Magi: Lost in Time

By AthanasiaKashimashi

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Previously known as Magi: Cinderella's Spell Escapade 1: The Adventures of Sinbad Yrif Kingdom was a prospero... More

Prologue - They Met
Escapade 1
Scroll 1: Tison Village
Scroll 2: Napolia, Reim
Scroll 3: Truth, Stars
Scroll 4: Sinbad and Thais
Scroll 5: Sasan and Artemyra
Scroll 6: Pervert and Her Conviction
Scroll 7: Impending Doom
Scroll 9: Epiphany
Scroll 10: Strange
Scroll 11: Heliophat
Scroll 12: Unnerved
Scroll 13: Resolution
Scroll 14: Showdown
Scroll 15: Toran and Judal
Scroll 16: Parthevia
Scroll 17: Shadows Within
Scroll 18: Selendine's Will
Scroll 19: Captive
Scroll 20: Dirtied
Scroll 21: Farewell
Escapade 2
Scroll 1: Alibaba
Scroll 2: Niel
Scroll 3: Gamori
Scroll 4: In the Meantime
Scroll 5: Marbas
Scroll 6: Kouen and Thais
Scroll 7: Balbadd
Scroll 8: She
Scroll 9: End
Scroll 10: Arjwani
Scroll 11: Peril in Paradise
Scroll 12: Progress
Scroll 13: Explanation
Scroll 14: Light in the Darkness
Scroll 15: Precious
Scroll 16: Towards Sindria
Scroll 17: Darkness
Scroll 18: Pain
Scroll 19: Real
Scroll 20: In order
Escapade 3
Scroll 1: Battle of Destiny
Scroll 2: Magic Academy
Scroll 3: Reim
Scroll 4: Morgiana and Kaein
Scroll 5: Luna and Al-Thamen
Scroll 6: In Between
Scroll 7: Sky
Scroll 8: Countdown
Scroll 9: Resound
Scroll 10: Reim versus Magnostadt
Scroll 11: She Comes
Scroll 12: Vessels
Scroll 13: Warriors
Scroll 14: He comes
Scroll 15: Wish
Scroll 16: Invitation and Feud
Scroll 17: Play Your Cards Right
Scroll 18: Signs and Past
Scroll 19: Solomon and Demeus
Scroll 20: Broken Time
Scroll 21: Broken Mirror
Scroll 22: Future that Awaits Us
Scroll 23: Comfort
Scroll 24: Internal
Scroll 25: Hope
Scroll 26: Akil
Escapade 4
Scroll 1: According to Plan
Scroll 2: Sun and Rain
Scroll 3: New Light
Scroll 4: Responsibility
Scroll 5: Irony
Scroll 6: Tower of Feelings
Scroll 7: Ray
Scroll 8: Forgiven
Scroll 9: Rose Garden
Scroll 10: Losing It
Scroll 11: Dungeons and Akil
Scroll 12: Solution
Scroll 13: That Hope
Scroll 14: Shards
Scroll 15: Wishes
Character Profile
Bonus Scroll: Maharagan

Scroll 8: Sinbad's Mistake

1K 26 0
By AthanasiaKashimashi

"I spoke with the Mariadel Company. As of today, all the Sindrian Company's debts are being taken care of." Sinbad announced to his workers. Thais glanced at him worriedly. His underlings cheered at Sinbad's work while Vittel cried in happiness at the good news.

"Looks like everyone's energy is back. They really didn't want to lose Sindria Company. It's like our home." Hinahoho voiced out. Thais let out a sigh. Sinbad noticed her troubled face.

"Is there something wrong, Thais?"

"N-Nothing. Is that Ja'far? And what's with the huge bag?" They turned to see the white haired trader holding down a heavy backpack behind him. He dropped it down and told Sinbad that he was going with him. It startled him but he asked what Ja'far would do about his work.

"I'll ask Thais to pitch in for me."

"What!? I haven't heard any of this!" Thais exclaimed.

