By madgilbird

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This is my first attempt writing a simple fic. I am sorry for my lousy English I use on it (English is not my... More


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By madgilbird

One fine day in Ocean Fortress:

Akashi-chan: "Look here, Ooyodo!"

Ooyodo: "Wow, a hoverboard! Did you create it?"

Akashi-chan:"Yes, but with a little assistance from that moron"

Akashi-kun:"Please stop call me moron, honey!"

Ooyodo: *gigles*

Ooyodo:"By the way, what's the use of this hoverboard"

Akashi-chan:"This is for the boys who serve as our weapon on war, what do you think?"

Ooyodo:"Awesome, Akashi-chan. How does it work anyway?"

Akashi-chan:"Simple, just let the boys ride it on the ocean surface. It is perfect"

Ooyodo:"Have you put it on test previously?"

Akashi-chan:"yes, that moron has tested it and it worked for him"

Ooyodo:"How about him hmm?"

Akashi-chan:"What do you mean? Otegine?"

Otegine:"Hi, guys! Are you talking to me?"

Ooyodo:"Perfect. Otegine would you use this hoverboard?"

Otegine:"Hey, why not? but would it fit me and my annoying scabbard?"

Ooyodo:"Otegine..please stop whining!"

Otegine:"Uumm okay but..."

Ooyodo:"No excuse please!"

Akashi-chan:"Hey calm down. Why don't we ask permission for test from Nagato-sama and Izuminokami-san first?"

Ooyodo:"you are right! let's go"

Akashi-chan:"Alright, lets go! C'mon you moron"

Akashi-kun:"ahh please give me more nap time honey"

After gaining permission from the leaders...

Akashi-kun:"Ah I wish there is bed on the ocean"

Akashi-chan:"yeah, I will drown your lazy ass"

Ooyodo:"Ok, seems the ocean is pretty nice today"

Otegine:"yeah, but don't push me to do hoverboard test here. my heavy body not fit for it"

Ooyodo:"Just stop it please. Remember you are my weapon servant"

Otegine:"Fine, it is up to you. Milady. Use me whatever you want"

Akashi-chan:"here we go!"

Akashi-kun:"why do I have to wear it as well honey?"

Akashi-chan:"shut up!"

Ooyodo:"are you ready, Otegine?"

Otegine:"yeah...I am fine. Milady"

Akashi-chan:"Great, now you have worn the hover board. All you need to do is to switch on the power"

Akashi-kun:"Like this"

Otegine:"Ok, I have switched it on and..WHAAAA!!"

Akashi-chan:"Don't be panic! Keep your balance. Otegine!"

Ooyodo:"I almost get heart attack. I hope Otegine will be able to use it properly"

Akashi-chan:"Don't worry. Just let Akashi-kun teach him"

Akashi-kun:"Woohoo, this is not bad"

Otegine:"Hey, teach me to do acrobatic maneuver!"

Akashi-chan:"You see, they seem love the hoverboard"

Ooyodo:"You are right. Akashi-chan"

Akashi-chan:"Look, Otegine now can do aerial maneuver without that moron assistance"

Ooyodo:"thank God"

Several minutes later... Suddenly sinister monsters appears from bottom of deep ocean. The tentacles of those monsters grab the boys feet

Ooyodo:"The enemies appear! Otegine!!"

Akashi-chan: Akashi-kun!! Hang on there"

While the girls are panic, Nagato contacted them in hurry

Nagato:"Akashi! Ooyodo! I received report that monsters appear on your current location"

Akashi-chan:"yes. They are attacking the boys"

Nagato:"Dont be panic, I will send rescue team soon. You two should return to the headquarter right now!"

Ooyodo:"But, how about the boys?"

Nagato:"I said dont be panic! You have to equip yourself with the weapons first! Do you want to save your weapon servant boys or not?"

Akashi-chan and Ooyodo:"Yes, Commander!"

While the girls preparing themselves to go on war, the rescue team go to save the poor boys. However, the rescue team which led by Haguro and Doutanuki were attacked by surprise attack from enemy submarines and the ocean mines. The girls who have prepared for the war finally go the conflict location. They find the boys were severely injured.

Akashi-chan:"Akashi-kun Are you alright?"

Ooyodo:"Otegine, I am sorry I come late. You okay?"

Akashi-kun:"Their tentacles..."


