Alec and Jess Together Forever

By HaleyK_28

13 0 6

This is the story of two lovebirds that were living their lives to the fullest. It was as if they were living... More

Love at first sight

The blind date

7 0 6
By HaleyK_28

Jess rolled out of bed and reached over to answer her phone. "Hello?" She said. Her voice was raspy and quiet since she had just woken up. There was no reply on the other end of the phone so she removed the phone from its place beside her ear and looked at the bright white screen. It had been her best friend Grace that had texted her. She cleared the text message and placed it back on her night stand. She shifted back into her soft, warm mattress and bundled up in her fluffy, cotton sheets. She closed her eyes at attempts to fall back asleep. Just as she was on the verge of drifting back into the oh so, comfortable land of sleep, her phone buzzes. She then sighs and turns on her bedside lamp after realization that she will not have a peaceful rest. The lamp light immediately illuminates her dark bedroom and her phone buzzes once again. When she picks up her phone, her screen is filled with notifications indicating Grace is either:
1.Freaking out about something
3.Going on a date
4.Found a date for Jess
Jess and Grace had been friends since they were born. They're the friend that are just soulmates and had been together through their childhood. Jess opened her message inbox that lets just say, the term blowing up would be an understatement. Grace had been going on about her new neighbour, Alec. Apparently he was tall and handsome and kind. Sounds like a winner but Jess had never met him. Grace had been sending her texts saying "ITS A DATE!!!!!" Or "HE AGREED!!!! AHHHH MY SISTERS GOING ON A DATE!!!!!". Jess was guessing that she meant that Alec was her to be date. Grace had always been obsessed with shipping people but Jess above all. There was a guy in grade 7 names Venice and our ship name was Vess. Grace had set us up on a date where we talked but had no interest in one another. We had nothing in common other than our brothers being friends. Speaking of which, I have an older brother named Lucas. He's only a year and a half older so we're really close. Anyway back to what I was saying, Grace had been obsessed with shipping me for the longest time and now she set me up for a date tomorrow. I scrolled through the growing texts and when I found my way to the bottom, I said "I love you so so much❤❤❤ for this but I don't know if i want to be committed to someone right now." The text was not entirely true. If I'm completely honest, I don't want to go because then I have to wash my hair and having hair my length, washing my hair is hectic. A few moments later and Grace replied saying "FaceTime. Now. And ilysmt.😘😘😘".
With that, I pressed the home button on my iPhone 5se and clicked the green and white FaceTime icon. I pressed the contact that said RED (J-I-M)❤😘❤. When we were in grade 7, we had this inside joke where I used to call her red (pronounced j-I-m) it was ironic and strange just like us. The name still stands up until today. The familiar ringtone of my phone rang but not for long as she answered very quickly.

Heyyyy!!! Hope you enjoyed the second chapter!!! Let me know your thoughts and make sure to check out the next chapter!!!
Psssttttt the next chapter is planned to be published by Monday!!!!!❤❤❤❤❤

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