An Heir

By Vanhessa

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Book One of the Heritage Series Imogene is thirteen, and for the past six years her life has been the most co... More

Part One- Awakenings and Beginnings
Part Two- Books and Photographs
Part Three- A Meeting with Snakes
Part Four- In Sickness and in the Absence of Health
Part Five- My Mistress
Part Six- Wanted: Invisibility... or not
Part Seven- Professor Boggart
Part Eight- Insults will get you killed
Part Nine- Poison
Part Ten- The Birthmark
Part Eleven- The Curtain Rises
Part Twelve- Dreaming
Part Thirteen- Family
Part Fourteen- The Ancestral Centre
Part Fifteen- Questions left Unanswered
Part Sixteen- Regurgitation
Part Seventeen- With Morning Comes the End
Part Eighteen- Remorse, Regret and Rebirth
Part Nineteen- Failure
Part Twenty- Hallowe'en
Part Twenty One- Be the Broken or the Breaker
Part Twenty Two- claims of innocence
Part Twenty Three- Strange or Stranger
Part Twenty Four- Just a Theory
Part Twenty Five- The Start
Part Twenty Seven- The Faulty Patronus
Part Twenty Eight- Sick
Part Twenty Nine- Merry Christmas
Part Thirty- Happy Birthday
Part Thirty One- Chasing the Ginger Cat
Part Thirty Two- A trip to Hogsmead
Part Thirty Three- The Final Exam
Part Thirty Four- The Curtain Rises
Part Thirty Five- Fought in Desperation
Part Thirty Six- The Curtain Closes

Part Twent Six- Moderate Success

2.7K 86 13
By Vanhessa

That night I slept soundly- and I was glad that there was no haunting memories or dreams of Lord Voldemort accompanying them. I woke to the sight of Sthyss leaning over me, his body curled around the headboard and as he viewed me and I watched him above I noticed that he’d grown again.

You know that if you grow anymore I'm not going to be able to carry you around.” I informed him, wide awake instantly, noting at how quiet it was- and the fact that the dorm was completely empty. “Everyone left.” I muttered; standing and wondering what time it was.

Yes, around about daybreak. Do you mind if I hunt?” He asked quietly and I nodded as I headed for the shower and he headed for the door- I was going to have to ask him one day how the doors magically opened for him, but for that moment I was happy knowing that he’d waited for me to wake up to go and hunt, I’d been trying to keep him close and I think he understood that while he was missing I had been unnerved.

I turned the water on and didn’t wait for it to warm up- instead I plunged myself into the freezing stream of water and let out a little squeak. “God that is cold!” I exclaimed, reverting back to Parseltongue- it was natural to me; my mouth formed the easy gliding syllables more easily than the harsh language I spoke with humans.

I sat down in the shower and waited as the water heated up, with my scales and the birthmark adorning my back I had to be very careful when showering- and getting changed- that no-one saw them and I’d done remarkably well so far, but it was a nice change to be able to not care about someone seeing me.

It’s just me.” Sthyss called as he came through the door- for a second sounding very human.

I wasn’t too worried,” I replied as he came through the shower curtain, tentatively testing the water with his tongue before he slithered closer to me and up around my forearm, comforting me even though he was a little heavy.

You ate?” I asked lazily and he nodded.

There was a small family of rats living on the second floor,” He hissed and I smirked.

Were they fat?” I asked, laughing as I ran my left hand over the lumps along his sleek body.

They were sufficient.” He added and I believed him. “So what are you going to do today?” he asked and I shrugged easily.

I might try and find Professor Lupin and ask him for more books, I'd really like to continue my study during the holidays.” I frowned. “And I’m hoping that Ron and Hermione stayed for the holidays so that I can apologise to Hermione and help Sirius.

You’re doing the right thing.” He told me and I nodded, standing up and being careful to get him off my hand before straightening.

The water feels good on my scales,” I observed lightly itching them ever so slightly, feeling something sticky cling to the underside if my nails I looked back to my hand and grimaced at the viscous gloop that had liberally come off.

I’m moulting.” I announced with disdain- I'd seen enough snakes moulting to know what shedding looked like wet.

