My Little Mochi (Jikook/Kookm...

By AestheticallyJimin

219K 12.4K 6.3K

This is a story where Jungkook finds himself lumbered with a very lost, damaged and adorable boy. Jungkook i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 10

7K 371 359
By AestheticallyJimin

Mine To Hold

My eyes slowly flickered open as I felt something shuffling around on my body. Once my eyes were fully open I was caught in a pair of large, dark brown pupils. They were staring down at me and I was frozen. It was Jimin...I gulped the last bit of saliva that was left in my mouth as he slowly reached out his small, cute hand. I didn't know what to do, I was completely stuck in my place. His hand then placed onto my cheek, and I felt a flipping sensation in the pit of my stomach as his icy cold fingers traced along my cheek. I found myself curling into his touch and he tilted his head a little, his eyes showing pure confusion. "J...Jungkook..." His sweet voice spoke out and I could have died happy right there and then...I held his hand on my cheek gently before looking back into his eyes.

"Don't mind me..." A lower voice called out with a small cough. I suddenly shot up causing Jimin to tumble back onto my mattress with a small gasp.
I looked to the figure standing in my doorway and I tilted my head with a raised eyebrow.

"Wha...What are you doing here?" I asked furrowing my brow slightly.

"Well I wondered if you wouldn't mind helping me out" Tae answered unfolding his arms with a grin on his face.

"Umm...Wait how did you even get in?!" I continued uncovering my body from the bed sheets, as I stood up scratching the back of my neck.

"Oh...umm well he let me in..." Tae pointed to Jimin who was now staring at me intensely and when I looked to Tae he seemed to be trying to avoid looking directly at me. Only then did I realise I was only wearing a pair of boxers, my whole upper body on show.

"Gah!" I yelped a little as I rushed to put the shirt and the pair of jeans I was wearing the previous day. "S-sorry" I stuttered a little embarrassed.

"No it's fine...Umm so about that help" He took a step further into my room and out the corner of my eye I could see Jimin glaring harshly towards him, as if Tae was some kind of intruder, which in all honesty he was.

"What is it you even want help with?" I sighed rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"Well you're top of our Law class and I'm kind of at the bottom..." He started.

"How low are your scores?" I questioned and Tae looked down a little ashamed.

"Well my lowest is 3..." Tae replied, and I raised an eyebrow a little curious.

"And your highest?" I continued.

"Well...It's only 4..." Tae looked down once again and I found myself cackling out loud and he darted a glare at me. "Hey! I'm being serious here!"

"Sorry...I just, I can't believe you got 4 out of 180! How is that even possible?!" I added and he just shrugged his shoulders in response, and I could see the embarrassment and sadness in his eyes and I kinda felt bad for him..."Well I was planning on turning you down, but with scores like that you need all the help you can get. Luckily you came to the right person" I confidently stated then I felt a soft tug on my arm. When I looked down Jimin was gritting his teeth violently. "What is it Jimini...Jimin?" I stopped a little hesitant as I didn't want to make myself look pathetic in front of Taehyung, so I decide to call Jiminie by his actual name...

"Hungry..." Jimin answered in a whiney, but cute kind of voice.

"I'll make you something in a second" I replied before turning back to Taehyung who had a keen eye on Jimin.

"What's your name then?" Tae asked looking down at Jimin with a rectangular sort of smile. Jimin stumbled back behind me which made me smile a little.

"His name is Jimin" I answered for him and Tae continued to look to Jimin before slowly moving closer

"Not much of a talker huh?" He questioned approaching him as if he were a child.

"K...Kookie..." Jimin cried out and my heart thumped as he came out with the new name 'Kookie'. I usually hated nicknames with a passion. I had always been against them, even when my ex girlfriend called me babe it made me puke inside my mouth...but something about that name coming from Jimin's plump lips, it was like music to my ears.

"Sorry Tae. He doesn't seem to like you" I pushed Tae back a little trying to protect Jimin.

"Awwh...Here I thought I was a likeable person" Tae groaned a little before shrugging his shoulders then skipping into the main room like a child. I turned down to Jimin and placed my hands on his shoulders.

