Mangled Heart (On Hold)

By HopingForeverAfter

41.5K 1K 230

Katalyna Heart's whole world has just been flipped upside down. After the death of her mother she is forced t... More

Mangled Heart


1.6K 38 14
By HopingForeverAfter

Hey guys! I'm sorry for not uploading sooner! I felt bad so here is me trying to make it a bit longer.

(P.S. Faeth is on the side-->)

~Ever ♥


I stared at him for God knows how long. He moved to get up and that seemed to snap me back to reality. I turned to face my father and placed a strained smile on my face. He was staring at us, his gaze switching between me and the man sitting in the chair. I refused to look at him, afraid of the voice coming back. The fear was irrational considering it was still there but instead of speaking, it was growling at me like some kind of feral dog!

"So, ah, I'll leave this with you, gentlemen." I placed the tray on the desk and pulled away. The kettle tipped a bit when I jerked my arms away and I reached for it just as the man behind me did. Our hands brushed and shocks erupted from my fingers running through my body from head to toe. I swiped my hand away from him skin. I cradled my hand to my chest as I stared at the guy. He stared right back, a look of shock covering his beautiful features. Wait. Beautiful? What is WRONG with me?! Drew caught the kettle, shooting his arm put towards it at an inhuman rate.

He stared at me, concern and some other emotion that I couldn't place filled his eyes. "Are you alright, Katalyna?" I nodded, slightly out of it. I quickly recomposed myself and smiled at my father. "I'm fine, Drew. Just a little shock." I let out a nervous laugh and rubbed my now sweaty palms again my pants. "Well, I should really get to bed. Goodnight, boys." I turned to leave but Drew's voice stopped me.

"Wait, Katalyna. I wanted to apologize for Stephanie's behavior. She was out of line when she said those hurtful things and it was uncalled for. Kendra's actions weren't the best either." A snarl came from the man sitting in the chair. I peeked at him using my peripherals and saw that he was glaring at the desktop, his hands clutching the arms of the chair so hard his knuckles were white, the skin stretched so far it looked as if his knuckles would rip right through it. His muscles were straining on his bare arms and chest and I suddenly had the urge to rub my hands over them. I cleared the dirty thoughts from my mind, shifting my eyes back to Drew.

"It's fine, Drew. Really. I mean, how else are they supposed to react to the fact that the bastard lovechild of your past is living with them?" They came out harsher than I intended, but I realized the truth in my words. That's all I was. The only person who ever wanted me was my mother and now I'm not even sure of that. "I am, after all, a constant reminder of the, er, mistake you made..." A traitorous  tear slipped our of my eye and I wiped it away quickly, replacing the frown on my face with a bright smile. Drew looked pained but I just leaned forward and kissed his cheek. "Goodnight, Drew."


"Drew, it's all good. I don't expect then to treat me any other way than how they are now. If they were, I'd think they were being fake or trying to spare my feelings. I happen to hate when people think that hiding things or feelings is what's best for me. I'd rather know how they really feel than have to wonder. Now, back to business." I patted his head and laughed, but it sounded forced even to my ears. I turned around. "Have a nice night Mr..." I trailed off.

"Taylor. Sebastian Taylor." I smiled as I tried to avoid eye contact. I saw him stretch out his hand and I fake sneezed, covering my mouth with both hands. I smiles sheepishly, but it probably looked somewhat like a smirk, considering that's what I was inwardly doing.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Taylor." I smiled and left the room without so much as a second glance at him. I walked straight to my room but stopped when I heard an interesting conversation.

"I can't beloved Sebastian Taylor is in my house!" The voice was Stephanie's. "He's probably here to tell Dad that we're mates! I swear I can feel the connection." That stupid voice growled in my head again.

HE'S OUR'S!!!  I flinched at the anger seeping out of it's words.

"Er, Steph. I'm pretty sure he just wants to speak about the alliance between our packs." Faeth. "Don't you listen at all at the pack meetings?"  Stephanie huffed and I could just see her roll her eyes, flip her hair, and cross her arms.

"Whatever. He's mine. I- I love him. And he loves me." At this there was another growl and I almost choked on my spit when I realized it erupted from my own throat. "What was that?" There was a ristling of close and the sound of muted footsteps on the carpet.

I ran to my room and closed the door, leaning on it for support. What is up with this family? Mates? Packs? They sound like they are a pack of wolves instead of humans. But, really, by the way Stephanie acts, I wouldn't be surprised if she had been raised by rabid wolves.

I shook my head and slowly made it across the room and slipped into my bed, snuggling under the comfortable covers. I stared out my bay window at the moon, shining bright and beautiful. I sighed and closed my eyes sending a silent message. "Goodnight, mum. I love you and miss you already." With that, I slowly fell asleep.


I was at the lake again. I looked around and smiled. It was so peaceful here. I climbed "my rock," grinned, and closed my eyes, enjoying the sun on my skin. I heard the sound of rippling water and peeled my lids back to see the muscular back of a man in the water. I gasped and covered my eyes with my hands.

