Italian Coffee House [BWWM]

بواسطة Stars-vs-Chocolates

1.6M 73.7K 13.9K

A Recipe for a Disaster Serving 6 Ingredients: 1 lb. Brute of a Sinfully Gorgeous Boss 1 lb. Shy Beautiful Br... المزيد

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17.3K 847 173
بواسطة Stars-vs-Chocolates

Ciao Bellezza,

Sorry for the painstaking wait. I know it's a late but I hope y'all enjoyed it regardless. Know that I poured my essence into every iota of this chap. I pray my God that you like it.

5k followers. Wow I can't believe it. Can't get enough of you either.*wiggles eyebrows*

Here's the Thirty-fourth installation of Italian Coffee House.


ENJOY XD. Thank you for your support. Love you guys.



Niccolò's Chocolate House

Chapter 34


To say that we were taken by surprise, would've been vastly understating things. Nothing could quite prepare me for an encounter with my husband's mother. Or the crestfallen look on his sister's face when they finally met after an extended deccenium. Instantly, guilt nipped me at the recollection of our happenings; first, the night of the Gala and more recently, breakfast at the Shannon's cafe. Since then, Niccolò and I had been given countless opportunities to enlighten Krysta but instead we all but skirted it. I didn't fancy withholding such consequential, life-altering details. Especially when it pertained someone I cared so dearly for. If we'd disclosed of the news after our first encounter, news she'd probably want to hear in spite of everything that transpired, she would have been better equipped to handle the situation.

Instead my sister-in-law, the girl who'd become my good friend and one of the few people I loved, took on a disoriented expression. Her azure eyes became glazed with fervent rage and unshed tears. Her hands trembled subtly, her slender fingers raking through the thick ebony shoulder-length hair that adorned her head. Odd that the action conjured up thoughts of my husband and our torrid dalliance. The heated moments we shared the night before. Mentally face-palming myself at the sudden intimate nature of my thoughts, I forced my attention to the matter at hand.

Though they could be described as polar opposites, I did notice the key traits that had developed between Niccolo and Krysta. The simply yet ever-present qualities that showcased the potency of their alliance. They were alike in more ways than they realized. For instances, the way in which they carried themselves.

Krysta approached her mother in a few quick strides with an air of sophistication around her. I followed behind discretely, making sure to keep a few paces away. In our time together, it was hopeless to think that a bond wouldn't otherwise formulate between us. She was such a positive soul and I feed off her warmth like the Sun to algae, and Almighty God knows I needed it. Ultimately, I began to worry after her, like her mother should've. It was my prerogative to seek after her interests, to ensure her safety in every which way possible and at every turn. Our relationship had blossomed into one I'd no doubt cherish for years to come Godwilling. In some ways, Krysta more or less became the baby sister I never had. In others, I was the mother-figure she often needed. I might have been new to the realm of motherhood, but Krysta filled me a sense of hope, an abundance of fate that I would do it right.

Krysta's jaw contorted with passion, her hands formed into fists becoming deathly pale, as she came to a halt mere inches in proximity to her mother's face. Not once did the elder woman recoil, or reveal anything in akin to reverence, which would've likely been the case had it been anyone else. On the contrary, she stood firm in her resolve, unwavering. If only she'd used those traits to take care of her children. It would've saved them a whole lot of heartbreak. Incredible how one act of disregard could turn someone's world upside down. What she didn't know was that Krysta might've looked harmless, but her intimidation could easily match that of her brother's on a good day. She could be the sweetest thing but in the same breathe, defend herself expertly where it was essential.

"Is that it?" Krysta chuckled bitterly, her words barely audible. Had the slightest wind picked up, I probably wouldn't have registered it at all. "Almost a decade without so much as a written explanation, and that's your opening line? Hello Darling? Do you even have a soul?"

My eyes near bulged out of my head at her remark. Of all the time I'd spent with Krysta, I never known her to utter something so crass. It hit me, like a brick wall, how fortunate I was to be on her good side. That she was fond of me and had excepted me with opened arms, rather than shut me out. Funny thing is if someone had said something like that to me, she would've given them a good scolding. One that would leave them with their tail between their legs. Her passion was raw, ran deep and could not be counterfeited. That's why the extent to inner convulsion radiated off her in waves. Memories she'd probably worked so hard to suppress, coming to the surface. Old wounds, excavated that only just healed.

