Poems....and 3 Short Stories

By Fashion_baller23

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Basically poems I wrote and 3 short stories for my english class enjoy More

Hatred Kills, love conquers
Questioning love??? heres the answers..............
StOrMy DaYs and MoNtErEy
Forbidden Love
Unfaithful Marriage
Racism...A Thing of The Past, Present, or Future?
Can a Lost Soul Return?
Love is Pain

Mission: Cinderella

570 1 0
By Fashion_baller23

Mission: Cinderella

"Agent Keyuna Adriano, report to HQ now."

I got up from the chair and propelled my 5'10 frame down the hallway to the meeting room. But before this goes on, let me tell you about myself. I am Italian, 18 yrs old, have brown hair, green eyes, and I am currently the youngest and best agent to grace the halls of B.W.I.T. Bolton West Intelligence Team. This agency was so top-secret that only the president and the secret service knew about it.

After acknowledging the 2 guards posted at the outside of the door, I walked into the room, and took a seat. I watched as the commander stood up and turned on the projector.

"Ok, your new mission is Operation: Cinderella. You will be "pretend" adopted by James Brooks. He wants you to follow up his step-daughters and new wife Shelby Brooks. He claims he has reason to believe that she is involved with the Cinderella murders. You will be dropped off today, and you must, and shall do everything to fit in, NO ONE, I repeat, NO ONE, can know that you're an agent."

He gave me the details to my new mission, and I walked off to my room, to prepare. Apparently James believes that Shelby is involved with the murders because she set up the balls in which those 3 girls were killed...the Cinderella murders.

After I read through the brief, I grabbed my .40 caliber hand gun, and loaded it. I walked downstairs, and was greeted by the chief and James Brooks.

"So chief," said James, "This is the girl?"

"Yes, this is Keyuna Adriano, but from now on she shall be known as Rashelle Brooks, your new adopted daughter."

I grabbed my handbags, and walked out to the car with Mr. Brooks. I sat back, and waited out the ride. When we arrived I made sure to grab my hand bags and followed Mr. Brooks up to my room.

"Ok, Rashelle, dinner shall be at 8:30, but please come down by 8:00 I would like you to meet Shelby and the twins."

I unpacked my clothes, stuffing my hidden tools under the bed, and I just sat down on my bed relaxing until I heard the dinner bell ring. I locked my door with my key, and walked down to the den.

As I stepped in, an awkward silence descended upon the room.

"Shelby, Leah, & Cassidy, I would like you to meet the new member of our family, Rashelle."

I stood up from the small sofa, and acknowledged their presence with a slight nod. As soon as Shelby and James left, the twin sisters commenced to making snide comments as if I wasn't even there.

"OMG! Cassidy, we should call her gigantor, she's almost as tall as Derek whose 6'5."

"Yeah! Or alien face for her HUGE green eyes."

"Excuse me, instead of mocking me, why don't you go do something useful, like...oh I don't know....GET BRAINS!"

I left them with their mouths hanging down like flap jacks and went back up to my room. That probably had to be the most awkward dinner I had ever had in my life.

James POV:

After talking to Shelby about the arrangements, I called in Rashelle.

"Yes, Sir?"

"Call me dad, and I'm leaving for about a week, but if you need to reach me, I'll be free the whole time so send me updates, and call if I'm needed I'll be back Friday night."

"Ok si-dad."

After she left, I sat there contemplating the things that had happened. For some reason, I felt like I was betraying my family. But it was my duty to also protect people, if they were in my care. I left the room, and walked out to the limo to be driven to my penthouse in Monterey, CA, after saying my goodbyes.

Rashelle POV:

After leaving his office, I walked up to my room to lay out the clothes I was going to wear to school tomorrow. I ended up picking out a dark purple tank, black leather bomber, and dark wash skinnies. I wasn't going to ride with the twins, B.W.I.T, had actually loaned me the bike of my dreams...a black/sliver Kawasaki Ninja 250R Sport.

The next morning, I got up got dressed, slipped my .40 caliber gun into my bag, grabbed my helmet, and walked downstairs.

I could hear the twins talking about the ball on Friday.

From what I could hear, it would begin at 9:00pm and some 'Shane' guy was going to be there.

I walked noisily down the stairs, grabbed a bagel and poured my self some coffee.

"Ewww, Cassidy look at what gigantor is eating...its like, totally like filled with calories."

"I know right Leah, Rashelle you're going to become fat!"

"What ever miss anorexic I got places to go like boring school...bye."

"You can't leave you need a ride."

"Oh, no, I got one. Good-bye."

I slipped my helmet on, and put up the kickstand. I was about to leave when I heard the squeal of tires and turned around to see the twins driving of in a disgustingly hot pink BMW.

I settled on the bike and roared off to school. As I entered the school grounds, I could see heads turn and follow my every move. Smirking I found a parking spot; I parked the bike, took of my helmet, and walked up the stairs. I could hear all the whispers, and could see the glares the cheerleaders were giving me.

"Dude...the bike rider...is a GIRL!"

