Marked by the Omega, Mate to...

By kawaiifoxx77

225 20 23

The only thing Kyrie's ever known is survival, after a life of hell she tries to look on the positive side of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 3

32 4 3
By kawaiifoxx77

I tap lightly on the large door and straighten out my skirt, my nerves running wild.

"Come in." Adaria responds from the other side of door and I push the door open with wide eyes as I take in the settings of her room. 

The entrance to the bathroom stands on my left, along that wall is a small fireplace with pillows for sitting around it. On the far wall across from me is a balcony with long dark curtains dancing around it from the breeze. I look to the right side of the room and see a desk covered in documents in the corner. then closer to me a round canopy bed. It looks like the comfiest thing I've ever seen. Dark purple, with silk sheets.

"I'm in here pet." Her enticing voice breaks me out of my gaze and I turn to see her now leaning against the door frame leading to the bathroom. I blush deeply at her appearance and she smirks at me.

"Come, I need a bath." She says disappearing into the bathroom and I follow her slowly trying not to look at her naked body. 

With shaking hands I begin to run the water into the large bath tub, I freeze instinctively as she presses her body against mine, I stare up at her with shocked eyes feeling totally unsure of what to do and she completely ignores me with a grin on her face. She leans across my chest and grabs the shower gels from beside me. 

"What's your name darling?" She purrs and I focus on the water level rising in the tub rather then her nude body right beside me. 

"Kyrie." I respond quietly and she giggles while placing her fingers in the water and swirling them around. 

"How old are you Kyrie? Where are you from?" She asks nonchalantly as she begins to add different liquids to the tub. 

"I'm twenty, I came from a small town called Port Hope at least.. That was my current home before coming here. I'm not sure where I actually come from." I answer as I turn the water off and the only sound between us becomes the dripping from the tap. I look away with a red face as she slides into the tub and moans at the feeling of the hot water on her skin. 

"Mmm the water is perfect, you should join me." She says to me and I find myself involuntarily stop breathing. She looks over at my face and lets out a laugh that sounds as smooth as silk. 

"Don't worry darling I won't force you to do anything that would make you uncomfortable." She responds and I let out a small laugh but it comes out as more of a squeak. I begin to massage shampoo into her scalp and she closes her eyes. I run my hands through her ink black hair and begin to hum nonchalantly. 

"Are you a virgin?" My humming stops and my hands freeze in her hair as I stare at her with my mouth hanging open like a fish. When she turns to see my expression she laughs and I blush deeply as her breasts jiggle in the water.

"I'll take that as a yes, surprising for such a sweet thing that's already twenty years old." She purrs and I finally inhale again as I finish her hair and stand up to leave.

"Where do you think you're going?" She asks me with a commanding voice and I awkwardly kneel back down beside the tub and she turns to face me again with a smirk on her face.

My blush seems to only grow deeper as I stare into her piercing blue eyes, her red plump lips move and I stare at them in a trance.

"Pet? Are you alright?" I snap my attention back to her eyes and she giggles softly.

"I-I'm sorry did you say something?" I stutter and feel like a total idiot but her smirk grows bigger at this and she surprises me by stepping out of the bath tub, I quickly stand so my face isn't directly in line with her private body parts. I try to back away but she grabs my arm holding me in place.

Oh god, I hope I haven't made her angry. The last thing I want is to be getting hurt or something for ignoring her. 

She begins to lean in toward me and I can feel my breathing stop again and the movements are so quick yet smooth that it almost feels like a dream as her lips press gently onto mine.

I find myself relaxing at her touch and kissing her back, our lips begin to move together making small noises and a strange feeling begins to build up in the pit of my stomach.

She pulls away and I almost find myself wanting to pull her back but I snap out of it when I open my eyes to see her smiling at me with wide excited eyes. 

Panting slightly I feel her hands travel down to my hips causing me to shiver. With her hands still there she steps so close that we are centimetres apart. Her lips go to my ear and I shiver again as I feel her hot breath caress my ear and neck.

"You need to relax in a nice hot soak." She whispers softly to me and I find myself closing my eyes and subconsciously squishing my thighs together.

her hands suddenly jerk upwards pulling my shirt up and my arms with it, in one clean pull its off my  body, I cry out in response and try to cover up my bare chest and she bursts out laughing and places her hand on my shoulder. 

"Don't worry pet, this can be like a sister thing where we bathe together." She smiles at me and I frown slightly at her.

A sister thing? I never had a sister but I'm not dumb... Sister's do NOT kiss like that.

"Oh don't worry so much, it's cute and innocent." She responds to my silence and begins to pull my skirt down causing me to freeze and grow tense, when it's down to my ankles I step out of it with rigid movements and she tosses it to the side of the bathroom and steps back into the tub. 

