
Oleh amavalentine

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I looked at him and stuck out my pinkie. ❝pinkie swear?❞ ❝pinkie swear.❞ He gave me his, and we swore on it. Lebih Banyak

o n e
t w o
t h r e e
f o u r
f i v e
s i c k s
s e v e n
e i g h t
n i n e
t e n
e l e v e n
t w e l v e
t h i r t e e n
f o u r t e e n 2
f i f t e e n
s i x t e e n
s e v e n t e e n
e i g h t e e n
n i n e t e e n
t w e n t y
t w e n t y - o n e
t w e n t y - t w o
t w e n t y - t h r e e
t h e e n d

f o u r t e e n 1

126 14 8
Oleh amavalentine

Chapter 14


            As Teddy and I whooshed down the streets, I felt the cool summer breeze flowing around me. Teddy’s bike came to an abrupt halt, and I instinctively reached for him for balance. I almost fell off the bike, and he grabbed my waist and didn’t let me fall. “Thanks,” I said, watching him lock his bike to one of the many bike racks seemingly littered across the sidewalks. I had never seen anything like it anywhere else in Cottondale. It was strange; it seemed that all I could do since I met him was to thank this guy.

            He led me down to the soda pop shop, and as we were entering, a girl was exiting who seemed to know him. She hugged him genially. “Hey, Teddy Bear!” I grinned at the pet name. He didn’t. “Oh, hi-ya… Victoria.” She stamped her petite, sandaled foot on the concrete sidewalk. “Teddy Bear, I done told ya you ain’t gotta call me Victoria! It’s Vickie, to you!” She punched his shoulder lightly and he shrugged. I stared at her. Her strawberry-brown hair glittered in the sunlight and bright sea-green eyes shone at him. Her teeth were almost unnaturally straight and when she smiled they seemed to glitter. She wore a bright pink flowered sundress and quite chic white gladiator sandals. As I watched her, her eyes seemed to fall on me for the first time. She glanced up and down at me in a superior, smug sort of way.

            “Who’s your friend, Teddy?”

            Teddy smiled and turned to me. “This is Danny. She’s from—she ain’t from around these parts.”

            “Oh…” Vickie looked down on me and threw her arm around Teddy’s shoulder. He shrugged it off. “So, Victoria, I just came to assist Danny in orderin’ somethin’ from this here shop. So, uh… if you’d excuse me… I’d like to—’’

            “Did’ja hear?” Vickie exclaimed, totally interrupting Teddy. “The neighborhood fellas are throwin’ together a baseball game tomorrow over at the slab and—’’

            Slab? What slab?

            “Baseball?” I never saw Teddy so animated. I swear, his eyes brightened like someone flicked a light switch behind his brain. I mean, I had met him less than 2 hours before, but still.

            Vickie turned to me and sniffed. “Teddy Bear here loves baseball. I know ev’rything about Teddy. I’ve known him since we were itty bitty—’’

            “So what time they startin’ the game?” Teddy barged in quickly.

            “’Round noon,” Vickie said, a mischievous smile appearing on her face. “And they said all the fellas were gonna bring their girls to watch, and you know—cheer them on,” she said, smiling a little.

I just watched. Teddy opened his mouth and looked at Vickie. “What a fine idea, Victoria! I reckon—’’

I just had to butt in. “I beg your pardon, Teddy, but what’s the slab?” I asked. I was sorely and thoroughly annoyed, for lack of a better word.

Vickie just… snapped. “Don’t you see Teddy here was gonna say somethin’?” she hollered. “Ain’t you people from “outside” got no manners?” I shrunk back and closed my mouth. Teddy stared and said not a word. “So, what were you sayin’, Teddy Bear?” she asked, her voice returning sugary sweet, and her eyes lighting up. I just wanted to rip that pretty red hair out of her scalp.

Teddy took off his cap and scratched his head. “Oh, it just flew out of my head!” he chuckled a good-natured chuckle, slipping his cap back on. Vickie gave her foot a little stamp again. “No, no, you were saying something about taking your girl…” she trailed off, smiling. I cringed, waiting for his words.

Strangely, he turned to me and put on the most somber face I had ever seen him wear. “Danyelle,” Vickie gasped. So did I, but internally. I would not let that gorilla in Jimmy Choos get the satisfaction. Teddy took off his hat again, revealing his hair that I loved.

“What would you say to a baseball game with me tonight…” he glanced down at his watch. I must have looked skeptical or at least a little doubtful. I think it was my shock, because Vickie sneered and Teddy said quickly, “We could pick up the food for your kin, real quick. It ain’t gonna take much time to get there and back for you to git some rest...”

