Evening the Score // Book One

SusieMC76 द्वारा

299K 8.9K 1.4K

Elena Rose Bennett is a world class athlete, Harry Styles is an International pop star. Both of them lead ex... अधिक

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 23

7.8K 229 9
SusieMC76 द्वारा

Elena looked down at her now braceless knee. It was gone. Dr. Thomas had removed it just before she had to report to NBC studios in downtown Los Angeles to do an interview with Matt Lauer on the Today Show.

She was nervous, not because she had to speak on camera to millions of people, but because she didn't quite feel the way she expected to now that it was gone. Grady leaned over after the Production Assistant clipped her microphone on,

"What's wrong?"

Elena kept turning her knee back and forth, bending it and stretching it. She shook her head,

"It doesn't feel right."

"You've had a brace on it for three weeks...it's gonna feel weird to go without it."

Elena gave a stilted nod of her head,

"You're right. I just need to get used to it."

"Testing...testing...can you ladies hear me?" Matt Lauer's voice suddenly came through the TV before his image came up on the TV. He smiled once he saw them, "There ya are. I have a few questions about the lawsuit and the fact that you've now taken our claim to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission."

"Ok." Elena answered.

This was important, more than important. This was everything. Their chance to let the masses know what they were fighting for. And Elena needed to be present for this interview. She slid her hand underneath her thigh and pinched as hard as she could.

"Elena, you don't just wake up one morning and point the finger at US Soccer with the EEOC, this has been simmering for awhile. Tell me now why does it come to a head now?" Matt asked once the introduction stopped playing.

"It's our job to fight for this." Elena said confidently, "The generation of players before us fought and now it's our turn. The disparity between men and women's soccer is too great. We have to let the younger generation know that they matter."

"What is the Association's response when they hear your complaints?"

"In the decade I've been on this team," Grady started, "The message from them has never changed. We continue to be told we should be grateful to have the opportunity to play professional soccer and to get paid for doing it. It's about being paid equally for doing the same job."

"We have a statement from the Association stating that they have yet to see the complaint being that it was just filed this morning but they are disappointed in this action." Matt stated as he read from the teleprompter, "That they have had a commitment to building women's soccer in the United States for the past 30 years."
Elena nodded,

"I would expect nothing less."

"You seem angry." Matt pointed out.

"I am angry. We draw the same crowds. We bring in the same amount of money. Being told we're being irrational for demanding we get paid the same amount is nothing less than a misguided attempt to guilt us into letting this go."

"You are already boycotting games until the Association makes a decision in favor of your demands. How long will that continue?"

"Until we get what is due." Grady answered without skipping a beat.

"The women's team brought in 16 million dollars last year while the men's team brought in a 2 million dollar loss. We deserve the same treatment and the same concessions they do." Kim stated simply.

"While I've got you here, I'd like to change subjects before you go. Elena you are currently injured, what's the prognosis? If the Association rules in your favor before the World Cup starts in a few weeks, will you be able to play?"
The urge to look down at her knee was so great that Elena pinched her thigh even harder. She nodded,

"I will. Nothing is keeping me off that field."


Harry watched while Elena hobbled around her bedroom as she packed for their trip to New York. They would be leaving in the morning which couldn't come soon enough for Elena. She needed to get away from the pressures facing her here and do something that had nothing to do with soccer.

Harry sat up,

"Hey...come here." He reached his hand out to her, pulling her to him once she grasped it. He lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed her fingers before tapping the fingers on his other hand against the brace she'd put back on her leg the moment she walked into the house, "Why is this on?" He waited for an answer, kissing her fingers again as he looked up at her, "Dr. Thomas said you didn't need to wear it unless you were in pain."

Elena shrugged but didn't answer. Harry drew in a deep breath and then sighed,

"Are you in pain?"
She shook her head. Harry lifted his hand to her hair,

"Are you scared of something?"

Elena lifted her hand, her fingers playing with the collar of his shirt,

"I'm scared."

"Of what?" He asked so softly it made her heart hurt,

"What if I hurt it again?"


She set her hands on his shoulders,

"I know it sounds crazy."

He lifted his hand to slide under her ear,

"Heyyyy...nothing's crazy. You can tell me anything."

Elena smiled weakly,

"I just feel like..." She shook her head suddenly, "It's nothing. I'll take it off."

Harry watched as she bent down to remove the brace,

"Len, I didn't mean to make you feel self conscious."

"You didn't. You're right. I don't need to be wearing it. It was just like a safety thing but...it's fine."

