
By BayRenmen

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For Lena the one person keeping her from happiness and love is her fiance, Mason. For Stef, the one person ho... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 13

1.3K 50 10
By BayRenmen

Chapter 13

"Wow! This is your house?" Mariana asked as she hopped out of Stef's car still tightly holding her doll from Lena as Stef came around with the bags. "Yes, it is ours now. You, me, and Mama".

Stef began to lead her to the door but when she looked back Mariana was still just looking around the yard in the house. "I've never been in a house this large that wasn't a group home. I still can't believe that this is real life".

Stef sat the bags down by the door and went over to the little girl. "Well believe it Miss Thang". Stef knelt down to her level, "If we are being honest. I can't believe it either. It has been a very hard and sad couple of weeks without your smiling face, my love. In fact, I know of one person in particular who has taken it pretty rough. I think that you might know her. Tall, pretty, really cool curly hair." A smile grew on both of their faces as Mariana ran inside of the house.

"Mama! Mama!" Mariana ran through the entire downstairs happy as can be. But instead of bumping into Lena she ran into Dana and Sharon. She gave her Gram a big hug as Sharon introduced herself as her grandmother. After being told that Lena was upstairs, Mariana ran right up stairs with the other three women right behind her. "Mama, I'm home!" Mariana saw the light on in one of the rooms and ran right to it. The little girl became so overwhelmed with emotion as she looked at what she could tell was her room. There were pink walls, beautiful dolls, and it felt like a room fit for a princess. Then right there in her bed was Lena fast asleep.

"Awe, she wanted to come up here to make sure everything was perfect for you", Sharon explained. "She must have fallen asleep from all of the excitement" Dana chimed in. "Go ahead honey, do you want to wake her up?" Mariana smiled and kissed Lena's cheek. "No it's ok. I will see her in the morning."

After that Sharon and Dana decided to leave and let the girls get comfortable with each other, even though Stef tried to convince them to stay in one of the extra rooms.

So now it was just Mariana and Stef left there to bond. After realizing that Mariana was probably starving Stef heated up tons of the left over spaghetti that Lena made the other night. Stef wasn't much of the cook so she was extremely thankful that she had someone who was. But when they both were still hungry after polishing off the spaghetti, Stef decided that ice cream and cookies would suffice; and Mariana definitely was not going to protest.

As the night went on they found themselves watching princess movies, snuggled up on the couch. The movie "Tangled" was just about over when Stef noticed the solemn expression on her face. "What's wrong Miss Thang? You didn't like the movie?" Mariana wiped a small tear that fell and leaned into Stef even closer. "What's wrong sweetheart?" Stef asked worried lifting her up across her lap. "It's just, she's like me. She didn't have a family or anyone to love her. She was all alone. She had to take care and protect herself. Every time she thought something good was happening, something ruined it". Tears continued to fall as Stef rocked her. "No one ever loved me after my mom died until I found Lena. Lena feels like home; you and Lena are my home. I don't want anyone to try to ruin that again. How do I know that they won't take me away and bring me somewhere even worse".

"My girl. I am so sorry you had to go through that. I wish Lena and I were there in your life much sooner. But I promise you that as long as we are here, no one is going to take you away from as again. You are our daughter now. We will always love and protect you. Ok? Always".

After that the two got ready for bed. They decided to let Lena sleep and instead Mariana was more than willing to take her place in her and Stef's bed.


The next morning Lena woke up in a fog. She was slightly confused about her surroundings but quickly realized where she was as she began to full wake up. Looking around she didn't see Mariana and she began to believe that last night was all a dream and her heart sunk. Knowing that she didn't have anymore sick days to use at work, she made her way into her bedroom to get ready. She saw a figure tucked away under the blankets, and still half asleep she assumed that is was Stef.

"Stef, honey why didn't you wake me up last night. I would've slept in here with you". But she almost jumped out of her skin when Stef came from behind her in her uniform fixing her hair. "It's ok. I had company", she said before kissing her cheek.

Lena's eyes grew as she turned back to the bed. Slowly walking around to the other side she felt the tears welling up as her heart and mind were fully aware that last night definitely was not a dream. She pulled down the blankets and revealed the little girl smiling wide, awake this whole time staring back at Lena. "Hi Mama". Lena bear hugged her as she pulled her out of bed and spun her around. Tears freely falling as she couldn't believe the miracle that has taken place.

