Gibbs's daughters

By idkboredncis

8.4K 101 15

Read above its a ncis fanfic and will contain spanking don't like don't read don't t have anything nice to co... More

Gibbs's daughters
Varsity or nah


1K 11 0
By idkboredncis

Avery was beginning to think that getting her belly button pierced was a very very bad idea. It was starting to getting infected and bleed sometimes. lucky for her it didn't do it in public, yet.
Although she knew how pissed her father was going to be but she put that passed her and got it anyway well she let her friend do it so that was another bad choice. Her and her friend were the only ones that knew she was proud of herself for keeping the secret she didn't even tell Nikki.

She woke up and fought the pain around her stomach slid on slippers that Nikki thought that they were the stupidest thing ever. Nikki words echoing in her head " you bought those with your Christmas money are you kidding me "
As she walked out of her room and knocked on Nikki's when there was no answer she opened the door went over and shook her until she woke up.
" what" was the tired growl that came from Nikki
" get up its 6:00 dads already up I saw the light in the kitchen on"

" and...."

" I thought you wanted to sneak some coffee in before Dad would notice he usually goes up to wake mom up and he does that like ten minutes after I get up"

" oh right good point umm find me a sweatshirt real quick while I grab a pair of" Nikki leaned over the side of her bed to grab her pants next to her bed. " pants ok good"

Avery grabbed the one sweatshirt out of the twenty Nikki owned and threw it in her direction.

" okay there your happy now"

When Nikki nodded she walked out.

Avery POV-

I walked into my room kicking off my slippers and wanking off my shirt grabbing my outfit that I already planned out last night just a simple my chemical romance t-shirt and black skinning jeans and my red converses.
Looking in the mirror I smiled looking at my reflection. I saw something new I looked more confident if that's even a look I pulled up my shirt to look at my piercing it looked infected. Also my skin around it was all red and irritated I cringed a bit when I touched it but I shook my head. it can't be that's bad.

I turned and grabbed my brush off my dresser and start to brush my hair it felt more like I was ripping it out but eh I have felt worse. I brushed it up into a ponytail which took me about five minutes to accomplish.

3rd person POV-
Avery once again looked at her mirror and smiled at her reflection and walked out of her room at the same time Nikki did.
Nikki was wearing her t-shirt that had a simple picture of pie and her blue jeans along with black converses.
Avery gave Nikki a confused face with Nikki answered
" the sweatshirt was to small I need new ones but I love this shirt"

" yeah I know you love food especially pie and French fries-"

" not to mention chicken nuggets"

Avery smiled and walked down the stairs behind Nikki.

Nikki greedily went for the coffee but the second she touched it her father voice rang out

" no put it back"

" but why it's just-"

" put it back it will stunt your growth"

" my height is already stunted but fine " was the response

Avery smiled as she took down a bowl from the cabinet she was happy Nikki didn't upset their Dad this early in the morning.

As she poured the cereal Nikki opened the fridge and took out a slice of pizza from lunch the day before she winced as Nikki bit into it without a second though of it being cold.

" what's wrong with you" Avery asked staring at  Nikki with a face on horror

" nuthin it's good why do you care" was the snippy answer

" It's gross and why are you so cranky"

" I'm not I just think that it good and you're being a jerk about it"

" so-"

Before she could finish or even start her sentence her father spoke

" drop it both of you"

And another word wasn't spoke about it. Today and word about it today.

Avery sat down with her cereal and looked up at her dad
" are we coming with you guys today or not"

" yep" he said popping the P

" okay good because I wanted to talk with Palmer about something"

" about what"

" just some things about health and I don't want to bother ducky with it it's not to important" Avery felt slightly bad about lying she also knew it come back to bite her in the butt and besides she couldn't tell ducky he would tell her dad.

" duck wouldn't mind"

" I'm just going to talk to Palmer"

" alright finish eating we want to leave early"

Avery nodded instead of answering finishing her cereal didn't take long as she went to put it in the sink she gave Nikki a disgusted look as she was eating another piece of pizza. Which Nikki responded with a childish action of sticking out her tongue.

Soon enough their mom came down putting in her other earring. looking at the girls and smiling and placing a kiss on Gibbs cheek.
Then continued to grab her own coffee in a to go cup and began to walk out of the house claiming she was going to be late.

Avery and Nikki both watched their dad as he walked after her shouting back at them to hurry up or they were walking which both girls quickly walked after him.

Arriving at ncis both girls took there usually places where Avery walked over by McGee stuff and leaned against the wall and Nikki placed herself next to Ziva. It only took a couple minutes for Gibbs to walk down to Abby and when he did Ziva let Nikki take a drink of her coffee which Nikki took gratefully.

