Mamma Mia - The Reunion

Von LouLou1206

10.8K 439 110

Phyllida rallies around the cast to set up a a reunion. Meryl and Amanda get caught up in some trouble..... ... Mehr

Chapter 1.
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.

Chapter 2.

1.1K 34 4
Von LouLou1206


I got back to my car after coming out of the grocery store, I put the bags into the boot and put the cart back. I jumped into the drivers seat feeling so happy.. the sun was shining, it was warm, everyone seemed happy AND my mom and dad had just decided to renew their vows! Everything seemed perfect.

I pulled into the driveway, grabbed the bags out the back and headed into the house. Mom and Dad were no where to be seen... 'Mom?! Dad?!' I called out, as I put the bags onto the kitchen side...but still.. no reply. 'Where the hell are they!' I mumbled to myself and began to look for them... I was going to cook them dinner, as a celebration of them renewing their vows.. 'Mom! Dad! where are you!' I yelled again, and I tried to open their bedroom door It wouldn't open.. 'Mom, Dad you in there?' I asked through the closed door. 'Y-yeah, we're in here hon, what's up?' Mom sounded out of breath. Had they really been doing what I thought they were doing?! 'What are you doing in there?' 

'Oh, uh.. just packing my case for when I go to Skopelos on Thursday' She still sounded out of breath... Had she really been doing 'it' with dad... at her age!? I sighed... 'Well, I'm cooking me, you and dad dinner.. as a celebratory thing.. you know, you guys renewing your vows and everything.. I'm gonna start on it now... don't be long...' I turned around and heard mom reply 'Alright hon, won't be long!' I sighed again and left to go downstairs... 


I listened and giggled slightly as I heard Mamie's footsteps leave from outside the door and trail off down the stairs. I bet she thought we were at it in here... truth was... Don was getting changed, and me? I had to practically wrestle with my case just to get it closed.

'Beautiful, check this out' I turned around and saw Don standing there, half dressed with a letter someone had written me, a fan letter obviously. It was one stating how much they admired me, and it listed how many awards I had won over the years...  Golden Globes, Academy Awards, AFI Lifetime Achievement Award, BAFTA's, Peoples Choice and many more... I still don't see what everyone sees in me.. I mean, I must be doing something right to still be doing the job I am, and still be winning awards.. I guess all that working my ass off in the early days, paid off.

Don pulled me out of my day dream. I didn't even realise I was day dreaming, but I must have been.. I half giggled at him. 'Mamie says dinners ready' He smiled and put his hand out for me to take. I happily took it and we both made our way downstairs to the dinner table where Mamie had done an amazing job.. the food smelt absolutely gorgeous! 'Ah, baby! this smells amazing!' I praised her, she never really cooked for people but when she did it was always amazing! 'Thankyou Momma!' she said smiling as she put the last plate down onto the table. 'I've done a little extra incase David or Louisa decide to drop by!'  She laughed, I always loved her laugh, it never failed to make me smile. 

I started to eat, but half way through I started to feel a little queasy. I never usually felt queasy eating food.. What was wrong with me?! I stopped eating with half my plate still full. Suddenly I dropped my knife, without warning, I just couldn't keep my grasp on it. Both Don and Mamie looked at me concerned. 'Mom?' Mamie sounded scared. I didn't answer. 'Meryl?' Don called out. I still didn't answer. Even I was scared now. I could hear them calling me but I couldn't answer! 'Mom?!' Mamie sounded like she was close to tears. 'Mom, speak to me!' 

'H..elp' I managed to murmur, Mamie started crying and Don sprung into action. 'I'm calling 911' he sounded so calm and collected I guess he was only doing it to try and keep Mamie as calm as possible. I heard him speaking to the operator on the phone. I couldn't quite make out what exactly what he was saying but I definitely heard him say he was scared and that he wanted an ambulance as soon as possible.


I just stared at her. I didn't know what was wrong with her.. it was safe to say I was scared, terrified almost! But I had to stay strong for Mamie, she may be 33 but she was still my baby and she was scared. I went over, took her into my arms and kissed the crown of her head. 'It's okay baby, your mom will be fine! She's a strong determined woman, she can get through anything!' 

'Are you sure dad? I mean, she doesn't look too good' She was still crying, I could tell and all I could do was hug her and kiss her head and TRY to comfort her as best I could. The most we could do was make her comfortable and wait for the ambulance to arrive. I didn't want to lose her. in fact I COULDN'T lose her. she was the love of my life, my rock, my safe place. I didn't want her to leave me. 

A loud knock at the door pulled me out of my day dream, it was the ambulance. As I opened the door, the medic's filed into the house and over to where Meryl was sat. 'What's her name' 'How old is she?' 'What symptoms has she been having?' It was all so overwhelming! All I managed to focus on was Mamie answering the medic's questions because I couldn't. I couldn't bring myself to open my mouth and speak, Their voices were getting quieter and quieter as a period of time went by.. I must have been going into a day dream again... either that or I was going deaf. 

'Dad?... Dad?' Mamie shook me a little. I didn't realise that I was daydreaming again. 'Huh? Oh, whats up baby?' I rubbed the side of my face trying to get my head around all of this. 'They said she's going to be fine! They said Mom is going to be fine!' Mamie sounded so so happy and it made me smile. 

The medic came up to speak to me 'Mr Gummer?' He started, 'Your Wife had whats known as a minor stroke, she shouldn't have any side effects from it. It shouldn't affect her in any other way. Although, she does need plenty of rest' He smiled at me. 'Do you have any questions?' I thought for a while 'Yeah, she's suppose to be flying out to Greece Thursday, will she be okay to still do that?' I was worried that this would effect her going to the cast reunion. 'Yes, she will be completely fine to fly out to Greece on Thursday' he smiled at me again. 'Do you have any other questions, Mr Gummer?' He asked,  I think he just wanted to make sure that I understood everything and that he didn't leave me confused. 'No, No, that's everything, thank-you' I smiled at him and he smiled back.

'Ok, well, we will leave you all alone now and we'll be on our way' He finished up packing up the gear that they had brought with them and headed for the door. 'Thank-you once again for coming as quickly as you did' I said after them as they headed for the ambulance. 'That's okay Mr Gummer, you just make sure that you look after your wife, and make sure that she gets plenty of rest, and drinks plenty of fluid' 

'I will, goodbye now' I closed the door and walked back inside to Meryl. 'How are you feeling, beautiful?' I moved a few stray hairs from her face as I looked at her 'I.. I'm okay. I feel bit warm though' She didn't really sound herself, but, that was to be expected with what had just happened. 'That's okay hon, you just relax. Me and Mamie will clean up and you can go for a little lie down on the sofa' 


'Oh, uh, okay. Only if you're sure?' I didn't like the idea of sitting down doing nothing. All I wanted to do what help out. 'Yes mom! Of course we're sure. I want you to get better as quickly as possible... and if that means me having to wait on you hand and foot for a couple days then so be it' What could I say to that? I couldn't object to it. I loved it when she let her feistiness show.. 'Okay, Okay' I half smiled and headed to the sitting room.

I sat down and their was a knock at the door. I started to get up to answer it and Mamie yelled at me.. 'DON'T MOVE! I'll get it!' and with that she ran to the door.. 'Oh my god! Hi...! Come in! Come in...! Mom's in the sitting room!' 

Who was it? and why did Mamie sound so happy to see them? I suppose I was about to find out..


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