Stuck On You

By kywildcat28

114K 1.7K 434

Sequel to Stuck In The Middle With You. When Ebony comes home from college, she's told herself that she's rea... More

Excited to see me?
It hurt me too.
I hope your expectations aren't high.
Can I join you?
How many marshmallows can you fit into your mouth?
Quit being stupid.
Night Superman. (Flashback)
It's not a bad idea.
Pull up a chair.
That's so awkward.
You're such a momma's boy.
Déjà vu right?
I always come back.
It's all he knows.
Why are you on my floor?
You're cute.
How do I fix this?
Did you have fun riding my little brother?
They don't kill people.
Gonna yell at me now?
Take that as a warning. (Flashback)
Cake it is.
Your outfit says otherwise. (Flashback)
I expect this from him.
He took my shoes.
I'm not gonna lie. (Flashback)
I think she's hilarious.
Don't hurt my woman!
Did I say I was interested?
No more marriage jokes.
Only on the outside. (Flashback)
Enjoy your free dinner.
You named me after the Dark Lord!

That's not fair.

3.1K 57 11
By kywildcat28

A/N: Hey guys! I meant to upload a long time ago but I had a lot of work to do. Then there was my bestfriend's 18th birthday and that was just...well it was an experience. Anyway this is a SHORT chapter, but there are things that you need to know in here. The song on the side was, again, suggested by Inuyasha2312. I'm in love with it too. Ok, now go read! :)

Eli pulled into the driveway just as Parker pulled up in front of Tyler's house. What's he going to do? Protect him from me? I don't think there's a way to do that.

I got out of the car and started to hop over to the house. "Parker get your ass away from that door!" I yelled.

He looked over at me. "Are you going to come after me? Yeah, those crutches are kinda limiting your ability."

He didn't have to tell me about that. I was annoyed by these things fot the past three days of my life. I tried to speed up as he disappeared inside the house, but of course it took me a while when I get to the stairs.

I pushed the door open and went inside. Parker was in the kitchen talking, so I'm assuming that where Tyler was.

"I really did try to stop it so don't blame me when sh-" Parker was saying.

Tyler looked up and saw me in the doorway glaring. "Did I do something?"

I took a deep breath. "I'm not going to yell, because then you end up yelling and that just leads to us being mad at each other. But Tyler, I swear, if you don't a legit reason for what you did I might kill you."

"What did I do?" He asked, backing up just a little.

"I ran into Jessica Crembly today. By the way, did you know they're dating?" I gestured to Parker.

Tyler raised an eyebrow. "No. Since when?"

"Two weeks ago." Parker said, leaning on the counter.

"Why didn't I know?"

I shook my head. "This isn't the point! Look, I ran into Jessica today and Parker, this is basically his fault, mentioned your name. Apparently we were dating in highschool?!" My voice got a little high pitched as I finished the last part.

His eyes got wide. "I didn't...Well we were close enough to dating that we could have called it that."

"Really?" My voice was dangerously low. "Don't you think I should have been informed? Maybe you should have ASKED ME!"

"Ebony listen, I didn't actually plan on you finding this out. Jessica was trying to ask me out one day and I didn't know how to let her down easy, so I said we were together. Somebody heard it and might have told a few people."

"But it didn't get to me. Why didn't I ever hear anything?! It wasn't just you, it was everybody!"

"Well lets face Eb, you aren't the most observant person in the world." He smirked.

I glared at him. Is really make jokes about my observation skills. What about his?! I'm the one that waited for him for a year AFTER he told me he was in love with me. "You know what Tyler? Neither are yours."

His smirk faded fast. "That's not fair."

"Tyler...maybe what you did was no big deal to you, but three years ago that was all I wanted from you."

He looked down at the floor. "Three years ago."

"Yes." I said harshly. For the first time since we got here this summer, I wanted him to feel bad about what he did. "Three years ago. That's the last thing I ever wanted anything from you...except answers. I'm still waiting for those."

"I've given you answers! I don't know how else to tell you I just needed to go."

"You could have taken me!" I cried. "If you wanted me around as much as you said you did, then you would have taken me. You woudn't have left me here with our little brothers trying to get me back to normal. Do you realize that even HE tried to help me?!" I pointed at Parker, who I had completely forgotten was there.

Tyler looked over at him. "Yeah I actually did know that."

"Of course you did." I mumbled. "I'm just going home. Don't tell anyone else we're dating unless I say you can."

"Ebony, don't leave."

It wasn't who I expected to say it. I turned slowly and stared at Parker walking toward me. "What?"

"Come talk to me for a second."


"Because we need to talk." He snapped.

I followed him out the back door, returning Tyler's wondering look as I passed him. Once we were outside he shut the door and turned to face me.

"I's time for us to work things out." He said, sounding very unsure of what he's saying.

I stared at him in disbelief. "Parker...we don't even know what there is to work out. We've never actually done anything to make us hate each other."

"Well when I tell you what I'm about to tell you, you will have a reason to hate me." He said.

Oh God. "If you're about to tell me something that is going to make my life any worse then please keep it to yourself."

"I can't. You take too much out on Tyler when you shouldn't."

"What do you mean?"

He sighed. "I might be the reason Tyler didn't make a move after he told you how he felt...and I might be the reason he left."

I couldn't even react to what he said. So much has happened in the past couple of days and this was just another thing to add to it.

When I didn't say anything he continued to talk. "I told him he needed to make sure you really wanted him. He needed to make you come to him, and I guess you did, but I kept him from doing anything about it. I watched him try and get to you for years and you turned him down, I wasn't letting my bestfriend get hurt like that. I told him that if he really wanted to see how you felt, he should just leave. He needed to see if you were willing to be away from him for a little while before you two went away to separate schools. So he did."

I couldn't look at him anymore. If I didn't have these crutches I wouldn't even be able to stand.

"I didn't know it would have that kind of effect on you. It was just supposed to make you miss him a little bit, not...break you like it did. When I came to your house, I was checking to see if it worked. I didn't expect you to be like that. Ebony, I'm sorry. You have no idea how sorry I am about this. I know we don't have the greatest friendship, but I need you to tell me that we're ok. This has bothered me for years."

So Parker was to blame. I wasn't really surprised. But something still didn't make sense. "So I'm assuming you told him how miserable I was after he left?"

He nodded. "Yeah."

"So why didn't he come back then? Why didn't he fix it?"

"When I came to your house and you couldn't stop crying, you were also say things, things that I don't even want to repeat because they were so bad, about Tyler. I didn't think it would be wise for him to come back."

I felt overwhelmed. Everything is just coming at me too fast. Sarah's pregnant, my mom's back, Josh's girlfriend could be dying as we speak, and now I find out Tyler didn't leave because he didn't like me, he left because his bestfriend is an idiot.

"I need to sit down." I said, moving toward the chair. That was a mistake. As soon as I moved everything was spinning.

"Ebony?" I heard Parker's voice in my ear, but it sounded too far away.

"I just need to sit." I mumbled, and everything went black.


A/N: I told you it was short. Sorry about that. I'm super duper tired, so just vote and comment! :)

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