You’re going to feel ill for the next few days,” Sthyss told me as he curled up around my waist to inspect my back closer as I washed the dead layer off my fingers.

Brilliant, just what I need before the full moon.” I said, pulling more of the glue-like skin off my back. “If I ever get pissed off with you again when you’re moulting you have permission to bite me.” It was irritating- not just a little either but was becoming seriously uncomfortable. I turned the water off with a sigh and pulled a towel from the rack, wrapping myself in it like a cocoon.

The school was unnaturally quiet, but nicely so, the nearly naked trees were rustling with the last of their leaves though it wasn’t particularly windy and snow had collected around the school like a vast sea of white.

“It’s beautiful isn't it?” I turned quickly wishing that people would stop doing this.

“Yeah,” I answered Professor Lupin quietly and turned back to the window, as if fearing that if I spoke too loudly I would ruin the peace.

“Madame Pomfrey told me that you went to see her the other day.” He said hoarsely, I twisted my body to look at him.

“Yeah I did, my scales had been giving me some trouble- turns out that I'm just moulting.” I said truthfully, I watched him and he seemed to be trying to peer at the nape of my neck, as if checking to see that the scales really were there.

“They aren’t that high up Professor.” I voiced and he looked almost guiltily away, directing his hazel gaze back out to the grounds.

“I was thinking that before the next full moon it may be a good idea for us to find some other way of sedating you.” He said and I sighed.

“To be honest Professor I haven’t even been thinking about the full moon yet.”  I replied in a hushed tone, knowing that he was making a very good point.

“Then think about it, we only have a few weeks until Christmas,” He whispered back cautiously, there wasn’t really anyone around but we couldn’t be too careful.

“I know.” I knew not only because of the full moon but because my birthday was the day after Christmas. “Would I be able to stop by your office later and get some more books?” I asked suddenly remembering what I had been intending to do today.

“Of course, although I think I may be running out of things for you to read,” he said smiling. “I suppose I should be testing you though to see if you’re actually reading them.” He added thoughtfully and turned to me, an elbow on the window sill.

“That’d be cool!” I perked up considerably- excited by the prospect of showing off- even though that was terribly immature of me.

“Alright, you can pick up some more books this afternoon and then I want you to meet me tomorrow in my classroom and we’ll see what you can recall.” He was smiling at my obvious enthusiasm and strode off. I heard his footsteps pause for a moment down the corridor that had been filled with midday light and I heard another set of voices before his footsteps resumed.

I turned when I realised there were three steps of footfalls coming towards me and hurriedly went over in my head what I’d been planning all morning to say. She rounded the corner with her two companions and I strode towards her confidently but not too aggressively- I was trying to apologise, not make things worse.

“I'm sorry,” I began and the three of them stopped abruptly. “I didn’t mean what I said and I know it was hurtful and rude and mean and… I'm so sorry Hermione.” I concluded, it sounded stupid and completely idiotic coming from my mouth but it had spurted out. She stood staring at me and I couldn’t be sure whether she was glaring at me or just watching me act the idiot.

When she finally broke the silence she did so quietly her eyes downcast.

“Harry, Ron would you mind just-” she nodded her head to the side and they got the idea, leaving us alone in the hallway. “I shouldn’t have been so pushy.” She said slightly louder and I shook my head.

“No it’s my fault if I hadn’t snuck out of the Great Hall then none of this would have happened.” I replied. My hands were shaking with a sudden cold gust that blew past me and she stepped forward and hugged me. “How about we just be friends again?” She asked with a smile and I nodded.

“Did Harry tell you that I found Crookshanks outside the castle?” I asked her as I followed her in the direction the boys had gone.

“Yeah he did, I wonder what he was doing out there.” She mused aloud and I shrugged.

“I don't know, maybe he was hunting birds or something.” I couldn’t believe that I was covering for a cat…

“Yeah maybe, although I bet you he was chasing Scabbers.” She sighed loudly and I lifted my left eyebrow as we passed the third floor on the staircase.

“He’s been chasing Scabbers again? I suspect Ron’s keeping him close then?” I asked, feeling bad that my apology had had an ulterior motive and that I was already using her.

