I Hate the Cold [boyxboy] [HI...

By bayards

14.9K 303 88

Evan is a shy kid who somehow is friends with the most popular people at his school. Then there's Trevor John... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 1

6.9K 71 23
By bayards

A/N - Sorry about the rubbish description, but whatever... Anyways, this is a short story, obviously, so there should only be a few chapters. Maybe, like, three. Also I'll be making a prequel to I Hate the Cold when I get the chance to. :3 It'll probably add no extra details to this, but again, whatever.

Also, there is GAY LOVE in this here story. The title says it too, so I dunno how you missed that part if you don't like this stuff. So, for those that do like boyxboy, enjoy! :D

EDIT If you like this, go and read the prequal: It Wasn't Fate!


I shivered softly, walking slow just to piss people off. The school was so cold. It was January for fuck's sake, only 13 degrees out there, and they didn't even have the heat on! I never wore a jacket or anything since I rode the bus, there really was no point in my mind. And, y'know, you just sort of expected the school to be decently warm. Guess not. My thin Falling in Reverse shirt and black skinny jeans didn't do anything to warm me up, plus my black converse had a hole in each shoe so they were the slightest bit wet. I pouted at this. Why did it have to be so cold?

I continued to shiver as I moved slothfully towards my locker, glaring at the ground as I did. My blond hair obscured a bit of my view so I didn't see someone approaching me until I bumped into them. "S-Sorry," I muttered, looking at who it was underneath my bangs. I grinned the best I could as I saw it was only Trevor. We were secretly dating and no one knew except for our families. In school we only really greeted each other. The only reason we didn't come out as a couple was because I was friends with the 'popular' crowd and he was the #1 misfit of the school. He was a really big sweetheart and didn't want me to lose my friends.

"It's fine. Hey, you alright?" Trevor questioned, pure concern laced in his voice. I blushed a bit at how his stormy blue eyes were swimming with love and worry towards me. It was cute, especially since for once his hair was the slightest bit curly. Trevor had black hair that was spiked in the back but long and 'emo' in the front. Today though his bangs were a bit wavy and not straight.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine. Just really cold." I looked to the ground as I went to my locker, Trevor trailing behind me. "Oh? Wait at your locker for me, I've got something for you, Ev." And with that he took off down the hall. I'm guessing to his own locker. Did he have to be so tall though? We were 11th graders and he made a lot of the seniors look short. They still were taller than me.

"Why was Trevor Johnson talking to you? Was he picking on you Evan?" I gave my friend Addy a weird look and shook my head. "No, I bumped into him and he asked me about our math homework. He's a lot nicer than you guys think he is Addy." She pouted stubbornly at me, a bit of a glare in her green eyes. "No, he isn't! All he does is get in trouble! Stop sticking up for him." Addison continued to glare at me, crossing her arms over her chest as she did. I sighed softly, not bothering to argue as I grabbed my things. She opened her locker, which was three away from mine, and grabbed her own things. Just as we finished grabbing everything Mark waltzed over. Addy's senior, and quarterback, boyfriend.

"Hey lovely ladies, is something wrong? I saw you two arguing." Mark joked, grinning his famous megawatt smile. I couldn't help but grin a bit back. Even if I was cold, his smiles were contagious. Plus I found it funny when he called me a girl. I know, I'm weird. "Evan was talking to Trevor again!" Addison whined, spitting Trevor's name out like it was acid. I pouted at that. "What?!" Mark growled out. Trevor and Mark had been rivals since the first grade. They've never liked each other. So obviously Mark got a bit upset whenever he found out I had been around Trevor. Which was the only reason Addy said anything. She hoped if I got guilt-tripped by the two of them enough I'd stop talking to the enemy. Clearly it wasn't working.

"Why were you talking to him?" Mark continued to growl. I ignored him, knowing he'd shut up soon enough. I wanted to bark back something, but it wasn't worth it. I'd probably mess up too. Say something that would blow our secret relationship.

To make matters worse Trevor decided to stroll up to our little group then and there, signature cocky grin on full display. I smiled softly at him, surprised when he dumped a black hoodie into my arms. It took me a moment but I realized it was his favorite pull over. Trying not to grin like a lovesick idiot I pulled it on over my head, loving how it was a few too many sizes big. "Thanks, Trevor."

I probably looked like a puppy. Or at least, that's what Trevor told me a lot. A puppy with platinum blond hair and green eyes speckled with amber. I couldn't help it though. The hoodie smelled like him and was so soft on the inside. "Cute," I saw him mouth to me, causing me to blush brightly.  I looked to the ground, finding it a bit amusing how it almost reached my knees. I forgot that he liked excessively baggy shirts and hoodies. That explained why it was even more excessively big on me.

"Anytime. Oh, hey Mark, Addison." He waved to them before walking away, showing off some major douchebag swag. I grinned as I saw he was wearing green, plaid boxers today. Yes, he was one of the boys that wore saggy pants. I couldn't complain since I did too, just not to the same extent. My pants sagged, they didn't show off my entire ass. Neither did Trevor's for that matter, but his still sagged more than mine. Which was amazing considering the two of us wore the tightest skinny jeans we could find.

As I looked at my two friends I paled, well paled more than I naturally was. Addison was speechless, gaping at me like a fish. Hmm... a trout. She reminded me of trout. And Mark, well, he looked ready to kill. I took my chance and quickly shut my locker, walking away before they could ask me any questions. Or murder me. The latter seemed the most likely.

Class seemed a lot of fun right about now.

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