A Lost Princess [Completed]

By QuackTheGreat

34.1K 1.1K 97

=====I WROTE THIS WHEN I WAS THIRTEEN. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK===== I enter my house my mate following behind m... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
New cover
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
New Book Cover
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Book cover
Chapter Sixteen
Thank you!
Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eleven

603 29 3
By QuackTheGreat


"He did what!" She shouts. I see that she is about to scream again and so I cover her mouth.

"Shut up! Someone's gonna hear." I whisper.

"Fine. But does Ryan know?" She asks.

I look down and shake my head, more tears seemed to rush down my cheeks.

"I didn't want him to change his opinion about me because of it. He knows that I was abused but not..." I say, not saying the word rape.

She hugs me as I Iet out a loud sob.
She rubs soothing circles on my back in order to calm me.

"Amber! What happened?" Alec rushed into the room.

Please don't tell him

I beg Amber

Fine but you have to tell him soon


"Umm. I know that you are mind linking. Your eyes are getting misty-ish" he says.
"Why were you shouting?" He asks me.

"I umm hurt my ummm thing umm" I say

"Foot!" Amber exclaims.

We stare at her.

"I mean she hurt her foot" she says embarrassed.

"Tell me the truth. Why would you cry because of her umm hurting her umm foot?" He mocks me and I gasp.

"Did you just mock me?" I ask.

"Maybe I did and maybe I didn't" he says edging towards the door.

"You have 10 seconds to run" Amber says. "And then she'll chase you"

His eyes go wide and he runs out of the room. I'm about to go after him but Amber stops me.

"I want to show you something" she says. I nod and I follow her to her closet.

She walks over to a shoe box and takes out keys and moves the rug out of the way to show a door in the ground.

"Follow me." She says and unlocks it. She then goes down some stairs into a room.

"Wow" I say as I stare at the shelves of books.

"What is this place?" I ask as I examine a shelf.

"It's my own library. Only the royal family know about it." She states.
She then walks to a small desk thing and opens a blue diary.

"The moon goddess spoke to me in my sleep before you came." She says and opens a specific page.

"She said: a future with battles that only two can with take" she reads from the book.

"I thought about the necklace and thought that the owner might go into battle with a powerful witch.
But now that we know of the opposite necklace to your bracelet, I think that you and the opposing necklace's owner will fight with your powers.
Only you two can with take it. It's only your kind of magic. No one can go against the two of you." She explains.

"So you think that it's gonna be like Harry Potter and Voldemort's final battle?" I ask.

"Do you always have to link it to movies?" She asks

"Always." I say

She rolls her eyes and I gasp.

"Did you just roll your eyes at me!" I say

"I know people get offended easily, but your something else" she says with a small laugh.

"Crap. We forgot Alec." I say.

"He'll live." She says and walk past giant bookshelves.

"There is a reason why I brought you here" she says.
She opens a door to reveal a room filled with gems such as sapphires, emeralds, rubies, crystals, diamonds and much more.

"Wow" I say.

"It is incredible, isn't it? This is a room about the past queens and princesses." She explains.
I nod my head and notice a book in the centre of this room.

"Why is that book there?" I ask and point.

"I came here yesterday and read more about your necklace. There is a book that can analyse people and items to tell you their strengths" she opens a carving in the book.

"You place your hand or the object here and it searches. It can tell you about your bracelet." She says.

"But its an ancient bracelet." I point out "it might not find anything.

"It will. It was made by one of the most powerful witches in history. It's magic." She says.

"Witches don't exist." I say. I don't think they do anyways.

"And so don't werewolves." She smiles.

"Note taken" I say and take off my bracelet and place it in the book box or whatever you want to call it.

Amber then closes the book and waits before the book opens itself on a page.

"Biggest strength is fire" I say.

"Then the opposing one should be ice." She guesses

"Great. Just great." I say.

"You can control plants that can only be stoped by a powerful spell" she carries on.

"My enemy" I mutter under my breath.

"There is no need to mutter. I can hear you very well and no you can't have an autograph for my amazing hearing skills" she says and flicks her hair. I laugh.