"That's because I'm going ask you now. Please help us, Thais." She sweatdropped but nodded nonetheless. It was the least she could do.

"Fine but I want you two to be careful out there, got it?" He cheered at that while Hinahoho just patted her shoulder in sympathy. Ja'far turned to Sinbad and grinned at him.

"There you have it. This whole incident happened because I wasn't paying close attention to what the others are saying. You entered the enemy territory alone and accepted a ridiculous request. Just what do you think you're going to do if it's a trap!? You're such an egoistical jerk. Think about how the others feel around you!" He scolded Sinbad. Thais smiled softly at the two. Ja'far really cared for him. Sinbad, on the other hand, smiled at his concern. He was happy with the change invoked on the white haired kid.

"Thanks, Ja'far."

At the end of their argument, Ja'far and Sinbad would be going together to meet Madaura's condition. Just then, they heard another familiar voice behind them.

"Hmph. You have the devil's luck as always, Sinbad." They turned around to see Princess Selendine. She looked clean and proper now unlike when they first arrived. Thais greeted her and she returned it with a smile. Her smile turned to a scowl when she met Sinbad's face.

"To be kidnapped by a business rival, moreover a female trader, isn't that like you and your company? With that lewd look on your face, she must have seduced you too. How deplorable, where is the humility of the company in that?" She asked. Thais laughed nervously at her accusation. She made it sound like he will be going there to have some fun with her.

"I don't think that's really what Sinbad wants, Selen." Thais tried to help him. However, the princess did not listen to her. Suddenly, Sinbad walked towards her and put a hand beside her head. She was now trapped behind a wall and his body.

"Young lady... You... Are you jealous? How nice. Even though you say you hate me, you still let me see that cute side of you?" Sinbad teased. Selendine blushed at their intimate position and that caused pain in Thais' chest.

'W-What is wrong with me?' Unconsciously, she clutched her skirt tightly. Unknown to her, Ja'far noticed it. Sinbad picked up a leaf on her hair and and smiled at her.

"There's a leaf on your hair. Hmm? I wonder how long you've been waiting for me. I'm happy that you're worried but don't let yourself catch a cold. Don't worry, we'll meet again. After all, I've got you, the Victory Goddess on my side." He walked away which made Selendine flush in embarrassment.

The pain in Thais' chest increased as she heard every word that escaped his lips. She did not know why and it confused her to no end. She glanced at Selen who had a vulnerable look on her face.

"J-Ja'far! I need to talk to you about your work!" Thais said as she called it to the white haired kid. Her heart ached and she wanted it to disappear. She thought that maybe with distracting herself, it would just go away. Sinbad was about to talk to her when she dashed off with Ja'far.


Ja'far's Room
Thais' POV

We made it to Ja'far's room and to tell you the truth, I was too distracted to even understand what he was saying.

"Are you listening to me, Miss Thais?"

"I-I'm sorry. I just really have a lot on my mind." I admitted. Ja'far sighed and took a notebook in his bag.

"This is nothing special but you could write down here whatever bothers you. This is a good way to relieve stress." He smiled. I shied away from his eyes and nodded.

"You know, Sinbad is really like that. He likes to tease woman." He voiced out.

"Huh? What's with the sudden explanation. There's nothing—" I tried to defend.

"I saw your pained look when you glanced at Sin earlier. You may have not noticed it yet but I'm not as slow when it comes to it. You should think about it while we're gone, Miss Thais." He said. I bit my lip and nodded. I was readable like an open book.

"Thank you, Ja'far. I'll be sure to do your job with everything I can. Although I want to tell you about the king." I muttered the last part to myself.

"Hmm? Who?"

"Nothing. You should get going! The next boat is coming in 30 minutes. Oh! Please give this to Sinbad. This is an elixir developed in Yrif and I've earned it during our trades! Isn't it amazing!?" I grinned. Ja'far sweatdropped but accepted the vial nonetheless. He left the room and I dropped down his chair tiredly.