Akashi-kun:"It took almost 1 hour to go free from their strong grip"

Otegine:"Damn, it hurts"

Ooyodo:"Oh my God, you are bleeding, Otegine"

Otegine:"No, I am fine. Afterall, I am just useless spear"

Ooyodo:"No, you are not useless"

Suddenly, the monsters attacked them fiercely

Akashi-chan:"Ooyodo, take care of Otegine! I will fight against that monster with this moron"


Akashi-kun:"save him I beg you"

Even though it hurts Ooyodo to let Akashi-kun and Akashi-chan alone fight against the monsters, she has to go and find help for Otegine. Just when she almost reach the safe point nearby the rescue team. Suddenly some submarine monsters trap them and caged them in a force field. Such powerful force field has stopped their advance and they have to fight against the monsters.

Ooyodo:"Oh no!"

Otegine:"Is this the end?"

Ooyodo:"Don't give up, Otegine! I will protect you"

Otegine:"But we are surrounded by enemies. It is no use to fight back!"

Ooyodo:"Why are you so skeptical?"

Otegine:"I am just being realistic! You have to run fast from here! Let me die alone here!


Otegine:"I am just burden for you! I am useless spear just for stabbing! Even I barely stab those tentacles with my spear. Let me die alone"

Upon hearing such reaction, she slapped his face with anger, disappointment and tears.

Ooyodo:"You are totally moron!"

Otegine:"yes indeed"

Ooyodo:"why are you so stupid. I know you have physical imperfection but the imperfection actually lies in your heart!"

Otegine:"I am sorry"

Ooyodo:"Admiral K told me nobody's perfect but imperfection shall not be problem to do our best!"

Otegine:"But I do my best by sacrifiicing"

Ooyodo:"Look this"


Ooyodo:"I have no torpedoes"


Ooyodo:"I will show you how ship girl without torpedoes fight"

Several seconds later, enemy's torpedoes attacked both of them. Ooyodo who in hurry shielded Otegine from the attack got minor injuries.

Ooyodo:"Tch, I have suffered from many major attacks"


Ooyodo:"Sometimes I wonder why divine magatama choose you as my servant"

By saying that, she leave him behind and start the battle. She fought alone and got major injuries but she never give up. While Otegine was standing alone behind her injured figure. He becomes guilty when watching her collapse from the monster hit.

Otegine:"Ooyodo, stop it! I am sorry!"

Ooyodo:"Shut up and fight like a samurai!


Ooyodo:"I believe in you"


Ooyodo:"As soon as I realize a spear is being my partner, I imagine you as my Poseidon who hold his fearsome trident"

Otegine:"Please, I am not a fearsome trident"

Ooyodo:"But aren't trident and spear are used to stab thing, right?"


Out of the blue, she lost her consciousness and laying on his hug. Such tragedy has triggered his resolution and anger to avenge her defeat

Meanwhile, on the headquarter.

Nagato:"Akashi! Ooyodo! Please answer me!"

Mutsu:"I am sorry the connection has been terminated suddenly"

Nagato:"Why? Do something Mutsu! Be quick!"

Mutsu:"But the force field has interrupted our communication, Ma'am"


Izuminokami:"Why are you so panic? It is unlike your usual calm self"

Nagato:"Akashi, Ooyodo are important people here. I can't go calm now"

Izuminokami:"I know they are important as well as my boys there but don't be so emotional and go angry at Mutsu"

Nagato:"Tch, dont teach me"

Izuminokami:"Just believe in them, Nagato"

Nagato:"How could I believe in them? We even don't know if they are still alive or not"

Izuminokami:"I still believe they are still alive now, I bet"

Nagato:"How could you so sure like that?"

Izuminokami:"Fufufu, wanna bet?"

Nagato:"Tch, why should I bet with you upon critical situation like this?"

Izuminokami:"Oh c'mon"

Nagato:"I will use the Dreadnought"

Mutsu:"Please don't use it! The nuclear power in it is so dangerous!"

Nagato:"Let me do it to wreck that damn force field!"

Izuminokami:"Stop it! Don't push that button!"

Nagato:"Why not? It is my authority! And stop grabbing my right hand!"

Izuminokami:"I won't"

Nagato:"Damn it! I hate you!"

Izuminokami:"Ever since you bear my crest on your right hip, we are actually one entity, master and servant"

Nagato:"So, was it to you?"

Izuminokami:"It means you have to believe in me and my subordinate?"


