Saving Sam

By TigersWithin

42 5 0

Sam Hunter is anything but normal. Her day consists of taking a thousand pills, going to see a shrink, trips... More

Meet the Characters
Chapter 1}- Daily Routine

Chapter 2}- The Fight

14 2 0
By TigersWithin

"Sam," someone says. I look up from my desk to see Chris standing by the door panting quiet heavily. What did he do run here? I quickly get out of my chair and run over to him wrapping my arms around him. He immediately wraps his arms around me rocking us back and forth. I bury my head into his shirt a few tears slipping out of my eyes. I quickly wipe them away with my sleeve. I never cry in front of anyone because that's a sigh of weakness and I'm not weak. Also I look really ugly when my face is all discolored and mutated. Chris pats my shoulder breaking me from my rant.

"Come on Sam lets get out of here," Chris says. I nod my head walking back over to my desk grabbing my backpack. Hercules follows me so I don't have to hold his leash. I attach myself to Chris's side again wrapping my arm around his waist. He says bye to Mr. Lenny and walks out of the classroom. Everyone's in first block so no ones outside. Thank god for that. I don't think I could deal with people right now. Chris and I walk down the hall and outside to his car. Chris is a sophomore in college. But it's his spring break so he's home for a while. Chris opens the door for me and Hercules to jump in. Once we're in he closes the door and hops into the drivers seat. His red truck roars to life and starts the drive to the therapist office. We sit in silents not saying anything to anyone. I hate when Chris or dad has to pick me up from school. I know for a fact they hate coming to school too.

"So Sam what happen today?" Chris tries to rack up a conversation. I shrug my shoulders not really wanting to explain my stupid panic attack. I look over at Chris to see him leaning his head against his arm that's prompted on the window. Great Sam keep messing everything up. Chris turns down the road going down a narrow road. Besides the car bouncing up and down from how many pot holes there are we sit on complete silents. Chris drives into the parking lot of the therapist office unlocking the door. I look at him to see if he's coming but it doesn't look like it. My heart shatters but I get out anyway.

"C-come o-on Hercules," my voice cracks closing the door. I watch Chris drive away caring less if I die. I turn to the building and walk into it. I have a death grip on Hercules leash. The door bell rings telling the receptionist that someone's here. I walk up to the window waiting for someone to notice me. A girl turns around in her chair jumping not expecting anyone to be right there.

"Oh Sam you gave me a fright. Dr. Locking is in his office. You can go right in," she smiles unlocking the door for me. I go down the hall and walk down the hall to Dr. Locking's office. His door is open and he's writing something down.

"Knock, knock," goes my fist on the door frame. He looks up from his writing and smiles at me. I give him a weak smile and walk into his office closing the door. Hercules goes over to Dr. Locking waiting for his treat. Dr. Locking always gives Hercules a treat when he see him.

"There you go Hercules. Good job today buddy. You kept Sam safe today," Dr. Locking smiles scratching Hercules head. He turns his attention back to me. I fiddle with my thumbs quiet embarrassed of what happen today. I hear wheels squeak getting closer to me. I look up to see Dr. Locking sitting right in front of me. He takes my hands into his and gives them a gentle pat.

"How are you holding up Sam?" He asks knowing that I hate when my dad or brother had to pick me up and drive me here. I've been seeing Dr. Locking for the past seven years after what happen to me. I shrug my shoulders not really feeling like reliving the moment. He nods his head and writes something in my file. Probably like this girl is unsavable or can't be fixed. Something along those lines.

"So Sam how has your week been going?" He asks avoiding the whole reason why I'm here.
"Good," my voice squeaks out. Even Hercules lifts his head up from my feet. Dr. Locking raises his eyebrows at me giving me that look of "should I call the hospital". I comb my fingers through my hair my hands shaking a mile a minute.

"Sam......what's going on. I can tell it's really bad today. Have you been taking your pills?" He asks taking my hands into his. His warm hands touch my cold hands making me flinch back. Everything is just going for me today isn't it. I take a deep breath my breathing shaking again. No not another one. I'm still trying to recover from the first stupid one.

"I-I'm f-f-fine. J-just t-tired," I try to reassure myself more then reassuring him. He puts his pen down and puts my file on his desk which is very rare cause he's always writing stuff down about our sessions. He rolls his chair over to me and takes my hands once again. I think he's trying to find my pulse or something. He keeps pressing down on my wrist trying to find a pulse. My hands grasp his hands holding them tight. His hands are big and strong giving me a sense of safety.

