Percy and the Chocolate Facto...

By Loki1191

2.4K 103 85

I didn't know what exactly happened. I just know that I need to make the best of it. My mom is alive, Willy W... More

Chapter one

Chapter two

1K 62 29
By Loki1191

It's been a day since getting the tickets, and news reporters were already at the door. Don't ask me how they found out. Of course, Mom insisted that I let them in.

I scowled as I trudged up to the door to let them in, but I plastered a fake smile just as I opened the door.

"Why hello!" I greeted. "Welcome to our humble home."

Ugh it was a Saturday! Who wakes up at ten in the morning? I was still in my pajamas, and I sure as heck ain't changing just for something as stupid as this.

I didn't ask for this at all. I've been frantically searching for Charlie Bucket, but he doesn't turn up anywhere!

Mother gave the reporters a strained smile as she and I stood in the backyard surrounded by a dozen news reporters and their camera men. I probably looked like a shy six year old when I stood behind my mom. I felt overwhelmed. I think Mom felt the same.

"My daughter was about to throw the wrapper away when I noticed a golden foil in it. It's not much of a story really," Mother explained as the people kept on taking pictures.

"So, what does Percy think about visiting Wonka's factory?" A person from the crowd asked.

I looked down and blushed. The attention was overwhelming.

"Uh, I wanted to avoid this whole Wonka thing, but what can you do," I shrugged my shoulders.

They were a bit shocked at that comment, but I didn't really care.

"Why wouldn't you want to get the golden ticket?" A lady reporter asked.

"Well, I don't like the publicity of all this stuff," I smiled tightly.

I was hoping they'd get the hint, but unfortunately that wasn't the case.

They asked all sorts of questions and by the time it was finished both mom and me were exhausted.

I plopped on the blue couch chair and sighed. What have I gotten into? I just wanted a normal life. Is that too much to ask for?

I smiled contentedly as I leaned against Mother as she watched the news. Perhaps it's not so bad. I have Mom. That's all I need. The Wonka thing is a one day thing. I'll just get it over with and continue with my daily life.


"Hmm," she replied.

"I love you," I said.

She smiled. "I love you too."

A few weeks later and it's finally the dreaded day.

"Get up! Get dressed!" Mom called.

I groaned and buried my face in my pillow.

This time I had a nice room. Gray walls, a desk in the corner, and pictures of me and my mother decorated the walls.

"Percy, now!"

I rolled on the floor and after a few minutes I reluctantly stood up.

"Let's see," I said to myself as I looked through my closet.

There wasn't a ton in there, but today I wanted to wear clothes that would be totally me.

I grabbed a red turtle neck shirt.

"Nope," I threw it over my head.

I picked up an ugly green sweater.

"Ew, no. Where did I get that," I scrunched up my nose and threw it over my shoulder.

I found a pink dress.

"Ugh, I'd rather wear the green sweater!" I threw it over my shoulder too.ī

The process was repeated for about 15 minutes before I found a blue t-shirt and nice jeans.

"Finally!" I said as I hopped around the room trying to pull my jeans up.

I then started wrestling with my messy black hair and brushed my teeth.

"Alright Percy. We're going to this tour and we have to be on our best behavior. No blowing up stuff or falling off buildings," I told myself in the mirror.

I walked down the stairs trying to look like an enthusiastic twelve year old. This acting thing is a bother.

Today we had blue pancakes for breakfast. Probably because of the special occasion, but I'm not complaining.

"Percy, you couldn't have put on a dress?" Mother asked.

"I don't like dresses," I said wrinkling my nose.

Mom sighed and took a bite out of her pancakes.

"Mom, do you think we can make the milk blue too?" I asked observing the the milk in my cup.

Mom smiled. "Maybe."

I smiled up at her. It was so good to see her smile again.

We walked to the factory. The crowd was huge. Here I was gracefully weaving my way through the crowd while Mom was struggling.

"Mom, can't you go any faster?" I whined trying to keep the twelve-year old facade going.

Mother huffed frustratedly.

"They're all in the way!"

I looked at the cement below me thoughtfully.

Isn't there a more efficient way of doing this? I looked up. Of course!

I took the golden ticket and waved it through the air.

