On His Radar

By Bunny_Cloyd

60.4K 3K 380

She didn't belong in my world. I wished I could tell her I was the good guy. That I was her knight in shining... More

Author's Note


1.3K 88 6
By Bunny_Cloyd


For the next couple of days things we're running smoothly, for Reko.

Reko and I had returned and we're welcomed home with open arms or so it seemed. The circuit was celebrating but I wasn't in the celebrating mood.

I had been feeling so terrible lately, everything was wrong. I suspected I had came down with some virus or bug going around. From being unable to smell, eat, or so much at look at food without throwing up to being unable to control my emotions. I was a wreak but I tried to hide it from Reko. Even so, he'd started leaving me soothies to replace meals I couldn't eat or keep down. I didn't want him to keep worrying about me when we had much bigger problems.

Since I'd almost passed out he'd been watching me like a hawk and not focussing on what was important, like the traitor.

I wasn't stupid to think we were safe here. No, somebody here was the reason it was a hit on our heads. Somebody had betrayed Reko.
10 royal families in the circuit and the traitor could be anyone amongst them.

I wanted to protect Reko but I couldn't protect him sick as I was. I needed to be alert and able to kick ass. I knew I couldn't go to any of the doctors on the circuit because they would tell Reko reguardless of how I felt so I had to be sneaky.

"Hello, Nurse Mia speaking..."

"Mia, this is Ebony, the girl who-"

"Saved my life! Hello! How are you?! How can I help you?!"

"I haven't been so well lately, I've been having heat flashes, throwing up. I think it's a virus but I'm not certain. I know this is short notice but I was wondering if you could see me."

"Yes I could pull you into a room at the clinic."

"I can't check into a hospital or clinic, it'll be better if you came to me. Would you be able to come to the Reservation?"

"Yes that's fine. Around what time?"

"Now is fine, just don't tell my boyfriend this is a nurse visit."

"Will do, be there in 3o mins."

"Thank you Mia, see you."

I hung up feeling 10 times better now that Mia was coming.

I quickly informed Reko that I was having an visitor come by and he approved it and now I waited.


Ebony was pregnant.

Everyone knew by this point thanks to Martha, everyone but Ebony.

I wasn't going to tell her but I was going to extreme measures to prepare for the arrival of my child.

I hadn't been Mafia King long enough to rule through fear so I had tried earning their loyalty gradually, now I no longer had to. Someone had once again betrayed me and I had to find that person immediately. I was resorting to extreme measures find who'd betrayed me.

I wasn't sparing a soul with the chance of Ebony and my unborn's child on the line. I had spared the rod once or twice but now I couldn't afford to.

I had given the traitor(s) an unresistable opportunity to wipe my entire family out by throwing this celebration, everyone here knew the risks and we'd decided to risk it anyway. Time was everything at this point.

"Sir, Ebony's guest Mia has arrived." One of my men informed me.

"Send her in."

Mia entered looking surprised to see me.

"Hello Mr. Carter, you wanted to see me?"

"You nay call me Reko. Yes. I know my fiancee contacted you earlier concerning her health."

Mia looked a little uneasy.

"Erm.. " Mia didn't let my status intimidate her into disregarding Ebony's confidentiality and I respected her for it.

"I know you wish to protect her confidentiality so I'll cut straight to the point of our meeting. She's about two to three months pregnant and I'm throwing a celebration today to surprise her that you're welcome to attend."

"Wow... A baby. She has no idea, she thinks its a virus."

"And I'd like you to continue letting her think so. Here is her medicine for morning sickness and her prenatal vitamin. Make sure she takes them because she didn't drink her soothie that had her medicine in there this morning."

"Alrighty. Congratulations Mr. Reko!!"

"Thank you. Let me take you to Ebony."

I led her to the outside patio where Ebony was and kissed Ebony, leaving them alone after. It was almost time.


I quickly stood to greet Mia and had a headrush. I stumbled clumsily almost falling over but Reko caught me, steading me.

"Wind is pretty strong out here, be careful or it might try to blow you away from me." Reko said before kissing my cheek and leaving us to our girl talk.

"Hey, sorry about that..." I said a little embarrassed.

"No prob girl." She said taking my hand and holding it."How are you feeling?"

"Sick as hell, we're celebrating our homecoming and the smell of the food is so strong I couldn't stay in the house any longer and I'm feeling a little weak."

"Sounds just like a virus. I have something just for you." Mia said, pulling out two pills for me to take. "Its fast acting and will take away the symptoms you're experiencing." 

"Thanks girl." I said quickly popping the pills and drinking water to chase it down. "How long will it last?"

"Couple of weeks... if you take your medication I'm going to prescribe you, eat your meals or shakes, and drink lots of water."

"Ugh food. Will do. I really appreciate this."

"Girl don't mention it. I'm glad I could've been of some assistance to you."

Reko came out onto the balcony above the patio. "The party's about to start, babygirl."

"Would you like to stay and celebrate with us?"

Mia smiled and nodded. "Wouldn't miss it." Her response was so ecstatic that I wondered if she was invited to parties often. I mean being a nurse was demanding.

I led Mia inside to our ballroom.

Everyone inside already knew she was my special guest and would keep an eye out for her just in case.

"Girrrlll who is that?" I noticed that her and Antonio had locked eyes from far across the room and he was making his way to her.

"That's Antonio, Reko's brother. Yep he interested, very interested in you and he is single, you better run." I joked. "Do you want me tp shoo him away?" I said before he made his way over, plucking a glass of wine off the wine tray. She quickly shook her head.

"Hello gorgeous." He said, never taking his eyes off her.

Reko had perfect timing, wrapping me into his arms and slowly leading me away. I looked back at Mia and she discreetly threw me a thumbs up.

"Hello beautiful, mind if I steal you away?"

I couldn't help blushing as we walked to stand at the door. We welcomed the families that had come to celebrate our return. Seemed like my stomach was stuffed with butterflies, god I hoped that I didn't throw up.

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