“He was; but that mangy rat ran off again the other day and of course Ronald blamed me.” she huffed indignantly but then turned and smiled- looking unsure.

“What?” I asked as she continued to scrutinise me.

“Do you like Ron?” She asked seeming troubled, I shook my head furiously.

“God no!” I told her and I swear I heard her giggle.

“Well he likes you,” she sniggered and I felt right again; sometimes all you need is a little company.

“No he doesn’t Hermione, he’s terrified of me.”


The boys had welcomed me back readily and I couldn’t help but smile when Ron gave me a glance that spoke volumes- that certainly would make things harder for me to find Pettigrew. There was the definite air of Christmas as trees were put up around the school that day and after I picked up the books from Professor Lupin it began to snow.

Hermione had at first thought I’d been over exaggerating when I'd told her that I was the only Slytherin that hadn’t left to go home for the holidays- maybe it had to do with the fact I didn’t have anywhere to go.

“There must be someone around!” She said exasperatedly, and I laughed.

“Would I be letting you in if I wasn’t positive there wasn’t anyone around?” I opened the doorway that lead into the commons and pulled her through by her wrist.

“Wow I've never been in here before.” She said looking slightly awed by the presence of the Black Lake on the other side of the gaping windows. “Doesn’t that bother you?” She asked suddenly and I laughed- it was good to have her back.

“No, you get used to it.” I assured her.

“I don't think I could.” She smiled and I returned it eagerly.

“Well then you have another reason to be glad you’re not in Slytherin.” There were a bunch of other reasons as well and both of us were able- and eager- to accept them at base value.

“I'm just gonna go and put these books upstairs.” I told her as she headed over to the couches and she smiled.

“Do you mind if I join you, I'd hate to get in trouble for being in here.”

“You won't- but sure.” However I hadn’t thought through all the consequences of pulling three books on werewolves and other nocturnal beasts out of my bag, I set my mind to work; engineering an excuse that would be halfway believable.

We reached the top of the stairs and entered the dorm and I felt strangely conscious of all my belongings strewn around my bed.

“Excuse the mess,” I mumbled with a smirk, just to be sure that she knew I was joking. I placed my bag on my bed and Sthyss appeared suddenly from the canopy, apparently it was very warm up there- and I suppose since heat rises it would have been.

“Why so many books on nocturnal creatures,” she asked almost on cue, I murmured something unintelligible and pulled out a skilfully placed book from the bottom of my trunk- it was a sixth year book for Defence Against the Dark Arts and since I’d read it I knew that there was an extensive section on both werewolves and vampires. She flicked it open and I smirked as her eyes widened, I on the other hand felt a sense of elated joy as I internally jumped for joy at the fact that I’d pulled off my excuse. All this because Hermione was no fool- if she put together that I was acting suspiciously and that I was missing regularly and that I was reading up on nocturnal beasts, she was bound to come to the conclusion I wanted her to reach the least.

“Uh, what’re you doing Christmas day?” She asked and I turned slowly, making a show of being occupied with the books.

“I- um, well not much, it’s my birthday on Boxing Day so-” that was an extreme mistake, but it took her mind almost permanently off my books.

“Your birthday?!” She sounded on the verge of hysterics; I couldn’t quite help but smile a little shyly.

“Yeah, but I mean I'm not doing anything Christmas day really-” I would just be trying to recover from the full moon on Christmas Eve. Nothing really too big.

“Why didn’t you tell anyone?!” She demanded and I shrugged, wishing that I hadn’t brought it up.

“It’s not a big deal Hermione, I grew up in an orphanage remember.” I attempted to calm her down.

“That’s all the more reason- Oh Imogene you should have said something, I could’ve gotten you a present in Hogsmead last week.” She told me and plonked herself down on the bed and looked thoughtfully at the floor. “I wonder if we could get you a cake…” She murmured to herself as I watched her, she looked almost worried.

“Hermione, how about we forget that I brought it up.” I heard Sthyss move above my head and smiled, I waited until he’d dropped to the ground before stooping to pick him up.

“Alright, but we are celebrating.” She left it but I had the feeling that it would come back to bite me later on, no doubt on the day.