She pulled the brace off and threw it down to the side, swiping the hair back off her face. She smiled up at him again, "Thanks for pulling me back down to earth."

"Len..." He whispered. She stood between his legs, lowering her mouth to the side of his face. It seemed like it had been months since they'd touched each other. She missed the feel of his skin, his lips, his breath surrounding her. She cupped his cheek,

"You've been so great through all of this." She watched as her fingertips traveled across his cheekbone down across his lips and then her hand spread out over his throat, "I can't tell you what it's meant for me to know you're here."

He swallowed, the tightness in his shorts becoming semi-painful with each dance of her fingertips over his skin,

"I'd do anything for you."

"I know you would...I think that's what scares me a little bit."

He slid his hands up onto her waist, his fingers digging into her skin a bit under her shirt,

"Why does that scare you, Baby?"

Elena tugged on his necklace,

"Because I don't know what I did to deserve that kind of devotion." She hooked her hands around the back of his neck, her eyes finally meeting his, "I love you so much." She whispered, dropping her mouth to his.

Her lips felt like heaven against his. He'd committed himself to no sex when Dr. Thomas had ordered it, so deep kisses had been few and far between. He missed feeling her melt into him, her hands hook around his neck, her body warmth against his. He hadn't really realized how much until just now when she was melding herself against him just like she used to.

He pulled his mouth from hers, his bottom lip slipping between his teeth while his eyes met hers. His fingers drifted up underneath her shirt, pushing it up and over her head. Elena pulled it the rest of the way off, her ponytail swinging when she dropped the shirt to the floor.

Harry leaned forward, his lips pressing into the valley between her breasts. He'd forgotten what it felt like to hold onto her. She threaded her fingers into his hair while his mouth covered her nipple. God he was good with his mouth.

Elena's head tipped back, a soft moan falling from her lips. Harry held her against him, frustrated at his inability to get her close enough. She would never be close enough, no matter how tightly he held onto her.

She pulled her head back up, rolling her lips into her mouth. She poked her tongue out to lick them, whining his name out with a breath.

He looked up at her, releasing her from his mouth. He lifted his hand to the elastic around her ponytail. He pulled it out gently, careful not to hurt her while he watched her hair cascade over her shoulders. He felt such a connection to her in that moment,

"I miss you, Len."

"I miss you, too." She said, bending over to crash her mouth against his.

It felt good to be able to show him how she was feeling and to not worry about having to stop. The feelings he pulled out of her were so fierce sometimes that it was hard to keep a lid on them. Thankfully she didn't have to anymore.

She put her knee up on the bed, pushing him back down onto the mattress. He brought her down with him, his arms locked tightly around her waist.

Elena stayed there on top of him, claiming his mouth over and over. It had been a while since they'd simply indulged in their mouths fused. It also felt good to have her breasts pressed up against his chest.

He pulled back, letting the back of his head fall against the mattress. His eyes opened to focus on her,

"You alright? I'm not hurting you am I?"

She shook her head,

"No." She nuzzled him with her nose, "Can you just..." She let her sentence trail off.

Harry pushed a kiss to her cheek,

"What? What do you need, My Love?"

"Keep your hands on me...please. I just need you to touch me."

Those words touched Harry in a way that nothing else ever had. She needed him, needed his touch and his warmth. And it wasn't just because she needed anyone's touch. She needed his. His pressed his fingers into her hips, sliding his fingertips across her back until his hands came up around her throat,

"Sexiest thing...still the sexiest thing..." He murmured into her ear as he flipped them over.

Elena's eyes fell closed when she felt Harry's thumbs run over her nipples lazily, causing her thighs to clench together. And then he kissed her. He kissed her until she was quite literally aching for him. She was breathless. She was clinging to him desperately while her hips moved of their own volition.

Harry pulled up from her mouth, swallowing hard. Her eyes opened to meet his. Both of them breathing hard in unison. And then his mouth crashed down on hers again.

Elena frantically helped him pull her shorts and panties off while also trying to get his shirt and shorts off. She silently thanked the universe that he wasn't in those damn jeans that took forever to get off. He pushed himself up, standing at the edge of the bed while he finished removing his shorts and boxers.

Elena sat up, the palm of her hand brushing against his erection as she palmed him. Harry's eyes fell shut. He'd been without her touch for too long, far too long. He watched as she leaned forward, her tongue poking out to lick the pre-cum from the slit of his cock. He hissed in a breath, the sensation from her velvety tongue sending shivers down his spine. She looked up at him, blinking innocently. He reached forward to tangle his fingers in her hair, a lazy smile spreading across his cheeks,

"It's alright..." He whispered.

