World Of Light (Arula: Two)

By Berbear2000

4K 892 35

The Arula Series Book Two With Termis over throned peace is restored to Arula, or so Karma thought. Already h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Arula's Inhabitants

Chapter 11

135 36 2
By Berbear2000

After Karma and the others had washed and changed, they met at the dining hall, where Queen Luska insisted them to meet her for their discussion. The dining hall was huge with a long, wooden table sitting in the center. It reminded Karma much of the Council's room back at Shurli. Queen Luska sat at the very end of the table, her back sitting straight against her queen-like chair. On the head of the chair, sat an owl-like creature. It was round with long legs that was hidden underneath its bottom, long ears that looked much like a fox, and round solid blue eyes that watched your every move.

"Ah," the Queen said. "I'm glad you found your way, please, have a seat, my cooks are making something nice for us. I do hope you don't mind eating fruits, vegetables, nuts, and all that. Sadly, meat will not be option because of our festival that's coming up."

"It is no problem," Omar said as he took a seat across from Karma. Dagner took a seat next her.

"Your fowl looks lovely," Karma said eyeing the owl-like creature. Queen Luska eyes brightened. She reached up to the fowl and scratched it under its beak, the fowl closed its eyes and purred.

"Why, thank you, Creator," Luska said. "I truly do love him. All thanks to you." After scratching her fowl, Queen Luska settled back into her seat and stared at her guest with a serious look. "Now," she said. "We must talk about the matter at hand."

"I agree," Omar said. "For this is very serious and we cannot tell you why the ogres are acting this way." Queen Luska nodded, understanding.

"Aye, I must agree, for neither do we." A fore long look came across her face. She looked at Karma. "I do not wish to go to war here, Creator, but my people are being enslaved... just like happened with Termis." the Queen sighed. "If we do not act now, I fear my people will suffer and most likely die. The Festival of Light is among us, and that's the one holiday we sprites always look forward to. Do you know why it's such a wonderful holiday for us sprites?" When the others shook their heads, Queen Luska continued, "the Festival of Light celebrates a new era for us sprites. It represents life itself. The sun is what brings us our foods, our life, our energy, without it, we will all soon perish."

At that moment, servants came from the back room with silver platters. They set each platter in the center of the table and lifted the lids. The platters were all filled with fruits, vegetables, nuts, bread, porridges, and soups. Karma felt the saliva build in her mouth as she looked at the meal in front of her. "You may dig in," Queen Luska said as she received a filled plate of food from a servant. The others didn't waste time as they filled their plates with the delicious variety of food. Dagner, after pouring a bowl full of soup asked,

"If it doesn't trouble you, your grace, but I do believe a meal is best served with some ale." Queen Luska burst into laughter, her head thrown back against the head of her chair.

"You dwarves," she said with a smile. "always drinking, but yes, we do have some ale that my servants can provide you." She then snapped of her fingers at a nearby servant, speaking in her tongue, she asked the servant to bring some bottles of ale. When the servant returned with bottles of ale, Dagner wasted no time in pouring himself a glass. Even Karma, who usually wasn't a big drinker, filled her goblet halfway. She needed the drink to help her get through this. Omar though, kept to the glass of water that was given to him.

"I would like to propose something," Omar said, after a popped a grape into his mouth. All eyes turned on him. "The ogres have to a reason for doing this. Ogres usually don't just do something out of pure pleasure. I bet someone bribed them "

"Bribed them?" Karma asked and Omar nodded.

"It's the only thing that makes sense. Now, I have no clue who or what would want to bribe those mine dwelling brutes, but the person who did must want something." Queen Luska nodded.

"I believe with you on this one, fair elf, for I've met their king, King Bosca. We've made truce years ago, and the only thing that would possess King Bosca into breaking our truce was that someone or something had made a better deal." Queen Luska sighed and brought a hand up to her head.

"Then we must go and talk to him." Karma said. All eyes fell on her. "We can go to the Ogre Clan and go to their king."

"That's suicide, Creator." Omar said. "The ogres will surely kill you within the first few feet you step into their territory."

"Aye, Lass," Dagner said. "Ogres are very unpredictable." Karma stared at her companions, eyes blazing.

"What other choice do we have?" Silence came after that. No one had a clue. That's what I thought, Karma thought.


After a fulfilling meal, Karma decided to explore more of Yunalla. Yunalla was filled with busy sprites as they went about their day. Karma took great notice as the sprites set up banners and flags for the festival that was upon them in five days. As she walked around, Karma noticed the looks that some sprites were giving to her, but she ignored them, not really caring what they thought about her. Two young sprites suddenly came up to her with curious eyes. One was a boy, the other a girl. They spoke to each other in their tongue.

"Can I help you?" Karma asked the children, who gave her a wide-eyed look. The girl sprite pushed the boy at in front of her. The boy looked up at Karma with a frighten expression. Then clearing his throat, he said in a broken human tongue,

"A-are y-you the C-Creator?" Karma smiled and nodded.

"Yes, that would be me." The children gasped and giggled. The boy spoke to her once more.

"Are you h-here to s-save u-us?" Once again, Karma nodded.

"I'll try my best," that seemed to brighten the children's expressions for they giggled once more and ran off, their small wings flapping behind them. Karma watched them go with a small smile before she decided to go into the marketplace. The market was busy as every sprite was getting ready for the festival. Karma looked around at every hut that caught her eye. She entered one hut that sold trinkets and jewelry. The jewelry, she had to admit, were beautiful beyond compare. Though, Karma was never interested in jewelry, she thought jewelry was a way to hide yourself conscious. So instead, Karma looked at the table that was filled with the trinkets.

Her eyes got caught on one trinket, a coin. She picked it up and examined it. One the coin was a craving of a crescent moon combining with the sun. On the back was the northern star. The star almost looked like it was glowing due to the gloss that covered the silver coin. "Ah," said the shop keeper, an older gentleman, who was watching Karma from the moment she entered. "That there coin is the coin was brought down from the Gods. They said that whoever holds the coin will be given luck. They also say the coin will help in great danger." Karma looked at the silver coin for a long moment, then reaching into her pocket, she took out her pouch.

"How much?"

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