“How do you guys even know that it’s under the lake?” I asked. Harry and Ron had met us for lunch and we were sitting at the Gryffindor table chatting about the Slytherin common room.

“Me and Harry snuck in last year-” Ron began but Harry butted in.

“We used Polyjuice potion to disguise ourselves as Crabbe and Goyle-” “

“Bloody awful it was!” The ginger boy made a face and I laughed.

“Anyway we almost got caught by Malfoy, and so we gapped it back to Hermione-”

“Why weren’t you with them?” I asked Hermione suddenly and her face went bright red.

“Hermione had- um well some trouble getting the right hair for her potion.”

“Thanks Harry.” Hermione said with a quick sneer before turning her head to face me. “I turned myself into- well the hairs were from a cat.” I grimaced- I could imagine that that wouldn't be pleasant.

“And then Harry saved my sister from the Basilisk, I helped of course- it was my wand that made Lockhart’s spell backfire and made him lose his memory before he could attack us.” Ron added quickly and I smiled at him- something I regretted as he returned it with regaled enthusiasm.

“I still can’t believe you managed to kill a Basilisk, they’re huge.” I told Harry and he managed to look quite modest.

“It wasn’t me really, Dumbledore’s phoenix blinded the Basilisk so that I could look at it and the Sword of Gryffindor appeared out of the Sorting Hat- I hardly did anything.”

“Just fought a twenty foot, highly venomous snake.”

“How do you know how big it was?” Hermione asked suddenly and I shrugged.

“I’ve read a lot about snakes, I presumed that the Basilisk was very old and probably full grown.” I answered, remembering that none of them knew of my little excursion to the Chamber of Secrets.

“Oh.” She replied rather lamely, however I flashed her an encouraging smile to let her know that I wasn’t offended.

Just then Professor Lupin walked through the doors to the Great Hall and hobbled up to the table where Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape were deep in conversation. I noticed as he passed us that he was limping and admitted that anything I could say about him looking off could probably be returned without much effort and his limp was probably my fault.

“He looks terrible.” Ron whispered and we all turned back to our lunches, Hermione shot Ron a death glare and Harry looked to him, I on the other hand was feeling too guilty to have a go at Ron so instead I looked down, trying to hide my frown.

“He has been sick Ronald, but I expect you wouldn't understand that.” Hermione added haughtily and stood with a huff. I looked up and she obviously expected me to follow her but instead I just tucked into my corned beef sandwich. She sighed and trotted off out the door and I followed her out of the corner of my eye- I wasn’t about to follow anyone around, that and I needed to get on Ron’s good side if I wanted to get my hands on Scabbers- or Peter Pettigrew as I knew he was.

“Was Hermione right?” Harry suddenly asked and I frowned and looked up at him from my sandwich.

“About what?” I asked, knowing that Hermione was almost always right.

“About you… being an animagus.” He whispered and I looked between them thoughtfully, I hadn’t really expected it to be brought up again but there was no avoiding it now and honestly I didn’t see any harm in admitting to it.

“… Yeah.” I cast down my eyes but watched the boys through my fringe; they looked to each other and to my surprise grinned.

“Really?” Ron asked as if he didn’t believe- or hadn’t heard me the first time. I nodded slowly and he muttered. “Wicked.” I lifted my eyebrows and watched Harry’s reaction- he too was still smiling but it was obvious that he had questions.

“What do you want to know?” I asked him and he frowned.

“What do you turn into?”

“A snake, as closely as I can determine I’m some kind of Python.” I thought it best not to mention that I was also highly poisonous.

“How did you do it?”

“I watched Professor McGonagall, Dumbledore says it has something to do with the way I think.” I answered- being truthful had just put me in both of their good books.

“Bloody hell that’s cool.” Ron inputted and I actually blushed.


“Hey do you have your snake around?” Ron asked and I shook my head.

“Nah he’s getting too heavy to carry around now.”

“Awesome.” He chirped then realising what he said he looked sheepishly at me and apologised. “Sorry.”

“That’s okay.” I muttered even as the red haired boy reached into his pocket and pulled out Scabbers, unconsciously my hand had itched ever so close to my wand, I decided prudently to sit on it; if I was to suddenly jump across the table and steal Scabbers away Ron would be mortified.

