Putting on the Ritz

Por IgnisSolis

4.6K 209 353

[#110 in Historical Fiction! 03/03/2017] Beautiful girls in exquisite dresses. Handsome men with dishonorabl... Más

Chapter One - Anna
Chapter Two - Clara
Chapter Three - Virginia
Chapter Four - Olivia
Chapter Five - Anna
Chapter Six - Lawrence
Chapter Seven - Clara
Chapter Eight - Virginia
Chapter Nine - Olivia
Chapter Ten - Clara
Chapter Eleven - Olivia
Chapter Twelve - Anna
Chapter Thirteen - Lawrence
Chapter Fourteen - Olivia
Chapter Fifteen - Virginia
Chapter Sixteen - Clara
Chapter Seventeen - Lawrence
Chapter Eighteen - Anna
Chapter Nineteen - Olivia
Chapter Twenty - Virginia
Chapter Twenty-One - Lawrence
Chapter Twenty-Three - Olivia
Chapter Twenty-Four - Clara
Chapter Twenty-Five - Anna
Chapter Twenty-Six - Lawrence
Twenty-Seven - Virginia
Chapter Twenty-Eight - Lawrence
Chapter Twenty-Nine - Clara
Chapter Thirty - Olivia

Chapter Twenty-Two - Anna

71 7 16
Por IgnisSolis

Anna looked up at the dashing fella beside her as he took a drag from his rapidly dwindling cigarette. The cherry glowed red as he inhaled and then he flicked it causing the ashen end to drop in between his oxford shoes. She studied his face with his aristocratic features and could not recall him as a boy even if their families had been acquainted, no matter how hard she had tried. The name Caldwell did bring a slight stirring to her memory, but she could not recollect anything more than the name itself, and certainly nothing of the Casanova beside her.

The man idly walking in step next to her was no doubt a charmer, albeit a very rich one, Anna knew. She could tell by the way his lips curled up into a cunning smile and the manner in which his eyes danced with a hint of mischief below the surface. She had been hesitant at first to engage in conversation, but as she had been standing awkwardly at the edge of the activity and not knowing a single soul in attendance, she had decided that having a few words with a cake-eater may at least give the impression that she belonged at the party.

It was apparent to Anna how much she stuck out among the crowd, a few of which would have been her counterparts not even a decade ago. But while her Aunt did see to her education, she had not had a true finishing governess, and the few years since her Aunt's death she had fallen much out of the practice of high societal manners. Still, she tried to engage in as polite conversation as she could muster and walk with a confident posture. The other majority of the party guests were obviously not high society counterparts, as she knew that high hats were not nearly as showy as these women with their glittering beaded dresses and heels that were wholly illogical to wear at a garden party. Even among these extravagant persons Anna did not seem to belong, with her lack of beads, feathers, or a cigarette in her mouth. And so, until Lawrence Caldwell had joined her, she had kept to the outskirts of the party, making glances toward the host who was on the arm of a petite blonde who had gold digger written all over her gap toothed smile.

"So, are you here with anyone?" The sly gentleman next to her asked. And then after seeing Anna's expression he added, "I only noticed you were standing alone, but surely such a beauty as yourself was not here unaccompanied."

"My only acquaintance in attendance is Lucian," Anna admitted glancing toward the man who now sat with the blonde sprawled across his lap. She still felt a bit strange using his first name, as if a lack of familiarity would save her from the surely dangerous man, but if she were to keep up the rouse that she were a distant relative, surely she would address him by his first name.

"I did not know that your family was acquainted with the Slates," her companion went on, acknowledging the lie that Lucian had told with such ease a few days prior which stated Anna to be a distant relative of Lucian Slate. She had learnt well from her cousin blubbering to debt collectors and goons alike, just how to turn a conversation and answer questions without actually providing any impertinent details. In effect, she knew how to lie without actually lying.

"Are not all of the families of our class distantly related in one manner or other?" Anna replied. For everyone knew how inbred the lineage of high society was; her own grandfather had even married a second cousin.

Lawrence gave a chuckle. "I was merely wondering how a girl of your class would be related to someone like Mr. Slate, whose money, I dare say, is not entirely inherited." Lawrence glanced sideways at her and for a moment she feared that he may know the terms in which she had come to stay at Slate Manor.

Anna knew fully of the way in which Lucian made his money, having been brought to his estate in payment for such a wry business investment. So in a sense, their families were tied, but Anna would be mortified to divulge that to the handsome man beside her.