Krysta might've looked at ease, but I knew otherwise. Only someone with an intimate knowledge of her tendencies, would know that just beneath the surface, a category five hurricane was raging. Just then Tionnè came to stand beside me, linking our arms together and scoping the scene. Almost immediately, I knew she would readily defend Krysta if it came to it. She had grown fond of my sister-in-law as much as I did. Krysta's mother managed a ?? smile, despite the sobriety of our particular fix. She opened her clutch, fetching a pack of cigarettes and her lighter. Taking one between her lips, she lit it with little urgency, as we eyed her every move. She drew on the cigarette before exhaling dramatically in a pale puff of poison.

"Wow, you are definitely your brother's sister." The woman chuckled, though I noticed that the smile did not quite reach her pale chromatic eyes, drawing on her cigarette second time. She scrutinized us all intently before she spoke again. "No need for claws kitty. I am your mother. It really is nice to see you again, darling."

"Save it," Krysta scoffed, refusing to succumb to her mother's evident disingenuousness. A blind man could see through her carefully crafted act.
Determination played across Krysta's features as the woman took another pull of her cigarette. "See that's where you're wrong. My mother left a long time ago. You may look like an old washed-up version of her but, that woman faded from existence the moment she walked out that door."

The woman noticeably flinched, almost choking on the smoke, despite her daughter's calm demeanor. Patently, her daughter's words effected her even more than she'd like us to believe. However, she quickly masked her features to resemble nonchalance though we could very well see that she wasn't as tough as her actions made her seem. What's more sobering was that Krysta's statement wasn't necessarily flawed.

In fact, I marveled at how well she and her brother were doing without the distinct noteworthy presence of their mother. They'd moved pass that moment all those years ago, turning it into something positive. Something profitable in either of their cases which motivated them to be ideal in their field of expertise. There was no need for maternal care of any kind from that woman. Even if their had been, she was a decade too late. They didn't need her anymore. On the other hand, I emotionally pined after my mother, hoping there was some way that to contact her. Hoping for some form of connection. Whereas, Niccolò and Krysta seemed almost untainted by the events of their shared past which lead them to this very moment.

The little slips here and there in their carefully constructed protective casings, were to be expected. They were only human but all the same, it never served to be a hindrance. Something I admire about my husband and his sister, despite setbacks or obstacles, they were steadfast in achieving their goals. It was quite compelling actually. Their stubbornness to accept the blows life had dealt them. To stay down or lick their wounds in resignation. If I wasn't aware of it before, the moment revealed the consequence of their collective strength.

Even in the absence of her brother, Krysta was able to hold her own and impressively so, whilst ventilating. Something she was well within her rights to do after a decade of negligence on her mother's part. At the moment, a prolonged silence encompassed us as we accentuating the dire nature of our situation. Funny that the scene reminded me of a Mexican stand-off. Only instead of grievous arms, Krysta and her mother possessed an arsenal of hefty words capable of carving a heart out. Though it was safer to stay on the sidelines, I decided against it. After all, despite her mother's onsought presence, I was Krysta's formal guardian. A lump formed in my throat as anxiety rose built within my chest and I forced myself to grow a backbone.

"Please just leave us be." We were all but having a beautiful moment until someone rained on our parade. My seemed to surprise everyone including my best friend, who eyed me with concern. What? We'd been walked for quite some time while we window-shopped. I could easily dismiss the feeling earlier because the experience was worth my weight in gold. However, at the sudden caustic turn of events, I became aware of the near-blistering soles of my feet.

"Oh the darling wife," I could've died just then at her trivial remark which no doubt was designed to shift focus from her particular role in this conundrum. When Krysta's eyes settled on me, my heart sank to my feet. The anguish that registered in her expression was simply unbearable. Enough to made me aware of the sting of betrayal had experienced just then.

"You've met?" Suddenly, I wasn't as confident as I hoped to be. My resolve dissipating under her intense scrutiny.

"Yes," It was my only response and probably raised a barrage of unanswered questions.


Anticipating her puzzlement, I was ready to meet this radical side of my sister-in-law, even if I didn't have the stomach for it. However, she just looked at me. Saying nothing was infinity more devastating than carving out a pound of my flesh with her words. The delicate bond that had sprung between us was under fire. She looked away and I all but teared up at current status of our relationship.

"Hey lady ... get to stepping before I call the po-po to enact martial law on your superficial rump for harassment." Tey professed. I called her bluff but the other woman took the bait, casually outing her cigarette as if to preserve what was left of her dignity. As if she had any left.

"I know when I'm not wanted," The woman said in finality. That was self-preservation speaking. Clearly, she sensed that things were about to be taken up a notch and either didn't have the prowess to face my best friend, or she just couldn't risk it. Eyeing us all with contempt one last time, she took off receding down the path before disappearing around the bend. "Ciao darlings."