It's alright. He's ours and we should not fear seeing him. I shook my head.

This is not happening. Stop talking to me! Oh my god. I'm going crazy! I'm going bloody crazy!

Nope. You're not goi-

STOP! I cut her off. Er, in my mind. My God. I'm a lunatic! I sighed and tried to calm down my erractic heartbeat.

"Katalyna?" I shook my head.

"No. No. No." I kept my hand over my eyes firmly. A pair of strong hands gripped my wrist and pulled them away with little effort despite my resistance. I shrieked and pinched my eyes tightly. There was a deep chuckle in front of me and my breathing hitched uncomfortably. I scooted away from the figure, he was too close; I could feel the heat coming off of his body from here. He sighed as I moved away from him.



That was all. I woke with a start as I feel out of bed. I hit the ground roughly and groaned.

"Ow." I didn't even bother trying to get up. I laid there on the floor for what seemed like four minutes. I didn't even realize that I had fallen asleep but I woke up two hours later. I checked the clock. 10:00 a.m. I sighed and got up from the floor, still exhausted. I stood and stared at my bed longingly but I knew that I needed to get up. I slowly made my bed and retreated to the kitchen downstairs. Drew was sitting at the table with a newspaper in his hands and a steaming cup of coffee sitting on the table. "Good morning, Drew." He set down the newspaper, smiling.

"Goodmorning, KitKat. How did you sleep?" He motioned for me to sit on the chair next to him and I nodded.

"I slept alright. How was your night?" I got some coffee and added some cream and sugar before sitting next to him. "I'm terribly sorry for causing such a disturbance in your home... That was never my intention..." I bit my lip and looked down that coffee I was clutching in both hands.

"It's not your fault. Kendra is just having a hard time dealing with the past. She'll get through this. She's tough." He smiled at me. "But as for Stephanie. She's always like that. We've spoiled her too much so she thinks it's alright to say things like that. I'll try my hardest to reign her in but I'm not sure how that will work out. We just have to hope for the best." He gave me a sad smile. I didn't know what to say so I simply nodded. Luckily, he changed the subject. "Well, are you excited for school?"

"Oh, yes. I've always loved school. When do I start again?"

"Tomorrow." He grinned at me. "I've seen your grades, kid. You're a genius! I hope you don't mind, but I signed you up for our school's equivalences to whatever advanced classes you were taking. I left the electives open for you to choose, though." I nodded.

"Thank you." I bit my lip, remembering my dance troupe from England. "I was wondering... is there a dance studio anywhere around here that I could join? I'm very much capable of getting a job and paying for the expenses myself."

"Well, the school has a dance team. The JNH Pussycats. The school's mascot is a tiger, hence the name 'pussycats.' Personally, I hate it. It makes all our daughters sound like a bunch of strippers but whatever." He shrugged, looking a bit put out. "There is also another dance studio in town. A lot of the kids have joined that one because the one at the school is a bit... I don't really know, but there is a big rivalry between the two teams. The professional studio is one you have to pay for but if you would like to join it, I wouldn't mind paying." I shook my head, but smiled.

"I can pay. I'll try out for the school's dance team first, though. If that doesn't work then I'll get a job. I won't have you paying for my hobbies." I smiled and thanked him before retreating to my room. I sighed as I laid down. Today was going to be a long day.

~Stephanie's P.O.V.~

There is no way in hell that that bitch is getting into my dance team. Not only does she think she can steal my dad and take over my house, but now she wants my dance team, too? Screw that. That little skank probably doesn't even have talent. Her mother most likely told her that she was a good dancer out of pity. She isn't as pretty or talented as me. She should just go away. Go back to England, go to a homeless shelter, go die, go anywhere! Just not here.

I can't stand to look at her face. I can't stand the way she makes my mom cry. I can't stand the way my dad looks at her, like he's proud to have her around. She's a mistake. A loser. A joke. The only thing she's good at is faking innocence. Faeth may be fooled by her. So might my dad, but I'm not. I will not let her tear this family apart. This pack is mine, and I will protect it.

Who does she think she is? Gah, she's so infuriating.

I flipped my hair over my shoulder before making my way back up to my room. Yes, I had been spying on her and my dad, but I had to learn more about her plans to steal him away. Already she's got him hooked because she's a 'genius.' She probably cheated her way all throughout school. She probably had sex with losers so that they would do her school work for her. That little whore.

She'll get what's coming to her. I grinned, it seemed like my wolf hated her as much as I did.

I walked straight into my closet and got dressed in a tight tank top and shorts. Ugh, I hated these shorts. They're so long! They were only three inches above mid thigh! Three! I feel like a nerd. Oh well, all my others are dirty so I would have to deal. I mass texted all of the Pussycats.

'Mandatory meeting in the gym 2day. 11 o'clock. be there. If u don't show, be prepared 2 hand in your uniform 2moro.'

