Unraveling Rosen | ✓

By -chanel

6.8M 222K 104K

"He said he is scared of commitment, but he has tattoos all over his skin." The day Hazel Stevens moves from... More

Unraveling Rosen
01 | barre
02 | allegro
03 | ballón
04 | terre
05 | tour
06 | soutenu
07 | sauté
08 | elevé
09 | grand
10 | en arriére
11 | frappé
12 | brisé
13 | en dehors
14 | adagio
15 | en avant
16 | en dedans
17 | fondu
18 | l'aire
19 | devant
20 | center floor
21 | demi
22 | pas de chat
23 | assemblé
24 | beats
25 | derrière
26 | en pointe
28 | la seconde
29 | chassé
30 | cou-de-pied
31 | ronde de jambe
32 | relevé
33 | en croix
34 | arabesque
35 | ballote
36 | developpé
37 | penché
38 | tendu
39 | glissade
40 | pas
Bonus 01 | Christmas

27 | sissonne

127K 4.5K 1.9K
By -chanel

2 7

s i s s o n n e

A jump from two feet onto one foot in various directions 

The only day I'm dreading during the year finally arrived. My birthday is a today and I would honestly do anything and everything to avoid it. I don't know why but I just never really like celebrating my birthday. My expectations are always way too high, leaving me super disappointed when everything doesn't go as I planned.

I'm pretty sure Rosen knows that my birthday is today. Serenity must've told him when she was here. Serenity left Walden about a week ago and so did Sven. Things are a lot more quiet now that they aren't around anymore.

I don't know why but Saskia and Imogen have been pretty distant as well. Either they're just busy with their own lives or Saskia is secretly jealous that I'm with Rosen. I'm leaning towards the latter which is weird since Saskia confirmed that she's totally okay with me dating Rosen. She even told me how Rosen is always so happy and cheerful around me and that's all she wants.

Speaking of Rosen, he has spent a lot of time with Faith. We both have. Faith's looking a lot better. It really seems like the medication is finally working. A part of me knows that she will never defeat cancer as cancer will always come back, but a part of me prays that everything will be fine. I don't want Rosen to lose to only family he has left. I can't even imagine what would happen if he lost his mom.

The doctors have told Rosen that if everything continues to go uphill, there's a chance Faith might be released from the hospital as well. That chance is pretty slim, though. If anything happened to Faith while she was out with us, I'm pretty sure Rosen would never forgive himself.

Knowing Rosen the only thing he wants is for Faith to get better. Since she has about a month and a half left according to the doctors, Rosen and me are hoping our Juilliard letters would arrive before she dies. Faith needs to know if we got into Juilliard or not.

Rosen and me decided to meet up for some coffee. We agreed that we'll go out tonight and then later we'll go and visit Faith if we have time. Although I saw Rosen like two days ago I'm already missing him like crazy. It's insane how he makes me feel. I've never felt like this about someone before and it's kind of frightening to think about the fact that I'm slowly falling in love with him. I don't even know how he feels about me and I'd rather not do anything stupid before I know that he has the same kind of feelings for me.

I know that he's attracted to me, he wouldn't spend so much time with me and kiss me all the time. But I don't know if he's falling in love with me as quickly as I'm falling in love with him. It is literally one of my biggest fears to get rejected. I'd rather not have my heart broken at such a young age. I'm sure that would scar me for life and I don't know what would happen after that.

Before heading out to coffee I made sure that I looked somewhat presentable. If Rosen is taking me out tonight as well, I might as well look decent just in case. Although I have no idea what we'll do before going out, it's still better to look nice.

I get dressed in a pair of light blue skinny jeans, a floral top and a pair of black ballet flats. I don't bother to put on makeup as I think I look pretty decent without makeup as well. After spritzing on a tiny bit of perfume I head downstairs to go meet Rosen.

Getting into my car I drive towards the cafe where we're supposed to meet. My hands are gripping the steering wheel tightly as I drive. I still haven't get over my fear of driving, but I've decided to make it a goal of mine to get over my fear before school ends. I'm just going to have to ask Rosen for help and I'm sure he'll be happy to help me.

When I arrive at the cafe I already see Rosen's car parked in the parking lot and he's sitting in his car. When he notices me, he gets out, while I park my car. When I get out as well, I'm shocked to see what Rosen's doing.

From his car he takes out a giant bouquet of white roses. Although I'm not really a girl who likes getting flowers, getting flowers from him still seems like a special moment. Plus white roses are beautiful so I don't have anything against receiving something so pretty from him.

"There's the birthday girl!" Rosen yells when he sees me. Giggling I walk over to him as he pulls me in for an embrace and places a kiss on my temple. "These are for you." He says as he hands me the flower.

"Thank you," I whisper to him. "These are really beautiful."

"Well I have to treat my girl like a princess on her birthday," he tells me as he locks his fingers with mine and we walk inside the cafe, me carrying the flowers. As we enter we find a vacant table and I sit down while Rosen heads to the counter to get us some coffee and a light snack.

As I wait for him I admire the flowers. They're so gorgeous it's insane. Rosen truly knows how to make a girl feel special on her birthday.

He returns about two minutes later, two cups of coffee in his hands. He places them down on the table and then fetches the two little muffins that are placed on the counter as well. When he sits down, he offers me a big smile.

"I hope you know that we're going out to dinner as well," he tells me. "And I have a little present for you as well. After that we're going to visit Faith since I know you two are such good friends."

"That sounds lovely," I tell him as I take a sip of my drink, the warm liquid running down my throat, warming my insides. With shaky hands I place the cup back down, careful not to spill anything onto the table.

