Her Story ☾Allison Argent

By buckied

2.1K 52 6

COMPLETED ♔ What if Allison had an interesting dream involving herself, before moving to Beacon Hills. More

Chapter One
Chapter Two: Werewolf, Hunter, Morrigan
Chapter Three: The Library
Chapter Four: Serenity
Chapter 5: A Really Bad Idea
Chapter 6: Fire from the Tongues of Liars

Chapter 7: A Showdown and a Surprise

156 8 0
By buckied

"Happy birthday!" The loud greeting caused Allison to be ripped from her sleep.

"Wha-huh?" wiping the sleep from her eyes, she sits up and looks at her family. "Oh, thank you." She puts a smile on her face, but keeps her focus on her parents and not her Aunt Kate.

"Well, I don't know about your parents, but I have a little something for you." Kate speaks from her spot next to her bed and pulls a necklace out from behind her back. The piece of jewelry has a wolf and a sun on it. "It's a family heirloom and I think that since you are becoming more of a young woman that you should know more about your family." She gives Allison a half smile.

The younger girl doesn't know what to think of this gift, but accepts the present anyway. "Wow! This is great, thank you." She hates having to act naïve, but she can't let her family know that she knows the truth. "What's the story behind this?" At the immediate question Victoria and Chris's faces both drop and turn serious.

"I think this conversation is best saved for our family dinner tonight." Victoria cuts in.

"Well, she has to know. I just thought that I'd just speed things along." Kate adds.

"That's enough! We can discuss this over dinner." Chris stops the two older women from revealing too much. "Besides, I believe Allison and Lydia have plans today to celebrate. It would be rude to infringe upon their time." He gives his daughter a smile and a kiss to her head before ushering the two women out of the room.

Letting out a sigh, Allison puts the necklace on her nightstand and starts to get ready for her day.

Allison and Lydia have been sitting in Lydia's car for ten minutes now. Allison is trying to figure out what to say to the boys and her family because she knows that eventually the truth will come out.

Lydia on the other hand is trying to figure out how to tell the boys and how to make Allison's day more special, but she knows that they have to kill Peter today.

"This is ridiculous!" Lydia's voice breaks the silence. "They are our friends and the only way to kill Peter is to tell them because we are going to need their help. Especially, if I'm going to give you your birthday surprise." She turns to Allison, grabbing her hand and rubbing her thumb affectionately over it.

"I know. It's just that I was thinking about what's going to happen after my family finds out that I knew the truth the whole time. They're gonna split us apart Lyds and I don't think that I can handle not being with you." Allison says on the verge of tears.

Leaning over the center counsel, Lydia grabs both of Allison's shaky hands in her own. "Hey, it'll be okay. Everything will work out and if not we can always sneak around like we are in a horrible teen drama." She replies fixing an encouraging smile on her face.

Showing her own pearly whites, Allison leans over to give Lydia a chaste kiss on the lips. "You're right. Let's tell the guys our plan. We have an Alpha to hunt." She says getting out of the car.

The room is awkwardly silent.

Derek uncrosses his arms. "Assuming that we can track Peter down tonight; what makes you think that we can kill him? He's an Alpha. He's stronger than us!" He fumes.

Scott stops leaning against the wall to stand up straight. "Derek's right. I hate to be a damper on all of this good news, but he's crazy strong."

Lydia turns to Jackson for some sort of comfort. He seems to be lost in thought from his spot on the couch next to Stiles who is also quiet, but more fidgety than usual.

"What if we set a trap?" Everyone's ears perk up at the sound of Allison's voice.

"A trap sounds like a good idea. Do mean like snares or trip wire?" Stiles asks.

"No, something bigger. A place that he'll seek solace if it appears that no one is there." She replies looking around the room.

"You mean the house. This house, the only place that I have left!" Derek shouts.

"The plan has nothing to do with destroying the house, Derek. We just trap Peter in the house long enough to rendezvous in front of it." Allison says.

"Then what do we do?" Jackson asks finally speaking.

Lydia puts the pieces of Allison's puzzle together. "Then we fight fire with fire, so to speak. Have any of you ever heard of a Molotov cocktail?"

A howl reverberates from the woods.

"Here he comes." Derek says over the walkie talkie.

"Places everyone. We have no time for slip ups." Lydia says to the guys as they make their way to the sides of the house.

Fast movement from her left causes Lydia to stiffen. Here he comes.

"You okay?" Allison asks from her spot next to the other girls'.

"He took away who I used to be and now I am plotting to take his life. Yup, I'm fine. Just scared out of my mind." She replies.

"He'll pay for what he did to you. Don't worry you have a hunter for a girlfriend remember. If all else fails I'll put every arrow I have in his heart." Allison says pointing to the quiver on her back full of arrows.

Sounds of a fight from inside the dilapidated Hale manor catches Allison and Lydia's attention. The taller girl readies her bow and Lydia's eyes turn a fierce purple as she grasps the vile in her hand.

The Alpha burst out of the window like a bat out of hell with Scott, Jackson and Stiles on his heels. A gunshot going off barely stops Peter as he continues his run away from the teenagers. Allison then shoots an arrow straight into Peter's chest. It wasn't the heart, but it will do.

The wolf falls to the ground.

Everyone seems to emerge in an instant.

Derek slowly emerges from the tree line south of the house.

Allison and Lydia make their way from their place and Lydia drops her vile.

Scott, Stiles and Jackson stop running; while the Argents arrive guns raised.

