Hollyoaks File Fact

By ChloeLutton

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Biography of characters in Hollyoaks More

Marlena" Nana" McQueen
Myra McQueen
Rennie McQueen
Kathleen McQueen
Niall Rafferty
John Paul McQueen
Jacqui McQueen
Mercedes McQueen
Tina Reilly
Carmel McQueen
Michalea McQueen
Porsche McQueen
Celine McQueen
Cleo McQueen
Phoebe McQueen
Bart McQueen
Goldie McQueen
Prince McQueen
Hunter McQueen
Kathleen Angle McQueen

Theresa McQueen

50 0 0
By ChloeLutton

Full Name: Theresa Mariah Magdalene McQueen
Status: Alive
•Spa Assistant
•Gym Assistant
•Florist Assistant
•Kathleen McQueen(Mother)
•William Alexander(Father)
•Jacqui McQueen(Half Sister/Cousin)
•Mercedes McQueen(Half Sister/Cousin)
•Emily Alexander(Half Sister)
•Kathleen Angel McQueen(Daughter)
•Myra Pocahontas Savage McQueen(Daughter)
•Marlena McQueen(Grandmother)
•Louis McQueen(Uncle)
•Jed McQueen(Uncle)
•Myra McQueen(Aunt)
•Reenie McQueen(Aunt)
•Philomena McQueen(Aunt)
•Queenie McQueen(Great Grandmother)
•Marguerite McQueen(Great Aunt)
•Porsche McQueen(Cousin)
•Celine McQueen(Cousin)
•Cleo McQueen(Cousin)
•John Paul McQueen(Cousin)
•Niall Rafferty(Cousin)
•Tina Riley(Cousin)
•Carmel McQueen(Cousin)
•Michalea McQueen(Cousin)
•Jennifique McQueen(Cousin)
•Julie Ann McQueen(Cousin)
•Billy McQueen(Great Great Grandfather)
•Edna McQueen(Great Great Grandmother)
•Soloman McQueen(Great Great Great Uncle)
•Wihelmina McQueen(Great Great Great Aunt)
•Victor McQueen(2nd Cousin)
•Valene McQueen(2nd Cousin)
•Max McQueen(2nd cousin/Nephew)
•Phoebe McQueen(Adoptive Niece/2nd Cousin)
•Bobby Costello(Nephew/2nd Cousin)
•Gabriel McQueen(Nephew/2nd Cousin)
•Bart McQueen(3rd Cousin)
•Goldie McQueen(3rd Cousin)
•Prince McQueen(4th Cousin)
•Hunter McQueen(4th Cousin)

Theresa is described as a teen temptress and Lolita type who has a distinct lack of self awareness also her keen love of men. She is beautiful, Sassy and Sexy. Despite having the innocent young girl thing down to a fine art  this single mum is a feisty lady who knows what she wants from life. And usually what she wants is a bad boy with a great jawline. Although it looks like butter wouldn't melt but has been through some dark times in the village. Such as killing Calvin after he left her pregnant and alone on his and Carmel's wedding day. Always at the centre of some drama fair to say Theresa keeps things exciting in the village.

During her arrival Theresa is attracted with in The Loft who she meets Tony during an educational themed night. Sexual tension mounts between the pair and ultimately spend the night together with Tony unaware that she is only 15. Theresa falls in love with Tony who realises her deception and destroys any chances of a future with him. A dejected Theresa turns to her family the McQueens. Jacqui is still infuriated with Tony for his fling with her sister the night with Theresa. She immediately calls the police who charge him.

Theresa then moves in with the McQueens  sharing a room with cousin who she previously had turned to for advice. Jacqui is not pleased at Theresa moving in but soon warms. Theresa then tells the police she was deceptive about spending the night with Tony who is released. Theresa finds an unlikely friendship in and auditions for the part of in a nativity play produced by older cousin Carmel. However she is heckled off the stage by some teenagers  who clearly know she is not a virgin. On Christmas Day Anita finds a DVD containing CCTV footage of Warren sleeping with Mandy and gives it to the McQueens who set off to ruin Warren's wedding to Louise. Theresa begins battling against Lauren for friendship with Anita. When Lauren makes a comment about the McQueens Theresa reminds her that Carmel is married to Lauren's brother Calvin. Theresa follows her family by using a fake pregnancy bump to shoplift. Having a proper relationship with Ste Theresa is dumped by him who wants to focus on son Lucas.

