What if Naruto Shippuden had...

By FiaTheOtaku

48K 1.6K 1.9K

What if a whiskered knucklehead and an emo duckbutt got their hands on social media...... AKA facebook?!? Wha... More

What if Naruto Shippuden had FACEBOOK?
Chapter 1: Sasuke has Facebook!
Chapter 2: Sakura the Hacker!!
Chapter 3: Sasuke and Sakura's Identities, Eek!
Chapter 4: Too Many Sakura Ships!! *-*
Chapter 5: Who actually is FACEBOOK STAFF?
OVA: FMA X Naruto
Chapter 6: New Year's Resolutions
Chapter 7: Back, Baby! Or is it... Ahead, Baby?
Chapter 8: Pickup Line Challenge! And Straw Hats Takeover?
Chapter 9: Picking up the Ladies.
Chapter 10: Burns, Trolling, and Yanderes
Chapter 11: Feel Good Cookies
5K Special: The Boat Ride
2016 Wattys/Thank You!! <3
Chapter 12: A new ship was born.
Chapter 13: Return of the Miser
Chapter 14: Pokemon Go Craze
Chapter 15: System Malfunction. YAOI programmed.
Chapter 16: Salad Uchiha
Chapter 17: YAOI to Konoha! Name Change?!?
Naru-Poke Go: The Girl Blessed by the Gods
Chapter 18: Talk With Songs!
Chapter 19: Waifus and Sellouts!
Chapter 20: That's so lit, brah.
Chapter 21: Truth Or Dare I
20K Special
Chapter 24: Fairy Tail's Time of the Month!
A/N: The End
Chapter 25: A Bittersweet Valentine's Day
Chapter 26: Sasuke and Sai

Chapter 22: Truth Or Dare II

384 12 4
By FiaTheOtaku

Choji Akimichi: *nom* @shikamaru Is this real?

Naruto Uzumaki: *anxiously waits answer*

Ino Yamanaka: TELL US!!

deidarabae: TELL US!!

Shikamaru Nara: who are you^^

deidarabae: Your local neighborhood hot artist guy you know on the side and cheat on your husband with because dayum honey he's fine but you hide it from everyone and you know they know because he spoiled your love, all the girls thought you were straight but you were actually gay, falling in love with the man in the black robe with red clouds, the blonde hair that covers his eyes, with the kind blue eyes of understanding, so hot it blows your mind.

Choji Akimichi: ....I think he was just asking for your name.

deidarabae: Oh, really? But Shikamaru has repetitively had sexual activity with a bunch of my ex-boyfriends while he was dating the blonde girl with the fans from the sand. Furthermore,

Shikamaru Nara: Shaddup!

Naruto Uzumaki: He just said "shaddup", like a little girl whose sister was asking who he liked...

Temari: This better be a joke you smartass. If I figure out that you weren't fucking pranking us here, making me be scared, as I love you, I will slit your neck with my fan and watch you die, you asshole.

Rockin' Weed: Spicy.

Ino Yamanaka: Fierce.

TenTen: Salty.

Neji Hyuuga: She's Temari!

Saigetsu Hozuki: SLAY GURL SLAYY


Saigetsu Hozuki: WERK IT! WERK IT!

Temari: YOU WERK IT!

Miley Cyrus: Well, since you asked for me...


Rockin' Weed: THE STUNNING!

Chouji Akimichi: THE ONE AND ONLY!

Miley Cyrus: ME!!!

Ino Yamanaka: It was aniki. Why'd you go and ruin the moment?

Miley Cyrus: *cris in corner*

Chouji Akimich: Ya made 'er cry!

Ino Yamanaka: o no

Chouji Akimichi: o yes

Ino Yamanaka: bro did i make her cry

deidarabae: yep-a-doodle

Ino Yamanaka: o no sorry fam

Miley Cyrus: it chill fam

deidarabae: Y'all gucci?

Ino Yamanaka: I think we gucci.

Miley Cyrus: we definitely gucci

Neji Hyuuga: Hinata-sama? Didn't you have a dare?

