War between Fictions

By Dovalord123

2.2K 102 15

Ok... this is entry log numbraro-or however you say "number" in Spanish-1... Do I really have to do this? Dis... More

a tiger in my yard
The War room
my first vibroblade
Jedi Training
it's like a dream
Jedi Counsel meeting
The truth about Kamino
space trip
Valley of the Jedi
First Battle
Duel of Fates
What do you know
You have a choice
where it all started
Not the first
Forgotten Warrior Part 1
Forgotten Warrior Part 2
Forgotten Warrior part 3
Welcome back
Battle of Kamino: part 1
Battle of Kamino Part 2
Battle of Kamino: Part 3
Battle of Kamino: Part 4
Battle of Kamino: Part 5
Red leader
Open fire
The Grey code
Welcome back
welcome home...
Act II
Prison riot part 1
no hablar espaƱol
wounds heal
forgot to mention that, sorry
why are we here?
Untitled Part 42
To Start a War

Prison riot Part 2

35 1 0
By Dovalord123

After  at least a half hour of convincing everyone that he was on there side, Felix convinces everyone to go  with the plan. With that out of the way, Felix makes his way to the other side, where Kimball and Doyle were being held. He opens the door, and sees a sight he never thought he would see.

Felix: Oh. my. God.

Inside the room was only Kimball lying on the ground, wearing a light blue dress that was similar to the slave Leia outfit. As well as a tiara. Felix was trying not to take it all in, but he couldn't help it.

Felix: I never took you for a blond, Kimball.

Kimball slowly opens her eyes. She sits up, and it takes her a minute to see Felix. She was embarrassed at first, remembering what she was wearing. the, she remembered what he has done. she swiftly stands up, and furiously walks towards him. When she reaches him, she punches him in the helmet as hard as she can, shaking off the pain.

Felix: hay hay hay! You could have cracked my visor.

Kimball: Then maybe I should try again.

Her teeth were grinding, and her face was very angry.

Felix: Look, Venisa. I know we've had our differences lately-

Kimball: You lied to me! from the moment I met you!

Felix: I know, I know. And I can't do anything to change that.

Kimball's face started to calm down.

Felix: But, if you trust me this one last time, I will make it up to you.

Kimball looks over Felix's shoulder, seeing the reds and blues, Washington, and Carolina all talking to each other, safe. She point at Felix with the straightest finger.

Kimball: One. last. Time.

Felix: Good, I didn't want to spend another hour trying to convince someone.

Felix walks swords the center of the room, about to address everyone, when all of a sudden:

Tucker: Kimball!?

Everyone turns to face Kimball, she was still at the door. Her face turns red in embarrassment.

Grif: uh... when did this happen?

Tucker: and why didn't I know about!?

Felix: must be more religious crap.

Kimball: Tucker, if you don't stop staring, I WILL kick you.

Tucker is confused by the comment at first, but after a few moments of thinking, he looks down, and finally understands what she is saying. He turns his entire body in the opposite direction of Kimball.

Felix: alright, back to business. Hay, aliens AI-

The AI appears in the room.

Santa: My name is Santa.

Felix: I refuse to call you that.

???: That makes two of us.

Felix turns around and sees Church AKA Epsilon floating right text to Carolina.

Church: By the way, I believe

All: WHAT!

Church: I've been gathering what research that I can from these things. Just recently found out that they blew up a certain ship along with a certain someone that all of us wanted dead.

Caboose: Oh, I love riddles. Don't tell me... It was Andersmith

Church: sometimes I recreate telling you all that story.

Kimball: so, we don't have to worry about Caron anymore?

Felix: nope.

He turns his attention back towards Santa

Felix: anyways, I thought you said Doyle was with Kimball.

Locus: *on radio* Felix, come in.

Felix: I read you, Locus. I got good news and bad. The good news is I found everyone. The bad news is-

Locus: *on radio* Doyal is missing, I know. Don't worry, I see him now.

Felix: what? Where?

Locus: *on radio* he's being escorted by three elites with swords into a building.

Felix looks at the entrance he entered at, and hears heavy footsteps. Soon two elites carrying swords enter the room, and look directly at them.

Church: son of a-

Felix: Locus, blow the shield.

Washington: wait, WHAT!?

One of the elites charge at Carolina, since she was the closest. He swings at her neck vertically, but Carolina moves her body, not her legs, out of the way. She thing rolls on the elites back, getting behind him. The elite then swings to cut her head off, but he leans back matrix style. At the last second, Caroline grabs the elite's sword, and jabs it into him. Felix simply threw a Grenade at the second elite's head, and shot it, blowing the elite's head clean off.

Felix and Carolina catch the breath as the see Doyal round the corner. The swords was in his hand, and his white and yellow armor was stained with dark blue blood.