After the McQueens home becomes infested with rats Theresa and Carmel move in with Anita and her family. Anita begins to feel she is ugly and becomes increasingly ashamed of her skin colour after racial abuse from Gaz. She starts using Theresa's picture to speak to a boy named Ricky on the internet. Theresa finds out about Anita using her picture and is angry. Anita uses Theresa's jacket and smashes a window in the school. Anita's father Govinda tells Myra, Carmel and Theresa to leave believing it was Theresa. After Anita admits the truth her mother Bel begs Myra, Carmel and Theresa to stay  and tells them that Anita had poured bleach over her legs to change her ethnicity. Theresa feels guilty for not helping Anita and she apologises before reassuring her that she does not need to change her appearance.

After a game of truth or dare  Theresa has to kiss Newt. They eventually get together which is revealed by Anita's partner Ricky causing Lauren to be extremely jealous. Theresa follows her wish and becomes a model for a project by Zoe for Buff TV while Newt breaks up with her not a fan of her future career. Theresa is then disgusted when he starts dating Anita so she slaps her and stops speaking to both of them. Carmel is also shocked with the modelling and cannot believe that Zoe is using a 16 year old. Due to this Theresa is spotted and discovered by a modelling agency in London. Theresa makes her way with Michaela and are followed by Jacqui and Carmel. When she gets there she decides to visit her mother Kathleen in prison. Kathleen tells Theresa to move back in with her grandmother showing hostility towards the other McQueens. Kathleen then leaves an upset Theresa in tears. Back in Hollyoaks Theresa refuses to speak to Anita however supports her when she develops an eating disorder.

Theresa is happy to hear that Kathleen is visiting for Christmas after being released from prison. The rest of the McQueens are sceptical which proves correct when she does not arrive. Several days later Kathleen arrives in Hollyoaks and asks Myra for money which Theresa's father left for her. Myra refuses and tells her to leave before Theresa finds her. Later Theresa meets Kathleen just as she is leaving the village. Kathleen is not wanting to disappoint her daughter claims she has come to stay. Kathleen gives Theresa expensive gifts like a gold charm bracelet. Theresa accepts it desperate to believe her mother has changed. Kathleen then encourages Theresa to shoplift which causes more tension between Kathleen and the rest of the McQueens. Kathleen also tells Theresa that they should run away together to London to which Theresa agrees and says goodbye to Anita while the rest of the McQueens are out. However when saying goodbye Theresa finds her mother's purse which contains a credit card in the name of her dead cousin Tina and is horrified. Myra and Jacqui find out Kathleen and Theresa's plan to run away and tries to stop Theresa from going to which she agrees. Kathleen then leaves which leads to Theresa holding a grudge against Jacqui.

Carmel's fiance Calvin and Theresa spend time together in the Loft. The atmosphere heats up and they end up sleeping together. Theresa gets pregnant with Calvin's child. Theresa begins a romance with Kyle after she fixes his car. At Calvin and Carmel's second wedding Theresa admits to Calvin that she is pregnant. Calvin tells her he wants her to have an abortion which shocks Theresa. He then lies to Carmel about the paternity after she finds out about Theresa's pregnancy. An murderous stupid Theresa sees a gun in Jacqui's bag at the wedding reception and snatches it. She then shoots Calvin for no good reason who dies in Carmel's arms. Mercedes and Jacqui quickly flee the scene with Theresa to protect her. Jacqui is then told that Calvin's passionate rendezvous with Theresa has caused her to fall pregnant.