"Don't worry Doc. I'm positive I have a pulse. I heard it in my ears this morning," I careless say not realizing what I just did. Once I say it I immediately want to take it back. The room gets really small and my brain stops working. I try to hold on to Dr. Locking but I'm going back to the room. The accident that happened this morning. I see myself on the ground while the nurse, the random guy and Mr. Lenny are trying to wake me up. I watch myself just lay there not moving. Hercules is whimpering trying to wake me up.

"Get that stupid dog out of here," The random guy says pulling Hercules back tying him to the desk. That bastered. My breathing is shallow as I watch myself lay there not moving. 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 I count rocking back and forth on the floor. The image gets fuzzy and before I know it I'm back in the office. But of course guess where I ended up? On the floor just like any other time.

"Sam......Sam......Sam can you hear me?" Dr. Locking asks waving his hand in front of me. I blink my eyes a little coming back to reality. Hercules is standing over me with his paw on my chest. I groan in pain putting my hand to my throbbing head. I'm guessing I fell off the chair onto the floor hitting my head in the process.

"Sam...hey stay with us ok. Can you stay with us Sam?" He asks snapping his fingers in front of my face. I flinch at the noise not fully aware of what's going on still. I sit up from the floor the room spinning really really fast. Like super fast.

"I think I'm going to puke," my raspy voice says as I lean my body against the chair. Dr. Locking gets the trash can from the wall and hands it to me. I gladly take it because I feel like I'm going to hurl any second now. What do you know I do. I almost fill the whole trash can and it's one of those heavy duty tall ones. I place it to the side weaker then when I started.

"I'm calling Dr. Tison Sam. I'm really worried about you right now," Dr. Locking says grabbing his phone. I don't argue with him because I'm too weak to do anything. Also if I talk I might throw up again. Hercules is laying on the opposite side of the destroyed trash can his head on my lap. I gently stroke his fur closing my eyes.

"Yes 45 minutes.........then she.........yes really high voice............another one 44 minutes............looks like she's dying.........she destroyed my trashcan.........I don't even think she can move.........yeah well you know her............I don't think that's the best idea.........see you soon," Dr. Locking says hanging up the phone. He turns back to me and puts his hand to my head to probably see if I have a fever or something like that.

"Sam your dad and brother are coming to pick you up. Your going to visit Dr. Tison ok," he says to me.
"Y-yeah," my voice cracks. Another pain comes through my head making me clench my eyes tight.

"Just hold on Sam your going to be ok. Hold on to my hand ok," Dr. Locking says. I reach out to grab his hand. My grip on it is probably the weakest I've ever grabbed on to someone. Dr. Locking holds my hand tight not letting my hand slip. My arm gets tired and I have to let go. I place it back on the ground closing my eyes again. I start losing sense in my body. I feel like I'm floating in space and there's no walls anywhere. Just floating there not doing anything.

"Sam! Sam you have to stay awake ok! Sam can you here me? SAM!" Dr. Locking yells but I'm already going. I feel my head get really light and it feels like all the weight on my shoulders are gone. I open my eyes but everything's really fuzzy.

"H-hold on," I stutter out falling to the ground.

✨ ⚜️ ✨

"Beep......beep......beep......beep," goes something in the background. I crinkle my nose in annoyance trying to find some peace. I roll over on my side only for a splinting pain to go through my arm.

"Fuck," I groan putting my arm close to my chest. Then I get really cold like someone just spilled a bucket of water on me and has the fan blasting on it. I roll to the other side hitting my shoulder on something. What the fuck? Where am I? I decide to open my eyes to see what's keeping captive. I open my eyes only to wish I didn't. It looks like I'm in a hospital bed. I must've hit the rail of the bed. I lift my hand up only to see blood gushing out of it and from the ripped up IV and liquid squirting all over me.

"Sam Hunter age 15–holy crap. Shit this isn't good!" A nurse says running over to me. She quickly puts a towel over my squirting arm and turns the liquid off so it doesn't keep squirting out. Not that I'm already trenched in some medical substance. She places the IV back in my arm tapping it up. I think she is mad at me because she tapped my whole hand up. She writes something down on her clipboard mumbling under her breath.

"Stupid teenager. Attention seeker. Panic attack my butt," she mumbles walking down the hall. I would call after her to say that's not true. But sadly it's the cold hard truth. I plop back down on the bed and look up to the ceiling. There's stars on the wall with planets and astronaut stickers. There's a knock on my door breaking me away from the Stars.