I slipped my phone back into my purse and smiled in the mirror. I fixed my hair into a perfect high ponytail and fixed my eyeliner. Can't have smudges now, can we? I ran down the stairs and called out, "I'm going to the school, Daddy! Bye!" I heard him yell.

"Stephanie, wait!" I rolled my eyes and continued my trek to my car. I jumped in my convertable and peeled out of the driveway. I needed to get to that meeting. I would let those girls know that there would be no fraternizing with the enemy, said enemy being Katalyna. They were not to speak to her, look at her with anything other than distaste, or be nice to her in anyway. She may try out for the team, but I would make sure that she didn't get in. It probably won't be that hard to do since she's a talentless bimbo. I smiled when I parked my car and entered the gym. All of the girl were there looking scared.

"Okay, ladies, listen up." Then I began my strike against the girl who was trying to ruin my life.

~Kendra's P.O.V.~

Was I not good enough? Granted, I'm not his true mate but he did choose me. How could he do that to me? I looked at the girl's picture. He had been receiving these since the girl was born. She was surely beautiful. She looked a lot like her mother. I wonder if he thinks of her when he looks at his daughter's face. Ugh. Daughter. I hated knowing that that girl was his child. I couldn't look at her without remembering the night he told me that he had had an affair. He was planning on never telling me but he found out that the woman he had been with was pregnant. I sighed as I looked out my window. I remember it like it was yesterday.


He took my hands in his own. "Kendra, my love. I need to tell you something..." He took a deep breath but didn't continue.

"Go on, Drew. What's wrong?" He looked up at me, surprised.

"How did you know something was wrong?" I laughed, lightheartedly.

"I'm your mate, silly. Of course I know what's wrong." His face showed one of pain and I began to really worry. "Drew, tell me. What's got you so distraught?" He let go of my hands and bent over, intertwining his fingers in his hair and pulling at it, frustratedly. He buried his face in his hands.

"Mu mubmen un moo."


He looked at me with tears in his eyes. "I cheated on you." He said it slowly, probably not wanting to have to repeat it again. I didn't know what to say so I didn't say anything; which was okay because he kept going. "I'm so sorry, Kendra. It was while I was away. I was so lonely and Kathryn was so amazing to me. It just happened." He cried, I'd never seen him cry before.

"Why did you tell me this?" My voice was barely a whisper but I knew he could hear me. "You could've lived your entire life without telling me and it would've been fine." This statement was directed more to myself. I was sure that I didn't need to know this.

"I needed to tell you because... because... because I got her pregnant." Silence. It filled the room, exploding my eardrums with it's cruel, mocking quietness. I took a deep breath.

"Are you sure it's yours?"

"Yes. Without a doubt in my mind. That baby is mine." He wiped something off of my face and when he pulled his hand back, his thumb with glistening. I hadn't even realized I was crying. "I understand if you hate me. I understand if you want to leave."

"Do you want me to leave?" I my voice cracked.

"What?! No! Of course not!" I flinched a bit at the shock in his voice. "I love you, Kendra. I know that may be hard to believe considering what I'm telling you, but I really, truly do love you." His voice was soft, gentle.

"Then, I'm not leaving."

"Your not?"

I shook my head. "I love you more than I could love anyone else. We will work through this." I smiled at him.

"I'm not going to ignore that baby. That's not who I am, I'm just letting you know." My face fell a bit. I know it was cruel of me but I was hoping that he would try to forget about the mistake he made and everything that came with it, including that baby. But, deep down, I knew he wouldn't. He was right. That's not the kind of man he was. I nodded. "Thank you. I know this may not be easy for you, but I can't allow that baby to suffer because of a mistake I made. I am going to make sure that baby is happy because she doesn't deserve to be miserable just because I'm married to a woman who isn't her mom." I know it was terrible but at the time, all I could think was, Yes she does. "Please forgive me, Kendra."

"I forgive you. Let's just forget about this for now. Please." I kissed him. "Make me forget. Please," I begged him, tears slipping down my cheeks. And he did. For 17 years, he made me forget..

**End Flashback**

 I didn't move. I just stared at the picture for hours, wondering what it was I did wrong. I sighed and slipped the picture back into the box he meant to keep as his dirty little secret. I know I shouldn't have blamed Katalyna for what her mother and... father did, but was hard. I wiped away a tear and snuck back into Drew's office, setting the box back in it's hiding place. I sighed and went to go fix dinner. How am I going to survive her being here?

~Katalya's P.O.V.~

I took a shower and readied myself for bed. Today was rather uneventful, for which I was grateful. I couldn't take much more drama without bursting into tears. I hated crying, it showed weakness, something I had long tried to ignore in order to stay strong for my mum. I laid in my bed, sinking into the soft, plush feeling of the pillows and blankets. I was in love with this mattress, it was like a dream!

I smiled as I allowed myself to fall asleep, hoping I wouldn't have another strange dream about a man whom I didn't want to know but rather a good dream that signalled a peaceful first day at James Niles High School.

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