
By LadyAngelFanwriter

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Viviana Morgante, praised creator of holographic roleplay games and old friend of Riker, arrives on the Enter... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter XI
Chapter XII

Chapter X

35 2 0
By LadyAngelFanwriter

[Original story formerly published in paper by the Star Trek Italian Club, which graciously granted permission to publish it digitally. Cover and drawings by Chiara Falchini.]

Chapter X

The sun was by now westering as the small group of adventurers arrived at a large cluster of houses by the river; a small fortified castle rose up on a solitary mound beyond the village.

"Here we are at Kwynagh", Bryan announced. They ventured among the stone-built houses; the general look of the village was clean and tidy, and its inhabitants were conformed to it. Some greeted Bryan heartedly, calling him by name, others just watched the passing group, intrigued.

"Hey, Bryan, are you going to the castle?", asked a beautiful woman, blonde and curvy, standing in the threshold of a house; at his confirming nod, she went on in a mischievous tone, "If you like, later I'll come and see you."

Bryan laughed:

"Not this time, Deirdre, thank you!"

Viviana felt annoyed by the underlying meanings of this short exchange, and it was useless her repeating to herself that she couldn't allow, in any way, a hologram, a creation of the computer, a simulation, to have such an effect on her. She sighed: oh, if only Bryan would be real...

A few minutes later, they were crossing the threshold of the castle's large wood and iron gate; in the sentry boxes on both sides, the halberd-armed guards didn't try to stop them, nor Bryan saluted them, respecting the universal custom by which the sentinels cannot speak nor move, except in case of danger.

They crossed the great courtyard, paved with large stone slabs; on one side there were the stables, on the other one the kitchens; a young damsel, surely still not sixteen years old, elegantly clothed and with a flaming red mane, ran toward them:

"Bryan Darksword, you're back!"

She hugged him impetuously and he reciprocated with plain fondness.

"Nice to see you again, little Fiona", he greeted her, "You're grown up, you're really a woman by now", she strutted about a bit at this compliment, "How's Alisander?"

"My brother's very well", Fiona answered, "And you? Will you stay for a long time? Please say yes!"

Her crush on Bryan was apparent as much as innocent. Viviana didn't feel disappointed like earlier with Deirdre, but she realised she would have liked to be familiar enough with him to be allowed to hug him the same way. Damn, she had to get such feelings out of her system! Let's hope Geordi can take us off quickly, she thought; but to be honest with herself, she was not at all sure she really wanted it.

Deanna felt more and more concerned. She perceived very clearly Viviana's reactions, and she didn't like to think at the consequences that could come out of a sentimental relationship with a hologram. There was the actual risk she would take shelter in fantasy, refusing reality, in order to stay with the object of her desire. Of course she was still very far away from this eventuality, but it was never too soon to prevent something psychologically harmful.

Riker was no psychologist, nor was he an empath, however he knew Viviana like himself, or maybe even better, because he stayed more objective. He, too, had realised that the young woman reacted strangely to Bryan, and now suddenly, watching the expressions which had followed one another on his old friend's face, he realised the reason.

Nobody knew better than him the danger she was facing: he had to warn her as soon as possible.

Finally Fiona tore her adoring eyes from Bryan and gazed at his companions, intrigued. The warrior introduced her and they learnt the damsel was the daughter of Lady Gwyneth, the castellan.

"Come, come, my mother will be very happy to host you", Fiona invited them cordially; Data, still with the deer on his shoulder, came forth:

"Milady, I would like to offer this animal, form the part of all of us, in exchange of your gracious hospitality. If you tell me where I can bring it..."

"You're very kind, Master Data", the maiden answered, "I thank you. Please, put it on the ground, I'll send someone to pick it up."

Data obeyed, adding to it also the hare he killed the day before, then along with the other ones, he followed Fiona who led them on. Someone must have already announced their arrival because, as soon as they set foot on the large entrance hall, they saw a middle aged, very elegant woman coming towards them, carrying herself nobly, her long hazel-brown hair up in an elaborate hairdo; a warm smile illuminated her chiselled, striking face.

"Bryan Darksword, dear friend!", she greeted the warrior, "What happy chance brings you in my abode?"