Jacqui stands by Theresa and hides the gun before lying to police when they are questioned. Theresa decides to run away with Kyle still in shock at killing Calvin. Howeve, Kyle treats his pregnant girlfriend curtly and introduces her to his new girlfriend Stacey. Theresa returns home to the McQueen's. Jacqui tries to force Theresa into terminating the pregnancy but Carmel convinces her to keep the baby. Jacqui plants the gun used to kill Calvin on racist Gaz who is caught holding Anita hostage and arrested for killing Calvin. Theresa is unwilling to let Gaz go to prison for Calvin's murder however is convinced to stay quiet. Myra discovers Theresa is pregnant and eventually uncovers the truth about Calvin's death. Following this Kyle is arrested for armed robbery and charged with Calvin's murder as it was his gun that was used to shoot him. Carmel later discovers the baby is Calvin's and that Theresa killed him. Angry Theresea agrees to let Theresa have the baby but insists she will go to the police after the birth.

Still trying to pursue a modelling career Theresa performs a catwalk for Heidi's fashion show where she develops a crush on Riley. Theresa talks to Heidi's cousin Mitzeee who on purpose does not switch her headset off. Mitzeee then reveals to Theresa and everyone at the fashion show that she was involved in an affair with Heidi's husband Carl before arriving in the Village. Seth is angered by Theresa and Michaela's gossiping. Theresa and Nancy go to a party with Mitzeee where she attempts to teach them how to become a WAG. Theresa meets Logan and an attraction grows. Theresa almost admits to killing Calvin, but stops when Logan tells her he is a police officer. After being attacked by Mitzeee Theresa goes into labour and gives birth to her daughter. Carmel tells Theresa that she meant what she said and will take her to the police for Calvin's murder. Theresa dumps Logan after being influenced by her family that it's for the best. Jacqui manages to convinces Carmel the baby will go into care even though that would be far more appropriate. Mercedes warns Carmel to stay quiet and let Theresa keep her baby and threatens to hand Carmel over to the police for child abduction if she refuses to co operate.

When Theresa is home alone she hears a knock on the door she goes to answer it but there is no one there she walks up to the bins and finds a black balloon with a picture of a fox on it she goes back in the house and finds Warren who accuses her of telling someone that he forced a weak man into the burning building after he escaped. Warren recaps on how he escaped the fire forcing her for answers of who she told he threatens to drop her off the village wall arch this leads her to confess that she killed Calvin. Police officer Ethan arrives at the McQueens home to question Carmel over Warren's fake death.

He and Theresa talk and he later brings Kathleen to the McQueens after she is caught using fake money. Ethan agrees not to arrest Kathleen if Theresa goes for a drink with him. Kathleen discovers the baby is Calvin's child and Theresa admits to killing him. She makes friends with Liberty and soon after discovers she is Ethan's fiancée. When Carmel arranges to christen the baby Angel without Theresa's consent Kathleen is furious and brings her priest boyfriend round to conduct her granddaughter's christening in secret and the baby is christened as Kathleen Khloe Angel McQueen. After the christening Mercedes reminds Carmel that if she doesn't want to go to jail then she will comply with her demands. Heeding her sister's warning to save herself from going to prison, Carmel agrees to let Theresa keep her daughter.

Theresa hears rumours that Kyle is back in the Village and decides it is best for everyone if she leaves. As she is leaving Kyle kidnaps Theresa and baby Kathleen Angel and takes them to an abandoned bank. He threatens to kill her but Theresa escapes and calls Warren, Carmel and Ethan. They arrive and they try to reason with Kyle but a fight ensues and Ethan is thrown down a lift shaft and Kyle is shot and killed by Warren. Kathleen Angel is also in the lift shaft and when Ethan passes her up Theresa tries to save Ethan. But while doing so she falls into the shaft and the platform holding them up falls down to the bottom of the building. Theresa, Kathleen Angel and Ethan are taken to hospital where Theresa recovers. After recovering  she finds out that William is her father making Jacqui and Mercedes her half sisters. William claims that he is dying and needs a donated kidney from a blood relative to survive. As Jacqui doesn't trust him and Mercedes is engaged Theresa volunteers. She visits him in hospital to find out that William has another daughter Emily who is the one who really needs a kidney. Theresa looks through Kathleen's text messages and sees that she's been blackmailing him demanding money or she'll tell Theresa his secret. The McQueens demand William and Kathleen to leave.