When I take a bite of the muffin, it tastes like a dream. I don't think I've ever had a muffin as good as this one, every part of my mouth is just enjoying the taste.

"You're so adorable," Rosen suddenly tells me. "How the hell did I get so lucky that a girl like you is interested in someone like me?"

"Hey, you're the adorable one," I chuckle. "I'm the lucky one here."

Rosen shakes his head, clearly not agreeing with me. He trails his thumbs across the edge of the cup, staring at the liquid inside it. When he looks up at me again, his eyebrows are furrowed.

"You know what," he starts. "How about we just scratch the whole fancy dinner thing?" He suggests.

"What else do you have in mind?" I ask him, curious to know what he has planned.

"How about we go and dance, we'll order some delicious food and just talk. We both know that we aren't the type of people to enjoy a fancy dinner. Plus I'm sure dancing on your birthday would be amazing, I've been working on this great choreography that I think you're gonna like. I choreographed it for the two of us based on our dancing abilities so you better now let me down."

"That's totally okay with me," I tell him. "Now I know I don't have to wear stupid heels and die of pain during the night, and don't worry I won't let you do."


A wave of nostalgia hits me when we enter the dance studio. I haven't been here in such a long time and all I can think about is the stress that this place caused me when we were practicing for our Juilliard audition. Of course all of the stress will be worth it when we actually get in.

Considering Rosen is such an amazing choreographer I doubt we won't get in. And if they don't at least accept Rosen I'm going to have to book a flight to New York City immediately and talk to them because they'll miss out on great talent.

Rosen lent me a pair of his sweatpants and a shirt for our dance practice so thank God I don't have to dance in jeans. Knowing Rosen he has planned a lot of jumps and lifts all throughout the dance so I'm sure I would've ripped my jeans in half by the time we finish practice.

"This is choreographed to Clarity by Zedd. I've gone for a more contemporary routine as you know that's what I like the most."

"Will you ever teach me hip hop?" I ask Rosen as he walks to the music station to hook his phone up with the system. He looks at me and chuckles.

"I didn't know you're into hip hop. I know you danced ballet so I'm guessing you're more into contemporary routines."

"I danced jazz, ballroom and tap as well, so why aren't you making routines for those dances?" I ask him, giggling.

He rolls his eyes at me. "Alright, missy, next routine will be a hip hop one. But be prepared to be blown away by my hip hop skills. You won't even be able to keep up with me." He starts the song as he walks past me and grabs my hand in the process, leading me to the middle of the dance floor.

"This won't take too long I hope. I'm estimating like 6 hours so we should be done by seven and then we can go see Faith."

"How about we stop the chatting and actually start?" I suggest, making Rosen's cheeks turn slightly pink.

For the next six hours or so Rosen teaches me the entire choreography. He told me that it is easy but this is nowhere near easy. If I compare it to the routine we studied for our Juilliard audition then I have to say that this one is a lot harder and a lot more impressive. I don't even know why Rosen didn't pick this dance for our routine as I'm sure we'd be in by now if we danced this.

Just to make sure everything is perfect we go over the dance a final time, putting all of our energy into the dance. All of the jumps and lifts are planned out to perfection. It's insane how Rosen can just come up with stuff like this. I'm sure I'd have a mental breakdown if I had to choreograph a dance.

While we're dancing I can feel my heart beat in my chest. My smile grows with every step I make, the happiness filling my body at a high speed. I feel the dance floor underneath the bare feet and the power radiating off of the two of us. When we're done, Rosen and I just stare at each other, both of us panting like crazy. 

"So I got you a little something," Rosen says as he pushes himself up from the floor and heads to his belongings. "It's not much once again but I really like it so I hope you like it as well." From his bag he takes out a small jewelry box and walks back to me, handing the box to me.

As carefully as I can I unwrap the present and open the box. I gasp when I see what's inside. Placed in the middle of the box is a small silver ring. On top of the ring, there's a little infinity symbol with crystal going around the band of the ring.

"It's beautiful," I whisper to him.

"It's a promise ring," Rosen tells me. "I got myself the same one except without the crystals." He says and that's when I notice a small silver band on his left ring finger as well. It is exactly the same as mine but like he said, it doesn't have crystals on it.

"Why did you get me a promise ring?" I ask him as he puts the ring on my finger.

He slightly blushes when I ask him that. It's honestly breathtaking how he reacts to everything like that. "I got it as a promise. With this ring I promise to be by your side for as long as I possibly can. I promise that I'll be forever faithful to you, I promise that I'll cherish you for the rest of my life."

"You're so god damn adorable," I tell him as I pull him closer to me and lock our lips together. Rosen smiles against my lips as his hands go behind my back and he pulls me closer to his body.

"Jag tror jag älskar dig," Rosen suddenly whispers, making me frown at the foreign language. I didn't even know that Rosen could speak a different language yet here he is, clearly speaking another language.

"What did you just say?" I ask and he chuckles.

"That's for me to know and for you to figure out." He says as he kisses the top of my nose.

Sighing, I roll my eyes. The two of us get up from the floor and we start getting ready to go see Faith. We finished practicing the dance as I'm familiar with the choreography now so the last thing we have to do today is to visit Faith.

"Oh, one other thing," Rosen casually says as we're packing all of our things.

"Yeah, what is it?" I ask.

"Do you wanna be my girlfriend?" Rosen asks.

Although it sounds so casual, it sends my heart racing like crazy. 

Where you can contact me:

Twitter • aulhoei

Instagram • aulhoei

Email • pretenceonwattpad@gmail.com

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