OMG! I'm a kitsune too cool I'm so kawaii! :3" she yelled and literally smiled like a cat ( like Killua does )


Ok guys that's all for today sorry I don't update frequently I really don't have the time to because I have to do my schoolwork ( I do online school but it takes forever to get everything done ), I have to help out with the press ( my parents own a newspaper (you know where you get newspaper stories from yeah we put everything together, we proofread, we edit the layout heck my dad even writes a weekly story the paper goes out every week) ), and I have to do chores when I get home and sometimes I don't even get home sometimes I have to do an all-nighter and stay at the press to help my mom and dad so I don't get much free time or sleep so I apologise for the non-frequent updates anyways,

Ja peeps!

Word count: 1146

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