❤Best Friend❤

By ThelmaAndLouise-

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Our friendship❤ Aj and April More

Freaks and Geeks❤
Freaks and Geeks❤❤
This Isn't GoodBye❤
❤No Words❤
❤My Smile❤
Thank you❤
My Life Now❤
❤Everything, Your just Perfect❤
Where to Start?❤
All You❤
No way❤❤❤
I Love You❤
Sasha and Bayley
Thank you
Thank You❤
Love You❤
love you❤
♡My Bestie♡
Your Song♡
My Bff🔱
Best friend day!❤️
best friend day!!
the friendship❤
Wuv you❤️❤️❤️
one day ❤
Love you❤️
years 💕
Miss April❤️
Short update❤️

2 Years♡

13 3 2
By ThelmaAndLouise-

Aj, today is the day we've been anticipating for weeks. Today is our 2 year best friend-averisy♡

I know people might me getting tired of hearing this story because I always talk about it in this book, but oh well😂

March 3rd, 2015. The day I met my best friend. The day I met the lady who singlehandedly changed my life. Aj, I clearly remember how we met. Even though it was very cringey on my behalf, I will share it for the sake of our anaverisy😂💕

I remember being on the site and I had just finished reading your latest chapter of Untruthful. You were always an author that I really liked because I saw how much you cared for others and I saw your love for your writing as well. I also remember being so nervous, for some reason, to talk to you. From that whole experience I'm glad that I messaged you and I'm, also, more than happy that you replied💓

From that day forward we clicked. You were, and still are of course, someone that I always feel that I can tell anything to. You always put a smile on my face with the weirdest or sweetest of texts. And, honestly, whenever we talked on the phone for over 2 hours it made me smile like a complete idiot. That was the first time we had ever had a phone conversation and it was amazing💞 Yes, it was awkward at first. Mainly because we didn't know what to do😂

We've had our ups, and we've had downs. We've had times where people hated one of us, or both, but we went through all that together💗

Your my smile, my laugh, my other half, my lady, my weirdo, my AJ, my Nikki, my Brie, my Eva, my Layla, my Becky, my Sasha, my Lana, my Kevin, my Reigns, my Lizzy, my superwoman, my rock, my day maker, and overall the most amazing best friend ever❣

Aj, it's only been 2 years but it feels like 10.

Happy (Best) Friendaverisy Aj!!💛

#FreaksandGeeks (<-- throwback hashtag.. sort of😂)

Now, to end this off I'm going to leave some memories that we've shared over the years, together💛

(Stole your screenshots though, Aj😂)

I love you Aj!! Happy 2 years, once again💛


SlayinAjLee naturalflair

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