Helen Decou A Spoon River Poem

Od disney4lyfe

7 1 0


Helen Decou A spoon River poem

7 1 0
Od disney4lyfe

Helen Decou

They all tell me I am insane

that I should be put into some type of institution

all because I believe in things nobody else does

I believe I see things that nobody else can see

sometimes I wonder if maybe I am crazy

like everyone tells me

they fill my head with thoughts that arent my own

making me believe things that I wouldnt normally believe

they make me feel crazy

though I know Im not

they tell me im just in denial

most days I can ignore the comments and criticism

but not today I can't take it anymore

Breaking the mental chains keeping me in this horrid home

I rush past hands trying to hold me back

Clawing at my skin keeping me here

Soon I find myself stumbling though some woods

Pushing past branches and through bushes

Thorns tearing at my skins making me itch uncontrollably

My feet are bare and my hair in knots

And I realize that I am a mad women

Everything had been a lie

I feel despair take over

I found a rushing river and slowing descended into it

Knocking me off my feet

I let the current take me pushing and pulling in every direction

I no longer have a sense if direction

I close my eyes and let the water take me over completely.

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