The Unexpected Fairy Tail

By Mrs_Dragneel1203

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Imagine the Fairy Tail Gang in High School! No magic, no adventures, and no fighting evil. They're just regul... More

Prologue Part 1
Prologue Part 2
The Texts
At The School
Water And Ice
Celestial Findings
Iron Script
Figuring Things Out
Heads Up
Heavenly Requip
Hot Fire, Young Dragon
The Dawning of Realization
Crouching Maiden, Hidden Slayer
Battle Between Celestials

Prologue Part 3

285 8 7
By Mrs_Dragneel1203

FINALLY! Last class of the day for me is gym. Gildarts teaches it, even though he does Chemistry too. Today he's gonna let us play volleyball and I'm sooo hyped! Gray's on the other team and I can't wait to crush him. On my team it's me, Lucy, Jellal, Elfman, and Juvia. Over on Gray's side it was him, Alzack, Gajeel, Bixlow, and Evergreen. We were totally gonna win. I was internally grateful that Erza wasn't here cause no matter who's team she's on she can get pretty scary.

"Ok Natsu serve the ball!" Gildarts called out.

I grinned and threw the ball up and smacked it over while yelling, "Prepare to taste dirt stripper!"

Unfortunately he managed to smack it back over here. "There's no dirt here dumbass!" he yelled back.

The ball sailed to the back of us but Elfman hit it back over. "Its manly to play sports!" he yelled out.

Evergreen jumped high enough to send it back towards us. "I'm a woman you brainless oaf!" she screamed.

It was coming my way and I jumped up to send it back over but I missed. I heard it hit the ground behind me. "Dammit!" I said in anger.

I looked up and saw all of Gray's team with horrified looks on their faces. I rolled my eyes at them. "Jeez guys, don't look so scared that I missed the ball it's not that big a deal."

Gray made a sound of irritation. "You're such a dumbass. Take a look behind you."

Ok, now I'm confused. I turned around and saw what he was talking about. Lucy was on the ground holding her head and Juvia was next to her talking quietly and holding her shoulders. The volleyball lay a foot behind her.

Now I understood. "Holy shit! Luce got hit by the ball!" I said loudly as I walked over to her.

"No shit Sherlock," Jellal said sarcastically.

"It's not manly to be an idiot!" Elfman said to me.

"Then how can you be called a man?" I heard Evergreen yell back at him.

"You ok Luce?" I asked her. She looked up at me and smiled.

"Yeah, I'm fine. The ball hit my head and I fell over and hit it again against the floor. I am a little dizzy though."

"Natsu, can you please take Lucy to the nurse's office? Let's make sure she doesn't have a concussion," Gildarts said from across the room.

I nodded and helped her stand up. She looked a little wobbly so I put her arm around my shoulders and my arm around her waist to keep her upright.

I looked at Gildarts and said, "I'll be back." We left the gym and made our way towards Mira's office. I was feeling kinda guilty that Lucy was like this. If I didn't miss the ball she wouldn't be in pain right now.

"I'm sorry Luce," I told her.

She looked at me confused. "What do you mean?" she asked me.

"If I'd been able to hit the ball you wouldn't have been hurt," I said as I stared straight ahead. I didn't want to see the accusing look in my best friend's eyes.

To my shock, however, I felt her lips press against my cheek. I turned to look at her and found she was smiling.

"You're sweet," she said softly, "but it wasn't your fault. Please don't think that."

I looked into her brown eyes and found myself saying, "Ok."

She smiled. "Good."

We walked the rest of the way in silence. When we got to Mira's office we went right in. Mira was sitting at a desk and was starring at her computer. But she looked away from itwhen she heard us come in.

Even though Luce was hurt her eyes were sparkling. "NALU~" she said in a singsong voice.

What the hell is she talking about? Whatever, I need to get Luce looked at. "Mira, Lucy hurt her head while we were playing volleyball can you give her a once over?" I asked her.

She nodded immediately and gestured to one of the cots while saying, "Put her over there."

I helped her sit up there while Mira got out a small flashlight and walked back over to us. She held a finger in front of Lucy's face and said, "Keep your eyes on my finger."