Liberty finds out Theresa fancies Ethan after a brief fall out they agree to tell each other about any boys they meet although they both continue to have a relationship with Ethan without telling each other. Theresa finds a note Liberty left for Ethan in his car she goes to his apartment and punches him. With the help of one of Liberty's brothers Dodger they spy on Ethan only to find out he is seeing . Theresa tells Liberty that Ethan's been dating the trio and they both tell Rae. One by one they date Ethan in the same day Rae pretending to have a STD Liberty pretending to propose and Theresa pretending she's expecting a second child the 3 of them find him and dump him. Theresa begins to fall for Liberty's brother Will . After dumping Ethan Will asks her on a date and Theresa accepts. Ethan however visits Theresa and tries to apologize. Theresa tries to get him to leave but Will arrives thinking she and Ethan are sneaking around behind his back. Will leaves without letting Theresa explain. Theresa mistakenly takes Carmel's passport so she was unable to join the Myra and Mercedes in Ibiza. Silas starts targeting Theresa as his next victim and she falls further into his trap by joining an online dating website. However  after Will and Theresa become a couple due to being set up by Rae Silas then kills Rae.

Will starts to attend university where he befriends with Ash and Annalise and begins to neglect Theresa  seemingly ashamed of her. Frustrated and on a trip with the Freshers Theresa decides to tell Will they are over. Theresa becomes attracted to Warren's son Joel and after going on several dates the pair become a couple making the ex boyfriend Will jealous. When Joel's mum Marie arrives to Hollyoaks Theresa believes they are sleeping together but is later embarrassed when she discovers she is his mother. Theresa begins casually dating Dodger and it soon develops into a serious relationship. On the day of Texas' wedding she burns a piece of paper what says Bride on it. When Theresa finds a gun in the garage she threatens to kill Dodger because he tried to get evidence on her as he believed she killed Texas but Will soon stops her. The day after Theresa throws Dodger's clothes into a bin and sets them on fire but Jim throws a beer over it.

Carmel discovers that she has chlamydia and breaks up with her boyfriend Jim. While trying to comfort her  Theresa recounts that she had chlamydia around the time they were both sleeping with Calvin leading to Carmel realising that she has unknowingly had it ever since. As a result of her missed diagnosis  Carmel learns that she is unlikely to ever conceive a child resulting in her obsessing over Kathleen Angel and Theresa's poor parenting skills.

On Christmas Eve Theresa comes home with an expensive dollhouse for her daughter despite  that she had no money and when Carmel discovers her credit card missing  she later finds out that it was Theresa who had taken it causing a feud to break out between the cousins. Carmel soon discovers that Theresa had been sending malicious messages to Dodger from a email account belonging to Texas and she tells Dodger causing him to split up with Theresa. Carmel is also arrested after the police accuse her of shoplifting a dollhouse though in reality it was Theresa leading to her feeling her chances of adopting a child were over. In a bid to get revenge on Carmel for facilitating her breakup with Dodger Theresa climbs into bed with a drunk Jim and claims they had sex though Nana soon uncovers the truth.

Furious at Theresa's behaviour and neglect of Kathleen Angel Carmel hatches a plan and calls Sonny  and introduces him to Kathleen Angel. Carmel desperately tries to convince him to help him get Kathleen away from Theresa and when Sonny refuses Carmel blurts out that Theresa killed Calvin. Carmel soon regrets this and is horrified to discover that Sonny has joined the police force since leaving the village. Sonny confronts Theresa on the street causing her to panic that she is about to be arrested so Mercedes and Nana hatch a plot for Theresa to leave the country and to leave Kathleen Angel with Carmel for the time being. Theresa and Mercedes head to the airport but when Carmel finds that Kathleen is missing she instantly thinks that Theresa has taken her on the run and quickly informs the police of Theresa's plan. Theresa is found at the airport where she tries to evade the police but is soon caught. Carmel soon arrives at the airport believing Theresa has taken Kathleen Angel with her. However. Sonny shows up and reveals he took Kathleen Angel Theresa is then arrested. Sonny pressures Theresa during the interview and despite Jim telling her not to say anything she confesses to killing Calvin. Theresa is charged and Sonny allows Carmel to speak to her. Theresa asks Carmel to look after Kathleen Angel and tell her she loves her.

