Finale - Novelette Collaborat...

By WattIncognito

453 38 23


Finale - Novelette Collaboration
Fourth Place
Second Place
Incognito Master

Third Place

48 4 1
By WattIncognito

With a total average score of 76.4%, Incognito Word War III third placer is:  

Labing Walo by Team Horror (abcd0987)

Tally of Scores

Tristan Martin (martincarneo)

Content: 40%

Relevance to the theme: 24%

Technicality: 22%

Score: 86%

Don Vittorio Villasin  

Content: 20%

Relevance to the theme: 20%

Technicality: 10%

Score: 50%

Roy Calimlim (ironcurtain53)  

Content: 40%

Relevance to the theme: 28%

Technicality: 23%

Score: 91%

TheCatWhoDoesntMeow (TheCatWhoDoesntMeow

Content: 30%

Relevance to the theme: 20%

Technicality: 15%

Score: 65%

Aizhey (Aizhey

Content: 40

Relevance to the theme: 28

Technicality: 22

Score: 90%


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