My Mate's Choice

By xoxosecretlover

933K 26K 3.5K

Beatrix found her mate on her 16th birthday. Calvin isn't the perfect guy like every girl would want but that... More

My Mate's Choice
My Mate's Choice 01
My Mate's Choice 02
My Mate's Choice 03
My Mate's Choice 04
My Mate's Choice 05
My Mate's Choice 06
My Mate's Choice 07
My Mate's Choice 08
My Mate's Choice 09
My Mate's Choice 10
My Mate's Choice 11
My Mate's Choice 12
My Mate's Choice 13
My Mate's Choice 15
My Mate's Choice 16
My Mate's Choice 17
My Mate's Choice 18
My Mate's Choice 19
My Mate's Choice 20
My Mate's Choice 21
My Mate's Choice 22
My Mate's Choice 23
My Mate's Choice 24
My Mate's Choice 25
My Mate's Choice 26
My Mate's Choice 27
My Mate's Choice 28
My Mate's Choice 29
My Mate's Choice 30
My Mate's Choice 31
My Mate's Choice 32
My Mate's Choice 33
My Mate's Choice 34
My Mate's Choice 35
My Mate's Choice 36
My Mate's Choice 37
My Mate's Choice 38
My Mate's Choice 39
My Mate's Choice 40
My Mate's Choice 41

My Mate's Choice 14

23.5K 693 89
By xoxosecretlover


I woke up, feeling a very stinging pain on my hand; on my both hands. I looked at them and laughed a bit when I thought it looked like I was going for some boxing competition.

Oh wait, why were my hands being bandaged?

My surrounding was dark but I could still see the white bandage, from the lighting that came from the transparent windows. So, it wasn't so dark after all. I tried to see where exactly I was and when I spotted the picture on the wall, above the bed, I instantly got my answer.

I was in Brody's room.

Wait. What? What was I doing in his room? What time was it? Why wasn't I home? I quickly got off the bed and wanted to sneak out. I opened the door and gasped when it was darker than the inside of the room. I closed the door back and switched on the lights.

"Urgh, off the lights," I heard someone groan and my eyes fell on Brody who was on the couch which I didn't realize was there earlier.

I walked over to him and shook his shoulder and he groaned again, "Go to sleep..."

"Brody," I called, "Why am I here?"

"Cause you're sleeping overnight," he stated sleepily.

I slapped his chest, causing him to curse under his breath. "Seriously Beatrix, go back to sleep. I'm so tired."

"No. My brother will be angry if I'm not home by now. What time is it anyway?" Brody didn't answer but instead pointed to a wall clock at the corner of his room. 4 freaking AM? "Brody, come on wake up and send me home. It's 4am!"

Groaning, Brody got up from the couch and rubbed his eyes. His hair was pointing in every different direction. "You wouldn't be here if you didn't punch my innocent walls and got your hands bleeding," Brody stated.

Then I remembered of being so angry and punching the walls in the bathroom. But it wasn't a very hard punch. How could I get my hands injured?

"I got the pack doctor to treat your hands. They were quite bad and the doctor jabbed you some sleeping pills. I already called your brother to let him know that you're sleeping over. He wasn't too happy about it but I had no choice but to convince him. He wants you in his office in the morning later when I send you home," Brody carried on.

"Oh, okay thanks. And, sorry for the trouble. And, for punching the walls. And, for sleeping on your bed. And, for calling..."

"Alright alright, I got it. Now gimme about 4 more hours and I'll send you back home," Brody muttered and lay back down on his couch.

I just nodded and made my way to the bed and did some thinking. I was a werewolf, so my hands should already be healed by now. Wolf... I haven't heard from my wolf. Why was she silencing herself? Why hadn't she talked to me?

Tip-toeing to the bathroom so that I wouldn't wake Brody up, I tried to get my wolf to talk to me. "Where are you?" I asked.

'I'm still here.'

"Why haven't you talked to me?"

Silent. And I sighed. My wolf was ignoring me and I had no idea why.

'I think you have been hurt enough, Beatrix,' my wolf said after some silence, 'I love our mate but I don't want you getting hurt. You've definitely had enough already.'

"What are you talking about?"

'He had sex with his girlfriend, in school, Beatrix. And he still got the cheek to meet you. I wouldn't be mad at you if you really want to reject him. He is supposed to be our other half but he's not doing the job.'

