Her Story ☾Allison Argent

By buckied

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COMPLETED ♔ What if Allison had an interesting dream involving herself, before moving to Beacon Hills. More

Chapter One
Chapter Two: Werewolf, Hunter, Morrigan
Chapter Three: The Library
Chapter 5: A Really Bad Idea
Chapter 6: Fire from the Tongues of Liars
Chapter 7: A Showdown and a Surprise

Chapter Four: Serenity

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By buckied

Allison stood awkwardly waiting for Lydia to arrive. She felt completely out of place as her peers around her gathered by their vehicles to chat before disbanding for whatever after school activities they got up to. She noticed a few people staring and whispering about her to their friends. Growing self-conscious by the second Allison hopes that Lydia will show up soon.

"Hey, take a picture it'd last longer? Better yet don't take a picture. Avert your young pubescent eyes and get on with your lives, what little you have any way!"

Allison turns around in time to see Lydia approaching her. The strawberry blonde is poised for action even as she glides to Allison in her heels. Finally reaching the brunette, she grabs her hand and walks her to her car. As the pair makes their way to Lydia's vehicle, Allison sees a few guys and girls that were staring at her earlier; now looking down at the ground.

"I'm really sorry about that. People in this town aren't happy unless they are talking about something and you my dear just happen to be this week's hottest topic." Lydia says trying to lighten the mood as she turns out of the school parking lot waving bye to Stiles, Scott and Jackson as they walk to the lacrosse field for practice.

"I guess that makes me feel better. The topics always change, right?" Allison glances over at Lydia from the passenger seat.

"You are most certainly correct. Pretty soon they'll get bored and start talking about reality shows or whatever else keeps their disintegrating minds happy." Lydia replies once again taking Allison's hand in her own.

She smiles at their adjoined hands on the center console.

"So, where are you whisking me off to?" Allison asks playfully remembering how great it feels to be in Lydia's presence.

"It's a surprise, but I'll give you a hint: It's really green." Lydia laughs.

"Hmm. The woods?" Allison plays along.

"You could be right or you could be wrong. How about you wait until we get there?" Lydia squeezes her hand and accelerates down the road to go the appropriate speed limit.

"I'm sure whatever it is, that it'll be great." Allison smiles. She wants nothing more than to kiss Lydia's plump lips, but decides against it. She's never kissed anyone before and doesn't want it to be a bad experience for the other girl.

Lydia parks her car next to a surprisingly large green hill with a cave in front of it. She gets out and circles around her Audi Q7 to get something out of the back.

Allison takes one more look at the place in front of them and exits the vehicle to see what Lydia is doing in the back. She circles around the vehicle just in time to see the other girl lacing up a pair of boots and now that she thinks of it, Lydia wasn't wearing that shirt or pair of jeans just a few minutes ago.

"I hope you don't mind. I figured that a little adventure would be a perfect way for us to get know each other." Lydia says after tying her boots to look up at Allison.

"Not a problem. It seems that I happen to be dressed for the occasion." She replies with a smile.

"Another sign that this was meant to be." Lydia says with a smile looking into Allison's eyes. "Let's start our adventure. I want to show you something." She says after pulling out a flashlight and a blanket from the back of her suv before closing the back compartment and locking the car completely.

Allison lightly grabs the blanket from Lydia's arms. Not wanting the other girl to have to carry everything. The strawberry blonde offers her a grateful smile and gestures for Allison to follow her.

They trek through cave as Lydia tells Allison about how she became the Morrigan. She finds it fascinating that Lydia survived the werewolf bite, but it makes her stare at the girl in front of her when she described her immunity and strength that she received from it. Allison was going to ask more about the werewolf that bit her and about the other abilities she has as the Morrigan beside the purple eyes and supernatural strength, but decides against it not wanting to pry too much.

Lydia turns off her flashlight before she and Allison exit the cave where the sunlight meets them. The taller girl is rendered speechless at the sight before her. The exit to the cave leads right behind a beautiful waterfall and it leads to a cove that leads into a riverbank.

"This is beautiful Lyds. How'd you find it?" Allison says this time initiating contact by taking the other girl's hand.

