Virginity Game 2

By MrsTomlinson1004

2.1M 33.3K 14.7K

SECOND BOOK! Read VIRGINITY GAME first. Jace didn't want to be a player, why would he? He had a girlfriend t... More

Virginity Game 2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 part 1
Chapter 35 part 2
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 10

65.2K 843 177
By MrsTomlinson1004

Update time!

Jace's pov-

I never thought I was type of person who enjoys making others miserable, until Mari. Placing her into my game, seeing her expression of pure terror, seeing Jade practically pass out. I loved it!

Isaac and I were the only ones who haven't picked our freshmen apprentice so Luke sent us to go get one. the more I think about the virginity game the more it looks like Luke, Marcus and Ben are controlling us. Which doesn't make any sense since they are no longer apart of it. Shouldn't they give us the rules and let us do our own game?

Right now I'm gonna do as the other are and let them control us but it won't take long for me to completely break from the rules.

"That kid looks okay" Isaac said pointing to some kid riding by on a skateboard, I shrugged. It doesn't matter to me what my freshman apprentice looks like, he's just gotta be cool.

"Hey" I yelled at the guy making him stop and turn his skateboard around and ride to us

"Yeah?" He asked this kid had blonde hair, grayish eyes it was weird. He was shorter then me he was wearing a gray hoodie and jeans.

"What grade are you in?" Isaac asked he looked at us weird

"Were not going rape you dude just tell us what grade you're in" I said with zero patients

"9th" he answered, Isaac and got up from the curb we were sitting on

"Name?" Isaac asked, the kid backed up when we got up.

"Landon" he answered looking looking Isaac and I over sizing us up, probably seeing if he could take us if he had to, which he couldn't.

"How do you feel about sex?" I asked Landon back up more and Isaac shook his head putting his hands up

"No, not like that like with girls" Isaac explained, I shrugged

"Or with boys, whatever you like" I mumbled

"I like girls" Landon spoke

"Good. Have you heard of the virginity game" Isaac asked Landon shook his head no, I rolled my eyes

"Well it's where three players try and have sex with girls they pick and we need a freshman apprentice for some reason I don't know and I don't care" I explained

"Uh.. So I'm the apprentice?" Landon asked Isaac nodded

"Yeah,mine" Isaac said

"His names Isaac Fitt" I said "we can go now" I started walking toward my car which was park not to far away

"Wait you haven't gotten an apprentice" Isaac said getting into the passenger seat.

"Yeah well who cares, shouldn't we be more focused on finding our game pieces" I stated

"I have both of mine picked out already, I just have to place them as my game piece" he said as I pulled out onto the street.

"Let me guess one being Bailey?" I asked with a smirk

"No. I don't want Bailey in the game, she's my friend. I don't want her getting hurt or something. She's of limits" Isaac said which caught be by complete surprise I would have never thought he DIDN'T want her in the game.

"Oh, good thing I didn't place her as my game piece then" I laughed he looked over at me

"You almost put her in the game? When?" He asked I rolled my eyes at his tone

"At the party, don't worry though I don't want her or anything. She's kind of a bitch" I stated


The next day in school I saw Mari walking alone, no Jade by her side. Which isn't a normal thing considering as soon as they get to school they meet up outside of the school or in the hallway. Never have I seen ether walking without the other.

"Where's slut two?" I asked walking up beside her, Mari gave me a glare.

"Get away from me" she snapped I automatically laughed.

"Aww, act like you don't love the attention from everyone" I stated with a smirk

"I hate you, you do still know that right?" She asked with a smirk

"You do realize I put you into this game because I hate you, right?" I mimicked her voice and smirk

"You ruined my friendship with jade" Mari yelled at me trying to walk faster then me

"You ruined my relationship with Jade so I guess were even" I shot back

"Act like you actually cared about her" Mari said stopping to look at me.

She doesn't know thing about me! She thinks I'm just some player who doesn't have a heart and is incapable of actually caring for someone for more then just sex.

"Don't fucking say that like you know me or something! You have NEVER had an actual conversation with me that didn't consist of you bitching about me or insulting me!" I snapped,

"Okay well I hate you so I don't have to give you a real conversation and frankly you don't deserve one from me" she snapped back with a bitchy smile then walked off.

I repeat I hate her with my entire soul. I just want to rip her heart out and stomp on it, I can't wait to break her apart from the inside out!


Baileys pov-

I walked into school and was greeted by Sophie. It was honestly crazy just how fast my life started to change from simply being told I was in the game.

"Did you even attempt to cover your hickey?" Sophie asked as we walked down the hallway, I really didn't bother with the hickey at all.

"Not really.. Should I have?" I asked Sophie shook her head with smile

"Bailey, you don't want people to know you're apart of the game till you can't hide it any longer" Sophie said "which will be when you get the bracelet so as if right now keep this hidden" she pointed to my neck, then took the pink and sparkly scarf she had on off and placed it around my neck so it would cover the mark on my neck.

"Thanks, anything else I should be aware of?" I asked

"Get to know the other game pieces when they are all chosen, I made some great friend from the game. Though I hate the game it gave me some great things" she said as we got to her locker


"Like life lessons, great friends" Ben came up behind Sophie and hugged her then kissed her neck and cheek a bunch Sophie laughed and pushed him back alittle "and my amazing boyfriend, which I love very much" she said turning around to wrap her arms around Ben's neck while his went around her waist to pull her into him.

"I love you very much too" he mumbled with a smile, watching them I could see just how happy and In love they were. That's what the virginity game did for Sophie, she found love through the game.. This could be me next year.

"I'll see you later Sophie" I said walking away, I felt weird just standing there while the two made out.

"Hey!" I heard then an arm was slung over my shoulder

"Hands off" I joked pushing Isaac's arm off of me.

"Shut up you love me" he said "by the way that scarf his ugly, take it off" he grabbed the scarf and I grabbed it so he couldn't pull it off to reveal the mark.

"No. I like it" I said

"Well it doesn't go with what you're wearing" he argued pulling on the scarf while I pushed his hands away

"Isaac I like it leave it alone!" I yelled as he pulled on it more

"I don't like it" he said pulling it from my neck I tried to grab for it but he had already pulled off and threw it away, his eyes landed on the hickey on my neck.

"Is that a hickey?" He asked I nodded, he's apart of the game so I guess it would be okay if he knows, I picked the scarf up from the ground and wrapped it around like Sophie had it.

"Your looking at Carter's game piece" I said grabbing his arm pulling him to walk, he just remained quite.

"When did this happen?" He asked.

"Yesterday" I answered walking to my first period "see you at lunch" I waved he waved back with that distant look in his eyes like his mind was far away.

"Dirty bail" Jace said as I took my seat next next to him

"Shut up, you know you're going to have to start kissing my ass right?" I asked with a smirk.

He's gonna have to try and sleep with me and no way can he ever get even close if he's always a prick to me.

"Oh really? Whys that?" He asked with an amused smile

"Because I'm Carter's game piece and you're going to try and have sex with me" I said.

"This should be interesting then" he laughed "Isaac vs Carter"

"What are you talking about?" I asked


Sorry for updating a day late! I fell asleep while writing it last night and I finished it in school, I'm in American history right now lol.

It's about it crazy!

Character going up on twitter and Instagram

-ally (baileys sister)

Vote comment and fan me

Twitter: MrsTomlinson004

Instagram: mrstomlinson004

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