"So, who wants to do the honors?" Stiles asks.

Derek looks at Lydia. "You'll make a great Alpha." She smiles at her friend.

"No, we should do this together." He extends his arm out to her. She falls into step with him until they are hovering over the wolf.

"Wait. I thought he was supposed to turn human when he's about to die?" Jackson asks.

"Wolf's bane. It'll keep him in this form, but I'd do a double tap just to make sure. Allison do it, but this time hit his heart. It's okay sweetheart I'm not mad at you." Chris moves closer to the group.

Allison gets an arrow ready and is poised for one finally blow, but another gunshot going off sends the bow out of her hands.

"But I am! Seriously Allison, you lie to us to go fight for the greater good with these Motley Crue of creatures. I should have made sure that I burned the damn house down." Kate says pointing the gun right at Allison.

"Kate, you better point that gun somewhere else!" Chris shouts turning to his sister.

"Or what? You're gonna kill me big brother?" She replies with a smug smile.

"No." He cocks his gun and shoots a round in Kate's shoulder. "but I will give you a flesh wound." He says as she falls to the ground. "As you were kids."

Allison readies another arrow and this time hits Peter's heart. His body turns from dark fur to that of ivory bruised skin.

Derek readies his claws and Lydia readies her knife. They share one half of the neck; Derek slices the left side while Lydia does the right.

As Peter's skin turns cold, Derek's eyes flash red and Lydia's flash reddish purple.

"Lydia?" Allison whispers. The other girl hears the awed question and blinks until her eyes are their normal green color.

"I'm okay Allison. We're okay." She replies running to go hug her girlfriend.

"Derek? Are you okay?" Lydia asks after she and Allison let go of each other.

"I feel the wolf, but I feel something else as well." He says as starts to stand up.

"I feel powerful, but weird too." She replies.

"I think when you two decided to share the kill that the both of you were both appointed Alpha, but because Lydia is a Morrigan she gave some of her power to you and vice versa." Stiles says.

"I guess we were really in this together." Derek jokes. His face falls slightly. "I have to figure out what to do with Peter's body."

"We can cremate him." Scott says.

"Yeah, we never used the Molotov cocktail, so we can use that." Jackson adds in.

So, they each had a hand at cremating Peter's body. It wasn't professional by any means, but it got the job done. Instead of putting the ashes in a traditional urn, the group spread the ashes over the hale property. They may have killed the Alpha, but they at least showed him more respect than he did Laura.

"Just because I made peace with you being a Morrigan, doesn't mean that you get to get over on our rules." Victoria Argent grills Lydia as they wait for Allison to get ready for her now late birthday surprise.

"I will respect your rules as well as your daughter, Victoria. I care for Allison very much." Lydia replies genuinely.

"That's great to hear. I knew I liked you." The older woman laughs and walks over to the stairs calling up to her daughter. "Allison, you are going to miss your date if you take any longer!"

"I'm coming down, right now." The brunette replies.

Lydia takes in Allison's form as she walks down the stairs. The taller girl is wearing gray skinny jeans with a black tank top and a gray cardigan to match. Her hair falls in perfect curls down her back and brown boots adorn her feet.

"Wow." Lydia says in awe.

Allison is blindfolded. She doesn't mind, but it would be nice to see where Lydia was taking her.

The couple has been in the car for an hour now and Allison just wants to get there to take the damn blindfold off already.

"You should really calm down. We are almost there, plus if you take off the blindfold it'll ruin the surprise." Lydia says from the driver's seat.

Fifteen minutes later and Allison still can't close her mouth.

"I hope that's a good gape and not a bad gape." Lydia says nervously.

"Y-you did this for me?" The taller girl asks.

"Of course, I remember that you said you felt pressured by your mom to compete. So, I thought why not rent out this place for an evening and we can eat dinner here too." She replies.

The archery range is inside which made it easy for Lydia to set up some lights, candles and a picnic in the middle of the course. She would also give credit to the guys for their help, but that is neither here nor there.

"Can we shoot first before we eat?" Allison asks bouncing from foot to foot excitedly.

"It's your birthday; we can do whatever you want." Lydia says grabbing one the hunter's hands and giving a quick kiss to all five fingers.

"In that case, come and shoot with me." Also demands while pulling Lydia to the bow on the ground.

Lydia would have to admit that shooting a bow proved to be difficult, but she was one for a challenge and Allison was a great teacher. They spent the rest of the night having dinner and talking about simple things like where they wanted to go for college or what kind of things that they were going to do over fall break and even what kind of color coordination they were going to do for the winter ball. Lydia yawning is the sign that it was getting late, so they packed up and Allison much to Lydia's chagrin drove them back to Beacon Hills.

Allison pulled to the shoulder of the road to wake a sleeping Lydia.

"Hey, we're back. Did you want to just go to my house and spend the night, since its closer?" She asked hoping that the strawberry blonde would say yes.

"Yeah, as long as your parents don't mind." She replies stretching and sitting up straight.

"I don't think it'll be a problem. It's not like we are going to do anything, right?" She asks with a nervous giggle.

"Chill Allison, we've only been dating for a few months and I don't want to move too fast, plus I am way too tired to do "anything"." Lydia replies with a playful smile. "However, the odds are definitely in your favor for the winter ball."

"I'll keep that in mind." Allison says pulling the car back onto the road and in route to her house.

That night they fall asleep in each other's arms. There are no prophetic/ doppelganger dreams, but they do dream of each other lying on their hill.

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