Merome <3- Valentines day On...

By omg-larrystylinson13

1K 15 7


Merome <3- Valentines day One-Shot

1K 15 7
By omg-larrystylinson13

Mitch's P.O.V.

"Mornin' biggums" I said to Jerome in my morning voice. "Good morning Mitch!" Jerome said with a smile. We walked side by side down to the kitchen where we were greeted by the rest of the guys and heart shaped pancakes. "Whats with the heart pancakes?" I asked Adam, since he was the one serving them to the rest of us. Everyone stared back at me in udder shock, "WHAT!?" I asked. "Really dude, it's Valentines Day, ring any bells?" I giggled and blushed "O-Oh I forgot." and I hid my face.

~~After breakfast~~

After breakfast everyone went out with their girlfriend or boyfriend. Adam with Ty, Quentin with Annie, Ian with Maddie, and so on. Just Jerome and I...GREAT. They know I love Jerome, so they leave us alone, together, ON VALENTINES DAY! I have great friends. "M-Mitch you okay bud?" I must have zoned out, I shook my head to clear my thoughts. "Ye-yeah I just zoned out for awhile" "what wrong?" Jerome asked concerned, "Nothing, Just....Thinking." "Oh OK 'bout what, or who?" "What makes you say who?" Oh no he knows.. He definitely knows. "'cause you blush when you think about people." "I do not!" I screamed defensively. "OK...OK chill dude, I'm just kidding." We then go and watch a movie in the living room. Of course Jerome picked Twilight. I swear he watches this movie too much, but I guess it's kind of romantic. Wait ROMANTIC! OMG. I look over at Jerome and he is sitting oddly close to me. He then lays his head on my shoulder and I blush for the millionth time today. "B-Biggums, what are you doing?" "Just cuddling" was his reply. He said it with no problem. "J-Jerome....I-I" Fuck you stuttering! "Um... I love you!" I looked at him, his face calm...And coming closer to mine. We kiss until were out of air. "I love you too, Mitch."

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