"I've never had a nickname before, it's nice." She says smiling. "I found it after I was having one of those feud states that I was telling you about, before I became this." Gesturing to herself and her eyes glowing purple for a second. "I always hated the alpha for what he did to me. I still do, but that night that I found this place I found a body badly mauled. I promised myself that I would make this a place of serenity. So, whenever I'm upset or extremely bored I come here and watch the waterfall flow into the river. It's so simple, but it makes me so happy. I've never showed anyone this place, not even Jackson; until you." She finishes with a smile. Lydia sets the flashlight down on the ground and takes the blanket from Allison's hands and spreads the cloth on the ground. She sits down and waits for the other girl to join her.

"I'm glad that you can find solace in a place like this and that you shared something so personal with me." She says laying her head on Lydia's shoulder. "I don't want to ruin our moment, but I want to learn how to fight; so we can take down the Alpha." Allison says waiting for Lydia to get upset.

She nuzzles Allison's chocolate locks before replying, "I'll teach you everything I know. I might not be as highly trained as your relatives, but I know a thing or two about combat, especially against werewolves." She says.

"Now that we have that settled let's say we go for a swim." Allison says removing her boots, jacket and jeans. She fixes Lydia a glance and a wave before jumping into the cove below.

Lydia gets to her feet to look for Allison below. Not seeing her surface, she fears for the worst and quickly takes off her shoes and garments before going in after the other girl.

Allison surfaces a few moments later after seeing Lydia follow in after her. She starts laughing until she notices that the shorter girl should have surfaced by now. "Lydia?" Her voice racked with fear. An arm on her leg pulls her under. She resurfaces quickly in time to see Lydia chuckling. "Good one. You one upped me." She says splashing the other girl in the face.

Lydia stops laughing and turns serious. "Consider yourself dead Argent." She says before gathering as much as she can before splashing the taller girl back. She starts laughing when Allison looks surprised.

Their water fight continues, until Lydia declares Allison the winner.

"You know, you're really cute when you smile." She says still floating in the water.

Lydia swims closer to her, "Really? How cute?" she asks.

Allison moves in closer to Lydia. "Cute enough to kiss." She says before cupping both of the smaller girl's cheeks bringing their lips together. Allison deepens the kiss after Lydia opens her mouth wider to let her tongue inside. Lydia tastes like apples and Allison thinks that it's the best thing that she's ever tasted. She sucks on the other girl's bottom plump lip before pulling away from the kiss. "Was that okay? Because I never kissed anyone before and I don't want you to think that I'm a bad kisser or anything." She says losing confidence.

Lydia shushes Allison. "It was perfect. The best kiss that I've ever had." She says before pecking Allison the lips. "I think we should head back up. I want to hear your story." She starts swimming to the side of the cove that has a ledge which connects to their place from before.

After laying out to dry for a bit, Allison and Lydia put their clothes and shoes back on. They are now snuggled up to each other. Allison is tucked into Lydia's side as the other girl runs her fingers through her hair as the taller girl relays her life story.

"I used to do archery growing up, but up until last year I lost the heart for competing. I guess I was just tired of my mom riding me about being the best. I won most of my tournaments just to make her happy, but she always looked at me like she wanted to see something better and I just couldn't do that for her. I still do archery now, but it's just shooting around behind my house or before we moved here I would go to one of the activity centers in San Francisco and shoot around three times a week after school." She finishes.

"You're amazing. You might not compete anymore, but it sounds like you still have the heart for it. I think you archery skills will help us. The thing about werewolves is that if they get hit by an arrow, it makes it difficult for them to heal if they can't take it out. I know that you might think that there are more bad werewolves than good, but it's just the opposite. That Alpha running around town is drunk on revenge. He even killed a friend's sister just to get the power that he has now. She was the Alpha of Beacon Hills after her mother died in a fire a few years ago. She was a real Alpha, this guy or girl is a murderer." Lydia says sounding angry. It takes her a second, but she calms down before she could draw attention to them.

Allison thinks about everything that Lydia is telling her and asks, "Are their more werewolves in Beacon Hills?" Turning around to look in Lydia's green eyes.

"Yes, there are and I believe you met two of them earlier." Lydia says.