"Is that why you're silencing yourself?"

'Yes. I'm just like you. I'm hurt too.'

I let out a silent cry. My wolf might be irritating but I still loved it whatever the reason was. Seeing her (literally) hurt made me cringed knowing I was also the one who made her feel like that.

"Beatrix? Are you punching the walls silently or something?" I heard a soft knock on the bathroom's door followed by Brody's soft voice.

I quickly wiped my tears away and rubbed my face with the hem of my shirt. "I'm fine," I told Brody.

"Okay, come out then."

I did as told after looking presentable enough on the mirror. I unlocked the door and stepped out of the bathroom. I forced a smile and looked at Brody's sleepy face.

I watched Brody's hand as it was being lifted up and then he removed a strain of hair that was covering my face. "Do you want to tell me about it, Beatrix? About this afternoon?" Brody asked quietly as his hand was still lingering on the side of my face.

I nodded, indeed wanting to tell him but before I could open my mouth, I could feel my eyes pooling with tears. Just the thought of why I was angry, made me upset again.

"It's okay, just relax," I heard Brody whisper to me as he pulled me closer and I leaned my cheek against his chest.

Once I calmed down, I proceed on telling him everything from how I knew Calvin and Valerie had it and what my wolf was doing. I just know that I could trust Brody.

* * *

"Thanks Brody," I said as I got out of his car, waving at him. We managed to get some more sleep for about an hour before he sent me home. He let me shower in his bathroom and lend me some long sleeved button up shirt that stopped right above my knees.

"See you again," Brody replied smiling before his car took off. He already explained to me on what I should be telling Eddie if he were to ask about my 'sleepover'.

Preparing myself for Eddie, I slowly made my way into the pack house and was greeted by Celina who happened to be around the corner.

"Hey Beatrix, how was the sleepover?" She asked, excited.

"Erm, fun?" I answered awkwardly.

"Cool. Ah by the way, your brother is waiting for you in his meeting room. I think he's on his male PMS so don't mind him being angry or whatever," Celina informed and I gulped down an amount of saliva.

"Alright," I replied and waved at Celina. I took my time walking to Eddie's office and knocked very softly, hoping that he wouldn't hear me. But he did and he answered, telling me to enter.

"Hey brother," I greeted casually and took a seat opposite him, pulling a pencil from his stationery stand and played with it while my brother just glared at me. "What's up?"

"Since when are you so close to Brody?" Eddie questioned, not even greeting me like I did to him.

"Since.... forever?"

"Be serious, Beatrix."

"Alright, sorry," I apologized, "I got close to him on the first night that he came over. Then we just clicked like that. And now we're like best friend forever."

"Seriously Beatrix? Best friend forever?" Eddie said and shook his head and I rolled my eyes. What was wrong with saying 'best friend forever'? Then Eddie asked another thing which made my heart jumped a few kilometres away from myself, literally. "Why didn't you tell us that you have found your mate?"

Did he know? How? Did Calvin came over last night and have a talk with him about us?

"I have not found him," I said.

"You sure?"

"Of course I am," I answered quickly.

"Then in that way, I'm gonna have to arrange you to mate with someone. You see Beatrix, with these rogues’ problems; I really would like you to be mated to someone. Not that I am fond of knowing my sister will have sex..."

"Eddie, that's seriously gross. Come on straight to the point," I cut him off.

"Alright, so I want you to have a mate because you're my sister, Bea. With the mate that you're gonna have, it will help a lot with the rogues problems," Eddie continued.

"Such as?"

"Such as for example if you're being taken away, you can still talk slash mind link with your mate and you can help us to save yourself. You're the only one who have turned 16 and not mated yet and that's what worrying me."

"Is it...necessary? What about my mate, if he finds out about it in future?" I asked, quietly. I was thinking of what Eddie was saying. And I was also thinking about Calvin. What would happen to him if I really was being mated to someone else?

"All your bonds with your mates will disappear, little sister. If he ever finds out, I believe he would understand that I'm doing this because I want to protect my sister," Eddie explained in such a comfort tone that I wouldn't want to disobey him. As for Calvin, I should learn to stop thinking about him.

"So who will I be mated to?" I asked, trying to get interested.

"I have a few friends, of a good fighter and all but the only person I have in mind would Alpha Brody," Eddie delivered the news and my eyes widened.

