Promises (COMPLETED)

By sweethoneybey

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That Mother (sequel) [BOOK 2] More

The characters
Promises 2
New story


2.1K 93 184
By sweethoneybey

(This is one of the chapters I deleted but I posted it again but I advise for you read it again. I changed the ending and if you don't read it. You will be completely confused in the next few chapters)

"Terry, can you please turn the LED lights down!" I yelled from my seat. He did what was instructed. "Yea, like that thanks!"
I sat back looking at the intro of clips for my up coming tour. I just finished wrapping up my album LEMONADE now all I have to do is finish preparing our tour set list. I have been working but not as hard because everything is actually done, we just need to clean certain stuff up.

Thank you Jesus

Besides Trying to piece together my schedule, jasmine has been doing okay but not the best. As far as at home, she is doing well. At school? She won't tell me any information. I don't get calls or emails like that anymore, so I guess she is doing well.

Ashly came up to me, "bey do you want us to go over the dance for 'hold up' one more time?"

I shook my head, "no. 20 minute break-!"

I looked down at my ringing phone


I frowned at the caller ID but I still answered, "hello"

"Hi is this Mrs. Carter" I heard a man speak

"May I ask who is calling?"

"Well, I'm Mr. Allen the assistant counselor at Lancer Lake Private High School, I'm calling to get in contact with Beyoncé Carter"

Jasmine's school?

I changed my position with a confused expression, "this is she"

"I'm calling regarding jasmine Gonzalez to inform you that she was brought up to our office for policy reasons and there is an mandatory parent principal meeting as soon as possible."

I listened carefully to what he is saying, "well, what can I do?"

"We need you to come pick her up from school immediately"

"May I ask what happened?"

"All information can not be told over the phone. For personal and privacy reasons. I greatly apologize"

I nodded my head gathering my stuff. What did this girl do?

"Okay I'm on my way"

"Okay see you soon"

I hung up the phone.

"EVERYONE GO HOME. REHEARSALS BEGIN TOMORROW AT 8:00am. ENJOY THE REST OF YOUR DAY!" I spoke into the mic. Everyone stopped to look at me then quickly began to pack up.

I got up and left.

I swear if this little girl did something out of hand she is mine.

Lancer lake high

I entered the main office of Jasmine's school. I went up to the information desk.

"Hello I'm here to pick up my daughter jasmine Gonzalez" I spoke handing her my ID

The white lady nodded her head and began to look her up. When she was done she looked at me, "Dr. Carson would like to have a conference with you. Is that okay?"

What did she do?!

I nodded my head. She showed me to his office. When I entered I seen jasmine. Before I could speak another administrator called her into another room. I seen her grab her bag with an attitude not looking back noticing me. I watched as the conjoined room door close. The principal looked at me and told me to take a seat.

"Mrs. carter it seems to be that you daughter has been having disruptive behavior"

Oh shit no....

"Many emails was sent home regarding these altercations-"

"Altercations....what altercations?" I asked confused

"For the past months jasmine has been getting into arguments with the students on campus. She has been disrespectful towards the adults and her teachers"


"Okay but I wasn't notified of any of these doings. I'm sorry, but what's going on" I spoke still confused

"We have called you several times, sent letters, emails. Everything that we could to do to reach out to you"

I shook my head, "I haven't received any of those. All my information is on the emergency card"

He looked at the computer I guess bringing up the emergency card that I signed at the beginning of the year.

"Okay it says here that your phone number is: 909-878-4381 is that correct?"

I shook my head. "No my number is 909-878-4813. I don't know where you got that from"

I'm whooping her ass

He sighed, "that is in the computer. Uhh is your home address 7843 brookside st. 8620 manhattan, ny?"


"No it is not. Who gave you this false information?"

He sighed rubbing his head, " it was turned in by your daughter with your signature"

I nodded my head, "may I see the copy of my signature?"

He nodded and turned the computer so I can see the emergency card. I looked at the signature and It's not my signature but it's very close but it's isn't mine.

I shook my head looking at all of the information understanding why I haven't been receiving any alerts anymore. It's because all this information wasn't true. Not one bit. It shows me as her aunt and her dad as her brother.

"This is ridiculous" I said in disbelief, "so why am I in here"

"Well your daughter was involved in a fight with another student for the second time causing the teacher to get injured and a few other students also she was caught with the possession of drugs"

I frowned, "drugs?" I shook my head, "not my baby. She doesn't smoke I know that for a fact"

He shrugged, "well when she was brought into the office she had marijuana in her possession"

I narrowed my eye brows, " can you explain to me what caused this to spiral out of control?"

"I normally let the student explain-"

"Please call her in"

He nodded pressing a mic, "send jasmine back to my office"

No more than a second later jasmine walked in with an attitude talking back to someone. I raised my eyebrow. She rolled her eyes having them land on me. I seen no emotion

When did she get like this?

"Jasmine may you please sit next to your mother"

She shook her head, "even if my life depends on it?"