"He is more acquainted with my cousin than myself, in truth," Anna said in a dismissive manner. "But I have always missed Chicago, and so I am happy to be back."

"And I am sure it has been well to reconnect with old family friends."

"In truth, Lawrence, I have not had the opportunity and have still yet to leave this estate. I did not keep in great contact with friends when I left for New York, and so I doubt I should even recognize them." Anna took the last sip of her flavored soda, relishing in the familiar sugary taste. It had been quite some time since she had been able to afford a soda, and wondered how she looked just now, wearing a dress from three years past without jewels or feathers to accent it.

"Surely you remember the Vandercrofts, no?" Lawrence dropped the last of his cigarette to the grass and smashed it down with the toe of his shoe.

"Oh, yes!" Anna exclaimed. That was one name she did remember. "I was to share a finishing governess with the elder Vandercroft sister."

"Olivia Vandercroft is here," Anna watched Lawrence's eyes scan the masses of sparkling dresses and tweed suits. "Just there," he said, his eyes landing on one of the dazzling guests not too far off in deep conversation with a group of men in boater hats and fedoras. Anna saw Lawrence's eyes squint in an unpleasant way at the group and she wondered what Lawrence would have against the youngest Vandercroft sister.

In truth, she had known Olivia as a small girl, but was more acquainted with her elder sister, Clara. They had penned each other for about a year after she had moved to New York, but the correspondence had slowly dropped off as Clara became ever busier with her lessons in French and comportment.

"And how are you acquainted with Mr. Slate?" Anna asked slipping easily back into the use of his formal title. "Are you a business partner?" She had been itching to know more about the mysterious man that had made himself scarce around his own home, and seemed to Anna to be a dangerous walking contradiction. Everything about the man screamed danger, from his slicked back hair, right down to his starched slacks and choice of business ventures, but he had challenged this image by allowing Anna to stay on his charity. As the staff was tight-lipped as to the character of their employer, Anna had to venture to other means of inquiry. Perhaps, she thought, she could gain something by talking with Lawrence Caldwell, cad as he was.

Lawrence tilted his head back and laughed. "The only business I have with Lucian Slate is by being a loyal customer." Anna noticed a bitterness that had crept into her companions tone and pressed on, trying to get the seemingly tipsy man next to her to oust the secrets of the party host. Anna did not cut any corners, "So you do business with Lucian by means of purchasing his bootleg?"

"I suppose so... " Lawrence seemed amused by this and acknowledged the revelation with a raised brow. "But in truth we are friends."

"Not if you continue to harass my house guests," a deep voice drawled from behind them.

Both parties turned to find Lucian's towering gait and displeased expression. Lawrence chuckled lightly, but Anna could sense him sobering by way of his alert mien.

"She is off limits, Larry." Lucian said bluntly.

"Sorry." Lawrence put a palm up in defense. "I get it; she is family and all."

Lucian turned his scorching glare to Anna who turned her chin up in defiance. "And it is up to you to decide whom I can and cannot talk to?"

"We will leave you to enjoy your drink," Lucian said dismissively as he grabbed Anna's arm right above the elbow and escorted her away.

"Why are you being such a fire extinguisher?" Anna hissed whipping her arm from his grasp. He instead reached back and pushed her along forward with his warm hand pressed against her back.

"You should know not to flirt with a playboy like Lawrence Caldwell," he muttered as he nodded to a few guests in acknowledgement while steering Anna way from all the activity.

"Talk about the pot calling the kettle black," Anna snorted remembering the blonde in his lap just moments ago. "I can handle myself around fellas, you know."

"Because you have experience with so many like Lawrence Caldwell?" Lucian looked at her with challenging grey eyes. Anna could tell that he knew full well of her inexperience with marriageable men, and especially smooth men such as Lawrence.

Anna let her arms fall to her sides. "What am I doing here? What am I doing at your house, at this party strutting around in this ridiculous dress and attempting to strike up conversation with complete strangers with whom you pulled me away from to chastise me so dangerously away from everyone else?"

"Do you find me dangerous?" His voice was husky and his expression held not the slightest bit of humor.

Anna closed her eyes and thought of the man before which she knew so little of. She knew that he was involved in illegal activity and had ties to her despicable cousin, but something told her that he was not the rough exterior that he exposed, and somewhere deep inside was the charitable man that had felt enough sympathy for Anna to let her stay in his home.

"No," she whispered.

"You should." Anna watched as the dangerous Lucian Slate retreated back to the party, leaving her exasperated and confused.

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