"How long have has it been since you've met her?" It was barely a whisper but somehow, I was so in tuned that I picked up on it. Of course I did. Since her mother left, I'd been eyeing her closely. Watching as her defensive wall came crumbling down to reveal the layers of hurt behind it. Oh God, I closed the gap tentatively between us coming to a halt a few paces away. Slowly, I reached out to take her hand in mine. It was a pleasant surprise to note that she didn't protest my actions. Finally, taking her passiveness as a positive sign, I snatched her into my arms, cradling her against my chest.

Suddenly, she burst into tears wrapping an arm around my waist. It was heartbreaking. She whimpered against my shoulder and I almost cried myself. My hand conformed to the shape of her head, in soothing strokes, in an attempt to comfort her. I met Tey's concerned gaze as Krysta's cries became more frantic became more frantic.

"Krys would it be ok if I explained over Ice Cream?" Seeing her mother after so long had taken a lot out of her. She could barely stand now and there was no telling the effect my confession would have on her. Silently, I sent a prayer up in gratitude to God for her compliance to my wishes.

"I'll fetch up a cab," Tey mouthed, but I shook my head in objection. In light of my husband's obsession with my safety, he had one of his men accompany Krysta and I respectively whenever we saw the need to leave the house. I guess I could say his paranoia finally came in handy. I pressed speed dial to get the driver. He say he would be there shortly. If only there was a button I could press to avoid their mother altogether.

Eventually, the driver pulled alongside the curb, opening the door for us. We entered the vehicle without hesitation, and soon, we were on our way. Krysta sat between us, her beautiful face flush and drenched in tears. She pressed her head against my shoulder and instinctively, I stepped an arm around her, gently stroked her back.

"Excuse me, Mario, is it?" I called to the driver up front, momentarily observing the silence.

"It is. How may I be of service, Mrs. Casimiro?" A shiver instantly rippled through my body at his use of my title. To think, that I thought I would be used to hearing that by now. Pfffft.

"Ok Mario, do you know of any good Ice Cream shops nearby?" The sooner we got there, the better for all of us.

"Actually, Mrs. Casimiro, there is an Ice Cream cafè by the name of Sweetheart, but it's not for a few blocks." He briefly glanced in the rearview mirror for approval. I noticed that he was rather young to be one of my husband's driver. Mario could be no more than twenty, sporting a dimple on his left cheek that didn't budge. His eyes were an intense shade of hazel, his low-cut hair was black. He wore his suit well and with pride. Despite the obvious, I couldn't tell what he was doing here driving us around instead of living his life.

"I'd like you to take us there please. My friend here is in need of an urgent cup of diabetes." I smiled, indicating towards Krysta who'd all but subdued beside me.

The vehicle became a soundless vacuum for the remainder of the ride over to the cafè. Sweetheart by M❤rgana. Never in all my life I have seen a shop so dedicated to its name, which hung over the entrance illuminated in magenta neon. From the time we stepped out of the vehicle, I was utterly blown away. In the showcase on the left, sat a giant edible sweetheart. It stood at the center of a well-constructed rose, made exclusively of regular red sweethearts. I couldn't believe my eyes. I was speechless. My jaw almost dropping to my feet. It wasn't until my name echoed throughout my conscience that I snapped out of it. Mario was already at the entrance, holding the door open for us. Krysta hadn't left my side and neither did Tey. Instead, they riddled me with solicitous expressions.

"Come on babe," Tey urged.

"Sorry," I offered, embarrassed that my brief mental journey to beyond the stars was in full view of the public.

Apparently, the place was popular evident by the length of the line once we were inside. The atmosphere was chill, a pleasant aroma lingered in the air, teasing my senses. This was ridiculously. All my life I had never been a sweet-tooth, and yet the stimulation of my senses proved otherwise. Maybe, it drastic change was due to three wee babies gesitating in my womb. Symptoms that you three are might just be a lot more trouble that I thought. At the thought, my hand instinctively stroked my belly in a gentle caress.

Alright. Mama's going to get you some Ice cream.

"Krysta and Mario, you both can secure a table for us." They were spun on their heel about to do just that. "What's your favorite flavor?"

"Caramel Toffee," They both replied, causing me to chuckle. Krysta and Mario exchange a puzzled look, a blush rising in her cheeks. I'm unto you Mario.

Tey and I fell in at the back of the line. It moving along fairly well, despite my earlier reservations, though not as quickly as I would've hoped. Bile formed in my stomach, in anticipation of the next possible moment that I would finally be able to fess-up to Krysta.

"Quit worrying, she'll get over it. She's more mature than you think." Tey leaned in to whisper, linking our arms, as I scanned the cafè noting the equally long line that lead to another cashier.

"You know how much I don't like secrets." She squeezed my hand intertwining our fingers as a show of support.