Doyal: I believe I have found the courage to lead my army.

Summons: how do you still have that thing? Wouldn't the aliens would have have taken it?

Doyal: Oh they did. One of the guards took it, so I took it back.

The sound of plasma blasts and battle cries fill the outside. Everyone heads out to see all out warfare. Covenant vehicles were being destroyed by marines who picked up their weapons. Locus was providing covering fire for some of the soldiers, but there were casualties. More on the covenant side, though.

Felix: *Locus, I'm gonna get us a ride out of here. Keep everyone safe while I do.*

Locus: *copy that*

Tucker: wait, your just gonna leave us?

Felix: Locus has your back, don't worry.

The sound of three suicide grunts screaming and running a all of the come from behind. As they come into view, Locus pops one of the grenades, and a chain reaction of plasma kills all the them.

Felix: See

Tucker: fine

Felix runs in the direction the suicide grunts come from.

Simmons: soooo... what do we do?

???: fight, of course.

Everyone's turns to see Bitters, Smith, Jensen, and Palomo, carrying plasma rifles, and the UNSC weapons that belong to everyone. The four of them start handing them out. Sarge was unhappy with someone else holding his shotgun.

Smith: I mean, what else are we gonna do?

Sarge: well, you know what they say: today is a good day to die.

Palomo: W-wait, what about the saying: Live to fight another day?

Sarge: who in the right mind would say that?

Grif: uh, everyone.

Washington: wait, we need a plan of attack.

Carolina: I have a plan.

She proceeds to take out a grenade, and throws it behind her. As it lands, a squad of jackals appear, then explode.

Carolina: attack.

Meanwhile, Felix had made his way through multiple enemies. Eventually, he came across a wrath. He swiftly hops on it, and plants a grenade on the passenger's seat. He then just as swiftly hops off, and starts running in the same direction, the wraith exploding behind him.

He reaches a platform where elites were guarding a UNSC Pelican. He quickly hides behind a crate before he is seen. Out of grenades, he picks up a rock and throws it to their left. Just as planned, the two elites walk over, one behind the other. Felix quickly sneaks over to one and assassinates it by cutting it's throat. The other takes notice, so Felix tackles it, and jabs his knife into it's head. He quickly runs into the Pelican's pilot seat.

Felix: what do ya know, they left the keys in the ignition.

He starts up the Pelican. And gets on his radio to contact Locus.

Felix: *Locus, come in. I found us a ride out, get the red's and blue's, and meet me at these coordinates.

Locus: *copy that, Locus put*

As Locus receives the coordinates, he magnetizes his rifle, and slides down the mountain. He lands on an elite, and the grunt behind him runs with his arms flailing. He reaches the red's and blues, the freelancers, Doyal, and Kimball. The other soldiers were nowhere to be seen. They were fighting covenant behind their own crates. He was about to engage until they suddenly explode. Locus turns his head away at first, but as he looks up, he sees a purple soldier holding a rocket Launcher.

Omali: looks like they'll need a doctor.

Doc: I don't think I can help them when they aren't in one piece.

Omali: way to ruin the joke.

The others run towards him, as does Locus. he was confused why the purple soldier was talking in two different voices to himself.

Locus: Felix found us a ride out, follow me.

Suddenly, and Elite with a sword starts charging. Tucker quickly takes out his, and enters a duel. Tucker manages to block several strikes until the Elite was out of breath, that was when he strikes, ending it's life.

Washington: you practice with that thing?

Tucker: seriously! What is there to understand about swish swish stab! But to answer your question, yes I do.

They all reach the platform, unaware that covenant were chasing until they open fire as Felix had just entered. Carolina, Washington, and Locus run back out and provide covering fire, taking out as many Elites as possible.

Church: *elite going for a grenade*

As Carolina heard this in her head, she had ran out of bullets, and there was no time to warn the others.

Carolina: Church, Overshield.

The Elite charges the grenade.

Church: *Carolina I know what you're thinking, but-

The elite throws

Carolina: JUST DO IT!

Carolina jumps directly into the Grenade as church activates over shield. Washington looks over in fear, there was a bright blue glow on Carolina's stomach. Suddenly, Carolina is blown back into the Pelican almost as fast as a bullet.

Washington: HOLY ****

She slams into the Pelican as Felix jumps. fearing something had happened, he runs out of the cockpit, and the first thing he sees is Carolina on the ground screaming in pain. Felix takes off her helmet as blood covered her face. She had a massive burn wound on the right side of her stomach, the grenade had burned part of the jump site under the armor. The armor itself around the burn was cracked in some places, and had small plasma marks.

Washington, and Locus make there way inside the Pelican, and close the door.


Felix rushes back into the cockpit, and takes off as fast as he can.

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