“He’s not looking too good.” I said sounding reasonably pitying.

“Its that bloody furry monster Hermione calls a cat,” he began ranting and me and Harry smiled at each other, this was obviously not a topic that was ever going to wear away. “It’s been terrorising poor Scabbers and he’s started losing massive clumps of hair. Not that he wasn’t before but I think it’s getting worse.” He placed ‘poor’ Scabbers on the table for us to see and I really almost did leap at him, if I could get Pettigrew and bring him to Sirius I could free my cousin of his torment.

“Has he always had a missing toe?” I asked innocently enough.

“Yeah even back when he was Percy’s.” Ron told me and I smiled internally, there was no way that this wasn’t Pettigrew. I looked to Harry and he was looking a little palely down at the newspaper in front of him.

“What is it Harry?” I asked and leaned over to take the paper he was now holding out to me. I unfolded it and on the front page was a Headline that made me even me pale, although I suspected for a different reason. ‘Sirius Black Sighted.’ Harry was staring at the accompanying picture of the screaming man.

“He’s not far from here,” I reported and Harry had a dead look in his eye.

“I'm gonna kill him.” He whispered coldly. I was a little taken aback.

“Shouldn’t you be avoiding him?”

“He’s the reason my parents are dead.”


“And he was their friend.”

“Oh.” I repeated, I didn’t know what to say, I really wanted to shake him and tell him he was being stupid and that he was planning on killing an innocent man.

“Yeah.” He finished and I sat and listened as he filled me in on what had happened to make him want to kill Sirius Black, Apparently he had snuck into Hogsmead as well and overheard the Minister for Magic, Professor McGonagall, Hagrid and Madame Rosmerta talk about how Sirius was the reason Harry’s parents were dead and that he was also Harry’s godfather.  

I watched Harry’s emotions carefully, noting the hate he was exhibiting while also keeping an eye on Pettigrew who Ron was feeding a bit of bread to. I couldn’t help but wonder how strange that would be if Ron knew that his pet was actually a man.


“Alright Imogene, if you would care to show me how you would deal with this Hinkypunk.” I lifted my wand and directed it at the small purple and brown creature, I concentrated very hard on the spell and just as I was about to speak it the streak of blue light I’d been expecting shot the creature in its bulbous, protruding stomach.

“Did you mean to do that?” Professor Lupin asked astounded.

“I wish the answer was yes.” I muttered, surprised at myself, Professor Lupin’s eyebrows had disappeared into his hair and he turned to inspect the Hinkypunk which had stopped its gruesome jig and was curled over clutching at its stomach. It appeared that I had successfully managed to cast a spell without the use of an incantation, something that I’d obviously seen a teacher do without realising it because I hadn’t done it knowingly.

“Well you gave it a stomach ache that I'm not going to be able to get rid of for another week so I think you successfully defeated him.”

“What’s next?” I asked enthusiastically, We’d started over an hour ago and weren’t really working through the books I'd read in any real chronological order, I would cast a spell from a third year book and then one from a fifth year book and then a book that wasn’t even school related. 

“Patronus.” Lupin said quietly, he had turned from me and I frowned, something sounded wrong.

“Are you alright Professor?” I asked.

“I’m fine Imogene; just if you can’t do this don't be disappointed, it’s very advanced.”


Ready…. Set… go. I thought very hard about the happiest memory I had ever had and let it wash over me. It was the memory of when I’d found Sthyss in the Shrieking Shack, it was for that moment all that I had in me. I let it burst forth and muttered. “Expecto Patronum.” I didn’t feel the need to shout and a stream of silvery light began to change from wispy smoke into something more substantial. It was a glittering globe that kept shifting, like it couldn’t decide what it wanted to be, I thought I caught a glimpse of a snake, and then a dog and then a wolf, but it kept fitfully shifting between the three until I prudently released the spell- upset that I’d almost managed but not quite.

I stood frowning at the place where the misty figure had just disappeared until I felt Professor Lupin’s eyes on me.

“That doesn’t happen often.” He told me, walking closer to me and I sat back on the floor. I couldn’t understand why it wouldn't be a snake, which was what it should have been surely- what with my family and my inclination to snakes, and the fact that my animagus form was a snake.