"Whoa, she good!"

Ignoring them I walked into the administrator's office to get my schedule. The day went pretty well all the way up 'til the last period when head cheerleader.....Jessica thought it would be funny to slap me across the face, because I was talking to Shane.

Well let me tell you...I SWEPT the floor with her body. That will probably teach to never put her hands on me again! What was so funny that the teachers didn't do anything to stop the fight; I guess they had been waiting for that day to come?

I didn't head directly home after school, I stopped by my favorite dress store, and after walking around aimlessly I found the perfect dress. It was a dark purple, shimmering, organza, ball gown. I bought a black/sliver necklace, and purple pumps to match the dress.

When I finished I did my homework, and proceeded to go investigate. I ended up sneaking into her office; I found 4 pictures...all of the same girls who had been murdered. I snooped around some more, and planted a bug in her office and bedroom, to record everything she says.

The days at school began to pass by in a blur, the only highlight moment was when the police announced in the news that a note, was written by the Cindy murdered stating some things. Like; 1.) This shall be the final ball, if he doesn't marry mine...then he shall face and so shall she. 2.) No POLICE! The moment I find out that their involved he/ she shall be dead. Thank You Good-bye.

I didn't find anymore incriminating papers but I did get voice records...we just needed her to do something and catch her in the act. That Friday the house was filled with sounds of pots and pans and high pitched squealing of Leah and Cassidy. Apparently the Brooks had such an influence on the school, that every time they hosted a ball, the school had a day off. I stayed up in my room, reviewing the surveillance tapes when a loud knock on my door interrupted me.

Hiding the recorder and video player, I opened the door. I was met face to face with Shelby Brooks.

"Hello Rashelle, you have been ducking and dodging me all week, as well as not coming home until late."

I didn't really see the point in pointing out that her daughters didn't come home until 12 in the morning smelling like alcohol.

"I'm terribly sorry Mrs. Brooks, do you need something?"

"Yes! You need to go clean the bathrooms, and set up the ballroom, and dining room. If you are done by then you can go to the ball."

"You notice that I'm 18 now right? And let me tell you what I told your daughters; I am my own person, you can't order me to do something for you when you have servants, and when I'm not even your child."

"Yes you are we adopted you!"

"No, James adopted me. Not you, I don't belong to you or any body except ME."

I thought she'd burst into a whining speech about how rude and insolent I was acting....however I was not ready for the slap she dealt me across my face. I saw red, I was about to attack, her but then I realized that it would be stupid and worthless to hurt her.

I slammed the door closed in her face and laid down on my bed until 8 pm. I took a shower, and changed into my purple gown, and pumps. I put on eyeliner, mascara, and purple eye shadow. After I slipped on my necklace I walked out of my room locking the door behind me. I grabbed my mask, and slipped into the ball room.

I was approached by some guy wearing a fitting black suit, and white dress shirt.

"Excuse me my sexy lady, may I have this dance?"

Well since there wasn't anything better for me to do, I decided to accept the proposal.

"Thank you and yes you may."

I took the hand he offered and we proceeded to dance. We ended up talking about everything from life to our favorite things, and for once in my life, I actually felt that someone finally in my life had things in common with me and liked the same things I do. We danced and danced and danced until it ended and he slipped me a piece of paper, after bowing and saying his final goodbye.

On Sunday, we gathered in the ball room, dressed up as I was on Friday and the guy who I danced with revealed himself. It was quite a shock because the guy happened to be Shane Skylar, the same guy I spoke to everyday at school.

"Hello everyone, as you all know I am Shane Skylar, and I am choosing my bride today you all were wonderful people, however I can only choose one, and that one stood out the most to me."

He glanced around the room one more time until his gaze landed on mine, and he pointed to me.

"You, the girl in the purple dress. I choose you as my bride, will you accept?"

"Yes I shall."

I stood up and walked to the stage where he placed the diamond/aquamarine ring on my finger. I put my hand to my mask and lifted it off. I could hear the gasps emit throughout the room as they realized who it was.

"NO! This is the final STRAW! Either Leah or Cassidy was suppose to become his bride but, not YOU!?!?!"

I knew I could protect my self and I had my gun strapped to the back of my dress, hidden, but I could easily reach it. She whipped a round with a gun in each of her hands.

"You shall pay Rashelle for his mistake."

"Umm, my name is Keyuna and if you make that fatal mistake you'll regret it."

In a millisecond, I whipped around grabbed my gun, and fired 4 blasts. One at her left arm, one at her right, and one at each of her knee caps. She had managed to fire 3 bullets which ended up lodging itself in my bulletproof Kevlar vest. I ripped of the bottom of the dress, and ran down the stage to where she stood. I placed the hand cuffs on her and proceeded to read her, her rights as agent from B.W.I.T escorted her out of the house.


Four months later, Keyuna and Shane got married in Monterey, California. Shelby Brooks, was place in prison for 4 counts of first degree murder, and one count of attempted first degree murder. She got life in prison and James divorced her leaving the 2 girls with her poor sister in Florida.



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