Slow Suicide

By zelaughingqueen

1.4M 80.4K 42.6K

❝He was a smoker. She asked him why. He said it was his slow suicide.❞ - REVIEWS: "Slow Suicide is one of th... More

Pure Love Tales
Rest of the Series


39.2K 2.4K 1.9K
By zelaughingqueen

A/N: New cover! You guys like?

Here's a warning for those of you who are specifically sensitive to cancer, suicide, depression, and overall pain topics. I'm sorry in advance, also. It's even harder for me to write.

"I'd like you to meet my parents, " Rae said as everyone gathered around her bed. "Mom, Dad, this is Cig. Or at least that's what I call him. His real name is Romeo."

They smiled. "Nice to meet you, Romeo. We're Deb and Laurence."

"I'm so happy I finally met you, guys. You have a wonderful daughter, " Romeo replied, which pleased them.

"Kissing up to the future in-laws, huh? Smart move, " Katherine winked at him and Rae laughed. Then, she began coughing.

"Here, honey, " Deb handed her a cup of water. They all gave her worried looks.

  "I'm okay, " Rae reassured, smiling.

Deb touched her daughter's cheek before clearing her throat. "I...I'm going to check in with your doctor. I'll be back."

"Mom, " Rae sighed but she had already left. Katherine and Laurence exchanged looks.

"It's okay, Dad. Go after her, " Katherine gestured between her and Romeo. "We got her."

"Yeah, " Romeo agreed while holding Rae's hand.

Laurence nodded at the both of them. "Thank you."

After he left, Katherine and Romeo sat closer to Rae and the three of them made the best out of their situation. Their goal was to always keep Rae happy, at least in her last days.

  "You know you don't have to come everyday, right? Rae understands that you have a life–"

  Romeo cut her off. "No, I'm happy to be here. I want to be here. I'm not going to waste any day with her, Katherine."

  "Okay, " Katherine smiled at him as they walked to Rae's room. "You're a good guy, Romeo. Good for my little sister."

  "Thank you. She's good for me too, more than good actually."

  They stopped in front of her room.

The agonizing bawls coming out of the room broke their happy moods.

"Rainy?" Romeo murmured as he stared ahead.

Katherine gulped. "I don't think you should go in there–"

But before she could finish her sentence, he had desperately rushed in the room.

"Rainy!" Romeo yelled, watching her clutch her stomach in pain. A doctor tried to push him away. "Stop it! I love her, let me be with her!"

"Sir, she's in pain right now. She's having cramps due to swelling in her lymph nodes and she's itching all over. Let me take care of her, " the doctor said but Romeo wouldn't budge.

"Cig! Cig... Romeo, please, " Rae cried for him.

"She needs me. Just let me be by her side, doctor. I beg you."

The doctor sighed and nodded. Not missing a beat, Romeo ran to her side and held her hand. He tucked her hair back; searching her eyes.

"Hey, baby. I'm here for you. It's okay. I got you, " Romeo whispered softly and she looked up at him, tears falling.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

He kissed her forehead. "No, no. I forgive you, Rae. Whatever it is."

"No, Romeo, " she sobbed. "I'm going to break your heart. I don't want to do that because I love you so much but..."

"Hey, I love you too. You're not going to break my heart."

Rae shook her head, closing her eyes forcefully. "I'm going to die and leave you all alone. And I'm going to be alone too. I'm sorry."

"Rae, " he whispered. "Don't say that..."

She let out a whimper before slowly lifting her head. His eyes widened. There was a long scar on her neck, stitched up by the doctors already. But what she did was still there.

Romeo gasped quietly. "You..."

"I can't do this anymore, Cig, not again. Remember when you said smoking was your slow suicide? Well, cancer is mine. But I don't want a slow suicide, I just want it to be over now."

"Rainy, I don't even smoke anymore. I stopped, because of you. I love you more than anything. I'm not going to let you die like this. I promise you, Rainy. We are going to die together when we're old and wrinkly and toothless. Okay?" he told her and she gazed into his eyes.

Then, she laughed. "Okay. Old and wrinkly and toothless it is."

He grinned and pulled her to him. He kissed her with more love than he ever felt before; as did she. She held onto him, her hope and dreams right there in her arms.

"I love you, Cig."

"I love you, Rainy."



  Just kidding.

  This is actually the last chapter before the epilogue, though! So, hold on, guys. The end isn't here but it's near.

  Please vote and comment what you think of this chapter! Thank you for reading :).

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