"Golden ticket people here! Need to get through!"

Mother gasped in embarrassment.


But the crowd parted for them like Noah parted the sea.

I grinned cheekily up to my mother.

She playfully hit my shoulder.

"Oh stop it," she said smiling.

I froze as I looked at the other kids faces for the first time.

They were wrong. They were different from the ones from the movie. No, they weren't even close. Was this the book version? Maybe it was a play version.

I gently pulled Mother to a place next to this dude with brown hair that seemed to be disappearing. He'll probably be bald in a few years. It was either him or the pompous prick on the other side. Seriously one look at the dude and you just knew he was full of himself.

Mother fidgeted nervously when they started giving each other looks. It was very awkward. Poor Mom. I leaned against her as she put her arm around my shoulder. I smiled faintly as I got a whiff of the blue cookies she makes.

It was bliss. Not counting the hundreds of people crowding around the place. That was just annoying.

"Daddy I want to go in," the girl with a seemingly permanent stuck up nose.

"It's nine-fifty-nine, sweetheart," her father said with an accent.

"Make time go faster!"

I scowled into my mother's blue jacket.

Spoiled brat!

She was not that bad looking with her cascade of pristine chesnut-brown curls on her shoulders and a cold, regal face. I don't really know if her personality is as pretty.

"Eyes on the prize, Violet. Eyes on the prize," said a blonde woman with a silver jacket (along with her kid) and a bit too much makeup.

Crap I forgot about the prize! Maybe since these people are different they're personality is different? Maybe they'll win the factory? Somehow I doubted it. Maybe I could act bratty and accidentally have an accident? Nah I'm bad at acting.

Maybe I can just decline? No, Mom would be so disappointed. I'll just take things as they come, like I always do.

"Please enter," a voice said from an intercom.

I watched the other people rush forward while I walked at a normal pace keeping Mom back by holding her hand. I was not going to look like a fool.

"Come forward," the voice said with an undertone of annoyance.

We walked forward.

I lightly smirked. No matter how old I get I will always like annoying people.

"Close the gates."

The gates slammed shut.

Mother looked at me uneasily.

She was nervous. I didn't really blame her. Do they really have to make the place so gloomy? I get depressed looking at it.

I gave mother a reassuring smile. Things would be fine. Candy and I may not be on good terms, but it still couldn't kill us.

Wonka might be a bit of a loon, but we'll be ok. I think...I hope...

Wait wasn't Willy Wonka supposed to come out to greet us or something?

"Dear visitors, it is my great pleasure to welcome you to my humble factory."

I inwardly snorted. Humble my butt!

"Who am I? Well..."

The metal door disappeared and the curtains rose to reveal a bunch of mechanical puppets breaking into a song.

I warily looked around the scene for any traps while the puppets sang some stupid song about how great and modest the Wonka dude was. What a load of bull!

An empty throne appeared and sparks caused the puppets to melt and their song to go wacky.

I think I just saw an eyeball fall out. The scene looked like a horror movie. Everyone looked freaked out. Mom being one of them. I stared at the scene with a look of boredom while inwardly I was panicking.

This is not how this was supposed to go. Did I really change this so much by being here? I glared at the man giggling and clapping. Did he really have to interrupt my train of thought?

"Wasn't that magnificent? I was getting a little worried it was sort of dodgy in the middle part, but then the finale! Wow!" He said in this weird voice that I never heard before. That might get annoying after awhile. Especially that giggle.

Wait is that supposed to be Willy Wonka? Oh gods no.

"Who are you?" The blonde girl asked rudely.

"He's Willy Wonka," I said bitterly.

This must be an alternate dimension from the movie. Though this Willy Wonka doesn't even deserve the name. He's a weird giggly creep. He's just not Willy Wonka-y or whatever.

There's a long awkward pause as everyone studies each other. I just pressed myself closer to Mother and hid my face in her coat.

"Good morning, starshine, the earth says hello!"

I almost facepalm when he pulled out some cue cards.

Please let me be wrong. This can't be Willy Wonka.

"Dear guest, greetings! Welcome to the factory! I shake you warmly by the hand. My name is Willy Wonka," he said in his weird high voice.