Carson nodded.

"Well my life depends on it so no thanks"

I gave her the death stare as her principal began to explain how jasmine would tell me how it all happened. After he spoke we look at jasmine. She played with her fingers and began to speak, "I have nothing to really say to explain my actions"

I nodded, "okay, so you want to act up in school now? And have weed"

She just sat there not making eye contact

"Why do you have weed jasmine?" I asked

She didn't say anything. I sighed rubbing my forehead sitting back trying to keep my cool.

"What happened jasmine" I asked calm

"I don't wanna talk about it" she said

"Okay. I gotchu"

Her principal looked at me briefly before explaining what happened. After he was done he spoke about the policy,

"Mrs. carter I hope you can understand and accept that we don't tolerate that type of behavior at this school" he spoke solemnly, "we are going to have jasmine on probation"

"Probation? What is probation?"

"It's when a student is taking online classes until the district decides to accept them back on to campus. They will not be allowed to play any sports or step foot on campus until further told. I have a meeting with the board next week. Jasmine is a good bright student. I wouldn't want to loose someone that is so special from this school"

I nodded, " so what you telling me, is that my daughter is expelled?"

"It's not expelled just a step before expelled" he explained. I looked at jasmine. This is a damn shame.


Her principal dismissed us. We walked out to the car. She tried to get in the back seat.

"Sit ya behind in the front"

Once we got home she rushed out the car speeding to the door forgetting her backpack. As for me I took my time. By the time I was in the house I heard jay and blue in the kitchen.

"Don't get that on my counter" I spoke

"Okay mommy" blue answered as she made slime. I placed my stuff down grabbing a granola bar.

"Babe why you home early?" Jay asked

"Because some people don't know how to act at school"

He pointed up stairs and I nodded, "she went past her boundaries with me"

He raised his eyebrows, "she yelled at you?"

"No." I threw the wrapper away "I wish her black ass would"

Blue head popped up and she shook her head rapidly with her finger, "ooohh mommy said a bad word! One for the safe"

I rolled my eyes knowing I had to give her a dollar. It's a deal that we made, when ever a grown up curses in front of a child they will have to give a dollar for each curse word.

"Okay baby, mommy is sorry"

She rolled her eyes, "mhm"

I laughed and looked at jay, "any way she is in big trouble"

"What she do?"

"I really don't wanna speak of it cuz it's gone make me even more upset"

Blue looked up, "ouch"

I laughed, "yea blue she is in trouble"

"Biiig trouble"

Jay walked up to me pecking my lips, "what you gone do? Punish her like all the other times?"

I shrugged, "I really don't know if should whoop her or not"

"When you gone decide?" He asked washing the dishes

"Whenever I cool down. Right now I might kill her." I went to grab a bottle of Düsse from the top cabinet. I walked up to him and kissed him on the cheek. I went to blue and did the same, "mommy finna go take a nap. You wanna come?"

She looked at me, "tah no"

I rolled my eyes, "good, remember that lil girl"

"Okay I will" she said sticking her tongue out. I shook my head. She is a mess. Once I made it up stairs I drunk half a bottle of the alcohol. I'm not trying to stress over jasmine right now. Soon I went right to sleep.

At dinner

We sat at the dinner table as a family discussing in small conversation except for jasmine. She was eating her food but very slowly. It was like she was trying to stall time.

"So jasmine how was school?" Jay asked making conversation

She looked up, "the worst" she said lowly

"What happened?" Blue asked

"I don't wanna talk about it" she looked at me, "ma can I get some more shrimp Alfredo?"

"Mhm" I said taking a sip of wine. She never finished her first plate. She is trying it 😂

She slowly got up from the table and walked to the pot.

"Sister, you know how I go to school?"

She looked back at blue, "mhm, by car"

Blue frowned as jay and I laughed. Blue placed her hand on her forehead, "no sister, I'm saying that when I go to school I try to stay on da green card cuz I know mommy would be very mad" blue said "maybe you should try it"

Jasmine rolled her eyes, "thanks a lot blue"


I watched as jasmine sat down again with a fresh plate of food, "yes blue?" She asked annoyed

"Did you get the red card today?"

Jasmine looked at blue and didn't say anything. She continued to eat slowly.

When dinner was done jasmine stayed down stairs for an extra hour trying to stall time with eating slow. I laid in bed drinking the rest of dusse until I heard her shower cut on. I got up from the bed

"Don't hit her so hard" jay laughed

"Shut up" I said grabbing a belt. I walked downstairs making sure the house was locked up. When I went to her room she was laying down doing nothing due to her giving me her stuff without me asking, by doing that isn't going to change anything. I closed her door and she sat up quickly. I closed the door behind me

"Come here"

She slowly got out of bed. I can tell she had extra clothes on.