“There is something wrong with me isn't there?” I asked him quietly.

“There isn't anything wrong with you Imogene.” Professor Lupin chuckled, I frowned up at him and he sat down next to me still smiling. “You simply haven’t managed to fully form a Patronus yet, there’s something undecided about it.”

“Why isn't it a snake though?” I voiced my thoughts, staring at the wand in my hand.

“Maybe you aren’t who you think you really are, maybe there’s something in your head that you aren’t even aware of yet that’s influencing the shape or un-shape of your patronus.” He explained and I shook my head.

“But even my animagus form is a snake,” I told him and he shrugged.

“I don't know then- it could be anything.” He said mildly exasperatedly. He stood and offered a hand to me, helping me to my feet, “Don't let this get you down Imogene, this is just one spell- every other one I’ve had you do you executed perfectly.” He was complimenting me but I was beginning to understand the term ‘Perfectionism’ through experience.

“I just thought that I wouldn't find this too hard.” I said, sighing I placed my wand on the teacher’s desk and rubbed my eyes wearily, the Professor looked tired as well and he looked at the clock.

“I think we had best call it a night.” He lifted his wand and put all the desks back were they belonged and away from where he had had me stack them against the edges of the classroom.

“Professor, did you want me to go to Professor Snape about the next full moon?” I asked as I collected my wand up and stowed it away in my jeans. He turned and looked thoughtful for a moment before answering.

“Uh… I think that you should but I might come with you, I could do with making sure that there’s enough Wolfsbane left for me and I hate to admit it but I fear that you wouldn't get very far With Professor Snape if you went alone.”

“Thanks Professor.” I smiled and headed to the door.

“Goodnight Imogene, and don't let that spell bother you.” He called as I shut the door behind me.

I walked through the darkening halls and sped around the corners heading down, I couldn’t wait to get back to Sthyss in the commons. Just before I reached the entrance though I heard a scuffling, turning I expected Sthyss to be there instead there was an orange streak following after me.

“Crookshanks? What is it boy?” I asked and knelt down to look closely at what the cat was holding in its mouth. “What have you got there kitty?” I asked, laughing internally at my absurd tone. In his mouth was a small piece of parchment, it couldn’t have been bigger than my hand, it was slightly crumpled and had a few smudges from Crookshank’s saliva but apart from that I knew what the scrawled words were.

“The passwords.” I’d been talking to Ron about it this morning, the replacement guardian for the Gryffindor commons was apparently a very pompous painting of a knight named Sir Cadogan and he changed the passwords sometimes daily, he had mentioned how Neville had written them down because he kept getting locked out, I’d coaxed Crookshanks out with a sneaky piece of chicken and tried to communicate to him that I wanted the passwords, looks like he had understood me.

I ruffled Crookshanks’ fur in thanks and waited for him to trot off before turning into the Slytherin common room where Sthyss was waiting atop the mantel piece.  

You seem pleased.” He observed from the warmest place in the commons and I beamed up at him.

I got the passwords for Gryffindor!” I exclaimed before proofing my previous statement. “Okay Crookshanks got them.

You spoke with the cat?” He asked wearily, for some reason he was tired.

No… Are you feeling alright Sthyss?” I was concerned for his health just as he was mine, except he hardly ever seemed unwell.

You aren’t the only one who moults.” He lied to me as he fidgeted.

You only finished moulting a few months ago, what’s really wrong?” I asked and was given a sigh in reply.

I have been trying to watch out for you during the nights in case someone comes looking for you, so I haven’t been sleeping.” He admitted.

Really?” I asked, surprised.


Why don't you sleep now then? I’ll stay up for a bit longer and you can get some rest.” I told him after a quick thought. I wasn’t too tired anymore and I fancied practising with my patronus anyway, so I could take care of myself for a bit.

If you’re sure?”  He clarified, sounding a little relieved.

I'm positive,” I confirmed and allowed him a few moments to travel up the stairs to the dorm where it would be nearly as warm but a lot more comfortable before I began filling myself up with happy thoughts.

“Expecto Patronum.”


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