I gave him a quick hug. “Of course, Teddy!” And he beamed, his left dimple showing. Vickie huffed and stormed off, muttering something about having an appointment anyway, and Teddy and I stepped into the soda pop shop.

The soda pop shop was very crowded and as I looked around, I realized it was the character of old-fashioned Sheathing. It looked like a bar, with barstools by the ordering window. There were pictures of Babe Robinson all over the walls, and also a billboard with the “Soda Pop Shop Hall of Fame”, featuring celebrities who had either entered or eaten at the shop. Two giggly girls laughed as they shared a root beer vanilla float. That reminded me of Mom, who was probably really worried. I shook my head free of the memory. Teddy gave me a strange look, and I smiled at him reassuringly.

I quickly stepped up to the counter and ordered about 10 burgers, fries, and sodas (orange) for Ceon and the crew. As we waited for the food, Teddy and I shared a basket of French fries large for a snack. After he swallowed, he opened his mouth but was interrupted a shrill ring coming from my bag. Quickly, I dug into my bright pink backpack for my Blackberry. A yellow IM bubble flashed rapidly across the screen: “4 new messages”. “Hold on,” I said to Teddy, who nodded and took another French fry. The first one was from Mario:

Mari0_r0ll3r25: look dan, im sorry but don’t ignore this message.. fletch and the kids r in the sheating centrl library… just take the S42 to the stop bfore last

I still didn’t listen to his directions and ignored the message anyway. Too late, Mario.

The rest were from Mom:

Mckenzie.Sydney: Danyelle, where are you? I called Bertha’s mom, and she told me that you and Bertha had a disagreement. In the 3rd grade. So clearly that was a lie.

Mckenzie.Sydney: You’ve never lied to me before, so what’s going on now?  Just imagine how I must have felt when Bertha’s mom told me that you guys don’t even speak to each other, much less sleepover.

Mckenzie.Sydney: Just please answer your phone. –Mom

        I felt terrible, but if I responded, she would be able to see where my service signal was coming from, and she would be able to come get me and that would be that. So I just left the reply box blank and sat frowning at my phone.

Teddy turned to me, a concerned look etching his face. “Are you a’right?” he asked me.

“Yeah, I’m great,” I said quietly, trying to smile.

He stared at me intensely, those brown eyes trying to read me. I squirmed a little, until the cashier called my number and I got up to claim my meal. “Thanks,” I said, handing the waitress a fifty-dollar bill. Her eyes widened as she gave me my change, about $25. I just shoved everything, including the change into the back pocket of my shorts. The guilt was overwhelming; knowing I was here in another town, getting junk food while my mother was wondering where I could be. As I walked back to the table, Teddy held out the half-empty basket of fries to me. I shook my head no, and he shrugged and quickly ate the rest.

            When we were outside, I got back up on the handlebars and Teddy put all the food to balance on the rod between the seat and the handlebars. He rode slowly and cautiously. When we were about halfway to the library, we passed a flat-topped house, where a crying Vickie and a pretty brown-haired friend sat on the steps. Vickie was clearly babbling, her mascara-colored tears streaking down her cheeks and staining her dress and cheeks. She even looked pretty crying. I was convinced Teddy saw her too, because he grunted from behind me. I tried to turn around to see his facial expression but he hurriedly told me not to move or else the food would fall into the street.

            I sat still for the rest of the ride until we stopped short at the library. I jumped off and grabbed the bags of food, which Teddy affably, like the great Southern gentleman he was, took from my hands. He opened the door for me and nodded. As we walked into the library, I decided to use all the audacity I had and ask him what I had wondered during our whole ride.

            “Teddy, don’t get me wrong. I’m excited to go to the slab—whatever it is—with you, but why didn’t you ask Vickie?”

His head whipped towards me, and he put the bags on a nearby table.

I noticed this, but I had already gone in too deep and warily continued. “I mean, she really wanted to go with you, and that’s why she kept hinting—obviously—and she’s really pretty and seemed to like you, so—’’

Teddy looked very unmoved. “Victoria wanted to go with me?” he asked. I rolled my eyes. He was so clueless. “Yeah,” I breathed.

“Well, Victoria and me have been friends since we was itty-bitty kids runnin’ round in the Delta. But I don’t see her that way… she just my friend. And she’s a bit too girly for me,” he said. I smiled, and so did he. “I think that we’ll have a good time t’night,” he said quietly. I nodded, favorably. “So,” he said, staring into my eyes, “No more talk about her. I asked you, because I thought we would have fun. We gonna see how it goes from there, ain’t we?” I nodded again, to which he simply put his fingers in his belt loops.