She kept her fingers wrapped around him, pumping with soft, even strokes while her own mouth bowed into a faint smile. She broke from his gaze, looking back down at his cock in her hands. The skin of his shaft was silky smooth and begging for her touch. She loved watching him harden, his tip turning purple in her hands.

Harry's smile faded as his eyes fell shut,

"God, Len..." He breathed out.

Elena's eyes drifted over the planes of his body. She was suddenly completely intoxicated by every line, every shape, every imperfection that peppered his skin. This was the man she was desperately in love with to an alarming degree. And it was the most comforting, reassuring feeling in the world.

She closed her lips around the head of his cock, her body filling with satisfaction when a soft moan escaped his lips.

Harry gritted his teeth. Her warm mouth enveloped around him was almost more than he could take at the moment. Three weeks was quite a long time to be without the touch of the woman you were in love with, a lesson Harry was learning tenfold.

He squeezed his eyes shut, shaking his head twice,

"Len..." She sucked just then, drawing him all the way into her mouth. When his tip hit the back of her throat his mouth fell slack, "Fuck, Baby."

Elena drew back, letting him lay against her tongue while her hand pumped his shaft now sloppily wet with her spit. Harry reluctantly opened his eyes, knowing full well the sight of her in front of him with his cock in her mouth could well be too much to bear. But he couldn't miss it.

He was pleasantly surprised to see her other hand slipped down between her legs, rubbing at her own clit. She was still full of surprises.

He brought his other hand to the side of her head, his fingers brushing against her ears. She tilted her head as she pulled him back into her mouth. He smiled,

"Pretty Girl, you're gonna make me come."

She met his gaze, bobbing up and down on him a few times before she pulled back,

"Good, come...all over me, in my mouth...I don't care."
He laughed softly, the sensation easing a bit of the generous tug currently aching in his balls,

"But what about you?"
"Don't care about me." She whispered before taking him all the way to the back of her throat again.

His smile disappeared as he hissed in a breath,

"Len...please stop..." She shook her head, gagging a bit when she took him into her mouth again. He bit his bottom lip until she backed off, "I love you, Baby...won't you let me show you?"

She hesitantly backed off of him, her hands pressing down into the mattress as she pushed herself back onto the bed. Harry hovered over her, crawling with her the entire way. His mouth came crashing against hers, pushing her back down onto the bed. She pressed her hands into his chest while his lips burned a trail down her jawline to her collarbones.

Elena could feel it. She could feel the depth of his need for her and the extraordinary restraint he was demonstrating at the moment brought tears to her eyes.

Harry lifted his hand to just under her breast, cupping it in his hand, she watched as his mouth came down over her taut nipple. In her entire life, nothing would feel better than when he tasted her body.

And tonight there would be little he didn't taste. He dragged his tongue over her shoulders, her forearms, the tips of her fingers, the middle of her shin, stopping when he reached her injured knee he looked up at her,

"I take it back...your knees are damn sexy."
She giggled softly, her hand coming to rest on her tummy as the giggle faded away. She watched him make his way to the one spot where she wanted him the most. She hooked her knee over his arm, her other knee bending up. He took a moment to appreciate how wet she was in anticipation for his tongue before his eyes moved up to hers,

"Wider." He commanded softly.

She did as she was told, widening herself to him immediately. He pressed a kiss to the inside of her thigh, rubbing his stubble against the soft skin,

"You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, Len." He said, pressing another kiss to her skin, "Always will be."

She held his eyes, watching as he leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss to her center. Her head fell back onto the mattress then, knowing full well he would take her exactly where she wanted to go.

His tongue dipped inside of her, swirled over her, tasting her, stroking her into a whirlwind of ecstasy that she couldn't break free from. When her hips bucked up off the bed, he pressed his palm to her tummy to keep her steady. Elena threaded her fingers through his. She needed the connection while the tingles exploded over her body.

Elena was throbbing all over, her entire body feeling quite like she was about to burst from the pressure. Her blood coursed through her veins, roaring through her ears like a freight train when she finally broke free, convulsing against his mouth.

He pressed a kiss to her navel, his tongue poking out to draw around it before he trailed his lips back up to her mouth.

She was still shaking when he got there. He nuzzled his nose to her cheek,

"Been too long, huh?" She whined softly, rolling her lips into her mouth as she nodded. He lifted his hand to her cheek, holding her against him while he too calmed himself down a bit.

This connection was like nothing either of them had ever felt before. Like there was a slight electricity in the air between them, linking them in every way.