On 25 August 2014 Theresa returns and seeks Mercedes help with escaping from prison as she is pregnant with a second child and decides to flee to Alicante. She then rings up her mother Kathleen to see what Sonny is up to. Theresa manages to get herself admitted to hospital with Mercedes McQueen pretending to be a doctor and they both handcuff the prison officer to the bed and escape. When outside Sonny is waiting for her and goes to rearrest her but he is hit over the head by Myra which sets her free. Once back at Browning's flat Theresa and Carmel each try to get Kathleen Angel to stay with them and Theresa decides not to persuade her as she might get upset. Sonny then enters and Kathleen Angel runs towards him and handcuffs Theresa to the radiator. Theresa calls Kathleen again and Kathleen tells her that she is in Spain. It is then revealed that Kathleen is in fact in hospital after being beaten by Sonny. Theresa is then found by the police and is again arrested.

Theresa returns to the village after evidence is found Sonny tricked Carmel into making a statement against her she immediately goes into labour where she gives birth to Dodger's baby girl naming her Myra Pocahontas Regina Madonna Savage McQueen.

Sonny pays Phoebe to sabotage Theresa but Theresa believes it is Sienna who has taken an interest in Myra Pocahontas. Phoebe reveals this to Carmel who drives out into the woods with a doll in the back and Sonny follows her. Sonny then kidnaps Carmel but she returns to the village making her family believe she escaped. Carmel is actually working with Sonny to take Kathleen Angel and plans to abduct her on their cousin Porsche's wedding day but she later backs out of the plan.

At the reception which takes place on a party train Theresa discovers Kathleen Angel's passport in Carmel's bag and is shocked. She and the rest of the McQueens disown Carmel before Sonny sneaks onto the train using Carmel's invitation which she discarded. He attacks Theresa and attempts to throw her off the train but at the same time the train smashes into Sienna's car which is on the tracks and derails. Theresa wakes up and attempts to escape Sonny but he holds her captive. Camel reenters the wreckage and fools Sonny into letting Theresa go but not before propane gas tanks are opened in the scuffle. As Theresa escapes the train flames react with the gas and the wreckage explodes instantly killing Sonny. Theresa rushes into the wreckage to find Carmel and locates her near death and the pair apologize to each other and make up over their horrible history together. As the rest of the McQueens enter Carmel peacefully passes away and Theresa retrieves her Rosemary beads from the wreckage. Theresa then finds Maxine near death after giving birth and calls an ambulance. As she heads to the hospital Theresa offers to be a donor for Sienna and Dodger's daughter Nico who requires a kidney transplant and learns she's a match.

Theresa clashes with Mercedes who attempts to encourage the McQueens to disown Theresa after ruining Carmel's life more than once. When the McQueens refuse to do that Mercedes tells the McQueens is her or Theresa. The McQueens choose Theresa and throw Mercedes out of the house. Mercedes is then stabbed and is nowhere to be found and Theresa suspects that she might have flown to Alicante already to live with Jacqui. It is then revealed from the police that Mercedes has been murdered which devastates the McQueen's.

Later that month Theresa decides to give her daughter Myra Pocahontas half sister Nico a transplant after she is in need of one due to being born with one which was not functioning. Her cousin Porsche finds out what she was going to do and tries to persuade her not to reminding her of what she had promised Carmel which was to be a good mother and pointed out that she couldn't do that if she wasn't there which changes her mind for a short time but she goes through with the operation anyway.

When Theresa donates her kidney to Nico she is injected with morphine by Sienna and is nearly killed. She is then upset as Dodger is nowhere to be found as he has been taken hostage by Sienna. She and Maxine decide to find Dodger as they discover that Sienna is constantly visiting Anna's house and they suspect Dodger is there. Theresa breaks into the house and discovers Dodger in the basement. Theresa attacks Sienna and calls the police. Sienna then makes an escape and flees to a mental hospital. Theresa then discovers that Maxine did not attend with her but she had been taken hostage by Patrick.