“Now, you gonna feed your kin, or what?” he said, smiling. “Guys?” I called into the back of the library. Ceon and Fletcher, each carrying a sleeping Matt and Sarai, groggily walked into the room. “What took you so long?” Fletcher asked. I took Sarai from him and propped her against my hip. Ceon scowled to see Teddy. I rolled my eyes. “Business was slow.” I said.

“No kidding,” Ceon said. “We were waiting for over an hour.” I sighed jadedly. “Can you just eat?” I said, snappishly. Teddy touched my shoulder warningly, and I stopped in my tracks. Sarai stirred in my arms. “Danny?” she said, looking at me resignedly. She raised her head, and a bit of dried dribble stuck to my tank top. Ew. I set her down into a chair, where Fletcher was already opening his burger and Ceon was attempting to wake up Matt. I gave her a burger, a packet of fries, and a soda. I grabbed a chair for Teddy and me at the table and went to sit down. He pulled the chair out for me, and I smiled gratefully. I gave him a burger and fries and soda and got some for myself. We sat eating in silence, other than Genevieve channel-flicking on her portable television. 

“Would you like a burger, Genevieve?” I asked her.

“Aww,” she said. “Thanks a lot, Danyelle, I would like one as a matter of fact.” I handed her a burger in wax paper and she began eating at her desk with us. Matt struck up a conversation with Teddy, and Sarai and Fletcher chimed in. Ceon watched me as I ate. I turned to him, and his head gave a little jerk towards the back of the library. I got up to follow him, and told them I would be right back.

Ceon crossed his arms over his chest. “Why is that boy eating with us?” he practically sputtered. I turned to him, fed up. “Ceon, just stop it now. Do you have a problem? Since Teddy came, you didn’t even thank him for helping me find the shop. He’s being a good guy, giving help when you clearly need it. Maybe you could learn from Teddy.” Ceon shrunk back, and I felt the uncontrollable urge to jab him in the chest, but I helped myself. “Just stop it.” And with that, I walked away from him, grabbed my Dad’s baseball sweatshirt and wriggled into it. I never knew it would be so handy in a situation. I pulled it over my head, momentarily blinded.

Ceon had gone when I could see again. I changed my yellow sunflower headband into a red clip and clipped my hair to one side. Casual, but still cute. For a minute, I couldn’t recognize myself as the girl who couldn’t read.

I walked back into the room to see Teddy standing up, everyone’s burgers finished. They were all engaging in playful chitchat.

He looked at my sweatshirt and smiled. “You’re a fan?” he asked. “A fan?” I said, confused. “Of the Jaguars,” he said, pointing to my Dad’s sweatshirt. I shrugged. “Oh, no,” I said. “This is just my Dad’s old college sweatshirt. He used to play for the Jaguars back then.” Teddy’s eyes widened. “Really? Wow, the Jaguars were a big thing for this here town. What’s your Pop’s name?” “Well, his name is Liam, but they called him Big.

Teddy’s eyes looked as if they could have flipped out of his head and rolled away. “Big?” He practically screamed. “Your old man is Big McKenzie? He’s practic’lly my hero! I know all his stats by heart! I reckon I would die just to meet ‘im!” I shrugged. I didn’t know anyone who liked or watched college baseball.

“Well, I could possibly pull a few strings… But he plays abroad, so you’d have to wait till the next holiday…” Teddy didn’t even let me finish. He hugged me super tight and lifted me off the ground. I laughed. “Speaking of,” he said. “I’ll be here tomorrow at half past six, okay?” he asked, looked down at his watch. “I got 20 minutes to get home, do my chores, get ready.” Fletcher looked at me. “Tonight at 6:30? Whereto, Dan?” “I’m going to a baseball game,” I said to him. Matt and Sarai absolutely squealed. “Oooooh, can we come tooooo?”

I looked at Teddy. Ceon looked at me. Teddy looked at Ceon. Luckily, my phone rang and it was my mom, so I pretended to answer it in a corner. Teddy clicked his teeth in his gap and squeezed my shoulder as he left. I nodded to him, while Ceon just stared at me. I pretended to hang up.

-end of Part One-

Vote if you liked!!!! Chapter 14 Part 2 comes out when I get at least 200 reads, hopefully. I want to get around 50 votes too--Help me out !!! Thanks alot! :)

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