
By dudess66

937 21 15

Amber led a normal life. Or so she thought. In her opinion, those in love are absolutely crazy. What changed... More



71 2 1
By dudess66

IMPORTANT (or nah): I edited some stuff to make this chapter work. Basically, Jasper has never smiled before :D

Hey few people reading my story, I'm back :D! Erm... yahhh... Just read the chapter :D and I know I'm shatty with updates so I apologise! :(

Amber's outfit to the side. Imagine the shoes and remove the beanie :)


I slowly sat up and looked at Jay, Kay and Svetlana in confusion; why were they laughing? I was having a very nice dream until they came in here with their laughing, making me wake up. Idiots.

"Why are you laughing" I asked, though I'm not sure they could hear me through their spasms of laughter.

"Because... O-M-G... your face... too... funny... for... words... must... laugh... some... more... you... are so... so... jokes... Oh-my-word!" Jay let out through bursts of laughter. Tears were streaming down their faces. Svetlana's make up was wrecked. Like totally wrecked. She had put on so much eyeliner that now, when it was smudged, she looked like a freaking Panda, and I'm not going to lie; she looked like a monster. Sure she was beautiful and all but beneath the makeup, Svetlana looked prettier than average but not beautiful.

When their laughter finally eased up, they Jay decided to tell me the real reason they came for.

"We have a dorm meeting; random- we know. But Anyway we have to be in the main hall by ten thirty and it is quarter to ten so you have thirty minutes to get ready." then Jay and Kay exited my room closing the door with a soft click behind them. That left me and Svetlana alone in the room together.

Svetlana and I stood around awkwardly. I was shuffling around on my feet and looking at my slipper-sheathed feet, and when I finally glanced up, I could see that whilst I was standing around, she had decided to try and remove the smudged eyeliner. She seemed to be getting somewhere.


"Wh-" we spoke at the same time.

"You go-"

"You can-" we spoke yet again simultaneously.

We looked at each other and burst out laughing sans the tears. After we had laughing for five minutes, we became serious.

"Sooooooo... Where have you been for the last five years?" I demanded, raising an eyebrow.

"Rossiya" She said.

"So you decided to suddenly leave for Russia and not tell me. We are like sisters, why would you do that?" I had already forgiven her but I was curious as to why she left so abruptly.

"I was not allowed to. My parents said that I should tell nobody until we got back" she answered looking sullen. Like Edward Cullen.

Haha Edward Cullen.

He is really hot in the anime books not so much in the movies; I mean there is pale then there is PALE. The difference? One looks attractive and the other makes you look like a skinny butt person. Also, the fact that Patty decided to walk around, after the movie, sporting a bushy beard, which bore a lot of resemblance to the beard of Mr Twit, a beard that only Passenger could get away with, made me find Cullen a LOT less attractive.

Bella was the same. Pretty in the book, not so much the movies. In the movies does she ever close her mouth? It is always hanging open as if she has the inability to close it. She also bites her lip a lot; I'm surprised that it has not yet bled, dented or decreased in thickness.

I wonder if I'm the only one who noticed that Bedward stare at each other a lot. If they are not talking, they are staring and it is kind of creepy. I am Team-

"Amber!!!!! Vere did you go!?" Svetlana snapped. Her accent came through, showing that she was annoyed. "Off to Lala land?" I snapped out of my little world and back to reality.

"Sorry Lana. Got spirited away. I love that movie! It is so awesome! Like-"

"Amber, please try staying on topic." Lana said with an eyebrow raised in amusement.

[A/N Svetlana is now going to be called Lana]

"Okay sorry" I said giving her a sheepish grin. "What was the topic?"

"Je ne sais pas!" Now we both bore sheepish grins.

"Oh well" I said. Then I helped Lana unpack.

"TEN MINUTES!" One of the boys yelled through the door.

"Oh no!" I said and turned to Lana. With identical looks of horror, we turned towards our wardrobes.


Only ten minutes?! Those slave drivers!


A dress? Or nah? Jeans? Or nah?


Jeans it is!


Then we attacked our wardrobes on a quest for the perfect outfit.

After searching for two minutes, I found an outfit.

Dark blue skinny jeans with a dark green top that was decorated in gold triangles. I wore that along with my dark green canvas shoes from New Look. Not everybody wears converse and all.

I dressed in five minutes and sat down on the bed to wait for Lana.

Lana had chosen an outfit similar to mine. The only differences were the fact that she wore a dark green top without the triangles and a pair of red converses.

She finished just as one if the boys knocked on the door.

"WHO IS IT?" I called out

"Jayden" He answered. "Are you guys presentable?.... Screw it I'm coming in" he said before bursting into the room.

Haha bursting. Starbursts. Nommy. I wonder if I have any Starbursts in my bag. I think they're next to my mascara in my makeup bag.

Yes. Believe it or not, I wear makeup. I only wear it about once a month.

"AMBER!" Jay yelled to my face.

"Hmmmmm...?" I answered as I started to go off again.

Did Jay and Kay ever switch identities? I would if I had a twin. I wish I had a twin; maybe a long lost one to add a surprising plot twist to this boring thing that I call my life.