'I'm still unsure about what Ja'far is talking about.' I thought. Sighing, I took out a bunch of papers and signed them. There were a number of papers from Sasan and Artemyra already. I read all of them and they were requesting us to enlist our prices on the products. As far as I could remember, Ja'far left me a scroll, listing down their products so I searched it up and wrote them down. I noticed a velvet scroll with a familiar emblem.

"No way. He planned it all! Damn you!" I smirked. In my right hand was a scroll from Yrif and he wanted to meet up with Sinbad officially. This will be interesting for sure. I finished up all the request papers and I moved on to budgeting the money this company has left.

"Let's see. This should be about 3500 gold altogether. If I request Imuchakk for more cloths, then maybe we can raise their money. Wait, what is this? They're having some trouble with marketing food. Preservatives are needed. Maybe I can call for Leon on this one." I ended up working until night time. Vittel and the others asked me to rest for a while but my body seemed to go on like when I was still in Yrif.

"You should rest, Thais." Hinahoho said. I grinned at him and just told him that I was used to this kind of work. He was about to protest when I lunged a knife beside him.

"Please go and help the others. I don't want to be disturbed at the moment." He froze in his place and I felt guilty but like I said, I hate being disturbed when I was concentrating on my work.

"G-Got it." He squeaked.

Three Days Later
Ris Venus Island

It had been three days ever since they sailed. Sinbad and Ja'far finally reached Madaura's island.

"Amazing! I-Is this Mariadel Company?" Ja'far awed. Sinbad glanced around excited at the sight of the place. There were people bustling around with their products while there were people roaming around, checking out products sold by the said company.

Currently, they were in Ris Venus Island. It was one of the main locations of trade owned by Mariadel Company. It was built to show appreciation to merchants from various places; it became a place where they can privately enjoy popular attractions like casinos and the arena. It served as center of commerce where tourists come and go freely.

"Even though it is referred to as single facility, it's really as large as a town. That shows just how much political power and resources they hold. Hm?" Ja'far looked beside him and saw that Sinbad was gone. He turned to a casino shop and saw the purple haired mumbling.

"I've got them all!" He exclaimed. It earned a tick mark on Ja'far's head some white haired kid quickly ushered him away.

"What the hell do you think you're doing, Sin!? Just when Miss Thais entrusted you to me!" Sinbad was about to struggle but when he heard Thais' name, he stopped.

"She did?"

"You're such a stupid man." Ja'far sighed. It was not evident to the former assassin but there was a blush marring Sinbad's face. He shook it off before buying some food on one of the stalls around.

"Want one?"

"Sure but please don't forget that this is a special district. Although it's a territory of Reim, it doesn't follow its rules. This district is self-governed with its own unique laws. Whatever happens here, it will difficult for outsiders to interfere. Please exercise caution." He reminded him. Sinbad just looked away before spotting another food stall.

"I want to eat that next, Ja'far!"

After an hour of sight-seeing, they finally went to the arena. Ja'far would not be able to go with him because it was only for gladiators. Although that did not stop him from warning the reckless purple head. Sinbad just grinned at him and assured the poor boy.

"I'll see ya later! I bet Thais will be overjoyed with my win." He boasted. Ja'far sighed before picking up his pace towards the audiences' place. It was jam-packed with a people cheering on the gladiators. Soon enough, it was Sinbad's time to fight. He was radiating off a confident aura.

'So this is the arena. It feels so intimidating but the audience are exhilarating.' He thought to himself. He was dressed into a golden armor and gladiator sandals. All that he had with him was a normal sword from the barricades.

'It feels like a dungeon but the only difference is that this is a one-on-one match. To be honest, fighting a one-on-one battle after a very long time felt exhilarating but no matter who my enemy is, I will win.' He thought confidently. The doors in front of him opened and it revealed a child no older than 9. Sinbad's eyes widened at the sight.