"Lady Gwyneth...", Bryan returned her welcome, bending to kiss her hand, "I'm here to ask for your kind hospitality for a few days, for me and this friends of mine."

He introduced them to her; Riker and Data promptly emulated Bryan, kissing the lady's hand, while Deanna and Viviana addressed her a curtsey.

"Bryan's friends are always welcome", Lady Gwyneth stated, addressing then her daughter, "Fiona, would you please give instructions to the servants in order to prepare lodgings for our guests? Tell them also to add five more places for dinner."

The damsel got away quickly, while the castellan addressed again her guests:

"You're all invited to my table, of course, at the toll of the evening bell. I think you'd like freshen up before: in your rooms you'll find water for your ablutions, as well as clean clothes, of which I beg you to dispose freely, if you need it or even if you just fancy it."

They stayed in the hall talking a few minutes more, then Fiona came back announcing the rooms were ready. A maid accompanied them to the upper floor, showing each of them their room, simply and functionally furnished; drapes, carpets and assorted types of ornaments soothed its austerity, creating a comfortable environment. A French door led to a covered balcony, crossing the whole façade of the castle and looking on the inner court.

A dressing table, made of a metal structure holding a mirror and a basin, with a jug full of lukewarm soaped water and a linen towel, allowed them to wash off the dust of the long march. In the closets they found a small array of garments, of different sizes and fashion, from which each one chose the outfit the most suitable to him or her. Viviana, whose clothes were a mess, was tempted by a long muslin dress, the colour of lavender, its cuffs embroidered with silvery threads, while Deanna chose a gown in light velvet of golden colour, with white lace adorning its neckline; as for the men, they found batiste shirts, satin or velvet coats and tunics, and linen or cotton trousers. The women put on light slippers, and Data and Riker soft moccasins; Bryan instead, whose feet were unusually big, didn't find shoes of his size and therefore settled for just brushing his boots and donned them again.

Viviana was combing her short hazel-brown hair when she heard a knock on her door.

"Come on in", she invited, setting down the comb and turning around. Riker appeared on the threshold, donning a wide sleeved white shirt, a dark blue waistcoat and tight matching trousers.

"You're very attractive, Will", Viviana declared smiling. He entered, closing the door behind him, and looked at her appreciatively:

"Thanks, you too. But I wonder... if Geordi would find right now the way to shut down the program, would we end up stark naked?"

"Exactly, that's why I kept on my underwear", Viviana answered. Riker made a funny face:

"Uh oh, better I'd do the same, and warn the others!", he stepped forth, becoming earnest, "But it wasn't this I wanted to discuss with you."

Struck by his pretty serious tone, Viviana invited him with a gesture to take a seat and he sat on the bed.

"It's about Bryan", Riker began straight; Viviana lifted her eyebrows, confused, hence the explained better, "I've seen the way you look at him: you feel very attracted to him, don't you?"

Immediately, Viviana's bright eyes darkened, but Riker knew how much she was jealous of her feelings and quickly went on, not giving her time to reply:

"I'm not here to tell you you're doing wrong or well, but only to warn you. Nobody better than me can understand you: a few years ago, I fell in love with a hologram, me too."

This unexpected disclosure left her dumbfounded:


"You heard me", Riker confirmed, nodding, "Do you know the Bynars?", they were a race of beings perfectly integrated with computers, they even worked always in couples like the numbers of the binary system, hence their name, communicating among them through this language; Viviana nodded, "Because they weren't sure we'd agree to help them, a few Bynars manipulated the computer of the Enterprise; in order to distract me from their plot, they created a hologram, a woman who corresponded exactly to all my dreams, beautiful, sensitive, sweet, strong, intelligent, witty, sexy, independent, generous... Her name was Minuette. I fell madly in love with her, I literally lost my head", his bright blue eyes, normally as clear as mountain lakes, dimmed on this painful memory, "When the Bynars took away their control on the computer, Minuette wasn't there anymore. I felt horribly for weeks, and still now, after years, sometimes an excruciating pain torments me, because I know I won't see her ever again... for the simple reason she doesn't exist, she never did", he paused briefly to regain control, "I don't want you to feel the same pain, Viv", he concluded in a soft voice.

Viviana's eyes were full of tears. She loved Riker like or even more than a brother, and his tale had moved her deeply. She got up and went to sit by him, took his hand and laid her head on his shoulder.

