
By kylieskatz22

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Riker Lynch develops an eating disorder after reading hate comments on his Instagram pictures. He starts star... More

Chapter 2 : Skipping meals
Chapter 3 : Passing out
Chapter 4 : Trying internet ideas
Chapter 5 : Surprise movie night
Chapter 6 : Meeting a girl
Chapter 7 : A bit suspicious...
Chapter 8 : The pizza
Chapter 9 : Rydel gets suspicious
Chapter 10 : Dizzy spells
Chapter 11 : Family meeting
Chapter 12 : The drive to the mountains
Chapter 13 : Close calls
Chapter 14 : Faking sick
Chapter 15 : The swimming incident
Chapter 16 : Rydel finds out
Chapter 17 : Rydel in control
Chapter 18 : Hike Day
Chapter 19 : Reaching the top
Chapter 20 : Back to the cabin
Chapter 21 : Telling Tori
Chapter 22 : Telling Curt
Chapter 23 : Riker's freak out
Chapter 24 : Family meeting
Chapter 25 : The party
Chapter 26 : Another family meeting
Chapter 27 : The concert
Chapter 28 : Concert nerves
Chapter 29 : Trying the concert again
Chapter 30 : Slip
Chapter 31 : Surprise vacation
Chapter 32 : Night shenanigans
Chapter 33 : Surfing and burns

Chapter 1 : Hate comments

1.2K 36 1
By kylieskatz22

Chapter 1

Riker POV

"You're freaking 18 years old, Riker! You're an adult! I expect you to finish your chores on time!" Dad yelled.

I sunk down in my seat on the couch. I forgot to do the dishes last night...

"Get your butt in the kitchen!"

I jumped up, and went into the kitchen. I stood at the sink, and began to do the dishes. I felt embarrassed because my siblings were all looking at me.

I did them quickly, and I was about to leave when dad stopped me.

"Give me your phone."

"Do I have to?"


I slid my phone out of my pocket, and handed it to dad. I might be 18, but as long as I'm living under mom and dad's roof, they can still punish me...

I went back to the living room, and sat down next to my sister, bored. 

"I hate not having my phone," I mumbled.

"Rik... Maybe it's better that way."


"I don't know. R5 has been getting a bit of hate lately. Mom told me not to read too many comments on social media. I think it's best if you stay away from it too."

I sighed. Rydel is the angel of the family, always following what mom and dad say. And when she slips up, she gets away with it.

Me on the other hand... I'm the oldest. Mom and dad expect nothing but the best from me, so when I screw up, I get slammed for it. 

And of course Rocky, Ross, and Ryland never do anything wrong by mom and dad's judgement because 'they're just kids' and don't know better. But me... I should be a 'perfect' son, and it's so frustrating!

And I felt mad that now Rydel was telling me what to do. If I want to go on social media and read comments, then I'm going to do that!

Just not on my phone...

I got up, and went upstairs to my bedroom. I pulled out my laptop, and went to Instagram. I searched for myself, and clicked on my most recent picture, which is me in my hockey gear.

He looks fat in his hockey stuff.

His uniform is ugly.

He probably fell because he's so clumsy.


He's bad at hockey.

I click off the picture, and click another one. This one is me at the pool with my brothers.

He needs to work out.


He looks different than I imagined in a swim suit, and not in a good way.


I slam my laptop shut as tears sting my eyes. It's already been a hard week with dad being on my case about everything. Oh, clean your room, do your chores, graduate high school...

The freaking list goes on...

At least we're home schooled, although sometimes that just makes things worse. I get the familiar comments from mom of 'why didn't you study' and 'you're better than this, Riker'.

It's frustrating. I'm trying to lead our band to some fame, but everything is dragging me down. 

Music has always been the one thing to cheer me up, but now that people are hating on the band, I'm not sure I have music to make me feel better anymore...

I blinked my tears away, and decided to go for a walk. At least I'll be getting exercise. I'll lose some weight. Hopefully...

I stood up from my bed, and walked over to the mirror. I pulled my shirt off, and looked at myself in the mirror. 



Not good enough.

I put my shirt on, and then pulled a hoodie over it. I put on my shoes, and walked out the front door.


Riker POV

"Riker, you haven't touched your food. Is everything ok?" Mom asked.

"I'm just not feeling the best... Can I please be excused?"

"Yes, Riker."

I pushed my chair in, and walked up to my bedroom. I shut the door, and sighed. If I want to be skinny, I have to start somewhere, right?

I grabbed some clothes, deciding to take a shower. I walked to the bathroom, and locked the door. I took off my shirt and jeans, standing in my underwear. I stood on the edge of the bathtub so I could see all of myself. 

They're right. I am fat. I could definitely lose some pounds. 

Ross should be my goal. He has abs. He looks great.

I have nothing. Just a chubby stomach.

I took off my underwear, and started the shower. I got in, and let the hot water sting my skin a little. 

I kept looking down at my stomach.

So fat.

I have to do something about this. It will stop the hate, and they'll like us again.

I finished showering, and changed into some pjs. They were sort of baggy because I was trying to hide myself in them. 

I went to my bedroom, got into bed, and shut the light off. I was tired.

So I went to sleep.

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