In 2015 Maxine and Theresa are taken hostage by Will and are left to die in a fire. Dodger rescues Maxine from the fire while Theresa is forced to rescue herself. Theresa makes the mistake of telling Dodger that Myra Pocahontas is not his which upsets Dodger as Theresa feels that he loves Maxine more. Myra then tells Theresa to go after him and tell him that she lied. Theresa runs after Dodger to tell him that she loves him and that Myra Pocahontas is his but is devastated to learn that Dodgers has left the village.

Theresa applies as a shop assistant and is employed by Simone. She then rants about Simone behind her back with Cindy. Simone is in the shop at the time and fires Theresa. She then applies to be a school secretary and is rejected by Patrick as she is wearing inappropriate clothing for the job. She then confronts Patrick and is then given the job but only as a trial. Patrick is impressed with her work and is appointed as a fulltime secretary. Patrick then instructs Theresa to sabotage Maxine's friendship with Darren in order to get custody of Minnie. She goes on several dates with him but Darren discovers that she is working for Patrick. She then goes out to the club with Porsche and Maxine but Minnie is left at home alone and social services take Minnie into emergency custody which upsets Maxine and Patrick suspects that Theresa left her alone and thanks her. It is then revealed that Darren left her there by accident and Maxine gets fullcustody of Minnie and Patrick instructs Theresa to get Minnie away from Maxine for good.

Theresa and Patrick then talk and Theresa tells him that he is a better man than he was before. Theresa and Patrick then kiss. Theresa suspects that Patrick wants a relationship but he rejects her advances and it was a mistake. Theresa then discovers that Nico has started her period and she is not pregnant. Theresa accepts to keep Nico's secret but informs her that her mother faked a pregnancy and it didn't end well. Nico then tells Theresa to tell Patrick that she has lost the baby. Theresa then tells Patrick that Nico had a miscarriage and tells Patrick to ring her if he needs support.

Sienna returns to the village after being released from a mental hospital and becomes suspicious of Theresa's intentions after catching her using Patrick's credit card in the village. After discovering Theresa is supporting Patrick who has Motor Neuron Disease she becomes jealous as she wants to support her father. She then attempts to set Theresa up by transferring her father's money into Theresa's account to make her look like a gold digger.

Patrick fires Theresa and she flees to Spain with her kids terrified of going back to prison but returns a few weeks later and restarts her relationship with Patrick after he discovers what Sienna did. After Patrick's car is stolen where he hid the gun that shot Phoebe he convinces Theresa to go on holiday with him. Theresa accepts and returns a few weeks later for Phoebe's funeral. After a jealous Sienna gets Patrick's insurance company to cancel his life assurance after discovering he was planning to leave his money all to Theresa he then tells her he wouldn't blame her if she wants to leave. Theresa however is furious that he thinks she would be so shallow and tells him she's looking after him because she loves him.

When Patrick becomes depressed as Maxine would be supporting Minnie and he doesn't have anything to give her Theresa suggests conning the school. Patrick initially rejects but then accepts the idea, eventually leading to them getting a grant to build a special needs unit at the school. Theresa is devastated when she finds out that Patrick still loves Maxine so she throws her smoothie over him and demands half the scam money when its done. Patrick later has a change of heart over the scam and tells Theresa that its off so on the advice of Ashley who was her former cellmate tries to reveal the scam but Patrick tricks her.

In March 2016 Theresa plans to leave Hollyoaks Village but her aunt Myra tries to change her mind and does for a time but later disagrees with her decision and goes ahead with planning to leave. She's next seen by at taxi cab saying goodbye to Diego Myra's boyfriend her cousin John Paul and has an emotional goodbye to her aunt Myra. She leaves in the cab saying she's forgotten something but shakes it off but as the cab leaves it is revealed that she had forgotten something her daughter Myra Pocahontas who is seen by Myra who puts her in the cab with her mum and sister.

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