All Actions Come With A Conce...

By ThatPotatoWhoWrites

145K 3.3K 735

The glee club is buzzing with anxiety and nervousness, it was a couple of days after their a win in one of th... More

Shopping Disaster
Biologe Trouble
The Wheels Go Round
Fun Fun Fun
First Aid First
Dig A Little Deeper
Fixer Upper
Tick Tock
Speaking Of Biology
Three Weeks To Go
Disapointment Is Unsatisfactory
One Step Closer
Convictions And Crimes
That's The Way Sue Sees It
Battle Scars
Who Done It
Home Sweet Home
Rest And Recreation
Beep, Beep, Beep
One In One Thousand
Epilogue - Part 1
Epilogue - Part 2
New Year A/N


5.3K 122 38
By ThatPotatoWhoWrites

Blaine sat at a round table with Puck and Finn. The air around them was tense but the cafe's mood was soft and sweet. The tantalising smell of coffee caught Blaine's interest but he thought nothing of it. They were here for a reason. The cafe was loud enough so that people couldn't eves drop but not too loud so that they couldn't hear each other. "So, let me get this straight, Sebastian, the one we all hate but are kind of concerned for, knows how to do medical grade stitching with house hold appliances?" Finn questioned.

"Yes," Puck and Blaine replied.

"He also stitched up Puck without conditions?" Finn asked again.

"Yes," Blaine and Puck replied in eerie unison.

"Ok, how the hell does he know how to do that?" Finn asked.

"No clue," Blaine replied, "I tried to ask him but he ran off before I could,"

"Ok, do the girls know?" Finn interrogated them.

"Kurt is telling Rachel but I don't think the other new directions really care that much," Blaine said.

"I checked it out, he even knew to sterilise the needle," Puck said as confusion warped his face.

Blaine ran his hands over his face, "the dude just gets more confusing the more we know about him,"

Finn nodded in agreement, "and what about the Ferris wheel, did the plan work?"

"Well all we really found out was that he is quite claustrophobic," Blaine added.

"Really?" Puck furrowed his brows together.

"Yeah, at first I thought it was that we were really high up, but no, he felt trapped and had a minor freak out," Blaine told them.

"That could be useful," Puck sighed slyly.

"How?" Finn asked.

"Well, if we could trap him, he would tell us anything, that's how claustrophobia works, it's worse than torture," Puck said.

"That's just cruel," Blaine scolded Puck, but it was a very valid idea.

Kurt tapped his foot impatiently, he checked his watch and sighed. Blaine was three minutes late. Kurt knew it, he'd fallen out of love. Kurt felt sadness press on his chest. He sat on a couch in the cinema, people were lined up at tills, wait impatiently to waist money. Kurt was not interested in that. Even though he could see shelf upon shelf of sweets and treats. The smell of salty popcorn however was very tempting. A small kid was holding hands with his older sister. They looked so happy. Bright smiles sat upon their rounded faces and neither of them looked as though they had ever been sad. Sometimes Kurt missed the days he was like that. When he would have tea parties with his father. A bright smile split across his face. Those were the days.

"BOO!" Kurt jumped out of his skin. He swivelled in his seat to see Blaine standing behind him with a goofy grin splattered across his face.

Kurt glanced at his watch, Blaine was only five minutes late, that was fine. "Blaine!" Kurt cried. He jumped up and hugged him.

"You ready to watch the movie?" Blaine asked as the both made their way towards the man checking tickets.

"Well will we be actually watching the movie... or..." Kurt glanced at Blaine slyly. Blaine just smiled and laughed.

"I payed for the movie but you are priceless," Blaine laughed. With a wink they made their way into the cinema after their tickets had been checked. The lights had been dimmed. A small chatter was echoing through the cinema and the sweet smell of popcorn made Kurt rethink his life choices. Blaine grabbed his hand and led Kurt to their seats in the back row. They were quick to settle into a comfortable silence when the adverts finishes and the movie began.

The opening song was It Must Be Love. Kurt felt his heart twitch and his breath quicken. He turned to Blaine, "Blaine?"

"Yes," Blaine could hear the nervousness in Kurt's voice so he felt worry settle down.

"I love you ," Kurt said. He didn't get a reply. His heart hammered inside his chest and he felt so nervous. He couldn't see Blaine's face, he could barely make out his shadow. The only way he knew Blaine loved him too, was when their lips collided.

Sebastian had always prided himself on the fact that he had an extraordinarily high pain resistance. However, with the way he felt now, that fact would be put to shame. He lay still in the comfort and warmth of his Dalton bed. Everything hurt. What hurt the most was his side. He was lying still, trying his hardest not to move, but that didn't help much. All he could do to not cry out was grit his teeth and whimper silently. The sleeping form of Trent lay on the bed next to him, his sides rising softly and smoothly. Sebastian's on the other hand were rugged and rough.

Sebastian stifled a scream as he reached up to his bedside table to look at his phone. It was four in the morning. Why the hell was he waking up at four in the morning? Sebastian groaned at his own bodies uselessness. He would kill for a painkiller. That's what he gets for running downstairs.

Jeff watched Sebastian collapse into his seat. The boy was clearly trying very hard to cover up the fact he was in agony. Or so it seemed. Only one way to find out. Sebastian sat in the seat in front of Jeff to the left. It was a couple of minutes until class started. The class was slowly filling up with students but the teacher was nowhere in sight. It was third period and Jeff had noticed Sebastian's slow movements and grimaces when he thought no one was looking. He gave Wes a thumbs up. Wes walked from behind his desk to Sebastian. Before Sebastian could say otherwise Wes greeted him and grabbed his shoulder, shaking him slightly. Sebastian's hands gripped the edge of the table so hard that his knuckles turned white. His feet twitched under the table but he glanced up with a very fake smile at Wes. "Can I help you?"

"Just wanted to see how your weekend was?" Wes smiled genuinely.

Sebastian's grip on the table loosened and he furrowed his brows, "I saw you on Saturday,"

"I know but aside from that?" Wes asked. Sebastian felt a pang of fear, had the New Directions told Wes of his stitching abilities?

"Fine," Sebastian replied. Now he was suspicious. Were the New Directions plotting against him?

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