His Daughter

By _deliamae_

6.4K 311 51

Hi my name is lacey, well that's not my real name. That's what people would call me.... If I knew anyone. The... More

Chapter One (Introduction)
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four- the end... (for now)

Chapter Two

607 21 1
By _deliamae_

***Thanks for whoever read my first chapter, and are now reading this one. Enjoy xxx***

I'm kind of scared to know what will happen when I will be able to go out in the open again. I haven't actually been to a restaurant, or the doctors or anything since I was around 12 when this all started. What if people will be able to see right through me? What if they don't think that I am Lacey Johnson? What if my father is still out there looking for me like the police officer said? I will never be with him as a family again. Never. He destroyed our family, he killed my mother, and he ruined my life forever.


I shot up out of my bed. Well, my almost bed. It was a potato sack. Today was finally the day I turned 18. The nice police officer Steve had said that I would be able to stay in his guest house since now I would be able to be out in the open. He would say that I was his niece from out of town. I know it seems like a bit much for him to help me out like this, but I've learned that many things can surprise you.

I patted down my rats nest of honey-blonde hair that looked black because of the lack of wash. Steve had always offered to let me have a shower at his house, but I couldn't be noticeable, so sadly I declined- that was until today.

Steve would bring me cupcakes on my birthday every year, but this year would be so much better. It will feel so weird to live on my own in a real house, and be normal. I guess I should say as normal as I'll ever be considering what I have been through. But as close to normal as I can get.

Steve has tried his best to keep me educated, bringing me workbooks so if I wanted to enroll in school I could, but I have always had a problem with reading. In 2 days from now Steve will enroll me in a school for helping me read, and I will live on my own with occasional visits from Steve. It sounded perfect.

I got up and looked in the shard of glass I kept as a mirror. I heard the roar of an engine outside the little enclosure I called home. Steve was here! I grinned to myself, giddy with the idea of living normally. I stood up, waiting for the truck to come to a stop so that I could hop inside.

"Hey there Lacey," He ruffled my hair but then pulled his hand away as dirt fell from my head.

"I'm not that gross," I said as I purposely shook dirt towards his side of the truck.

"You actually are. But that is why we are here today. I'll get you to your new house, supply you with some extra cash, and then I'll be going to work" He looked at me with sympathy. I scratched my head and just looked out the window, lost in thought. What could go wrong now?

Everything was going to be fine.


We drove down a road filled with beautiful houses. They all consisted of bricks, and tall windows, and little flowers potted outside. I watched as neighbors waved to each other across the street, and dogs ran through their yards.

We finally pulled into a driveway of a gorgeous one story ranch. We parked the car in the garage, and Steve gave me the tour. Him and his wife had the cutest house that was just the perfect size. I could tell that his wife didn't seem so keen on the idea of letting me move in, thinking that it would loose Steves job. But she was still nice to me, and came with us to go to the back and check out my new temporary house.

Once approaching it, I examined the outside carefully. It was made of light brown paneling, and it had to windows parallel to each other on either side. I also noticed that the Smith's (which I had found out was their last name) had potted some plants, and added a chair on the outside right by the window.

I squealed, and opened the door to the inside. It had baby blue walls and a small couch with a tv to the left. I ran down the hall, eager to see more. Down a little hall was a bedroom. Wow, my very own bedroom!

"Sorry if it's smaller than you expected," said Mrs. Smith.

"Are you kidding? It's perfect! It's a mansion compared to what I used to live in." I smile at her, hoping to show my gratefulness.

"Hmm," she gave herself a little smile of proudness, "I guess so." and she left.

"So here are some more blankets.. And oh I almost forgot there is already food in the kitchen." Steve was scurrying around and looking real nervous, hoping that everything goes according to plan.

To ease the tension, I decided to use my skills of fake happiness. I have had to use this skill a lot in my past.

"There is a kitchen?!" I gasped and turned around, then started running in the direction opposite of the living room to what I thought was the kitchen. It was a really cozy area with a small wooden table in the middle. It was occupied by a phone.

"Hey Steve, you left your phone over here," I went to go pick up the iPhone I saw laying on the table but came up behind me, stopping me from handing it to him.

"That's for you, actually. I thought that if you needed help or if you were ever in trouble you would need some way to contact me," He fidgeted even more. Even though I was more than ecstatic to get my own phone, I had some suspicions I needed to ask about first.

"Why would I be in trouble? The past is behind us now! That's why I'm here... right? My dad doesn't even know I'm alive, and I'm safe right?" I asked, hopefully knowing the obvious answer, which was that I was safe.

His eyes darted to me and to the door, "I... I should go back to the Mrs."

"Steve is there something you're not telling me?"

"I JUST HAVE TO GO ALRIGHT? THIS IS NOT YOUR CONCERN!" I stared at him shocked. I had never heard him raise his voice at me before. Had I done something wrong?

"I'm, I'm sorry. I didn't mean..."

"It's- just- it's alright... Goodnight Em- I mean Lacey," he put his hand on my arm and history repeated itself. It was just like the night my father left and my mother died.

"Okay. Goodnight" I smiled fakely.

He left and even of the circumstances of what just happened, I squealed with joy and plopped on my soft bed. I didn't even change into the dark purple pajamas Mrs. Smith put out for me, I fell right asleep.

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