He swallowed hard, pushing himself onto his forearms to hover over her. She opened her eyes to look up at him, raising her arms to snake around his neck, she pulled him down into a sweet, unassuming kiss,

"Closer..." She said against his mouth.

Harry shifted his body, settling in the soft cradle between her legs. Every line of his against every line of hers...and it still wasn't close enough.

He reached down between them, keeping his mouth cemented against hers as he lined himself up to slide into her. As per usual she fit around him completely. Her body wrapping around his with almost no effort.

She threaded her fingers into the hair on the back of his head, their mouths still moving in unison when he moved inside of her. She broke free from his lips, arching her back against his as something between a soft yelp and a moan filled the room.

Elena sounded different and altogether better. Things he'd never heard from her were now exiting her body with no inhibitions. He loved it. He wanted it. He craved more.

She tipped her hips up to meet his, her mouth covering his in a deep kiss as he buried himself deeply into her core.

He pulled his mouth from hers, pressing their sweaty foreheads together while he continued driving them both to the edge. Elena's arms wound around his waist, her hands grabbing at his ass to push him further into her.

She pushed up onto his chest when she felt him start to slow. It was apparent his body would betray him in this moment, giving her the opportunity to return the favor. He rolled onto his back, breathing harshly as he did so. She pushed herself up off the bed, leaning over to give him a kiss before she swung one of her legs over his.

Harry looked up, a little alarmed to see her ass staring him in the face. She sank all the way down on him, smiling to herself when she heard him breath out a string of cuss words. She'd always considered it a victory if she had him swearing.

His hands came down on her ass, a loud crack filling the room when he slapped one of his hands down. She jolted slightly, biting the tip of her forefinger seductively as she turned her head to the side,

"Again..." She whispered.

Harry obliged, lifting one of his hands off of her and bringing it back down with another loud smack. He smiled when a bright red handprint formed on her skin.

She moved against him, her hips flicking forward just a bit and then rolling back. Harry hissed in a breath. She lifted up onto her knees slightly, sinking back down on him slowly. She could feel every inch, every ridge, every vein...and it was all hers.

He dug his fingers into her hips, gripping her so hard there were sure to be more of his marks on her skin. Elena leaned forward, gripping his knees as she started to ride him. Harry's eyes dropped closed for a split second before he realized he would miss everything and he opened them again.

He pushed himself up onto his hands, his arms circling around her waist and pulling her to him while his lips softly pressed against the back of her shoulder. His hands covered her breasts, squeezing her against his chest tightly so it was almost impossible for her to move.

He shifted, turning them onto their sides. He lifted her leg up over his hip, propping himself up on his elbow to look down at her.

She lifted her hand into his hair, taking tight hold as her eyes locked on his. Every movement, every shift of his hips bringing them closer to that moment of mindless euphoria that they'd been too long without.

"God..." His voice was hoarse in her ear.

"Take me, please..." She whispered, turning her head as she pushed a kiss to her cheek.

The dam broke then. Ripples of complete exhilaration flooding both of them at the same time, changing them together. He was hers. She was his. A promise made in that moment that would bind them together forever.

Harry heard her cries muffled in his ears while his sounds seemed distant and not his own. He buried his face in the crook of her neck, her name muffling against her skin. He jolted and jerked until he was completely emptied.

Both of them lay still for a good while afterwards. Neither of them needing to fill the silence with words as they could each feel exactly what the other felt. Harry slipped out of her, helping her to turn over before enveloping her back into his arms. When he felt her shiver he left the warmth of her embrace for a few moments to lean down and pull the covers back over them.

She snuggled into him, still taking deep breaths. He kissed her forehead,


She pushed her lips to the base of his throat, lifting her fingers to his lips to interrupt him,

"Shhhhhh..." She comforted, "I know." Was all she needed to say.


Elena slipped her shoe off, frowning at the boot on her other foot, once the plane door closed. She padded her way over to the couch where Harry was sitting, tapping on his phone. She had to admit she was a little disconcerted about being on a private plane. She pulled her feet up onto the couch and cuddled in next to him, linking her arms through his and laying her head on his shoulder,

"What are you doing?"

"Trying to see where our hotel is...what's around it. We're gonna be there for a few days before the party and I thought we could see the city a bit."

Elena lifted her hand to play with the hair on the back of his neck,

"I've been to New York City."

"Yeah, but you've never been with me." He said, turning to press a kiss to her forehead.

She lifted her head off his shoulder,


He pressed a kiss to her mouth before going back to his phone,

"You alright?"