A door slammed shut boosting me out of my reverie.

Where are Jay and Lana? I thought, looking around frantically. The door! Oh yeah! They left me! Those cheeky little devils! Screw the dorm meeting. They left me here, all alone. Screw them.

I am NOT going. Nobody can make me. I'll-

"Amber" Jasper said. What the hell!? Where did he appear from? I'm pretty sure I've been alone since Jay and Lana left.

"I've been here since the other two left; the sound of the door was me entering." He said.

"How did you know what I was thinking?" Was he a mind reader or something? Okay so probably not but still.

"Well it did happen to be the most logical question, and you were staring at me with a bewildered expression."

Well that explains everything.

"Okay. Now onto my next question. Why are you here?"

"To take you to the dorm meeting." he said.

"I'm not going! I refuse! You can't make me!" I protested, arms crossed.

He sighed "Please? It would make my life a whole lot easier if you just came. We are allowed to leave early. I'll leave early with you if you want me to." He said, giving me a look that almost made me give in. Almost. Okay so no almost but still. I decided to compromise. Well sort of.

"I will only go if you absolutely promise to leave with me and stay by my side at all times." How is he doing this? I've never given in this quickly.

"Alright. You can even hold my hand if that makes you feel better. Now, time to go."

We both got up and walked to the front door. Jasper locked it behind me. Now that I think about it, it was probably more of an apartment than a dorm room.

We walked to the lift and pressed the button to go down.

"So where are you from Amber? Ethnically wise?" Jasper asked. The lift was currently on floor one, nine floors away. There were only five five bedroom apartments per floor and there were only nine floors with accommodation so it wasn't that bad I guess. We were on the top floor.

"I'm half Russian, half Colombian, and I can speak Spanish and Russian." I replied.

"Well you look more Russian than anything. You already know where I'm from." Silence ensued.

"Let's play five questions. It's like twenty but five. Also, we both have to answer each question. " I suggested. The silence from before was deafening, even though it lasted for ten seconds.

"You start"

"Okay" He said before thinking of a question.

"What is your middle name?"

" Ilyinichna. You?"


I let out a small chuckle. It was a chuckle because I don't giggle, but at the same time, it wasn't a chuckle because that sounds manly. Oh great, I sound sexist. Oh well. So it was kind of like a womanly chuckle.

I was (kind of) laughing because our dads had the same name; Ilya.

The lift finally came and we entered. There were only two people in the lift; blondes that were dressed like those emo hipsters on tumblr.

I looked closer and realised that they were identical twins. I couldn't tell the difference.

Girl one wore a black oversized t-shirt inscribed with the words "Your tears of fire burn my soul, yet there are no ashes" in some freaky ass, light grey writing. She wore that with leggings that looked as if they were made out of white bandages along with black Doc Martens and a skull bandana.

Girl two also wore a black oversized t-shirt but it read "Screams are music. Pain is happiness" also in some freaky ass, light grey writing. Along with that, she wore the same leggings as the as her twin but in light grey, black Doc Martens and a Devil eye bandana.

They saw me and smiled, but when they caught sight of Jasper their faces instantly adopted a dreamy look. It was then that I saw the red contacts they were wearing. It did not look right at all. They started fidgeting as we went down.

We stopped on the third floor and more people entered. This time it was two girls. They looked as if they had just woken up.

Their hair was dishevelled and they were still in their pyjamas.

The doors closed. It took us around a minute to reach our floor; minus one.

I let Jasper lead since I did not know the way.

We arrived at the hall. They took our names down and we went forward. It turns out that the group of us in the lift were the last people to arrive.

The hall was as big as a football pitch, no scratch that, as big as an arena, say Wembley Stadium. It had a large electronic seating area to one side, and the rest was just a load of space. The same space where the dorm members were milling about. A podium had been set up on front of the seating area. There was also a drink station set up.

"Gosh, how many people can be seated in this place?!" I questioned to nobody in particular.

"Three thousand five hundred, so quite a lot" Jasper answered me.

Lana spotted us just as we saw her and beckoned us over. Jasper grabbed my hand and pulled me over to them behind him. When he grabbed my hand, jamflies- butterflies are overrated- erupted inside my stomach and a small blush crept up my neck.

As we walked, girls turned around to stare at Jasper, sighing dreamily. A few of them saw Jasper's hand around mine and they sent me both jealous and wistful looks; a few people sent me smiles.

Lana immediately spotted our joined hands when we came and raised an eyebrow, though she didn't say anything thank God.

Jay and Kay were standing there chatting with three other boys.

Boy one had brown hair with brown eyes. He wore a black Hollister t shirt with blue jeans and dark green vans.

Boy two had brown hair that was styled into a quiff and blue eyes. He wore a beanie, white t top, blue jeans and white vans

Boy three also had brown hair and brown eyes. He wore a black hoodie, blue jeans and a pair of black Converse.

"Oh hey guys!" Jay said looked up. Boy one looked at him with an arched eyebrow.

"What?" Jay asked, confused.

"Well aren't you going to introduce us?" Boy two questioned.