"Come on, don't forget to take off your panties." She winks at me and beckons for me and I try to hide my face in embarrassment. 

This is the strangest thing that has ever happened to me, oh my god this is so weird. 

I swallow my thoughts down along with my pride and slowly slide my panties off. I grab her warm hand and she pulls me into the tub with her.

We sit down across from each other and she lays her head back on the porcelain ledge closing her eyes and letting out a sigh. 

I find myself letting out a deep sigh as well as the warm water caresses my skin and the scents from the oils dig into my senses.

"I think I'll keep you around for a while, you can sleep in here with me whenever you're finished your days work. Wouldn't want anyone else snatching you up." I open my eyes as she breaks the silence and our gazes lock onto each other. She said that with almost a sense of worry or concern. 

Is there someone here.. Who would snatch me up?

My thoughts go to Master Dalar and the way he looked at me, I find myself involuntarily shivering as goosebumps rise on my skin, tingling as they connect with the hot water. 

After relaxing for some time Adaria stands up and smiles down at me.

"Time to get some rest, pet." She coos at me like I am a small child but the fact that she is being kind to me outweighs the annoyance of being treated that way.

She extends her hand for me to grab and I take it, causing her to lift me to my feet and we both step out of the tub. 

"Would you like me to drain the tub and rinse it out?" I ask her in a quiet voice, trying to put off going to bed together naked for as long as possible. 

"Don't worry, another girl will come along in the morning and clean the entire bathroom." She answers with a smirk on her lips and I follow reluctantly as she leads us out of the bathroom. 

I shiver as a breeze rolls in from the open balcony doors and Adaria envelops me in a silk bathrobe in response, it matches the purple theme of the room and I feel immediate relief to not be naked and as exposed. 

What the hell do I even do if she wants to be intimate with me?! Didn't Amber say she doesn't pressure anyone? 

She said pressure... She didn't mention anything about seducing.

I think back to the kiss we shared and feel my knees wobble slightly and a warmth deep inside my gut. 

"Well? Are you joining me?" Her voice snaps me out of my thoughts and I gulp audibly as I see her laying on the bed in a seductive pose with a small silk bathrobe only barely covering her body. 

"S-Sure." I sputter out and mentally cringe at my weakness. This only causes her smirk to grow wider as I slowly make my way towards the bed.

I stumble over to the end of it and sit down keeping a good four feet between us. 

I've never felt like this before, I don't understand any of the feelings she is giving me. It feels good to think about that kiss but also scary. Scary because the thought of sexual things reminds me of my past.

I shiver and I notice her eyes narrow at me, this only causes me to shiver again. 

"Come here, pet." She says in a commanding voice and I find myself moving on my own, curiosity getting the best of me. 

You do remember what curiosity did to the cat right?

I slide over to her and she grabs me and pulls me into her body, our chests pressed against each other and our faces only inches apart. I look up into her silver eyes and find myself mesmerized by them.

I begin to involuntarily close my eyes and lean towards her, feeling a desperate need to close the space between us and feel that warmth inside again. 

I open my eyes in shock as I feel a warm finger against my lips. She looks at me with confliction in her eyes.

"Believe me, I want to. But a part of me doesn't want to steal that innocence from you." She says softly almost as if to herself and I shiver as I feel her breath wash over my face.

She removes her finger and I lay down beside her, in response she pulls me close again and wraps her arms and legs around me.

"Sleep little Kyrie." She whispers and I am left feeling raw and confused. 

Why would she kiss me earlier then turn me down now? It's not like I need to keep that innocent part of me for anyone else.

I feel an icy chill sweep over my body.

Unless... She does want me to keep it for someone else?! 

Although I'm not completely innocent I'm still technically a virgin. I've never had experience that was... enjoyable.

My thoughts begin to race as I feel icy cold on the inside and hot and sticky from her body warmth on the outside.

I try to wiggle out of her grip but she has me locked in tight, already fast asleep. My chest begins to tighten as anxiousness takes hold of me.

I swallow and try to take deep breaths ignoring the feeling of tears pricking my eyes.

Earlier... The other Masters made mention of a "Master of the Castle." 

My breathing stops as I sit there in fear of what this Master could do to me, possibilities of what will happen when he returns begins to swirl around my mind. 

I lay there paralyzed by my thoughts invading every being of my core, sleep unable to take me. 


Wake up

Go to the kitchen


Go to Adaria's room



This has become my life for the past few weeks, My earlier fears washing away as I get into the routine of my new schedule inside the Castle. This mystery Master hasn't returned yet and being in Adaria's shadow keeps me safe from the gazes of the others.

