The Tragedies of Chemistry

By _sincerelysammie

1K 98 7

chemistry: noun the complex emotional or pyschological interaction between two people. "Everyone has a soulma... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1- May I Mention
Chapter 2- When The Room Went Quiet
Chapter 3- The Secret Tree House
Chapter 4- Where There Is Trouble, There Is Andy
Chapter 5- High Secrets
Chapter 6- Rich Girls Are Poor Company
Chapter 7- The Journal Entry
Chapter 8- What She Doesn't Know
Chapter 9- Love Me Tonight
Chapter 10- Mozart The Artist
Chapter 11- Under Arrest
Chapter 12- Stoner To The Rescue
Chapter 13- The Lockwood Brothers
Chapter 14- Plan B for Black
Chapter 15- M
Chapter 16- Safe With Me
Chapter 17- Let's Get Physical
Chapter 18- Bitch By Day, Bitch By Night
Chapter 19- This Is Halloween
Chapter 20- A Moment Longer
Chapter 21- High Walls

Chapter 22- A Cordial Invitation

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By _sincerelysammie

Charlie's POV.

"I'm just saying that if I don't come out of that class with at least a C-, I'm going to cuss Mrs. Pasquini out." Andy groaned over her physics textbook.
Maya threw an arm around her and smiled, "You'll do fine. You studied really hard for this test."
"Only because I was too much of a dipshit to actually pay attention the first time I took it." She said, "Now if I don't pass it this year, I don't graduate. Fuck my life. I should just get high before the test and maybe I'll do better. Wouldn't that be funny Charlie?"
I stared down at my textbook, numbly thinking about Sunday morning. I worried about what Noah's mother said or did after we left. She wouldn't have made him pack up his things and go with her back to Amsterdam, would she? Maybe I might have been worrying a little bit too much but Noah wouldn't have left without saying goodbye, right?
I snapped out of my trance to see both of them staring back at me.
"Are you okay?" Maya asked.
"Yeah, I was just lost in thought."
"What were you thinking about?" Andy asked nosily.
"Uh, you know just about school-"
"Hey guys."
We all turned to see Noah walking towards our table. A smile plastered my face. "Noah!"
"How did it go with your mom?" Andy looked genuinely worried. "Did she ask about me?"
"It went.. fine, surprisingly. And yes, she did. She wanted to know why you ran out. She said it was unlike you."
Andy lowered her head and didn't say anything.
"Anyways, my mom wanted me to cordially invite you to dinner this weekend." He stated.
All our mouths dropped. "What?" I asked.
He nodded, "I'm just as surprised as you are. She said that she acted inappropriately by not greeting us so as an apology, she wants all of you to come to dinner at my house Saturday night."
"That's awesome!" Maya smiled, she looked over at Andy but Andy didn't respond. Her face drew a blank. "Are you okay And?" Maya asked.
"I can't go." Andy murmured.
"Why not?" I asked.
She looked up with watery pained eyes. "For as long as I can remember, your mother has taken care of me. When my mom left when I was really young, I know your mother gave my dad money to take care of me. Every birthday I've ever had, she bought me a cake. She bought me dresses to wear to church every Sunday your family went. She taught me table manners and bought me my first bra. The woman practically raised me. She told me I was the daughter she never had. How could I let her down when she finds out who I am?" She was crying by now, Maya at her shoulder.
Noah's expression was pained to see his dearest friend embarrassed of who she was. "Andrea, she loves you. She loves you for you, not for who you decide to go to bed with. I know my mom has never made it easy for us to tell her things about ourselves. She's a woman of God and to her, He and her business comes first. We've only had each other growing up. But trust me when I tell you, she loves you no matter what."
"How can you be so sure?" She asked.
"I'm not, but as long as I'm right next to you, I'll make sure everything is okay."
"Okay.. I'll go." Andy sighed.
I looked over to Noah. His eyes said more than his words ever could. I admired him for his need to protect his friends, his courage and kindness. He was a guy of honor and respect and no one could change that about him. The more I looked at him, the more trouble I knew I was in. I ignored the voice that kept saying that this was no longer a crush. But I wouldn't dare to think about it much further than that.

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