Izuminokami:"believe me?"


Izuminokami:"Good girl"

Nagato:"Ok, if you lose the bet, you have to clean this entire room"

Izuminokami:"What if I win?"


Izuminokami:"You have to wear maid outfit for me only"

Nagato:"you pervert bastard"

Izuminokami:"Is it a deal?"


On the battlefield, Otegine managed to fight against the monsters even though now he has to piggybacking unconscious Ooyodo on his back. Just in the middle of desperation, he almost gave up. Yet her wise words have awakened his dim fighting spirit to burn brighter for battle


Then, his crest which is tattooed on her left palm shining and gave him more power. With a straight final stab movement he gave his all power and fighting spirit to attack all of those monsters that surrounding them. In no time, all of those monsters are defeated and disappear from their eyesight.

Otegine:"We win, Ooyodo, I am sorry for my foolishness"

The force field finally vanished and they finally are reunited with the double Akashi team whom also suffering from major injuries. Despite suffering from major injuries, the headquarters are overjoyed with the result of such battle. Including Izuminokami of course

Several days later, on the infirmary

Tonbokiri:"Oi, Otegine, how is your condition, dude?

Nihogou:"You make me proud, My hero Otegine!"

Otegine:"I am fine, thanks"

Nihongou:"Why are you displaying such sad face? You should be happy"

Tonbokiri:"What is bothering you, dude?"

Otegine:"I should meet her right now"

Nihogou:"Woah, so soon for love confession?"

Tonbokiri:"He is worrying about her, Nihongou"

And then, Otegine went to Ooyodo's room where she is hospitalized.

Otegine:"Hi, how are you?"

Ooyodo:"Oh, I am fine. How about you?"

Otegine:"I...I am sorry for being so foolish back then"

Ooyodo:"It is ok. I am sorry for being so emotional. I can tell your feelings"

Otegine:"If only I stop whine and start being brave spear, you would not be like this. I am sorry"

Ooyodo:"Will you stop whine from now on?"

Otegine:"I will"


Otegine:"Will you accept my imperfections?"

Ooyodo:"Ever since, I bear your crest on this palm, we are one"


Ooyodo:"I won't reject you as whole being. Nobody's perfect but we can support each other to create perfection"

Otegine:"I am so moved. I am glad that I am your weapon servant"

Oooyodo:"Me too. So let's handshake and form great teamwork from now on"

Otegine:"Agree! I promise"


With such firm promise, they start to build solid teamwork and create perfection they dream of

Out of nowhere, three people are peeping in front of Ooyodo's room

Nihongou:"Damn, why there is no kiss?"

Tonbokiri:"They are just friends"

Akashi-chan:"They are so pure"

Nihogou:"Oi Akashi-chan, why are you peeping at them?"

Akashi-chan:"I am worrying on Ooyodo. How about you?"

Tonbokiri:"We are worrying about our fellow Otegine"

Nihogou:"Yeah, we actually always care for him. He has grown up as real spear now hehe"

Akashi-chan:"you sure are good friends of him"

Tonbokiri:"In fact, he rarely interact with us. That's why we always worrying about him"

Nihongou:"Yes, that's why we are here. Seeing him with a girl making me so proud of him but he did not kiss her. That's so disappointing"

Akashi-kun:"I am about to kiss Akashi-chan, will you be proud of me?"

Nihongou and Tonbokiri:"Definitely NO"

Akashi-chan:"why are you here?"

Akashi-kun:"To kiss you"

Akashi-chan:"In your dream! Anyway, get out of here and help me to construct another hoverboard"

Akashi-kun: *sob*

Meanwhile in sacred room. A fairy and small fox spirit brought a blue sphere. Such blue sphere is delivered to a beautiful lady in the room

A beautiful lady:"Thank you little ones"

Tsurumaru:"Another new sphere,Shoukaku?

Shoukaku:"of course, a friendship sphere. Isn't it beautiful?"

Tsurumaru:"why do we have to do this pointless work?"

Shoukaku:"This is not a pointless work. This is important in order to find Admiral"

Tsurumaru:"Why that admiral is so important to you?"

Shoukaku:"It is because of him. I am afraid if we can't find him you can't return home"

Tsurumaru:"But I...I don't want to..."


Tsurumaru:"It is nothing, tch. I will go outside"

Shoukaku:"...I am sorry Tsurumaru"


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