"Brody? He's my good friend."

"But do you like him?"

"Of course I do but..."

"There you go. You can talk to him and discus about this matter. But one thing I'd like you to know is that I am not asking for you to be mated to Alpha Brody because he owns the tittle Alpha. It's because I've seen how he was so caring and protective of you and I have no one else that could fit the position of taking care of my sister. I love you so much, Bea," Eddie said and he got up, hugging me.

"I love you too, Eddie," I said and hugged him tighter. Eddie was only worried of my safety.

"Alright, before you see me cry or anything like that, you can leave now," Eddie said quickly in a more manly voice, causing me to laugh. I kissed him on the cheek before leaving his meeting room.

I was planning to go up to my room. The mate issue that Eddie was telling me could wait for a moment. I was sure that Brody would say something to Eddie and I wouldn't be force to be mated to him. Yes, I did say about being mated to someone else but I didn't want it to be Brody. Our relationship or rather friendship was too good to be destroyed for something like this.

I was only at my first step up the stairs when I was being yanked and pulled into the empty guest room. Gaining myself from shock, I looked at the culprit who yanked me and thought, not again.

"What?" I spat.

"I overheard your conversation with your brother. You cannot be mated to him!"

"And why not?"

"Beatrix, I'm your mate. I'm planning to let everyone knows today, including Valerie," Calvin informed as he took both of my hands in his.

"Why so sudden?"

"I'm so tired of us being like this. I cannot stand being away from you. I cannot stand you being angry at me, all the time. Plus, we can't just think about ourselves. Our wolves are suffering the same or perhaps even much more," Calvin said.

I smirked cynically. "You never thought of this entire thing, all these while. So stop acting like you care because I sure know that you don't. Isn't it a good thing that I'm gonna be mated to Brody? I love him and I'm giving you the chance to be with Valerie."

Calvin's jaws clenched and he gripped my upper arm, pulling me close to him, "You cannot love him! I'm your mate and you're not supposed to love someone else."

"I'm your mate and you're not supposed to love someone else," I mocked him, "Look who's talking Calvin."

"It's the Alpha's order and I'm obeying him," I continued and pushed him backward, to release myself. I didn't give the chance for Calvin to speak again as I ran out of the room and out of the house. I really wanted a walk.

"Hey Beatrix," I was stopped by while walking past the garden. I looked at the person and thought; of course he would bring her along. He brought her to everywhere.

"Hey Valerie," I said back.

"Going somewhere?" she asked nicely.

"Erm nope, just a walk," I answered, trying to be polite even though I couldn't. It wasn't Valerie's fault. It was Calvin's - I kept reminding myself.

"Mind if I tag along?"

"Erm, sure."

* * *

It was totally awkward to be walking with my mate's girlfriend. We talked about mostly school stuff and I tried to avoid the relationship or even mate's topic.

"Do you know who your mate is, Beatrix?" Valerie asked, out of a sudden.

"Hmmm? Oh, I don't yet," I lied, trying to cover the awkwardness in my voice. If only she knew.

"You sure?" Valerie pressed on. Did she know about it?

"Erm yes. I haven't found him yet but even so, it doesn't matter because I'm gonna mate to someone else," I informed plainly.

"What? Why?"


I didn't get to answer her because we were suddenly being surrounded by a lot of men. They each looked so scary and fierce with a sword each in their hands. I didn't realize that we were too deep in the woods until I looked around, panic.

"Who are all of you?" I asked, trying to be brave while Valerie and I squeezed each other's hands.

"It's not important. We only want one of you so that another one of you can go back to your damn pack and told them that we're declaring war," one of the men said.

Were they the rogues? I quickly whispered to Valerie to change and ran back to the pack house but she didn't agree. "No! What about you?"

"I'll be fine. Just do as they say."

"I'm not leaving you."

"I said I will be fine. Now go!" I ordered Valerie and she unhappily changed into her wolf form and ran back to the pack house.

"You'll have me," I told them.

"Woah," another man spoke, "You got that girl obeying to you. Are you by the chance the Luna or something?"

I didn't answer them but instead said, "I'm left here. So you take me or you leave!"

They all let out their stupid fake chuckles before a pair of arms slipped around my waist from the back and then I felt being hit right on my head skull, causing me to black out.

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