"You're joking right!? No matter how big of a spectacle this is, I can't fight a—" He was cut off by a slash of sword. Luckily, he was able to dodge it in the nick of time. The redhead in front of him held a humongous sword like it was nothing. His red eyes were dull but his moves were agile. The kid raised his sword once more and attacked Sinbad. The purple head dodged them all but soon, his stamina ran out so he needed to finish the fight immediately.

"So this is a match with a dungeon conqueror. It sure is different!" A man exclaimed from the audience.

"Go, Sinbad!" Some cheered. Ja'far clenched his fist tighter but he needed to believe in his friend. Sinbad held the sword tighter. Madaura glanced at the arena and ordered the kid to finish the fight. He merely followed suit. Sinbad was about to bring down his sword when a punch knocked him out. It broke his ribs which made him cough out blood.

'Damnit. I failed to predict this.' Those were his last thoughts before collapsing down. In the end, it was the redhead, who was introduced as Masrur, who won.

"Sinbad had lost consciousness which means that the winner is Gladiator Masrur!" The people were agitated with how the fight ended. It was quick and not exciting for them. Ja'far clicked his tongue in anger and took out his household vessel. He went to Madaura and begged her to let him go; however, she just laughed.

"I knew that there was something suspicious about you!" He accused. Madaura smirked down at him.

"Whatever do you mean, little boy? Oh, wait. You're a friend of Sinbad, right? Let me tell you this. You saw how the fight went didn't you? It was a fair fight. I may have chosen a special gladiator but what about him? He is a dungeon conqueror. If you're that demanding, how about you ask him yourself? Bring him here!" The soldiers brought down a battered Sinbad. All that he was wearing was a tampered cloth around his waist. Not only that, he was chained.

"Sin!" Ja'far called out.

"I still have a contract to fulfill now don't I? Tell him, Sinbad." She ordered.

"S-Stop it, Ja'far. It's just as she said. I lost in a fair fight." He admitted. Ja'far was pained to see the vulnerable look on his face. Madaura smirked at his defeat before ushering Ja'far home. He did not want to go but Sinbad's eyes warned him.

"Alright. Farewell." He walked out of the place before giving his friend one last glance.

'Just wait for our return, Sin. I'll find a way to take you back. Until then, please stay safe.' He thought.

Sinbad and Madaura's children were now sent back to their home. It did not look like a regular home but more like a church.

"Lady Maader!" The children called out to her. They hugged the creepy woman as she smiled at them softly. Sinbad raised a brow at their attitude. One of her slaves explained to Sinbad that all of the slaves she held were children from war, orphanage and scoundrels. She told him that they were granted home which made Sinbad smile. He approached her and held her hands.

"Lady Maader, you put all your thoughts in taking all of these kids. You truly are noble, kind and a beautiful person." Just when he thought she was charmed, Madaura stood up and glowered at him.

"Silence. Such insolence! How dare you talk to me like that, you lowly slave!? You are not my child yet so you better shut your mouth. You need to be punished." Madaura threatened him. Sinbad let out a heavy sigh. He accepted the punishment and when he thought that it was not that bad to be punished, he was wrong.

"What is this room?" He was put inside a clumped room where the only source of light was the barred space above. Below him was water. He did not mind the place until the temperature dropped down. The ambience changed into a haunting one. Sinbad's body turned rigid and all he could think was how cold it was.

"I've reflected enough! Please let me out! I can't stand the cold!" He shouted in despair. There was no response. He shouted once more but all he got was deafening silence. Sinbad needed to find a way to keep himself from freezing. He stood on his hands and smirked. He stood like that for over 30 minutes but it was no use. He clutched his fist together and heat them up. The cold caressed his body like torturous spikes.

'I can't stop my hands from shaking. No matter what I try, my temperature continues to drop down. I feel like I'm submerged in a lake up a snowy mountain. How many hours have I been here? No one... No one is coming to save me. I'm cold... it's too cold!' Sinbad thought. His body gone cold, all his thoughts scattered around like swarming bees. Soon, he dropped down the cold floor. The water covered his body as his eyes slowly dulled. He realized that no matter what he do, there will be no one to save him.