"Oh yes yes yeah! Guys this is Amber, Amber this is guys. I waved and smiled timidly. They smiled back.

He pointed to boy one.

"This is James Lowey."

"Hey Amber" said James.

"Hey James" I replied.

He pointed to boy two.

"This is Peter Presky."

"Hi Amber, you a'ight?"

"Hey Peter. I'm good thanks"

He pointed to the last boy, boy three.

"This is Adam Zepeda"

"H-Hey Amber" He said with a shy smile.

"Hey Adam" I said.

Just then a voice sounded through the speakers that had discreetly been set up around the room.

"Hello everybody, please take your seats."

We went to the seating area and sat down. Jasper was still holding my hand. As if my thoughts had alerted him, Jasper let go of my hand, avoiding looking at me.

I kind of liked having my hand back, my body had missed it greatly, but at the same time, I liked the warm tingly feeling that I got when Jasper held my hand. I also missed the Jamflies; they would have to go back into hibernation.

"Good evening everybody. I am Yāla; spelt Y-Ā-L-A, the first 'A' has a macron, and I am your head dorm leader." Then she smiled. Yāla was a petite Scandinavian looking woman who looked to be around thirty with long blonde hair and a faint Scandinavian accent. She stepped down from the podium, and someone else stepped up.

"And I'm Roishyn; spelt R-O-I-S-H-Y-N, and I'm your deputy dorm leader." Roishyn was a medium sized Latino looking woman. She had long wavy black hair and looked to be around the same age as Yāla. She stepped down, and Yāla stepped up.

"So know that you know who we are, I'm going to run through the rules and expectations within the dorm. Rule one, there is to be no fighting whatsoever. If you see a report, report it to either me of Roishyn. Rule two, curfew is at eleven. Sleepovers within the dorm are allowed, but other than that, nobody should be outside of the building after eleven at night. Rule three, no bullying allowed. Bullying will not be tolerated. Any news of bullying will immediately go to the Headmistress. Rule four, no leaving the school grounds without authorisation from me, Roishyn or any other member of staff, and without signing out at reception after receiving authorisation. Rule..."

She then went on to say the rest of the rules.


Rule five- No posting photos of the school grounds on any social media sites or networks, as it could create a risk to the school.

Rule six- School uniform must be worn during the school day; from eight twenty to three fifteen, just like any other British school.

Rule seven- No jewellery is allowed during the school day. Not even studs.

Rule eight- No shaved heads are allowed is bright colouring of the hair is not permitted.

Then the Headmistress entered and gave the rest of the rules. They were separated under different headings:


The Golden rules- The typical rules in ANY school, we already knew them anyway

All members of the school community should respect one another.

Show respect for your own and other people's property.

Be polite and sensible around the school and in the classroom.

Be honest and always tell the truth.

Do your best and be responsible for your own behaviour and work.

Be attentive and listen carefully during lessons.

Be kind and helpful toward one another.

Wear the correct school uniform and have the correct kit for PE.

Then she went on to say the expectations around the school:

Walk through the school sensibly and quietly.

Walk on the left hand side of the stairs sensibly and safely.

Tell the truth and to be honest and fair.

To respect staff and other pupils at all times

Be polite towards staff and pupils.


Then we were left to mingle. I didn't really want to do that so, true to his word, Jasper went back to the dorm with me. We bid goodbye to the others and Jasper took my hand again. Lana saw this and gave me a look that said we "We'll talk about this later, and there will be no escape."

We got back to the apartment and Jasper asked, "Do you wanna watch a movie or something, you know, until the others get back"

"Sure, what movie?"

"I don't mind, you-"

"I KNOW!" I exclaimed, completely cutting him off.

"BREAKING DAWN PART TWO!" The best movie ever. No wait one of the best movies ever. My list was, in no particular order:



New Moon


Breaking Dawn part one

Breaking Dawn part two

All of the Studio Ghibli films

Those are all just so amazing.

Jasper and I settled down onto the blue sofa. He brought out a thin duvet. It was blue with little ducklings flying around. It was so... so... not Jasper.

"Cute duvet you got there Jasper" I commented, laughing.

"Oh shut up, not you too! And for your information, it is called a quilt." He stated, huffing. Aww!

"Awwww, you're huffing! And no it's a duvet!"

"No I'm not!" He protested crossing his arms and huffing again. "And it's a quilt because the ducks are on separate panels which have been woven together meaning that it is a patchwork QUILT!" He said, voice rising at the end.

"Okay boss, whatever you say." I replied, snickering.

The adverts then ended and the movie came on.

I started dozing off around the part when Emmet and Bella were arm wrestling, and soon after that, I was fully unconscious, on the sofa with my head on Jasper's shoulder and his arms wrapped around me.


IMPORTANT: Roishyn is pronounced Row-sheen/Ro-sheen and Yāla is pronounced Yaa-la; the macron makes the 'a' longer.

Okay so I have updated! Yay and this is my longest chapter yet. Nothing really happened but oh well. Divergent was awesomeee though! Anywayz until next time,

-Nae nae xx

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