She hasn't touched me or kissed me since our first night together, a part of me is sad and wishes for it to happen again but I hide it and keep it secret, and safe. 

I say goodnight to Amber and the girls in the kitchen after a long day of working hard. I begin walking back to Adaria's room when I feel a chill run down my spine as footsteps reach my ears from behind me. I force myself to continue walking against my senses screaming at me to run and I grit my teeth as the strong footsteps get closer.

Walking stiffly I feel a presence directly behind me and a small movement of my hair followed by the sound of someone inhaling. I stop moving and close my eyes bowing my head.

Please just move on, don't stop around to talk... Please.

"Ahhh, your hair not only looks delightful but it smells that way too. No doubt thanks to Adaria's fancy tonics she puts in your bath." His voice creeps into the silence, the most horrible part about Master Dalar is that his voice sounds good, deep and strong but he also looks that way too. Usually when you think about monsters you imagine horrible grotesque looking creatures drooling with long claws and teeth. But monsters are monsters because they're especially nasty and they love hiding under beautiful things to deceit you. 

He moves around me so he is now in front of me and I feel my hair drop back down, I try not to jump out of my skin as his hand makes contact with my chin and he raises my head up. His skin feels hot and it feels like lava enters my blood.

"Look at me." He breathes onto my face and I find myself stupidly choosing to defy him. I clench my eyes shut and grind my teeth together as his grip on my chin tightens and his nails dig into my flesh.

"I said... Look at me!" Clearly angry over my defiance he raises his voice and his nails begin to dig in so bad I start to whimper. I finally open my eyes to see him staring at me with a mix of anger and delight on his face. 

"It seems you have some fire in you, Adaria has no doubt made you comfortable so now you think you stand on the same ground as us Masters." He says and he chuckles smoothly at the end of his sentence and continues to stare.

"You should be taught a lesson." He draws out his words slowly and pulls my face closer to his causing me to whimper again at the pain.

"Don't get too comfortable little girl." The pain from my chin vanishes and I blink as I look around me at the empty hallway. He disappeared like a ghost which only causes me to shiver even more.

Tears begin to fall from my eyes and I start to shake as I lean against the wall and slide down onto the floor.

Sobs rock my body and I cover my mouth with my hand to not make any noise, but the gasps of terror still make it out.

After what seems like hours I manage to pick myself back up and I slowly go to Adaria's room, feeling like a zombie.

I open the door and she gets up from her bed with lightning speed and begins to inspect me with concern.

"What happened? Why are you so late?!" She bombards me with questions and I swat her hands away.

"I'm okay, there was an accident in the kitchen that's all. Everything is fine and sorted out." I answer, avoiding eye contact and she goes silent. I sneak a peek to see her staring at me with her mouth in a thin straight line.

Without a word she pulls me into a hug. I gasp in shock but slowly let my body relax in her arms and smile at the affection.

Suddenly her hand is under my chin lifting it up slowly, I look up at her and look into her eyes briefly before closing mine and moving my lips towards hers. 

When they touch it feels like a splash of life returns to my  body, after weeks of being starved I finally feel full again. Her soft lips begin to dance against mine and I find my mind going blank as my body reacts instinctively to hers.

I reach up and cup the back of her head with my hand and deepen the kiss between us, a small growl causes me to freeze and we break apart.

I look at her and shake my head quickly, blinking repeatedly at what I just witnessed.

Were her eyes... Glowing?! 

"S-Sorry Kyrie, I need to be careful not to lose control with you." I stare in shock at her flustered state and allow myself to breathe again. 

"What do you mean lose control? Why were you growling?" I ask her and immediately regret it as her eyes narrow and she looks defensive. 

"Go to bed Kyrie, you had a long day." She answers coldly and I sigh and comply, I crawl into bed feeling exhausted and scared after all the events that took place today.

I wonder... Am I getting closer to finding out this secret that caused that girl to kill herself? Should I keep prodding? A part of me really wants to find out what could be so horrible, how could someone like Adaria be involved? She is so kind to me... I feel stuff for her I've never felt for anyone before. More then a friendship, a strong bond between us. 

Idiot! You are a slave here! She is one of your captors!

I feel tears prick at my eyes at the thought of her seeing me as a slave. But when she joins me and wraps herself around me I quickly fall into a comfortable sleep and forget about all the bad feelings.


Alrighty chapter three is finally done! It took me a while to write out more of this story in detail so the updates have been a bit slow to start. Please let me know what you thought about this chapter! ^^ I'd love to hear your thoughts. 

~ Katt

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