hanging by a thread

By twentyonebellions

362 21 9

⚠️MANY TRIGGER WARNING THROUGHOUT THIS FIC READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!⚠️ tyler is just a suicidal, emo loser who h... More

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41 1 1
By twentyonebellions

Tyler slammed his locker door shut, throwing his bag over his shoulder. His heart was still in pieces after yesterday, he tried his best to avoid Josh but that was kind of hard to do considering the fact that they sat right next to each other in almost every class. It was awkward for him, but Josh was basically the most popular person in the entire school at this point, so he had loads of people to talk to, while Tyler sat there quietly, writing his note, trying his best to find the correct words and use proper grammar. As he turned around to head towards the front doors he heard the sounds of running footsteps echo across the floors of the now empty hallway.

"Tyler!" Josh's voice rang throughout the halls, Tyler's heart was too weak to deal with anymore hurt caused by the boy who once made him the happiest person in the world, but he couldn't just keep walking, he took the risk and turned around to face him.

"What do you want Josh?" Tyler said harshly, his emotions flowing overboard.

"Tyler I just  want to talk to you."

"Well maybe I don't want to talk to you, ever think about that?" Tyler's heart was about to give up, he felt like he was going to be sick at any moment.

"Tyler I've made a huge mistake, I need you in my life. I love y-"

"Don't give me that I love you bullshit, I won't believe it." Tyler was on the verge of breaking down, he tried his best not to let any emotion show. He looked over Josh's shoulder only to see the popular cheerleader Jenna running towards them.

"JOSHIE!!" She squealed when she jumped on his back, she jumped down and pushed Tyler out of the way so that she could be in front of Josh. "I missed you babe" Tyler couldn't believe the words he was hearing, he didn't think things could get any worse, until Jenna pulled Josh's head down so that their lips could meet. Any part of Tyler's heart that was left was gone. He felt numb, he turned around and started running as fast as he could back to his shit hole he called home.


Tyler didn't even close the front door, he skipped nearly every stair that lead up to his room. He slammed the door shut, he fell to the ground, sobbing the hardest he's ever had.

"I can't believe he's moved on that fast, and with a fucking bitchy cheerleader, and one that wants me dead at that!" Tyler couldn't feel anything but his empty, aching chest. He stood up and ran the short distance from him to his bathroom, he wanted to feel again, no matter what it took, all he waned to do was cut.

He rummaged through the nearly empty drawer for his razor, it took him longer to find it, since he hasn't used it in quiet a while, the last one was at Josh's house when Blurry was around and telling him to, but this time Blurry wasn't there, this was all Tyler. He picked it up placing it on his wrist, the cold metal making him shiver. he started slow, and light. He looked in the mirror, only to see a skinny, worthless, fucked up teenager who was crying like a little bitch. He pressed down even more and started going faster. He heard his phone go off, he paused, he saw the caller ID

joshie <3

Tyler didn't care anymore, he let it ring. He opened the medicine cabinet and looked for his anti-depressants, but they weren't there, he had completely forgotten that he took them to Josh's house last time that he was there. He fell to his knees and started crying again, blood dripping from his wrist and falling to on to the floor. He laid down and curled himself into a ball, hoping that he cut enough so that he bled out. His phone went off again as he lay there lifeless on the floor, hoping that death would come. He didn't have the energy to look at the notification, he also didn't care that much either.


Josh couldn't get Tyler out of his head, they still had the project for Mr.Stump due and that would be near impossible now since Tyler doesn't even want to see his face. He had tried to contact Tyler all day but there was no answer, he wasn't surprised but it was worth the try. He was beginning to worry about him, he still loved him with all of his heart, but he did it for his mom. Or at least he told himself that, the more he thought about it, the more he realized how selfish his decision was. He'd rather be with Tyler even if that meant he would be banned form his house. These kinds of thought littered Josh's mind. He had to fix this. He had to tell his mom about Ty.

Josh jumped off of his bed and walked slowly down stairs to the kitchen where his mom was, his other siblings were at a birthday party so it was just them. He pulled out a chair and sat, covering his face with his hands. He sobbed silently as his mom was still turned around. When she turned she was surprised to see him down there.

"Oh hey Joshua," she began, finally taking in notice that he was crying "Honey what's wrong?" she went over to him and kneeled by his side rubbing his back as he sobbed.

"Mom, I have to tell you something, and you're probably going to hate me, but I messed up big, and I need to fix it, and I-" Josh blubbered.

