One Direction special little...

By Priceisrightrusher

38.3K 928 144

Carrie-Anne is a special toddler that has spinal muscular disorder, and she gets disowned by her birth parent... More

Coming soon
One direction finds Carrie-Ann
Performing with Carrie-Ann
Getting Carrie-Ann settled
First night
Louis birthday
The babies
Carrie-Ann's new stepbrother
Saying bye to the babies
The baby girl is staying
The baby girl name is going to be
Makayla Violet Rose
Bringing Makayla home
Shopping for the boys
Getting the babies settled
First outing with paps and fans
Photo shoot
Sequel is happening
Father's day
We have a name
The little girl
Luna's first night
Carrie-Ann starts preschool
First day of school
Preview: The Sextuplets come into the picture
Sextuplets come into the picture
Getting to know the sextuplets preview
Getting to know the sextuplets
The sextuplets see their new home
Happy Thanksgiving
Sextuplets see their new home preview part 2
Sextuplets see their new home part 2
The sextuplets see their new home part 3
Valentine's Day
Louis and Niall fight
Niall asks Harry a question
Niall has the baby
Niall sees the babies
Thinking of names
Asking Harry to move in
Talking it over with Louis part 1
Talking it over with Louis part 2
Sequel titles
Sequel is
Rest of the chapters
Niall talks to Harry preview
Niall talks to Harry
Harry does a nursery for the new babies
Happy Thanksgiving
Harry does the nurseries preview
Harry does the nurseries
Niall comes home take 2
Carrie Ann sees Niall
Niall helps Carrie-Ann walk
Niall sees the girls 2.0
Niall comes home
Niall comes home from the hospital
Zayn drops in
More Zayn and asking a ?
Louis pops back in
Happy fourth
Happy 10 years
Niall decides
Happy Thanksgiving
Twins are released
Niall is ticked off
Seeing Carrie Ann
Part 2
More will come I swear
Part 3
More will come I hope again
Louis's night with Carrie-Ann
Part 2
Part 3
Niall's night part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Happy Easter
Part 4
On hold
Part 5

Niall gets checked out

208 12 0
By Priceisrightrusher

"I don't love you anymore I rather be done with you and i hate Carrie-Ann and the kids I don't care if she walks I don't care, and i don't care about the rest of those brats we adopted I plan on taking them back to the orphanage tonight  " Louis says as he went back to his call cause apparently Louis was going to be going out without Niall

"Louis what the devil did i do to you? What did the kids do to you? Absolutely nothing Louis they are just kids and babies" Niall asks as he started to break down and cry

Louis then punched and slapped Niall and kicked Niall before he left the house

"Papa" one of the little kids say when they saw Niall on the floor of the porch

"Call Uncle Harry and Liam" Niall says as he was hiding the blood

Carrie-Ann called Uncle Harry and Liam and they were over there in no time to see what happened with Niall

"Niall what happened?" Harry asks as he came up to him while Liam was going to take care of the kids while Harry took care of Niall

"Louis and me got into a fight and he punched, kicked, and slapped me" Niall says as he looks at Harry

"It's bad Niall you are going to have stitches" Harry says as he was helping Niall to his car so they could go to the hospital

"What am i going to do? Louis is going to get rid of the kids" Niall says as they were heading to he hospital

"First Louis is going to pay what he did to you I am just glad he didn't hurt the kids" Harry says as he was driving

"What am i going to do I want to be with Louis i can't raise these kids all by myself Harry" Niall says as he was crying cause Louis did this to him

"Niall don't worry we will be here with you and the kids" Harry says as they were pulling into the hospital to get Niall taken care of

Niall was grateful that Harry and Liam was going to help him and Niall was hatching a plan to get Louis back and he knew what he was going to do he was going to talk to Harry about it after he gets checked out at the hospital


"Easy Niall" Harry says as he helps Niall out of the car and into the hospital so he could be seen and get taken care of as well

Harry helped Niall into a wheelchair cause he could not walk the best right now

"Here is everything you need" Niall says as he hands Harry everything he needed to get him registered so he could be seen and see what had happened to him

Harry took them as he was going to register Niall, Niall was going to go in straight away since he was a victim of abuse

"I am going to stay with you Niall" Harry says as he looks at after he went through triage

"Thanks Harry" Niall says as he gets into the bed after he was in a hospital gown

"Welcome Niall I am going to call Liam to see what is going on with the kids and see if they are okay with uncle Liam

The kids were just fine they were watching a movie and having their snack at the moment so Harry was going to call when he heard something about Niall

"The kids are okay and Louis is not at the house just yet and when he comes back Liam is going to be waiting for him with a present" Harry says as he came back into the room to be with Niall since he was laying down holding his stomach 

Niall nodded as he looks at Harry with tears in his eyes at the moment cause he was in so much pain from Louis kicking him earlier 

"Don't worry I am going to be right here with you the whole time Niall" Harry says as he looks at Niall as Niall was getting an I.V after he had blood drawn to see what was going on with him to see if Louis did any damage at all 

Niall was grateful that Harry was there with him 

"Mr. Horan we are going to take you to x-ray" the tech says as she came into the room to get him for x-ray 

"I will be right here when you come back I am going to get some snacks" Harry says as he was going to leave the room to get something to eat for Niall and him just in case Niall was hungry as well since he did not eat much through the day since he was busy with the kids 

Niall nodded as he was taken to x-ray

H: They just took Niall back for x-ray

Li: I hope he is okay cause the six girls are worried about their mama

H: That has to be the sextuplets bring them over since they had enough of trauma in their life they don't need anymore

Li: Okay I will have Zayn bring them over since Zayn came to help me with the kids since there are so many of them

H: I will see Zayn soon then with the sextuplets

Li: Yes he is on his way over there now with them since they were really missing their mama so much i figured they need to see Niall 

H: I bet I will meet Zayn by the entrance to the ER and take them back so they can see Niall

Liam hung up 

"I guess i better get some more snacks then for the girls" Harry says as he was at the vending machine to get the snacks for Niall, the sextuplets and him 

Harry got the whole vending machine for the themselves just in case it was going to be a while with the girls and Niall

V & C 

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