"He isn't going to hurt you Jiminie-Hyung. I promise" I reassured and his eyes followed to where Taehyung was then he quickly turned back to me shaking his head vastly. "You don't have to talk to him ok. Just sit with us and I'll make you something to eat alright?" I suggested and he looked down as if he was thinking before I felt his small fingers intertwine with mine,  looking up at me with his signature eye smile.
We both walked into the main room hand in hand and I noticed Taehyung was looking around the room with a kind of satisfied expression. His eyes then averted down to mine and Jimin's hands that were enclosed in each other's. "Is it ok if we talk in the kitchen? Need to make some food" I stated.

"No not at all" Taehyung replied with his hands behind his back. Jimin stayed pressed up against my side as we walked into the kitchen together. I attempted to let go of Jimin's hand, but he had a strong grip and he wasn't going to let go.

"Jiminie..." I whispered under my breath in hope that he would let go. I had to pry his fingers away from mine and I could tell by his face he was not impressed, but how else was I supposed to make food...Couldn't exactly do it one handed.

"So what you cooking?" Taehyung leaned over the kitchen counter trying to get a glimpse of what I was cooking.

"Just some pasta" I blankly replied placing the pan on the cooker.

"Is that pasta for 3?" Taehyung grinned and I closed my eyes with a sigh. First he came into my home without asking my permission, then he asks for my help, and then he was expecting me to make him food...

"I've only put in enough for Jimin." I answered back as I poured the water into the pan.

"Oh well here!" Taehyung reached into the bag of pasta before pulling out a large handful of it and placing it into the pan. "Now there's enough!"

" there's enough" I clutched into the wooden spoon tightly. I was so close to smacking him, but I knew it would only scare Jimin...

"Rude." Jimin spoke up and Taehyung's eyes fell to where Jimin was sat on the counter, swinging his legs back and fourth innocently.

"Sorry?" Taehyung questioned.

"I said that's rude." Jimin repeated turning his head towards Taehyung and I couldn't help but smirk a little.

"Wha...?" Taehyung gulped with wide eyes.

"Kookie didn't offer you food." Jimin continued and his gaze fell to me before he let out a small smile.

"Ah...I suppose so...Oops" Taehyung bit down on his finger as if he was scolding himself.

"Too late now anyway. It's all cooking" I replied before draining the pasta and placing it back into the pan. "Jiminie, would you like cheese or tomato?" I asked looking at the jar of tomato pesto sauce in my hand, but he didn't say anything. I turned around to face him and he just shrugged his shoulders curiously looking at Taehyung who was now tapping an incredibly annoying beat. "Tomato it is..." I groaned before adding the sauce. It was completely silent other then the tapping Taehyung was focused on and then I started to hear soft little hums from behind me that went perfectly in time with Taehyung's tapping. It was really sweet and it even had me tapping my foot to the sound. Suddenly the tapping stopped and I heard a loud bang on then table.

"My god! Your voice is so soft and perfect!!" I heard a very excited Taehyung and when I turned around he had grabbed Jimin's tiny and pure hands in his giant and sinful ones. I gritted my teeth trying to keep my cool, but I was struggling to let it happen. Jimin's hands were mine to hold! Only mine! "I need to record your voice!! It's too sweet to miss!" Taehyung praised and when I looked to Jimin I noticed how he lowered his head a wide smile showing on his lips. I clenched my fist and I couldn't hold back anymore. Seeing the smile on Jimin's face and the fact that it wasn't made because of me, it made me jealous.

"Don't touch him!" I pried Taehyung off of Jimin leaving a scratch on his arm.

"Owh!! What was that for?!" Taehyung whined holding his arm like I had just broken it.

"Oh it's just a scratch!" I rolled my eyes before dishing out the pasta. I gently placed a large portion in front of Jimin with a smile "You need to eat more" I nodded before harshly slamming a small portion in front of Taehyung. "Here's yours."