"Then shouldn't you be up there," Veruca said pointing to the throne.

"Well I watch the show from up there, now could I, little girl?" he said (I still can't get over his voice).

"Well, lets get a move on kids," he said.

We all made our way to the door.

"Don't you want to know our names?" Augustus asked.

Dude, he's a nut that has no manners. Just deal with it and move on!

Wait, was that a German accent? Awesome! Wait, get back on topic. Stupid ADHD.

"Can't imagine how it would matter. Come quickly. Far too much to see. Just drop your coats anywhere."

I blinked. Really? Wow. This is the life.

Mom looked like she was having a mental struggle. She was fighting her instincts to put the coats on a hook or something.

I nudged her with an amused smile. That seemed to snap her out of it.

"It sure is toasty in here," one of the kids' father said.

"What? Oh yeah I have to keep it warm in here because my workers are used to an extremely hot climate. They just can't stand the cold," Willy explained.

I smiled. The Oompa Loompas.

"And who are these said workers exactly," I asked.

"All in good time. Now!"

We started walking, but Willy was stopped by the blonde girl giving him a hug. He gasped with surprise and digust. Probably a germaphobic or something.

"Mr. Wonka, I'm Violet Beauregarde," she said, chewing her gum loudly.

So, the gum chewer champion. Ew that means that gum is years old.

"Oh? I don't care."

Ha! couldn't of said it better myself.

"Well you should care because I'm going to be the girl who's going to win the special prize at the end."

I'm really starting to dislike this girl. Mother didn't look like she liked her either if the look on her face was anything to go by.

"Well you do seem confident and confidence is the key."

Another girl stepped in Willy's way. Willy took a step backwards looking startled for a moment.

"I'm Veruca Salt."

I mentally went over how the other Veruca Salt was supposed to lose this contest. Golden eggs. I suppose the event would be different though. I wondered if they're going to sing the songs.

"Funny I always thought a veruca was a type of wart that got on your foot. Haha," he said with his almost fake smile.

Veruca frowned and glared.

Okay even that laugh was weird. It had a high note to it that I haven't heard from anyone much less a man.

The boy with the German accent stepped in his way still eating his candy bar in a disgusting sort of way.

"I'm Augustus Gloop. I love you're chocolate," Augustus said with his mouth full.

Both Mom and me gave a look of disgust. Dude that's just sick. Have some manners.

"I can see that," Willy said with a bit of sarcasm. "So do I! I never expected us to have so much in common."

Definitely sarcasm.

He turned around to the only boy in the group.

"You. You're Mike Teevee. You're the little boy that cracked my system!"

He turned to me.

"And you- you're just lucky to be here."

Was I supposed to be offended by that because I'm really not. Luck has saved my hide too many times to count. So, I just stared blankly at him. That usually creeps people out.

He avoided eye contact after a few seconds.

"The rest of you must be their pa-" Willy choked on the word.

He tried to get the word out, but no matter how much he tried it wouldn't get out. The others were looking at him strangely and Mom looked concerned.

He must have mummy or daddy issues.

"Parents," Mom supplied.

"Yeah, moms and dads," Willy said then whimpered. "Dad. Papa."

He snapped out of it.

"Okay then let's move along!

Definitely daddy problems.

As we walked, I suddenly came up with an idea for avoiding the prize. I didn't really want to bring more attention to myself so maybe I can save one of the other kids from their fates, but then wouldn't I have to get out somehow? I'll just have to find a way to do it without humiliating myself. Easier said then done.

But then that would mean that one of these brats would own the factory. It'd be a wreck. I glanced at Willy. As weird as he was, it was clear that he loved his factory. It wouldn't be fair to do that.

No, I shook my head. This is no time to be the selfless hero. This is my second chance. I'm going to be normal this time. I'm not going to let my selflessness get in the way of that.

I'm going to be selfish for once.

I looked at Willy and pursed my lips guiltily, but what about him? The factory would go to shambles if one of those brats got a hold of it. I shook my head. It was just a factory. A candy factory at that. I don't even like candy.

So comments? Constructive criticism please. I just realized that Charlie shouldn't be in the cover. Oops. Oh well. Who cares. We'll pretend.

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