"Scott and Jackson?" Allison asks.

"How did you know?" still playing with Allison's hair.

"I think Scott overheard me on the phone talking to my mom about not having a pen and when I walked into first period he gave me a pen before I had a chance to ask for one. Jackson just had that bravado about him. I would've guessed Stiles, but he seemed too hyped up on Adderall to be a werewolf." She says giggling.

"I tip my hat to you astute observations. I'm pretty sure that made you more attractive than you already are and trust me you hit a million on the hot-o-meter." Lydia says blushing.

"A compliment from a genius gives me good shivers." Allison jokes. "You are the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on Lydia Martin." She leans over to lightly kiss the strawberry blonde's lips.

"I've only known you for a day and I can't get enough of you. It feels like I've known you my whole life." Lydia says.

"I know the feeling." Allison says running her hand through Lydia's fiery locks.

Lydia doesn't respond to that she just smiles and kisses Allison again.

Noticing that their little place has turned a shade darker, Allison can see the sun setting. "I think we should head back into town." She says sounding sad.

"Hey, it's okay. We can come back here whenever we want." Lydia says sounding hopeful.

"That's good to know. I just don't know how I'm going to face my parents knowing the truth." Allison says watching the sun set slowly.

"Easy. Let them think that you still don't know. Just act like the information that I told you is irrelevant as far as your family is concerned." Lydia explains.

"I can do that. I'll just tell them that I met the most wonderful girl in the world today." She says with a smile.

"Of course you can do that. You're brilliant Alli. If you keep giving me compliments we'll never leave and I'll hate myself for rushing you into something that you're probably not ready for." She replies getting up from the blanket and sticking her hand out for Allison to take helping her to stand.

"Lyds, you are such a gentlewoman." Allison jokes.

"Only the best for my lady." Lydia plays along.

Lydia parks her Audi in Allison's driveway. She runs around to Allison's side and holds the door open for her. Closing the door after the taller girl exits the suv, she proceeds to walk Allison to her door.

"You didn't have to walk me to my door." Allison's blushing under the pale house light.

"I didn't, but I wanted to. Plus I have a feeling that your dad is going to open the front door any second and demand why you are home so late." Lydia jokes.

As if on cue the front door opens revealing an unhappy Chris Argent.

"Allison it was only your first day. Why are you home so- oh and who is this?" His frown quickly turns into a genuine smile.

"Lydia Martin, sir. I deeply apologize for returning Allison back so late, but I wanted to show her the more exciting parts of Beacon Hills." Lydia says with the most apologetic tone that she could muster.

"Nice to meet you Lydia." Chris says shaking the girl's hand. "Don't worry about it. You look like a nice girl that doesn't get into trouble." He finishes with a smile.

Allison is quiet throughout the whole exchange. She's even taken aback by the charm that Lydia is laying on her Dad.

"Thank you, sir. I guess I'll be on my way. Oh, Allison here's my number." Lydia says taking out a pen from her pocket to write out her number on Allison's hand.

"Please call me Chris. You are welcome over here anytime, Lydia." Chris says before entering the house to leave Allison and Lydia alone.

"Look at you all smooth and responsible." Allison quips taking Lydia's hand.

"It's a gift really. Parents love me and if I'm going to be taking you out, I thought I'd leave a good impression on your dad." She says moving closer to Allison.

"Oh really? So what are we dating now?" Allison asks playfully.

"Yup, we are definitely dating and today was our first date; so I hope you had a great time." She says.

"I had the best time." Allison kisses Lydia's lips. "I'll see you tomorrow?" she asks pulling away from the kiss.

"Of course. I'll even give you a ride to school." Lydia smiles. "Goodnight beautiful." She says giving Allison a quick hug before walking back to her car.

"Goodnight!" Allison's shouts back with a wave before entering her house.

Allison gets into her bed, but realizes that she hasn't given Lydia her number and decides to text the number that she put into her phone before taking a shower.

Hey, it's Allison. The message says and a few seconds later her phone buzzes.

Sweet dreams. I'll see you when I pick you up for school tomorrow.

Good night. Can't wait. She replies back.

She turns over on her side and lets the comfort of her bed ease her into a peaceful sleep.

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