The rest of the morning went by quickly. Stef had to leave a bit earlier than the other two, in order to get down to the station and catch up with what was happening with Mike. While Mariana was deciding what to wear out of her brand new wardrobe Lena was downstairs making her favorite breakfast foods.

The whole ride to school they blasted all of the greatest songs on the the radio and sung loud. They walked in, hand in hand happier than ever, ready to begin their day.


Stef and Mike were patrolling their usual route around town. Stef was still so stunned about Mike's revelation. "I'm sorry Stef. But I couldn't say anything before. Especially once you and Lena began to date".

"What does Lena have to do with this?"

"Well they were together. The feds couldn't tell if she was involved with any of his dealings. That's why I freaked out about you two at first. But when that whole incident with him roughing her up happened we kind of figured that she wasn't involved. That and she actually let them in to wire the house".

Stef's eyes bugged out. "She knew about this?!"

"No, no. She didn't really. She just knew that he was in trouble for something and was completely willing to help them catch him. But she still doesn't know the whole extent of the situation".

"So what is the extent of the situation?" Stef asked as they pulled over at a burger stand, getting out of the car.

Stef sighed as she realized that he was remaining quiet, thinking that he just wasn't going to tell her. But he was more so waiting to be out of earshot.

"Hi. Can I have a cheddar bacon burger and a vanilla milkshake".

"Sure, no problem. And for you?" the young girl said looking to Stef.

Stef looked up and was suddenly concerned at seeing the young girl there. She looked no older than 16 and had a bruise on her cheek. "Uh, I'll just have some fries and a water. Hey how old are you? You seem like you should be in school right now." The girl turned to her with her rehearsed line and said, "I've heard that a lot actually. I'm 18. I graduated from McKinnley last May". But Stef didn't buy it. "Your food will be right out". Looking to her name tag and making a mental note, Stef just replied, "Ok, thank you Callie".

Taking a seat at one of the outside tables. Stef put the girl to the back of her mind temporarily. "Ok so speak".

Mike sighed as he began, "Alright, but you can't say anything to anyone. Especially Lena; at least for now". Stef just nodded her head waiting for him to start.

"So we all know that Hazelwood has done some messed up things in the past and gotten away with it. But he really screwed up about a year ago when he went to that convention out in Ferguson, Missouri. He shot an unarmed black teenage boy. This asshole had his body out there for hours just laying in the street because apparently him and some of his buddies were too drunk to function properly. He has so many connections that he had people "cover it up", even planted a fake weapon on the kid. But someone screwed up somehow. They caught some of the people involved in the cover up and a couple of the guys that were out there with him. But he is so good they can't pin it on him even though they know for a fact it was him. So they have me on the inside they need to get him for something just to bring him to trial and get him. We thought that the incident with Lena would do it but she didn't press charges. Plus he more than likely wouldn't have done much time for that. But this thing with Mariana and Justina could possibly be it. You know for child endangerment. With the report from last night, the foster woman in custody, maybe they could get something. But this thing has been going on for a year Stef. And they still haven't pinned him. He even tried to force me to spy on Lena and report to him. Luckily the feds give me fake reports to give and could protect me from his threats against Anna. But you have to keep a close eye on your family Stef. Especially when he realizes that Lena is with you".


So far Lena had been having a great day. She had her daughter back. Her classes have been going smoothly. She felt happier than she ever had. But right before her lunch block she received an email from the principal to meet with her.

Right before running out she ran into Mariana, but she tried to tell her that they could not eat together today. "Now that I'm you're my daughter I can't eat with you?" Mariana asked warily. "No my sweet girl. That is not the case. You are always welcomed to eat in here with me. But remember now we have breakfast and dinner to always spend with each other. We have our whole lives to share our special time together. But go make new friends, have fun being a kid. Everyone should be able to have someone like you in their life, not just me".

"Ok Mama". Mariana smiled before Lena kissed the top of her head and sent her on her way.

Once in principal Monte's office, Lena didn't know what to expect. But the words that came out of her mouth were not ones that she expected.

"Lena, the kids here love you. They can connect to you and feel comfortable going to you with their issues. Sanchez is leaving retiring soon and the vice principal spot is opening up. I want you to apply for it. I think it would be a perfect match for you".  

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