Avery of course excused herself and went down to see Palmer. When she entered the autopsy she looked at ducky
" Ducky may I have a minute to talk to jimmy"

" well my dear I could help if you needed it"

" well it has something to do with new things at school and I'm more comfortable talking Jimmy about it" again she felt bad for lying but she told her self it wasn't that bad

she studied Ducky and Palmer faces Planer looked honored and Ducky looked plain but he nodded and walked out of the room.

" jimmy I have to show you something and you have to promise not to mention anything to my dad or to ducky or anyone"

" oh come on I mean Gibbs Avery I can't just I can't not tell him-"

" jimmy please it important"

" oh okay fine what is it"

Avery slowly lifted her shirt to expose her belly button
" I had my friend pierce it and I think it's infected"

" oh my yeah it infected how how long ago did you have this done "

" a couple days ago do you have anything to help it. It's starting to hurt a lot"

" umm no sorry but I can get something by the end of the day so stop in before you go"

" okay thanks" she hugged him " you're a life saver jimmy"

As she rode the elevator back up to the bullpen she felt better knowing she was going to get something to help with the pain. As she walked towards McGee's desk Tony glanced up at her and his mouth dropped open

" you're bleeding"
Sure enough when she looked down she saw a circle of blood was spreading from her piercing. In a blink of the eye Ziva, McGee, Tony, Nikki, and her dad all got up at the time but Ziva got to her first grabbing her wrist and the end of t-shirt.
Avery tried to get away but hell it was Ziva holding her and it didn't help that Tony grabbed her shoulders and held her place. Ziva pulled up her shirt revealing the belly button piercing. Avery froze as she heard most of them gasp but the next she heard was
" what the hell is that" but what surprised her was that it wasn't her dad who said it. It was her mom and before she could reach them Her Dad grabbed her and turned her around and swatted her once and grabbed the top of the back of her shirt and led her all the way down to Ducky and every time she tried to explain all she got was being cut off by another swat.

Once she was all fixed up by Ducky she was hauled up to her mom office and was pushed somewhat harshly into the chair in front of her mothers desk.

" what the hell were you thinking do you have any idea how dangerous that was what if something went wrong" although her mother said all Avery could do was stare at her dads eyes

" I- I don't know I wasn't thinking" now she looked at her moms eyes but they quickly snapped back at her dad when he spoke

" DAMN RIGHT you weren't thinking" he hadn't yelled but he definitely put more force in the beginning of his statement.

No one spoke until her dad walked towards her and put to fingers under chin and raised her head until she had made eye contact with him again and he quietly spoke.

" you lied to me"

" I know and I'm sorry I just did it and I-"

" no don't you can get up and go put yourself in that corner over there and stay there until we leave"

" but that isn't for several hours"

" well would you rather discuss this now or later"

Avery stopped and thought about it if she did it now she wouldn't have to stand in the corner and a minute later she looked up and answered with a shaky voice.
" now I know it was wrong and- and I'm sorry"

Gibbs looked over at Jen who got up and left the room. She probably went and talked to Cynthia about a meeting or something.

" stand up" it was a simple enough order which Avery complied and without being told she quietly undid her jeans and pulled them down along with her underwear. Her father helped her over his knee which was now was propped up on the chair and without warning he lit into her.
She of course jumped at the first swat.

She let the tears fall and tried her best not put her hand back and didn't until her dad paused and when she turned her head she saw him grab the ruler off her mothers desk. She threw her hands back.

" no don't please I'm sorry I'm really really sorry I won't ever ever get anything pierced without permission please don't I'm sorry"

" I know you won't. Move your hands"

She did as ask muttering pleads as she did so and twelve swats later she sobbed as her dad picked her up and hugged her until her cries turned into sniffles eventually she fell asleep in her dads arm and we placed her on the couch were she stayed until she woke up. She walked out of her mothers office and walked her self down to the bullpen.
Ziva who was coming back from who knows where open her arms and Avery hugged her and yelped when Ziva swatted her already sore bottom
" If you ever do anything anywhere near this again I will spank you myself"
Avery nodded frantically hugging her again. As her dad handed her her stuff and announced that they were going home and that everyone was coming over for a cook out. Although everyone looked as if this was new information they all nodded.

The rest of the night went on with laughing and and jokes which Avery wasn't complaining she was grounded but at least no one was mad at her anymore.

( I swear I'm really trying to update sooner and more often I just have hit a lot of writers block recently if you have any suggestions comment also I am working on other chapters for this. What would you guys thinking of a story of Ziva and Tony adopting a girl and possibly a boy I'll need name suggestions and ages for them if I do)

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