It Wasn't Supposed To Be Love

By shinee_minhoholic09

1.5K 61 26

Story about guy who has love phobia, who run miles when any girl proposes and a girl who hates him since the... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 3

167 7 3
By shinee_minhoholic09

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Have a happy time reading!

Minseo POV

"Aishh, this is so annoying!" I said banging the coke on the table. "Is he always this bossy? Ordering people around?" I asked Yona irritably.

"Calm down! He is not like this always." She said patting me.

"Its because of me!" Jonghyun said looking down on his plate. "I'll say sorry on behalf of him. Sorry for what happened earlier." He finished.

Omo! Why is he saying sorry! Why the hell you have to be so kind Jonghyun!

"No no. Its definitely not your fault. Its all because of that jerk!"

OMF!! What did I just say? Calling someone's friend a jerk is definitely not a good sign.

"No no! I mean.. er.. I didn't mean an exact jerk.. -"

I started explaining in a hurry, but to my surprise everyone started laughing at my explanation.

"He is sometimes!" Onew said.

Everything was back to normal. Taemin was bad-mouthing about Minho to make me and Jonghyun laugh. All of them were laughing except Jonghyun. He was just smiling but sadness was evident in his smile. I wonder what's bothering him.


We all had our breakfast and headed outside the cafeteria. I saw Yona and others going towards the main gate.

"Where are you all going? Don't we have lectures?" I asked

"Nope! Its a half day since its our first day." Taemin answered.

"Where's Key and Minho?" Jonghyun asked Onew.

"They must have probably left." He said. "Okay then I'll also leave. Mom wants me and Taemin home. Looks like aunt is at my place." Onew said.

"My mom?" Taemin asked confused.

"How many aunt do I have besides your mom?" Onew asked with a poker face.

"Sorry sorry!" Taemin said scratching the back of his head. Looks like it his habit to do that whenever he makes a mistake. Taemin is cute actually!!

"Even I have to go! Dad wants to meet me urgently!" Jonghyun said.

"Okay then see y'all tomorrow!" said Yona waving her hand and we parted our ways.

"Why did you have rent a place so far away from school?" Yona asked worrying.

"I have told you that I want to experience an independent life. I want to earn myself and take care of my expenses. But mom and dad didn't agree with it, so I convinced them to let me live alone." I said.

"Did they said 'yes' in one go?" She asked with her eyes wide open, coz she knows how stubborn my parents are.

"Obviously not! They agreed on one condition saying that they'll send money to take care of my expenses and I must never go to a part time job!" I said sighing.

"That's good then!" She said opening the car door. "I'm sure your parents would have wanted you to have a car but you must have not accepted it!!"

"Exactly!" I said winking.

"Hop in! I'll give you a ride till the bus station!"

"Ohh! Thank you!"


Finally I reached home. It takes almost one and half an hour from my home to school. First a walk to Bus station, then 1 hour ride in bus, then 30 mins walk to school.

Yona insisted that she would take me to school from the Bus station everyday and knowing her stubbornness I gave in without arguing.

It was almost 1pm and I didn't feel like having lunch. So I decided to shower and go into deep sleep.

I took out the pajamas to change after shower and was heading towards bathroom. Meanwhile there was a knock in the door.

I opened the door and witnessed a middle aged man.

"Hello Miss, do you by any chance have hammer?" He asked.

"Yes! just a minute!" I reached the tool box kept in the store room and handed it to him.

"Is someone coming over there to stay?" I asked pointing to the opposite house.

"Oh yes! I don't know who it is. We were just asked to bring all the furnitures and necessities." He said

"When are they going to come?" I asked

"I guess by today evening!" He said.

"Oh, okay! I said. I closed the after he left and walked towards bathroom to take shower. I wonder who is it!

I woke up and checked the time in my hand phone. It was evening by now. After having shower, I had my lunch and straight away went to sleep.

I walked to the balcony to breath some air. I placed my hands on the railings and leaned forward. I scanned the opposite house. There was a black colour car parked inside the gate.

I suppose the neighbors might have come. I have seen my mom sending sweets and gifts to neighbors. She always says that one must have good relationship with neighbors. They are our first relative coz in case of emergency it's neighbors who come first for help. I decided to make some sweets to greet my new neighbor.

I finished making sweets and packed it nicely and gave a finishing by tieing a ribbon. I stepped out of my house. It was dark by now. The cold breeze gave shivers to my body.

I pressed the bell and stood patiently. There was no response. I pressed the bell again. Still there was no response. I knocked at the door and it opened slightly. I stepped inside the house.

"Is anyone there?" I asked in a low voice. I guess it was not audible enough.

I looked around the house and analyzed it. It is one storey house. Compared to mine this house was very big and spacious. There was black colour sofa with white cushions. On the wall wad a giant LED TV along with home theatre. I walked past the house and entered the kitchen to keep the sweets and also to see if anyone is there.

The kitchen is just perfect with all the furniture and electronics. There was a medium sized dining table too with a box on top.

I walked closer to have a better look and there is my weakness... CHOCOLATES. Chocolates are something that makes me forget my principles and disciplines. I just go head over heals for chocolates.

I quickly kept the sweet box aside and started eating the chocolate. It never takes long for me to eat chocolates. I can eat it in a blink of an eye. I almost forgot that I was in a stranger's house.

I ate the last chocolate and reached for water which was in the table. I poured some water in glass and was about to drink but the glass slipped my hand and was scattered into pieces as I heard a sudden voice.

"What are you doing?"

I turned around to see the owner of voice. A tall man was standing with a towel wrapped around his waist revealing his six packs. It was understandable that he was out of shower as water was dripping from his body. It took me a second to realize that the person standing in front of me was...


I know this chapter was bit boring, but stay tuned coz next chapter is going to be Minho's POV!!

Thank you for reading!

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