"Don't worry, my friend", she reassured him, "It won't happen. I'll take care of myself", she tried a jest, "But why, who says it's not just sex?"

"Don't try and give me that", he reproached her in a harsher tone than he intended, "Should it be that way, I'd see it, I know you far too well."

"Very well, you're right", she yielded, straightening her back but continuing to hold his hand, "True, I'm very attracted to Bryan. Rationally, I know he's just a hologram, that there's no future, but I can't avoid to hope for it, against all logic. The simplest solution would be to cancel him from the game, but the computer doesn't accept any instructions", she shook her head, "If tomorrow morning we're still here, I mean in the world of Sword & Sorcery, let's go away and prevent Bryan to accompany us. Is that good, this way?"

Riker caressed her hair in a fond gesture.

"It's perfect, Viv", he approved, "As always, you know what's the best thing to do."

"But this time I needed you to remind me", she replied, smiling a bit sadly. At this moment, they heard the toll of a bell, and a few moments later there was a knock on the door. It was the maid who escorted them, who had come to lead them to the dining room. In the hallway, Viviana informed Deanna under her breath about the clothes problem, but they couldn't tarry to change, thus they just hoped Geordi wouldn't choose exactly this moment to turn off the program. Viviana imagined the all too serious Captain Picard's face if they'd find them Adam-and-Eve style, not to speak about shy Barclay, or prudish La Forge, and stifled a laugh.

In the dining room, the castellan was awaiting them alongside with her two children, Fiona, whom they had already met, and Alisander, a handsome boy around eighteen who looked very alike his mother and apparently fell instantly in love with Deanna.

"Where's Master Data?", asked Lady Gwyneth, "Won't he dine with us?"

"Master Data apologises, Milady", Riker answered, "but because of a vow he cannot eat with other people, nor during daylight."

The noblewoman didn't hide her surprise, but accepted easily this explanation:

"Very well, I'll give instructions in order to bring him something to eat in his room. But please, sit down."

They took their seats around the large oak-wood table, with Lady Gwyneth sitting at the head of it, Bryan to her right hand and Viviana to her left; near Bryan of course sat Fiona, then Riker, while near Viviana sat Alisander, very happy to have Deanna to his other side.

While they waited for dinner to be served, Lady Gwyneth addressed Riker:

"They tell me Master Data brought a magnificent deer as a gift, and a nice hare, too. Please express him my thanks, it was very kind of him, and I already ordered the cook to prepare them tomorrow for lunch."

This could be the right moment to tell her that, instead, they planned to depart from there the day after, but the arrival of a multitude of servants prevented Viviana to say anything.

During dinner, Alisander, who stared at Deanna like charmed, proved himself a brilliant and clever talker, and also Fiona was very good at it while she tried everything to draw handsome Bryan's attention, who instead had eyes only for Viviana, appealing in her lavender coloured gown. She tried to keep him at distance, treating him coldly, but this was completely against her character, and even her feelings, and therefore she had to make a big effort, also because Bryan was particularly attractive with no armour and his hair loosed. He was visibly disappointed by her conduct, but not enough to give up.

On Viviana's recommendation, the three real human forced themselves not to eat much, in order to be not too sated at the presumable arrival of another ration package, which would allow them to eat some real food.


"We're almost ready", Saunders declared, his eye burning by weariness, "I must verify only these last variables, then, if everything's fine as I think, I'll input the Nanites' charge."

"Very good", La Forge said, "but before you go on, take a break: it's been sixteen hours in a row now, you risk not to be enough clear headed to notice possible errors."

"I don't want to mess up things for sure", the lieutenant agreed, who actually felt like falling apart, "I'll go and shower, then I'll grab something to eat. Let's say one hour?"

"Even two, my friend", the chief engineer encouraged him, "Now they're safe, what can change in one hour more, at this point?"

Saunders glanced at the monitor, which showed the scene going on in that very moment in the imaginary world of Sword & Sorcery, where the adventurers were sitting at a table full of food. Data was missing, as he had stayed in his room and wasn't framed.

"Okay, I really need it", he admitted, standing up, "See you later."

"Let's take a break, we too", La Forge exhorted Barclay.

"That's a good idea", the lieutenant approved.

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