There stands Dr. Tison. He has his white lab coat on and a stethoscope around his neck. There's a tiny plush bear hugging it. He walks into the room giving me a small smile.

"Hello Sam. I see you woke up. That's good even though I would've liked you less drenched in antibiotics. I give him a weak smile. He checks my vitals writing them on my chart by the way looks like it's going to explode any day now. He writes stuff into the computer looking at me every now and then.

"Well it's good to see you Sam. Sure I would love to see you just for normal check ups but you get what you get right?" He chuckles rolling over to me. I give him a weak smile not amused by his humor right now. After all I'm in a hospital for the most stupidest thing ever. Dr. Locking didn't have to call the hospital he could've just let me wake up on my own.

"Sam you passed out twice a one day and was out for a good two hours in total. That's not normal even for you," Dr. Tison sighs reading my mind. I give him a sheepish look focusing on my hands. Footsteps are heard from the hall running towards my room with chains clanking too. Shit a robber break in. Wait why would a robber break into a hospital? Sometimes I wonder where my brain is or if I even have a brain.

"Omg thank god your ok Sam. I came as fast as I could when I got the call," Sam sighs panting. Hercules and Percy are with him panting too.

"Where is she. Is my baby girl ok?" Dad tells from down the hall. Seconds later he comes in with Thunder at his heals. I just look at them with a confused expression. Dr. Tison presses a few buttons and adjusts the bags of liquid that are being injected into me. Honestly I think it's a little too far. This probably happens two times a week. I don't know why this one is so different then the others. I've been out more then an hour before I'm one fall.

"She'll be ok now. But I just want to keep her over night for observation if you don't mind," Dr. Tison says walking out of the room. Dad and Chris nod their head thanking him. Chris walks over to me helping Hercules and Percy on the bed. Chris takes Thunder from dad and helps him up too.

"Chris what are you doing. Get those dogs off her," dad says pointing to Hercules, Percy and Thunder who are happily laying their heads on my legs.

"It's fine dad. I'm alright," I say petting them.

"Sam you don't have a say in this. Now get them off," he says walking over to me and shooing them off. But they don't move.

"OFF. LETS GO!" Dad shouts pointing to the floor. They don't move or lift their heads.

"Dad just keep them on the bed. They're not doing anything," Chris intervenes stepping between dad and I. Dad pushes Chris out of the way and forcefully picks up Hercules. My heart beat picks up afraid of what's unfolding.

"Stupid dogs don't listen," he mumbles throwing Hercules on the floor. Thunder and Percy perk up showing their teeth.

"Dad stop. What are you doing. They're doing there job of keeping Sam calm," Chris raises his voice. By now I'm having a mini panic attack because of the yelling. Dad pushes Chris again taking Thunder away from me. Thunder sensing danger bites dads hand.

"FUCK YOU LITTLE BITCH!" Dad yells at Thunder. Thunder cowards behind Hercules who's low growling. I put my arms around Percy's neck trying to stay calm.

"Sam give me the damn dog," dad sighs. I shake my head holding him closer to me. Dad tries to get him but I move Percy away whimpering into his fur.

"DAD JUST STOP OK! LET THE DOGS BACK ON THE BED. YOUR SCARING SAM!" Chris yells pointing to me. Dad clenches his fist standing right in Chris face. No please don't hurt him dad.

"UNTIL YOU GET YOUR OWN HOUSE YOU MAKE THE RULES. UNTIL THEN YOUR UNDER MY HOUSE MY RULES. SO YOU EITHER FOLLOW THEM OR GET OUT!" Dad yells on top of his lungs. I flinch at the noise my heart race at its max and the machine going crazy. The room feels to get smaller and smaller and I can't breath once again.

"SAM GIVE ME THE FUCKEN DOG NOW! I DON'T KNOW WHY I EVEN GOT THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE!" He yells gripping Percy's collar. Everything happens in slow motion. Chris pushes dad hard sending him flying across the room falling into the chairs. Dad gets up blood dripping from the side of his head. He walks over to Sam pushing him backwards.

"P-p-please s-s-stop my voice squeaky barely audible. I watch Chris tackle dad to the ground as security comes running in pulling them apart. Dads face is all bloody while Chris's nose is bleeding and his eye is swollen shut. I can't move from my position because I'm petrified to my spot.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!" Dad yells from down the hall.

"I AM. YOU HAPPY NOW DAD. IM LEAVING AND NEVER COMING BACK. YOU HEAR NEVER!" Chris yells from the other side of the hall. I'm laying in my bed shaking like crazy tears flooding my face. Please just stop.

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