"Yeah why?"

"Because you have a vice grip on my arm right now."

Elena relaxed her grip a little,


He looked back at her, smiling warmly,

"It's alright. Planes make you nervous?"

"No. Small planes make me nervous."

He pressed kisses down the side of her cheek to her ear,

"I could...try to pull your focus elsewhere."

Elena giggled when his breath tickled her neck,

"Not even sure that would help right now."

Harry furrowed his brow as he pulled away from her,


She laughed, turning his head so she could kiss his mouth,

"I'm sorry..."

He shrugged,

"No worries...any other ideas?"

She glanced at the TV,

"That thing have any movies?"

He nodded,

"Tons. Good ones too. Wanna watch something?"

She shrugged, pushing him back onto the couch perfectly so his head hit the pillow. She snuggled into him,

"Not particularly but go ahead."

He laughed softly,

"Oh...someone just needs a cuddle is that it?" She nodded, closing her eyes as she drank his scent in. He squeezed her to him, "Alright then..." He pushed his shoes off, reaching over to grab the remote, "I'll just be the pillow."


Elena walked into the hotel room ahead of Harry while he turned to give a tip to the bell hop. He closed the door once the bell hop left, grabbing her suitcase first and setting it down on the luggage holder and then doing the same with his.

He turned to her,

"Feeling refreshed after your nap then?"

She nodded,

"Yeah." She hopped towards him, grabbing the hem of his shirt in her fists her eyes lit up, "Let's go out."

Harry laughed softly,

"Someone's awake and alive."

She nodded, glancing out the window to the city below them,

"It's all lit up and it's so beautiful." Harry couldn't help but smile. She had all the innocence and wonder of a little girl and it was the most endearing, adorable thing he'd ever witnessed, "It's the most romantic city in the world right? And we're all stupidly in love with each other."

He giggled,

"I'd like to think so."

She hooked her arms around his neck,

"So let's go do cheesy romantic things. Take stupid selfies. Dance in Central Park."

He squeezed her hips, joining his hands around at the small of her back,

"I think I know just where to take you Little Miss Romance...you ready?"

Her eyes widened,

"Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise." He said as he released her.


He threaded his fingers through hers and pulled her towards the door, the sounds of her giggles as she followed behind him filling the cracks in his soul.

Harry leaned forward onto his forearms as he poured Elena another glass of wine. Her eyes sparkled while a dazzling smile while she bobbed her head to the piano currently playing a slower version of When The Saints Go Marching In.

Harry laughed softly,

"You're certainly in a mood tonight."

She nodded,

"My knee is better. I'm in the greatest city in the world with the love of my life." Harry's smile faded slowly, "I'm eating amazing food, drinking delicious wine and listening to fantastic music. Not even this stupid boot on my foot could dampen my spirits tonight."

Harry stared back at her. The love of her life. Had she said words after that? Usually he hung on her every word but he had to admit she stopped him dead when she said that.

He squeezed his thighs nervously,

"L-love..." He started, stopping when the nerves overtook his voice. He cleared his throat and resituated himself in the seat, "Love of your life?"

Elena focused her eyes back on him. Her smile fading just a tad as she studied his features. Was he scared? Upset? She couldn't really tell.

She lifted her glass of wine, her head nodding just slightly,


A slow smile spread over his face. The nerves drained out of him, replaced with the highest high he'd ever felt. He leaned forward, taking his own glass of wine as he stared back at her,

"I think..." He started, stopping when the piano player switched to another song. Harry's eyebrows pulled together, "I think he's playing What Makes You Beautiful."
Elena burst out laughing,

"Oh that's just too perfect."

He reached his hand out over the table,

"May I?"

Elena's smile disappeared,

"No one else is dancing."

He shrugged,

"So we'll start a trend."

She swallowed,


"Invitation goes away in 5-4-3-"

Elena grabbed his hand, her face turning crimson red as he pulled her out and wrapped his arms around her. She giggled softly as she watched a few more couples step out from their tables and start dancing as well.

"Seems we started a trend."

Harry's bright smile faded slowly as he looked on her. God just seeing her smile did things to him that he'd never imagined were possible. He lifted his hand to rest on her shoulder, his thumb touching just under her chin,

"I can't imagine what my life would be like without you."

Elena turned her attention back on him, her own smile fading. He dragged his thumb back and forth along her jawline,

"You are the love of my life, Elena Rose." He leaned forward, pushing his forehead to hers as his eyes snapped shut, "I want you to be with me, forever."

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