'No Ja'far, Hinahoho, nor Thais. I'm all alone. It's so cold. I can't feel my body. Am I dying?' He closed his eyes. About a day later, the door was finally opened. Madaura watched her prisoner's unconscious body convulsed. She ordered her child to bring the poor boy some fur.

"You poor thing. You're shivering too much. You must have felt helpless in there haven't you? But it's fine now, you're safe here." She comforted the lost one. Sinbad leaned on her for warmth. He thanked her but a loud clang resounded around the room. Sinbad stared at the woman in fear.

"Appreciate? Is that what a child would say after being held in a mother's arms? That's no good, Sinbad. You're not yet one of my 'children'. More punishment! Take him away." Madaura ordered. Sinbad shook in fear as he begged her not to be locked up in that place. She grinned at him maniacally.

"Until you fully accept me, your punishment will never end." Sinbad cried out in despair as he was taken back to that wretched room. His collar was chained and all he could do was scream.

"Please don't let me go back to that room!!"

Sindria Company
Thais' POV

"What do you mean Sinbad was taken!? Tell me, Ja'far!" I demanded at the lamenting boy. I warned them and yet this happened. Stupid Sinbad!

"He was defeated in the arena. So as the contract stated, he will become a slave to Mariadel Company." He admitted. Desperate murmurs echoed around the room as his workers feared for what will happen to their company.

"I'm going to bring him back. Sin entrusted everything to me. No matter what it takes, I will find a way to free him." Ja'far exclaimed. I bit my lip in frustration. This company was in danger without Miss Rurumu. I was about to speak when I noticed a familiar figure before us.

"Miss Rurumu!"

"Ja'far! Everyone! Please stop arguing."  Everyone stopped yelling and glanced at Miss Rurumu in surprise. Ja'far asked why she was here instead of being back in Imuchakk. She simply smiled and reminded him of what should be done in case of such trouble.

"When you panic, it's impossible for others to go about their business as usual. If you don't understand, then you are not capable of being Sinbad's right-hand man. You understand what I mean, don't you?" Rurumu asked. My eyes widened at the way she calmed Ja'far.

"Wow. The little pipsqueak did grow!" I looked behind her to see Pipirika.

"If it isn't Pipirika! Hi!" I waved at her. Hinahoho was surprised to see his wife and sister. Just then, Pipirika showed two babies. I grinned at the two while Hinahoho teared up at the sight of his children.

"You have two healthy young daughters!" They smiled. Once the reunion was over, Miss Rurumu listened to what happened to Sinbad. She let out a soft sigh before asking everybody to work hard.

"We can't change what has happened but, the responsibility also falls on me after I left everything on you alone. Let's devote all our energy in devising a plan to save Lord Sinbad. We must work together. Ja'far, did Sinbad say anything to you?" Miss Rurumu asked. He shook his head no but he told us that Sinbad's eyes were full of trust.

'He's really reckless and a foolish human.' Ose mused. I could not help but do the same. I guess I have to do what I can now. I stepped out of the building and called for that person.

"Hey. You're going to visit Reim this week right? Mind if you go and help out here in Sindria Company?" I asked.

"What are you yapping about? You're in some kind of pinch?"

"Yeah. There stupid boss got into some wild trouble of becoming a slave. Come by and help me out here." I replied. A sigh can be heard from the other end of the line.

"Sigh. I hate you sometimes but I did promise a visit so why not? I'll be there tomorrow. Hopefully you're ready because after I help you out, as the princess, you have a lot of paper works to do." I groaned at the mention of paperworks. Dropping down the call, I walked back to see Selendine crying. Her cheeks were a little red and I was sure that Miss Rurumu talked some sense out of her.

"Selen? Will you help me negotiate with three of their clients? You can come with us too, Drakon, Sahel, and Tamara." They nodded and I led them to our clients for negotiation. Before leaving, I told Miss Rurumu that a special guest will be visiting us.

"I see."

'Sigh. It will be another ruckus I'm sure.' Ronove sighed.


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