Hinata Hyuuga: N-No!!

Miley Cyrus: Back out, and hon, you are EXILED!

Hinata Hyuuga: B-But it's such an o-o-outgoing dare a-and I...


Sasuke Uchiha: da fuq

Sakura Haruno: S-Sasuke-kun? Why're you here?

karinbae: It's an international chatroom. That means Sasuke is forced to be here, not because of you, pinky.

deidarabae: Roasted!

konanbae: Toasted!

tobibae: Buttered!

painbae: and Burned!

Hinata Hyuuga: N-Naruto-k-k-kun...

Viktor Nikiforov: She's doing it!

Ino Yamanaka: LE GASPPP

Rockin' Weed: You called?

Ino Yamanaka: I said Le, not Lee. Stupid Lee!

Rockin' Weed: Why ya gotta be so rude~~

Ino Yamanaka: 'cuz it's fun!

Sakura Haruno: true beans bro.

Rockin' Weed: So, it's fun to be mean to me? ;-; WAHHHHHHH

Sakura Haruno: You made him cry!

Ino Yamanaka: No! You did!

Sakura Haruno: BIG FOREHEAD!

Ino Yamanaka: INO PIG!!!

Hinata Hyuuga: N-N-Naruto-kun...?

Naruto Uzumaki: Yah?

Hinata Hyuuga: You know b-b-back in C-c-chapter 18: Talk With Songs how we were singing Pe-Pe-rfect Two...?

Naruto Uzumaki: Yep! Wait... what do you mean chapter 18?

Hinata Hyuuga: Oh, nothing. Just something Fia's favorite people know. ;;))

Naruto Uzumaki: ?

Hinata Hyuuga: Well... haven't you noticed?

Naruto Uzumaki: Noticed what?

Hinata Hyuuga: T-that I l-l-like you.

Naruto Uzumaki: What do you mean?

Hinata Hyuuga: I'm madly, deeply, unexplainably, extremely, in l-love with you, damn it!

Sakura Haruno: HOLY SHIT SHE DID IT!!

Neji Hyuuga: OMFG



Naruto Uzumaki: ...What?

Hinata Hyuuga: What's your response, Naruto-kun?

Naruto Uzumaki: I-I...

Hinata Hyuuga: You don't like me. I knew it.

Why would you, the amazing light of Konoha love me? A weak girl that's a disgrace to her entire family...


I never should of confessed! Now I'm embarrassed, heartbroken.... and now you won't even talk to me! Let alone like me!

What, was I dreaming? I'm just a failure. A failure that doesn't deserve love from the allstar known as Naruto Uzumaki.

Do you p-p-possibly hate me?

Naruto Uzumaki: ...

Hinata Hyuuga: I knew it!!

Naruto Uzumaki: That's not it!

Hinata Hyuuga: Then, what could it possibly be?!?

Naruto Uzumaki: The fact that I think...

Hinata Hyuuga: You think what?!

Naruto Uzumaki: That... there's a chance...

Hinata Hyuuga: A chance?

Naruto Uzumaki: That I'm starting to fall in love with you too...

Hinata Hyuuga: W-what?

Naruto Uzumaki: I said it.

Hinata Hyuuga: So, you don't hate me?

Naruto Uzumaki: More like the opposite.

Hinata Hyuuga: R-really?

Naruto Uzumaki: Certainly.

Hinata Hyuuga: ...

Naruto Uzumaki: ...

Hinata Hyuuga has gone offline.

Naruto Uzumaki has gone offline.

TenTen: Damn Daniel!

Neji Hyuuga: I wasn't expecting that...

Shikamaru Nara: I was.

Ino Yamanaka: Smartass!

Shikamaru Nara: Not really, I just analyzed their behavioral patterns and decided when and how they may end up getting together.

Ino Yamanaka: I repeat... S-M-A-R-T-A-S-S.

That's all, folks! Uh, how was it? I was worried it wouldn't come out right... but I published it anyways.

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