Finding Home

By anonymousgg16

158K 5.6K 1.2K

Sixteen months after turning down Logan's marriage proposal, Rory unexpectedly runs into Finn Morgan while on... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Epilogue: Part 1
Epilogue - Part 2
Epilogue - Part 3

Chapter 4

3.7K 107 14
By anonymousgg16

Rory shut her hotel room door and leaned against it with a sigh, her mind running wild.  She quickly kicked off her heels and started a pot of coffee before changing into pajamas.  Her eyes shifted to the clock.  It was after 10:00 in Chicago, which meant she really should wait until tomorrow to call her Mom.  She and Luke were sure to be asleep at this hour.  After arguing with herself in her head for a few minutes, she finally picked up her phone and typed out a quick text to Kate and Laura and hit send before throwing it on her bed and pouring a cup of coffee.  Not even two minutes later, she answered the knock on her door to find her friends standing there giggling.

"We want details, Gilmore!  How was the date with the hottie?" Laura asked with a smile as she shut the door behind her.

"Are you sure you two weren't waiting for my text?  You got here awfully quickly," Rory said, trying to stall for a bit before talking about her evening.

"We might have anticipated your freak out phone call and been waiting, yes.  Now, quit stalling!" said Kate.

"It was nice.  We caught up, dinner was great, I had a fantastic time," Rory began.

"But?" asked Kate.

"There's no but, really.  I mean, I got the definite impression that he was flirting with my subtly, but Finn has always been quite the flirt.  He's changed, though.  He's not as crazy as he was in college.  He was constantly drinking and partying then, and it seems like he's settled down now."

"We want details, not Spark Notes, Rory!  Tell us more!" Laura said with a laugh.

"It was really good.  It felt like a date, but I don't know if he felt it, too.  When he held my hand or put his hand on the small of my back there were definite sparks felt on my part.  God, I wish I could read his mind!" Rory said with a sigh.  "I thought for a minute he might kiss me goodnight, but he only kissed me on the cheek and hugged me and told he he'd see me tomorrow."

"Did you want him to kiss you goodnight?" asked Kate.

"It wasn't the burning question on my mind all night long or anything, but yeah, I think I did.  Oh!  And when we were leaving, he said something about every man in the room wanting to know who the beautiful woman on his arm was, and when I told him that he was delusional he told me that I was the most beautiful woman he'd ever had the pleasure to accompany."

"Oh wow, he's good," swooned Laura.

"What do I do, guys?!  See, this is why I don't date often.  It's one thing if it's one of my Grandma's setups, because I'm never interested in them, but being all girly and conflicted so isn't my thing!" Rory exclaimed.

"Relax, Rory.  Let's watch a movie and we'll crash in here with you for the night, and then we'll pick up the insanity tomorrow morning, okay?  Maybe some sleep will help clear your head." said Kate.

"Perfect!" Rory said as she moved to the bed and grabbed the TV remote.


Finn slowly stripped down to his boxers when he returned to his suite and settled on the couch, turning on the television just to have some noise.  He had been more than ready to go back home until he saw a certain blue-eyed reporter this morning.  As he turned his thoughts back to dinner, he tried to think back to their interactions during the evening.  He had certainly felt like the evening was more of a date than two friends catching up, and he was almost certain that Rory had wanted him to kiss her when he walked her to his room.

He sighed and ran his hand through his hair in frustration.  Dating was so much easier in college.  Of course, what he did in college really couldn't be considered dating, and college dating certainly wasn't what was on his mind tonight.  He hadn't been that guy in a while, and Rory wasn't that girl, as much as she had tried to be for Logan at the beginning of their relationship.

Shit.  Logan.  Logan had moved on, but what would he say about the possibility of Finn wanting to pursue Rory?  And did he really want to bring up that possibility if he wasn't certain that Rory was interested in him? 

Finn picked up his phone and shot off a quick text to Colin.  The last thing he wanted to do was to text Colin about his dilemma if he was out with Huntzberger.

Home with the Mrs. tonight or our with our mutual friends, mate?

She's not the Mrs. yet, man, but I'm home with her.  How's Chicago?

Chicago's interesting.  I wouldn't have believed you if you'd told me before I left that the one and only Rory Gilmore was staying here and reporting from the campaign trail.

No shit, man?  Have you seen her?

Indeed I have.  I caught a glimpse of her this morning and then she saw me in the lobby.  We caught up over dinner.

Need I remind you to tread lightly, Finn?  You've always had a soft spot for her.  How is she?

She's good.  Gorgeous as ever.  Seems that she's over Huntz.  Enjoys her job.

I'm assuming that you didn't text me this late just to update me on her life?

No, mate.  It turns out that I am still just as intrigued by her.

Any idea if she feels the same way?

I kind of got the impression she wanted me to kiss her goodnight.

And did you?

No.  Don't get me wrong, I wanted to, but I didn't.  Am I crazy for even wondering if it could work?

Finn, you've always been crazy.  You know you'll have to talk to Logan, right?  You can't go behind his back if you're going to start seeing her.

Don't remind me.  Do I talk to him now or wait until I get a better idea of whether or not she might be interested?

Your call, man.  Do you want to have that conversation out of the way before you talk to Rory? Or would you rather him not know about the possibility of you dating her if she's not interested?

I'll sleep on it and let you know in the morning, mate.

With a sigh, Finn moved to the bed and turned off the lights in hope of sleeping.


Rory awoke with a start the next morning when her alarm went off.  She was momentarily confused.  She had been dreaming, and it had seemed so real.  She had dreamed about being on another date with Finn, and there had definitely been a goodnight kiss that had lead to things that she blushed just thinking about.  She sighed and woke her friends up before starting the coffee maker.