"Honey calmed down, tell me what's wrong!" her voice was soft, it made Josh cry even harder, he couldn't think to lose his mom.

"Mom, I don't like Jenna, I like Tyler, and I messed everything up! I was scared that if you found out about us that you would kick me out, and not talk to me, and hate me and mom, I love him so much, I never wanted to lose him!" Josh couldn't think straight he kept talking as fast as he could to get it out of the way. He uncovered his face to see his mother smiling at him.

"Well it's about damn time you told me!" She began to laugh and the she stood up, motioning her son to do the same, which he did. She pulled him into a tight embrace.

"Y-you're not mad, that I'm g-gay?" He was genuinely surprised at his mother's reaction, but he was happy it wasn't a different one.

"Of course not Josh! It's who you are, plus I've seen the way you two look at each other, I can you love each other very much!" She kissed him on his forehead before letting him go. "Now go fix this!" She said, giving Josh the keys to her car. He nodded and ran out the door.


Of course Tyler didn't live very far from him, but the usual two minute drive felt like a lifetime. When he got to Tyler's house he noticed that there was no car in the driveway, but the door was open. He quickly got out and ran inside.

"Tyler, I'm sorry! Please talk to me!" Josh wasn't expecting a reply he didn't know if he would even be home, but when he did get something his heart lifted.

"Get out of my house, Josh!" Tyler's voice was croaked, Josh began to make his way up to the Ty's room. "I'm leaving and there's nothing you can do to stop me!"

"Tyler, I don't love Jenna, I love you! We're not even dating she just came up on me to make you mad!" Josh's eye were again filling up with tears. He wanted Tyler back, he wanted their relationship back, he wanted to hold him and tell him that everything was going to be okay. "My mom wants us to be together, Tyler please." He was walking up the stairs fairly slowly, not having the audacity to go any faster.

"Josh go back and make out with Jenna some more, I'm done with all of this." Josh reached Tyler's door, it wasn't locked luckily, he opened it and saw that it was empty, and that Tyler was back in his bathroom once more.

"Tyler please, I do love you, I really, really do! I don't want us to be apart! Please just listen to m-" Josh froze when he got to the bathroom, there he saw Tyler, the boy he once loved so much, standing in front of the mirror with fresh cuts on his arms and a gun to his head.

"I'm sorry, Josh I'm just not wanted around here." He cocked the gun, still not pulling the trigger, he turned to Josh so that they were face to face. His tear stained face, covered in spots of dried blood. Josh didn't know what to do, he was frozen.

"TYLER NO!" Josh dove towards Tyler, the bang of the gun ringing in his ear. He fell to the ground holding him in his arms, the lifeless body of the boy he once, and still loves with his heart. Josh couldn't breath, he was crying so hard.

"TYLER NO, STAY WITH ME BABY!" Josh yelled but it was useless, he was gone. Blood gushed out of the bullet hole on the side of his head, covering the floor. "I love you so much Tyler please wake up please, please, please this can't be real, THIS CAN'T BE REAL!" Josh stood up, he looked in the mirror and saw that his face was covered in blood. His legs gave up on him, he couldn't compose himself.


The funeral was held a week later. Nobody really showed up, not even his family. It was just Josh, his siblings, his mom, and the priest. Josh couldn't keep himself together throughout the service, crying into his mom's shoulder.

"We were suppose to grow old together mom. we were supposed to die together."

"I know sweetie, it will get better I promise." His mom had a few stray tears escaping her eyes. The hugged and cried it out together.

"His birthday is tomorrow mom, I don't know what I'm going to do."

"Shh, shh it's okay baby, he's in a better places now." They stayed in each other's arms until the priest asks if anyone would like to say a few words. Josh stood up and made his way to the podium.

"I'm just going to cut through the noise and say that I loved Tyler Joseph more than anything." He took a deep breath before continuing "He was the thing that made me happy, he gave me life, he gave me a new perspective on things. I remember when we would always hang out in my room, usually raging over him beating me in mario kart, or him singing to me. He had the voice of an angel, I always thought he would make it big someday." Josh wiped away the few tears that fell. "We always said we were going to dye my hair red someday, and I did yesterday just for him, to remember him." He heard the few people in the pews chuckle. "Tyler if you can hear me, I just want to let you know that I love you with all of my heart, and I will never forget you!" His family clapped as he walked back to his seat, wiping away his tear soaked face.


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