"She's a smart girl. Whatever it is I'm certain she knows that you mean well." At the moment, she searched my eyes for indication that I understood. "Besides, she couldn't possibly berate you now that you're carrying a secret weapon."

I must have had a spaced-out look on my face because she rolled her beautiful deep brown eyes at me sporting a wicked grin on hers. "The triplets!"

"Oh," I chuckled at the exasperation in her response before her meaning dawned on me. "Wait, I couldn't. That would be so cru-."

"-Relax." She cooed, and I exhaled as though the weight of the world was on my shoulder. It was her turn to chuckle. "I'm just kidding, that is beneath me. I only play dirty when it's necessary."

I couldn't stop myself from saying, "Like with Jan."

The beautiful grin on her face had all but blown to smithereens, dissipating instantly as she narrowed her eyes to slits. It was a good-natured crack at her love life, but I might've crossed a line. A line that I wasn't even aware had been drawn. Wow. There was a look that had never been directed at me before. Jan really got under her skin. It was clear that he ticked her off and she had every right to be considering he'd almost landed her in jail on assault charges. Though despite having met him a few times, I got the sense that he was seriously smitten with my best friend. If his advancements weren't indicators enough. He was obviously attracted to her, but when they kissed the night before, I recognized something neither of them would probably never admit to each other. It affected them both.

"Just be lucky that you're carrying my babies." Tey nudged me in the side gently as we approached the cashier to make outer purchase.

Soon enough, Tey and I retraced our steps, passed many tables of satisfied customers in search Krysta and Mario. Lo and behold, we spotted them near the garden of Chocolate roses, in a moment of their own. My best friend and I exchanged a fashioned look unbeknownst to the pair. With their delights in hand, we approached their table purposely. If my husband were here right now, he would no doubt string Mario up by his genitals. We finally joined them. Their laughter died in unison and the air became rich with tension, despite the delightful ambiance. Tey cleared her throat, not-so-subtly prompting Mario to join her, granting me a moment alone with my sister.

"Thanks for the Ice Cream Mrs. C," Mario held my gaze briefly before glancing at Krysta. Clearly, there was something between them.

"You're welcome Mario," I chuckled at his antics despite my best efforts. Young Love.

We had decided on waffle cups for everyone. She held Mario's Caramel Toffee, offering to him as they sauntered a little way down, snagging two recently vacated seats a few tables down from ours. Tey preferred Honey n' Almond as always. I was convinced that she had an obsession with it. I decided to go brave and try Sweetheart's galactic rose. What could I say? Before we even entered the store, I was filled with childhood wonder. As I sat there pondering trivial thoughts, the hairs at the nape of my neck stood up indicating that I was being watched. I scanned the room before my eyes settled on Krysta, only to find that she was already staring at me.

"We met the night of the Gala for the very first time. I didn't know it was your mother immediately. Only when Nicky came to my defense. She was rude to me and he wasn't having it." I watched her closely, noting as she deflated instantly at the mention of her brother. "He wanted to tell you but we both know he can be overly possessive sometimes. We encountered her, a second time after going for a run. They had a disagreement though I couldn't understand. They spoke in Italian, but I knew instantly that it concerned you."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Those dreaded tears formed in her eyes again, but not of anger ... of agony.

"Krysta -" I reached for her hand, but she pulled hers away, standing abruptly.

"- You both knew and you kept it from me for so long. Not once did you stop to consider - to trust that I could handle it?"

God knows the awful heart sinking sensation that shook me at her words. Krysta entered the lane, prompting me to stand abruptly. I didn't care that we were on display, or that the shop had all but gone silent. I only cared that she was hurting, and so I followed her outside into the cool crisp air, cutting off her escape. Night would be upon us soon and we should've already been home by now but none of it mattered.

The sound of shrieking tires caught my air. Bile rose in my throat. It never seized to scare me senseless. Nicky couldn't you pick a better time to make an entrance? Krysta's eyes opened wide in obvious anxiety. Before I heard shuffling. Before I could utter another word. A cloth covered my nose and mouth as I yelled in vain. Dread simmered low in my chest as a pungent odor filled my lungs. My vision blurred as I heard someone yell out my name. A black bag was pulled over my head obscuring my vision. An arm circled around my waist, hoisting me upward. A hand gripped mine desperately, and a struggled ensued before it was subsequently released. The sudden release of force rendered me unsteady, catapulting me backward, into bondage. Distant shouts reached my ear before I fell limp against a cool metal surface. Alas, a door slammed in protest before we were in motion. The lid of my eyes grew faint as a weak cry escaped me, in one final act of protest.

Until nothing.

*END of Chapter Thirty-four*

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