/pause: I used to do that whenever I got my butt whooped just so I wouldn't feel so much pain 😂/

"take those extra clothes off"

She started crying shaking her head moving away from me, "mommy"

I rolled my eyes, "jasmine take em off"

"Noo" she cried

I slowly walked to her

She quickly began to take off her three layers of clothes leaving her in some basket ball shorts n a long sleeve. She held on to her upper body crying and coughing.

She stood a distance away from me.

"Come here"

She took one step closer to me. I sighed, "jasmine come here now"

"Maaa" she whined

I gave her the eye. She shut that crying up and walked slowly to me. Once she was in reaching distance I grabbed her gently

"Look at me" she looked up, "why you holding weed?"

"I don't know"

I raised my belt and she flinch lifting up her left leg, "maaa"

"Why are you holding weed jasmine?" I asked again

I wasn't upset about the fight and the emergency card I was more upset about her having weed. Like where the fuck did she even get weed.

"I-I just wanted to feel better"

"Feel better for what!" I asked. She didn't reply so I slapped her in the head

"Huh?!" I hit her again

"I'm sorry!"

"No you are not! I didn't put you in that school to fight and do drugs!" I yelled

"It's not no different from my old school!" She replied, "I been fighting! Ain't nothing new!"

"Who the hell?!" I yelled lashing at her legs

She cried out

"I don't care who it is! I don't send you to a private ass academic school to be fighting! I didn't raise you to fight every of anyone!"

She rolled her eyes, "I never wanted to go to that stupid school in the first place YOU did! And you didn't even raise me Mya did!" she said

She shook her head smiling, "you are trying to whoop me for what ma?! Because I 'allegedly' had drugs and for defending myself??!"

I nodded rolling my eyes, "I gave you the opportunity to explain yourself!-"

"Whatever! It doesn't matter! You don't care even if I told you!"

"How do you know?!"


"You gone stop yelling at me" I said stepping up to her with gritted teeth, "I'm not one of your damn friends I'm your mother and you will respect me."

She took a step closer looking me in my eyes. I noticed her eyes were light brown and kinda red.

"Or what?" She battled

I didn't second think of my actions I lifted my hand and slapped jasmine in her face. She clenched her fist and jaw looking at me pissed.

"Stop hitting me yo" she said

I slapped her again, "I hit you whenever I want to! You think I'm going to let you disrespect me now?!-"

"You didn't care then! So why you care now!"

I grabbed my belt hitting her. She grabbed it, "stop hitting me!"

We battled for the belt until it ripped. I dropped it and started using my hands slapping her in the face and punching her. Soon she covered her face and all I got was her arm.

"Ma stop!"

I backed away pissed, "what the hell is your problem jasmine?! You never spoke to me like this! And it's going to stop now!-"

"Whatever! You just now noticing the change?! And now that the situation has gotten worse now you wanna take action by hitting all on me?!"

I did my breathing routines to keep my cool but she continued to talk her mouth off.

"I never did this shit as a teen" I spoke, "you are so damn disrespectful"

"And you are so damn irresponsible!" She said, "at least I'm not pregnant or having sex with a 19 year old just for attention"

My eyes turned red with fire as she used my childhood story against me. I grabbed her slamming her into the wall, "what the hell you say"

"You where sleeping with different people, ditching school, being a fake superstar. Yea that's what you are you are fake! And a liar! You didn't even know who my real dad was! You seem soooo innocent but the shit I'm doing is no where near to what you were doing! At least I'm keeping my legs closed"

Where the hell did she get this information from!!!

I nodded holding her tighter, "you know what you are absolutely right. I regret every single lie like usual and there is one that I most definitely regret. I regret lying to your dad about the abortion which broke us up but now that I see the result I should have aborted your ass when I should have, but didn't cuz your doctor made me feel bad! I should have gotten it I shouldn't have cared about your ass in the first place. I should have killed you when I had the chance" I said with gritted teeth.

"YOU ARE DRUNK! LET ME GO!" She yelled

I let go of her angrily. I was no where near being intoxicated. She just stood there in shock. Once I realized what I said I felt bad

"Jasmine" I reach out to touch her

"No! I hate you! I wish you were dead! I wish you weren't my mom! I wish you would die or drop dead! I hate you" She yelled crying before marching out her room leaving the house.

I dropped to my knees crying. I didn't mean what I said.

Honestly I promise I didn't mean it
Uh-o it looks like things will never get better for bey🙈😩😫

How was the chapter?

Jasmine's behavior in school, how do you feel?

Why is jasmine really acting up?

How come jasmine didn't wanna talk about it?

Why did bey say those things to jasmine? .....did she mean it?

How do feel about bey?

How do you feel about jasmine?

Does jasmine have a problem that bey possibly doesn't know about that causes her to act out of her character?

Will jasmine change back to her old self?

Where did jasmine go?

Did jasmine mean what she said about bey?

Is there a way to fix their relationship?

I had to ruin their relationship just when it was getting better😭😂. More drama to come😁😁

Note: SOMEONE WILL END UP IN THE HOSPITAL, who do you think it's going to be??

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