"Thanks for the grub!" Taehyung clapped his hands excitedly before stuffing his face, clearly putting too much pasta in his mouth, whereas Jimin was more graceful, he took small mouthfuls, slowly chomping down on the pasta making a satisfied hum at every bite. "Wow you're a really good cook!" Taehyung stated with his mouthful and I could see all the equations...
There was a long awkward silence and I had no idea how to break it. All I could hear was the loud chewing of pasta in Taehyung's mouth. Suddenly my phone started to ring loudly and it made Jimin jump a little. I picked out my phone and the caller ID read 'Unknown'
Jungkook: Hello..?
??????: Excuse me but is this Jeon Jungkook?
Jungkook: Yes...Who's asking?
??????: That doesn't matter, I just want to know if a young boy named Park Jimin is living with you.
Jungkook:...I'm sorry I don't know who that is...
??????: Are you sure, it's quite important
Jungkook: No I'm sorry. Maybe if you leave a name I can call back?
??????: I can't
Jungkook: That's a shame. Goodbye.
_______________________            I hung up the phone before looking at the smiling Jimin enjoying his pasta. I don't know why, but something just didn't seem right about that call. Like how did he know my name and how did he know Jimin was even with me. He has only been with me a few days....
I guess I had been staring at Jimin for too long because the look I was given by Taehyung was questionable. "Are you really together?" He asked tilting his head and Jimin looked up from his bowl his cheeks filled so he looked like an adorable chipmunk.

"...T-together?" I stuttered a little looking down at the counter.

"Well yeah, for starters he was laid on top of you this morning, then you were holding hands and the way you looked at him...I don't know, just seems like you are together" Taehyung explained and I scratched the back of my neck trying to think of something to say.

"...No, it's not like that" I answered with a gulp, and he suddenly lunged to Jimin pulling him close against his chest.

"Great! That means I can have this cutie!" Taehyung squealed and I frowned deeply. I was about to pry him off Jimin again, but Jimin had already beaten me to it. Jimin had grabbed Taehyung's arms and pushed him off with a growl, like he was some kind of dog, well more like a puppy...a cute puppy. "Hey...Don't you find me annoyingly cute?" Taehyung smirked before pulling a silly face that was supposed to be 'cute' I mean it was cute, but I wasn't falling for it...Jimin then jumped down from the counter without a word, completely ignoring Tae, and he waddled his way over to my side. He sighed before resting on his tip toes and placing a small kiss on my cheek. My immediate reaction was to gasp, but I didn't want anyone to know it affected I didn't want to believe it affected me, so instead I just smiled and nodded down at him. "You lie!" Taehyung pointed and chuckled.

"Lie?" I tilted my head a little confused by his words.

"Well he just kissed your cheek" Taehyung shook his head with a box like grin.

"I was saying thank you for the food" Jimin bleakly replied before pushing himself against my side.

"Well where's my thank you?! I want a kiss on the cheek!" Taehyung whined.

"Only Kookie gets my kiss" Jimin replied simply as if what he just said meant nothing. I choked on air from the shock of his words.

"Well I'll come back tomorrow then! You can start tutoring me!" Taehyung blurted before he started to hurry for the exit.

"BYE!" I yelled just before I heard the door slam. I sighed in relief before leaning against the kitchen sink. "What an idiot jeez..."

"I don't like him." Jimin crossed his arms with a humph.

"He's just a little simple minded." I added, absently ruffling Jimin's hair.

"He called me cute" Jimin pouted and I just chuckled rolling my eyes.

"You are" I accidentally spoke my mind and after I realised what I said I wanted to kick my myself. "I mean..."

"You think I'm cute?" Jimin looked up cocking his head to the side, his eyes turning into crescents as he smiled widely.

"Well, don't you think you're cute?" I tried to reverse the question in hope to save myself.

"I don't know...and hey, you didn't answer my question" Jimin continued in a childish like tone which only made my heart scream.

"I...well...You are quite cute..." I admitted and when I looked down at Jimin expecting a disgusted look on his face he just giggled softly before wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Kookie is quite cute too..." Jimin added and all the blood in my body rushed to my cheeks. It was so hard to believe that this once conserved, quiet and sad boy was now attached to my waist, giggling softy...I was glad that he had opened up to me. Well he hadn't really opened up to me, but he was more talkative and he seemed happier as well. I gently placed an arm around his back before resting my head on top of his blonde mop of hair.
Although everything seemed quite perfect in that moment, something quite worrying kept burning in the pit of my stomach. That phone call was so ominous...I wanted to know who that person was on the phone, but at the same time I didn't, the voice was definitely male and it was quite deep with a booming tone. It sounded so dark...but this person knew something about Jimin...At the time I remember thinking about how he must have something to do with Jimin's past, but if I asked it might just push Jimin away from me again, and we would be right back at square one...

[Authors Note]
Eyo! Another chapter down! I'm so happy with how this story is going! I hope you're enjoin it! Thank you for reading!
P.s. Anyone else had We Don't Talk Anymore pt2 on repeat? Cause I have 😅😍🔥🙌🏻

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