Lucy did as she said and didn't move as Mira shined the flashlight in her face. When she was finished she looked at me. "Her pupil response is kind of slow so I want her to stay her and rest until the end of class. So you're free to go Mr. Dragneel."

"Are you sure?" I asked, uncertainty filling me. Lucy's hurt should I really leave her here?

I felt a tap on my arm and turned to find her staring at me. "I'll be fine Natsu, go back to class. I'm just gonna take a nap," she said with a smile.

She did look kinda tired. Even though I wasn't all ok with it I said, "Ok, see ya later Luce."

I walked back to gym class with my mind nowhere except on Lucy. And for some reason, the spot on my cheek where she kissed me was still warm.

After ash-for-brains left to go take Lucy to Mira, Elfman rounded on Evergreen. "It's not manly to hit your friends in the face with a ball!" he said loudly.

Evergreen got in his face. "You think I meant to do that? And for the last time SHUT UP ABOUT THAT MANLY CRAP!" she yelled.

"You're just saying that cause you're not manly!"

"Of COURSE I'm not cause I'm a WOMAN!"

"That's no excuse!"

"It's the PERFECT excuse!"

"Enough," Jellal said, his voice low and threatening. Elfman and Evergreen immediately shut up and I don't blame them. If he wanted to, Jellal could be as terrifying as Erza.

Gildarts cleared his throat. "Since two of our teammates are missing just use the rest of this time as free time," he declared.

Fine by me. I went and grabbed a basketball and went to one of the hoops. Alzack joined me and we had a fun game with just the two of us.

I saw that Gajeel was just sitting down looking bored, Jellal pulled out a book, Bixlow was chatting with Evergreen, Elfman was talking to Gildarts, and Juvia was bouncing a soccer ball on her knees. I don't know why but I found myself staring at her. She seemed completely focused on what she was doing, her eyes never leaving the ball for a second. I also noticed how pretty she was. Her blue hair was to her back, and her outfit was very well put together.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Gildarts say Natsu's name. "Yo Natsu! What's the deal with Lucy?"

Natsu walked up to him and something I couldn't quite hear. Guildarts nodded at him and Natsu said down on one of the benches and just stared at the floor. Huh, I wonder how Lucy was. After all, she is like my little sister.

I walked over to Natsu. "Yo, Pyro. What's the deal with Lucy?"

He didn't even look up when he responded. "She just needs some rest and she'll be fine."

I have him a confused look. "What's the deal with you? Did your Tabasco sauce finally char your brain?"

He stood up with a "whatever" and walked away to one of the hoops. Damn, he didn't even insult me back. He must be really worried about Lucy to be acting like this.

"Gray," a voice said behind me. I turned and saw it was Juvia. "Is Natsu ok?" she asked me.

"Yeah, he's just a little worried about Lucy," I told her. Her face went really red and she looked away from me.

I was gonna ask why but then she cleared it up. ", Gray? Y-Your clothes," she stuttered out.

I cursed and look down to find I was only in my pants. I hurriedly grabbed my shirt off the floor and put it on. "Sorry," I muttered to her.

"It's alright," she said softly.

I looked at her and saw her blue eyes staring at me. For some reason, they captivated me. There was some kind of emotion in her kind eyes that I couldn't quite make out though.

I realized I was staring so I quickly looked away  as I felt my face heating up. Why was I acting this way?

The bell chose to rang at that moment, signaling the end of school. I saw Natsu make a mad dash to the door and quickly left. Probably to check on Lucy.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow Gray," Juvia said.

I looked back at her. "Yeah.....yeah you too," I replied back to her.

She turned and walked away from me and I found myself looking at her as she left. I quickly shook my head. Dammit, get it together. What the hell is going on with me?

Gray: Can you knock it off with the prologues now?
Juvia: Yes, I really want to see how the story progresses
Me: Yeah yeah I know. This is the last Prologue
Natsu: Finally!
Lucy: Don't be rude! Ms. Author is doing her best
Gajeel: Well her best ain't good enough
All: Aye Sir!

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