Jarley One-shots

By _YesCaptain_

31.1K 728 273

This will be a series of pure Joker and Harley one shots. It will mostly be the Suicide Squad version, but if... More

Spaghetti n' Meatballs
Jack Napier
Jack Napier P.2
Last Words
Hold Me
A/N ~Important~
~I'm back!~
Nightmares and Cuddles and oh!
~The End~
Parents are Awkward (my comeback bitchez)

Kitty Kat

1.8K 50 11
By _YesCaptain_

In which Harley wants a pet.

I want a cat. I've been wanting a pet for a while, but I never had the nerve to ask J if I could have one, because I have a feeling I know exactly what he's going to say. Which is, "No".

I was chopping some lettuce to put in the salad I was making, until I heard the front door open, and then close. I turned around to find The Joker standing there, stripping from his purple coat and hanging on the coat rack. "Hiya, Puddin'." I said, setting the knife onto the counter, then skipping over to J.

"Hello." He replies back, looking distracted.

I kiss him lightly on the cheek, and then take a step backwards from him, studying his look. He seemed like he was thinking of something, but not entirely mad. "How'd today go?" I ask, in hopes of starting a conversation.

"Not too bad." He answers, walking towards the kitchen.

I follow him, trying to catch up. "Mr. J? I have a question."

"Hmm?" He takes an apple from the fruit basket and bites into it, making me feel like I wanted one as well.

"So I've been thinking... maybe we should get a pet." His eyes shoot towards me, making me regret ever asking.

"A pet? And why would we ever need a pet?" He asks,truly interested in my answer.

"I think it would be pretty cool if we had one. Can I get one? Please?" I ask, sounding a lot like a child.

He stayed silent for a little bit, as if he were actually considering it. "Okay, but under one condition."

My eyes widen and a grin erupts from my face, as I yell out, "Yes, anything!"

"It's gotta be something badass. Like a snake or even a human eating dog. It's your pick." He says, smirking.

My excitement died down, since I didn't entirely want an evil pet. "But J... can't we get a cute dog? I promise ya won't have to take care of it, or even claim it as yours so ya can keep your reputation." I reason with him, although it sounds more like begging.

He stayed silent once again,but groaned in defeat.

"Yes! Thank you, thank you!" I jumped up to him once again and planted a large kiss on his cheek, making him groan.

"Don't get too excited."


I was at the large pet store with Ivy, picking out a pet. I know this is the worst way to do it, to just pick a pet, but honestly I am impatient, so it'll do. We were currently walking through the fish section, which Ivy was completely head over heels with. "Oh, look at those little fishies! They're so cute... you should get one, Harl!"

I looked at this one black fish with giant eyes, which I saw was called 'The Dragon Fish', and frowned. "I dunno, Red. I think I would want something bigger. Maybe you would want it?"

"I'll think about it..."

We continued to walk, until I grew bored. there were no animals there at the store that sparked my interest. "I think we should go to a shelter. I might find a pet who really needs me there." So Ivy and I left the pet store, carrying a small bag filled with water, and one small Dragon Fish with Ivy named Buzz.

We took the car and drove to the nearest animal shelter, parked, and then walked inside. I guess a lot of the people in there didn't expect the two of us to be there, so we received a few gasps, but I completely ignored that. I wanted a pet and that's what I'm getting.

As we were looking around, I felt something rub against my leg. Looking down, I saw a grey and white cat there, purring right beside me. "Aw... hi there, little fella. What's your name?"

As I crouched down to pet it, I noticed that the cat's tail was gone, and his ear had a little nick. "Ya poor kitty..." Scratching its neck, I called Ivy over to show her the cat.

When she saw it, her eyes widened. "That is the cutest cat I saw all day!"

As I was about to reply, I heard someone say, "He is, isn't he? His name's Mr. Thomas."

I smiled, continuing to scratch and pet him. "He's really sweet. Is he for adoption?"

She nodded, smiling at the sight in front of her. "No one has adopted Thomas since he's an older cat, as well as the fact that he has no tail. I guess no one wants a cat like that."

"That's just horrible."


I came back home with a big box in my arms, which resulted in me having to knock the front door with my foot.

A little bit later, one of J's henchmen opened the door, and when he saw that I was carrying this box, he immediately took it from me so that I could come inside. "Careful, don't shake it around to much."

The henchman nodded, setting it down on the table near us, then leaving. I walked over to the box and opened it, revealing Mr. Thomas, who's wide green eyes were nearly glowing. "Hiya, Mr. Thomas. The ride okay?"

He meowed back at me, as I picked him up and held him like a baby. "You and I are going to be the best of pals."

I heard steps coming from upstairs, down the stairs, and then to where I was standing. Just by how much force there was I could already tell who it was. "Okay, don't get mad at me but meet Mr. Thomas." I turned around to find J standing there with his arms crossed, and a very stern looking face.

"What happened to getting a badass animal?!" He said, pointing to Thomas.

"Ya don't get it. He's truly the most badass I could find. Plus, he's pretty smart. I think you two will get along." I held him out for J to hold, and he grimaced at just the thought of it.

"Uh-uh, no way. I am not holding this...thing." He said, looking away from it.

I pouted, holding Thomas closer. "He has a name, y'know? Mr. Thomas. Now c'mon, please? For me? Just this once, and I swear ya won't have to hold him ever again."

Mr. J looked back to Thomas, rolling his eyes. "Alright, alright." He held out his hands, taking Thomas from me.

Holding him at arms length, he stared at the cat. "Y'know, maybe I can make him useful after all. But don't expect me to hang around with him."

"Oh of course. Wouldn't dream of it."

Little did he know that he will soon get very connected with Mr. Thomas, which sometimes made Harley pretty jealous.



Thank you so much for basically already 200 views, it truly means a lot to me. This has been so much fun so far, and I am glad I have people actually reading this.

Hope you liked this chapter!

Don't forget to comment, vote, and request! (My brain isn't that full of ideas...)


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