"Ugh.  Gilmore girls will never like mornings.  What are you guys up to this morning?" she asked Kate and Laura.

"Want to meet for breakfast in the hotel restaurant in an hour?" Kate asked.  "We don't have anything to cover until this afternoon."

"Sure!  I'll see you guys downstairs shortly," Rory replied as the two walked out the door to return to their rooms.

Rory showered, dried and styled her hair and put on a touch of makeup quickly before picking out her outfit.  She opted for a black pencil skirt and a white blouse with red pinstripes with her black ballet flats.  With five minutes to spare, she grabbed her purse, room key and cell phone and and walked towards the elevator, meeting Kate and Laura on the way.

"So, how are you feeling this morning?" Kate asked as they waited for the elevator.

"A little more calm than last night, actually.  I'm just going to try not to overanalyze.  If I see him again, I see him again.  If I don't, I don't.  It's not like this is a great time to start a relationship, right?" Rory asked rhetorically as they boarded the elevator.

"I'll agree with you trying not to overanalyze.  Just relax, Ror.  Don't force anything.  If it feels right, it feels right," replied Laura as the elevator dinged and they exited in the hotel lobby.

As if fate had a mind of its own, Finn walked into the lobby mere seconds after the ladies had gotten out of the elevator.

"Kitten!" she heard him exclaim as he quickly crossed the lobby and pulled her close, kissing her on the cheek before turning to face her friends.  He looked incredible today in a blue suit with a grey shirt, the top two buttons unbuttoned.  She leaned up and kissed him on the cheek, returning his greeting, and couldn't help but be very aware of the fact that his arm was still left firmly around her shoulders from when he had pulled her into him to say hello.  She made a very hard-fought effort not to overthink what was going on and laid her arm gently around his waist, hugging him briefly but leaving her arm in place.

"Good morning, Finny!" she said with a giggle.

"Now, love, what have I told you about that nickname?" he said with a blush.

"Hmm...I thought it was just that I'm the only one allowed to use it?" she asked as she batted her eyes at the unsuspecting Australian.

"Damn those Bambi eyes.  I swear, every man in the world must be unable to resist them.  Fine, you're the only one who can call me Finny," he replied with an exaggerated sigh.

"Aw, thank you!" she beamed.

"Now, who are these lovely ladies you're with this morning?" Finn asked as he turned his attention back to her friends.

"Finn, these are my friends Kate and Laura.  They're also on the campaign trail, so we've spent almost every day of the last 16 months together.  Kate and Laura, this is my friend Finn Morgan."

"It's lovely to meet you both," Finn said as he took first Kate's hand and then Laura's and laid a featherlight kiss on their knuckles, never removing his arm from Rory's shoulders.

"So, kitten, what's your schedule like today?  Do you have any time for me?" Finn asked.

"Sure!  We're just heading to breakfast at the hotel restaurant now, and then I have an event to cover this afternoon.  I'm free this evening, though, if you'd like to do something."

"Absolutely, love!  I will leave you lovely ladies to breakfast, and I will text you a bit later, Miss Gilmore," Finn said as he sent a flirtatious smile her way.  He tightened his arm around her shoulders one last time, pulling her in for another small hug, before kissing her forehead and walking toward an office with a wink.

The moment the office door had shut behind Finn, Laura and Kate were squealing and talking loudly.

"Really, guys, can we tone it down a bit and head to the restaurant?  I promise I'll listen to whatever it is that you want to say once we're seated," Rory said with mock exasperation.

Kate and Laura quickly agreed and they walked across the lobby to the hotel restaurant and were immediately seated at a table.  Rory could tell that they were both dying to start talking, but she held them off until they had coffee in their cups and had ordered their breakfast.  They looked like they might explode at any moment, and Rory couldn't help but be amused.  She finally put them out of their misery.

"Alright, let's hear it.  What are you two dying to say?"

"There's no way that man isn't into you, Rory!" Kate said excitedly.  "I mean, he looked at you like you were the only woman in the room, and he definitely didn't want you let you out of his grasp."

"I can't believe I'm going to admit this, but I think you guys might be right," Rory replied softly.

"So...?" Laura asked.

"So...," Rory parroted. 

"How are you feeling about all of this now?  Throw us a bone, Gilmore!" exclaimed Kate.

"I feel like I'm looking forward to tonight," Rory replied with a blush as their breakfast was placed in front of them.

"Ooh, you should invite him to the gala Thursday night!  I bet that man looks amazing in a tux," Laura said with a dreamy smile.

"Let's see how tonight goes first, Laura," Rory laughed.

The girls descended into laughter as they ate their breakfast and talked animatedly about Rory's potential new love interest, work, and job possibilities as the campaign was coming to a close.  They were all laughing and lost in conversation as their waiter approached their table with what appeared to be a plain, folded white card. 

"Miss Gilmore?" the waiter asked.

"Yes, that's me," Rory replied, confused.

"For you, miss," the waiter said as he placed the card in her hand and turned and walked off.

Rory opened the card and smiled as she read what was inside.

Breakfast is my treat, kitten.  I hope you ladies enjoyed it.  I thought we might stay in tonight for a movie night?  I'll text you later.  By the way, you look lovely today.  Very sexy librarian.  Enjoy your day!  -Finn

"Well?" both Laura and Kate asked at the same time, eyeing Rory curiously.

"Finn treated us all to breakfast, and he suggested a movie night tonight," Rory grinned.

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