Suddenly the box closes and a ray of white light fills the room. It blinds us for a few seconds and then disappears. I run to the book and try to force it open however it wont budge.

"Open it!" i shout at her. we try for around half an hour, pulling, hitting, you name it, we tried it. of course we couldn't use a knife or something or otherwise we could rip the book or damage the bracelet. We pull either side of the book until it opens and we fall to the ground.

"Oww! That hurt" we say at the same time and laugh.

i go to the book which is now open upside down and lift it to show me a necklace.

"another necklace" i sigh and put it on. "These are gonna keep changing aren't they?"

"i don't think so" Amber replies "it happened two times already."

"Yeah, and I didn't think that I was a princess but look where I am"

She shrugs and we get out of the secret library.

We then walk to the kitchen to eat something because I didn't know how long I've been in that place, but I am starving.

"So. I was thinking we could get away from the palace and go to the Blue Moon pack" i say

"Honestly, that would be great! Im bored of staying inside. The Blue Moon pack is the pack Ryan is the Alpha of, right?" She says

I nod and chew on the rainbow doughnut. I smile as the taste of the sweet sprinkles and the blue icing go into my mouth.

"You haven't used your powers in a while. It's good too. We don't want you to faint again." she says

"I am in perfect health. It's fine." i say. An idea pops into my head "lets scare the guards"

"Okay. What should we do?" she asks

We think.

"like should we just scratch some wood outside and make them think that there are rouges?"

"no. they can smell our scent and they wont be scared of that, they will just go protection mode." i point out "and if they somehow get scared of something like that, then we might need some replacements"

"Why don't we teleport somewhere outside and scream for help and teleport somewhere else?" she inquires

"Good idea. They will do anything for the princesses" I say and grab Amber's hand to teleport us behind some trees

"three, two, one. HELP US! SOMEONE! HELP! HELP! SOMEONE! ROUGES!" we scream and go somewhere else with my skills .

"SOMEONE HELP US! HELP!" we scream loudly an i teleport us somewhere.

we are about to scream again but a scent catches out nose.

"rouges" we say

we turn around to be face to face with around 10 wolves.

we growl at them but don't move. They have us trapped inside a circle.

we won't lose our family again! Ingrid says

"now, now your highnesses. Is that the proper way to treat your guest?" A voice speaks to us. Then a grey wolf comes. His scent clearly shows that he is a rouge but a power is radiating off of him.

The Alpha of rouges. Ingrid answers for me

we glare at him and he just smirks.

"Take her" he says and i immediately put up a force field around us that isa barrier from any other wolf.

"come on Trevor. This girl isn't letting us through" he grumbles.

A man comes and i can tell he is the leader of stray witches, like rouges but not werewolves.

"Alpha Aaron, she is the possesses the Earth's necklace. We can't do anything against her" the witch named Trevor says shocked.

"ENOUGH!" i shout and make the force field push everything back

I grab Amber's hand and squeeze it reassuringly.

"Impressive." a man says behind me

I swiftly turn around to see the man leaning against a tree.

I silently make the branches push him forward but they stop in mid air.

"What is happening?"i say quietly.

"I am the only one who can go against you" He says. He steps forward and i bring flames to my hand. I realise that he is wearing a necklace that is pure black. The opposing necklace.

"but not today" he says and walks past me

"Too afraid?" i ask and quickly cover my mouth with my hands

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

You are gonna get into a war of ice and fire because of you mouth.

"No. I just don't like an easy target. I can tell that that forcefield exhausted you and now you are weaker than usual" he says and smirks at me and vanishes.

The rouges stand in awe of his powers as i quickly teleport me and Amber home.

"That's your enemy!" Amber screeches

That is who i will battle with in the future.

My enemy.


Hi guys! I am so so so so so so so so so so so sorry for not uploading! This chapter was a few pages longer than usual and so I hope you liked it.

This book has 16.2K views!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am honestly sooooooooo happy and I'm sooooooooo grateful to all of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, Brynn found her enemy, what do you think? I was thinking of actually her getting kidnapped by the rouges but then i was like

powers, duh

Thanks again for reading!!!

See ya next chapter!!!


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