Getting Back To You (Book 2 o...

By MadisonSchwartz

20.7K 2K 149

After the house, life just isn't the same. Everyone wants to know where the rest of Kendall's friends went. H... More

Authors commentary
Chapter 1: Kendall
Chapter 2: Mark
Chapter 3: Kendall
Chapter 4: Mark
Chapter 5: Kendall
Chapter 6: Mark
Chapter 7: Kendall
Chapter 8: Mark
Chapter 9: Kendall
Chapter 10: Mark
Chapter 11: Kendall
Chapter 13: Kendall
Chapter 14: Mark
Chapter 15: Kendall
Chapter 16: Mark
Chapter 17: Kendall
Chapter 18: Mark
Chapter 19: Kendall

Chapter 12: Mark

819 96 8
By MadisonSchwartz

It is like one of those dreams where you feel like you're falling and suddenly you wake up. The only problem is, I can't wake up. At least, not yet.

I am surrounded by darkness, nothing in sight for an eternity as I fall. I don't know why, but suddenly I think of her. Kendall. I actually see her, after months of not seeing her, she is here. She seems so real, but that's how I know it is a dream. I hear her voice, her laugh. I can see her smile, her long hair. Her eyes, looking into mine. I can see it all. I'm not falling anymore. It feels different with her than it was before. It feels right; loving her but not being in love with her. It feels like we are more like friends than in a relationship. But suddenly, things change. Her skin goes from a soft peach to a cold pale. Her hazel-brown eyes sink into their sockets, leaving nothing but black circles. Her lips curl back into a snarl and in a split second, she is wheezing. She went from smelling like a crisp fall morning to death itself. She begins gagging and spitting out blood. It runs down her chin, staining her clothes. Blood splatters the ground and everything is suddenly the color red. Her silky voice turns to a terror-filled scream. My heart is pounding as I watch her fall to the floor, unable to do anything. The screams get louder as I realize it isn't just her screams. I am screaming too. The red drains into a white color and it only takes me a small amount of time to realize where I am. The screams drain out into the ringing in my ears. Kendall fades away into nothing and I am all alone. In the house. Under the floorboards, in the hole. In the carnival, in the tent. In the mirror. In the white room. Where I was before, when all of our friends were here.

And that's when I finally wake up.

I shoot up from the cold, steel ground, gasping for air as I open my eyes to bodies hovering over me. All of my friends are circled around me in a dimly-lit room, wide-eyed and eager looking for my awakening. "Mark! Thank god, are you okay?" Pen asks, scrambling to my aid.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," I repeat with a grateful smile.

"Are you sure? You fell pretty hard," Ivy interjects.

"I'm sure," I nod.

"Thank god, dude. Thought we lost you," Lazaro laughs, helping me to my feet. I have never been more grateful for the people in my life than at this moment.

"What were you dreaming about?" Chase asks me calmly after everyone heads into the tunnel ahead of us.

"It was a nightmare about the house. Kendall was there, but I don't remember a whole lot," I shrug nonchalantly.

"I get it. I have dreams about Nina all the time. I just miss her, you know? Everything is so much harder for me without her around. I'm never gonna get used to how much I miss her. I need to get back to her. You understand, don't you? With Kendall and all..." Chase sighs, opening up to me for the first time since we have met.

"Yeah, totally," I go along with it to help him feel better. Only it makes things worse for me, because I can't relate and I don't understand what he is going through. I don't think anyone does, I am just the closest to someone who can.

Once Chase recollects himself, he explains where we are. We have made it to the camp. Down the tunnel, there are hundreds of trapped people like us. There are people starting from three years old all the way to being in their fifties. There is food and water, of course they are all limited, but it is better than having nothing. My friends and I have a half decent meal. I am actually almost full.

An older lady introduces herself to us, welcoming us to the camp. She tells us we can stay for as long as we'd like, but I forget her name as soon as she says it. There are too many people to learn everyone's name. The lady gives us a room to stay in, fresh blankets and clothes, and food. It reminds me of a real civilization.

It has been a few hours since we arrived. We are spread out around the room, our torn and wet backpacks lay in clumps on the ground. "Do you ever think we will make it home?" Arizona asks, snuggled into a blanket on the floor.

"We are trying to do the impossible," Chase huffs.

"If there's a way in, there's a way out. We all agreed on that, remember?" Cole reminds Chase.

"Yeah, two snow storms ago. Let's not forget whatever the hell those things we heard screaming were, too," Chase slumps his shoulders.

"Don't lose hope just yet," Yvoni bites her lip.

I stay quiet, trying to get some sleep. The lights are off and we are all laying down, talking among one and other. I am almost asleep when Pen, Holland, and Maria barge in, light pours through the door revealing their shocked faces.

"We have news," Maria speaks quickly.

"You guys won't believe it," Pen announces, stunned.

"It's your friends," Holland smiles eagerly.

I sit up from the floor, throwing the blankets off of me and scrambling up to my feet as gasps are let out. "What about them? Did you find them?" I nearly shout.

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